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Chapter 37 Duties of the Rich (5)

Hedgehog Grace 妙莉叶·芭贝里 497Words 2018-03-21
"But why is it nervous?" I asked aloud, because Constitution is a bloated, lazy, decorative cat whose daily life consists of being experimented on by well-meaning veterinarians, just stroking the bladder Well, if it gets nervous, the other animals will go insane. "The veterinarian said: 'Only the cat knows.'" Olympus pouted lightly in dissatisfaction. "Recently, Paul (Jose) told her that his cat had put on weight and he didn't know why, but it could have been anything." "Then how to treat it?" "Treat the cat like a sick person," Olympus giggled. "Give him antidepressants."

"Are you kidding me?" I said. "No kidding." She answered me. I told you before that we are animals and we still will be.A rich man's cat and a cultured woman have the same disease. It cannot be said that cats are abused or that humans infect innocent household pets. On the contrary, it should be pointed out that there is a profound connection between these animals, and we Eat the same thing, get the same disease. "Anyway," Olympus said to me, "I'll just think about it when I'm treating animals I don't understand." She got up and said goodbye to me politely.

"By the way, thank you, Mrs. Michelle, only when I am with you can I speak freely." "You're welcome, Olympus," I told her, "I'd love to do that." As I was about to close the door, she said to me: "Oh, you know, Anna Arden is selling the apartment, and I hope the future owner of that house will have a cat too."
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