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Chapter 14 refuse war

Hedgehog Grace 妙莉叶·芭贝里 977Words 2018-03-21
5. Dire situation After a month of voracious reading, I breathed a sigh of relief and passed my verdict on phenomenological fraud.Like cathedrals, it is a constant reminder to me of the near-incomprehensible consciousness that humans can construct for the sake of the fame of something that doesn't exist, to think that so many smart people in the future will As for the service of castles in the air, my doubts about phenomenology once bothered me.Because in November, I don't have Huang Xiangli on hand.To be honest, there is only one month of the year without November, in which case I would substitute dark chocolate (70 percent ingredients).In fact, I knew the test results ahead of time.If I had spare time to chew on a meter stick and smack my legs with it, I would read something like Revelation of the Ultimate Meaning of Science in Striving to "Feel" in Phenomena Seen as Object Consciousness or Transcendental Self For such a good article, I will definitely be out of breath from laughing, my heart will "snap" in two halves like thunder, my body will sink deeply into the soft easy chair, and the corners of my mouth will still be dripping with yellow fragrance. Juice or small pieces of chocolate shavings hanging from it.

When we want to touch upon phenomenology, we should be aware of the fact that phenomenology can be summed up by two questions: What is the nature of human consciousness?What do we think the world is like? Let me talk about the first question first. For thousands of years, from "know yourself" to "I think, therefore I am", people have been talking about the innate consciousness that belongs to human beings, and the problem that this consciousness can regard itself as an object.When something is itchy, humans scratch it themselves while being aware that they are scratching it.Ask him: what are you doing?He replied: I'm scratching my itch.If he asks a further question (are you aware that you are aware that you are scratching the itch?), he still answers, yes, as long as you add "are you aware", the answer is the same.Will humans become less itchy by knowing they're scratching and realizing they're scratching?Does self-awareness have a good effect on itching?The answer is no.Knowing the itch and being aware of being aware of scratching doesn't change the fact that it's itching, on the contrary it creates a barrier to the lucid awareness that should be endured from this miserable situation, I'd bet five kilos of fenugreek plums, This makes it more itchy, and if on my cat, just scratching with the front paw is enough.But humans are so unusual, because no animal has self-awareness like humans, and we get rid of the bestiality. A normal person knows that he knows that he is scratching the itch. This kind of priority for humans to have consciousness seems It is shown again that it is God's revelation, and this kind of God's revelation has got rid of the cruel determinism that controls all living beings.

All phenomenology is based on the belief that our introspective awareness, a sign of ontological dignity, is the only entity in ourselves worth studying because it frees us from biological determinism. Nobody seems to be aware of the fact that since "we are" animals governed by brutal determinism, none of the aforementioned exists.
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