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Hedgehog Grace

Hedgehog Grace


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 81865

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Chapter 1 man who sows desire (1)

Hedgehog Grace 妙莉叶·芭贝里 959Words 2018-03-21
Marx (introduction) 1. The man who sows desire “Marx completely changed my worldview,” Little Palière, who usually never talks to me, declared to me this morning. Antoine Pallier, heir to this old industrial family, whose father was one of my eight employers.He is the last belch of the big bourgeois consortium - special and unadulterated - at this time, he is very proud of his discovery, and he explained his truth to me like a reflex, without even thinking about it. Can I understand it, and how much can working people like me understand Marx's works?His works are difficult to understand, with elegant diction, obscure style and complex topics.

And I'm not stupid enough to express my thoughts.But at this moment, I almost gave myself away because of my stupidity. "You should still read "German Ideology," a great work by which Marx and Engels jointly founded the theoretical system of historical materialism. --Translator." I said to this fool in a dark green hooded duffel coat. To understand Marx, and to understand why he was wrong, one must read The German Ideology.This work is the foundation of anthropology, on which people are called to build a new world, and on this basis comes an important belief: that is, for people who are lost in their desires, as long as their basic needs are met You can.In a world where expansive desires are conditioned, a new society will emerge free from war, oppression, and decadent hierarchies.

"He who sows desire must be oppressed," I said to him almost in a low voice that only my cat could hear. But Antoine Pallier, with his obnoxious sprouting mustache and none of the cat's cunning, looked at me puzzled by my eccentricity.People are incapable of believing things that break their habit of thinking.I got away, as usual, precisely because I didn't have the ability.A concierge is incapable of reading The German Ideology, and therefore she is incapable of citing Feuerbach (Ludwig Feuerbach, 1804-1872): the old German materialist philosopher. --The Eleventh Outline of the Annotation The eleventh article of Marx's "Theses on Feuerbach" is: "Philosophers only interpret the world in different ways, the problem is to change the world." -- Annotation.Besides, a concierge who has read Marx will inevitably want to subvert society at any time, and his soul will inevitably be sold to a devil called the French Federation of Trade Unions. The largest trade union federation in France advocates cooperative transactions and strikes to obtain economic results and carry out class struggle To fight for greater revolutionary social change. -- Annotation.It is beyond the imagination of any capitalist that a concierge reads Marx's works for the sublimation of the soul.

"Say hello to your mother for me," I murmured as I closed the door, hoping that two difficult-to-pronounce words would be drowned out by the force of centuries-old prejudice.
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