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Chapter 39 partridge butt (2)

Hedgehog Grace 妙莉叶·芭贝里 1549Words 2018-03-21
In the final analysis, this statement is not ridiculous. I strolled down the road, returned to the cheese stand, and bought a Parmesan saffron cheese and a large block of Sumantha. 18. Ryabinin Whenever I feel anxious, I retreat to my own safe haven.Traveling is not necessary for relief; being with my literary memory is enough to get rid of my worries.For what entertainment could be nobler than this?isn't it?And what friend is more interesting than literature?And what kind of excitement is more intriguing than literature? Standing in front of the olive stall, I suddenly thought of Ryabinin. Why did I think of Ryabinin?That's because Ren Ran was wearing an old-fashioned overcoat with buttons on the back and a long hem, which reminded me of Ryabinin's.In the novel, Ryabinin, a timber wholesaler in a long overcoat, goes to the home of Levin, a country nobleman, to negotiate a deal with the Moscow nobleman Stephany Oblonsky.The wholesaler swore to God that Oblonsky had made a fortune on the deal, and Levin accused him of plundering his friend's forest which was worth more than three times as much.The scene opens with a dialogue in which Levin asks Oblonsky if he has checked the number of trees in his forest.

"What's the matter? Check the number of trees?" cried the gentleman. "What's the difference between this and miles of sand!" "It is certain that Ryabinin will be able to count them all," retorted Levin. I especially like this scene, first of all, because it takes place in Pokrovskoe, in a Russian village, ah, the Russian countryside... There is a primitive and charming scenery, but this primitive scenery through this The interconnectedness of the land and the interconnectedness of the human being, so we are here forever... The most beautiful scene in Pokrovskoye.Levin, melancholy and sentimental, tried to forget Kitty.It was spring, and he left home to mow grass with the farmers in the fields.At first, the job seemed difficult for him.Not long after, he complained loudly, and the old farmer who led the team ordered a rest.Levin, who had resumed mowing the grass after a break, fell to the ground exhausted again, and the old farmer put down his scythe for the second time to let everyone rest.After that, start over.Forty peasants were cutting down the grass in large handfuls and making their way to the river when the sun came out.As the weather grew hotter, Levin's arms and shoulders were drenched with sweat, but as the repetitions of work and rest increased, the movements that were at first crooked and painful became more and more manageable.A blissful coolness instantly spread to his entire back.That is Xia Yu.Gradually, the man who was fed up with his will being bound by mechanical movements slowly walked out of his restlessness, which made his movements as perfect as mechanical and conscious movements, without thinking or calculating, and the sickle seemed to be itself He could control it freely, and Levin enjoyed the joy of labor selflessly, reveling in labor that had nothing to do with his own voluntary efforts.

Therefore, we also have many happy times in our lives.Unburdened by determination and purpose, soaring through the vastness of the mind, we see our own movements in all their variety as we would those of others, yet cannot help admiring the perfection.If writing itself is not like the art of mowing, what other reason can I have for writing this, the humble diary of my old and faded porter?When the lines of words become their own creators, when I witness, in an unconscious miracle, the sentences expressing my will born and sublime on the page, it teaches me what I don't know to want and think I shouldn't I enjoyed a painless childbirth, a sudden inspiration, a life without hard work or reliable guarantees, and accompanied by amazing happiness, I walked around the world with a pen.

At this time, when I have sufficient facts and a complete layout, I enter a state of ecstasy, almost ecstasy, and experience a sense of happiness and tranquility brought by a transcendent consciousness. Finally, Ryabinin returned to the carriage and openly complained to his agent about the conduct of the gentlemen. "How does Mikhail Ignadych compare with buying and selling?" the chap asked him. "Hey!..." The wholesaler replied. Just as we quickly conclude that a person is intelligent from his appearance and status... Ryabinin, the calculator of the sand in the sea, a ridiculously dressed guy with great intelligence, who doesn't care about other people's prejudice against him.Honor can't attract him who is born smart but despised everywhere; the only thing that can make him devote himself wholeheartedly is the profit-driven and prospect temptation, prompting him to politely and elegantly rob those stupid systems that discriminate against him but cannot control him on the road The old men in the middle.I am also like this, a poor concierge who has left luxury behind - an alternative under a weird system, so every day, I laugh at the world of mortals from the bottom of my heart that no one can see through.Deep Thought No. 8

if you forget the future what you lost It's now
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