Home Categories foreign novel Tarzan of the Apes Series Ⅰ Tarzan is Born

Chapter 33 not everyone is happy

Seeing Jenny, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and shouted happily.Tarzan parked next to Clayton's car, and Professor Porter hugged his daughter tightly. Taishan sat silently in the car, and no one paid him any attention for a while. It was Clayton who first thought of the savior, turned his face and held out a hand to him. "How should we thank you!" he said pleasantly, "you saved us all. At the farm, you called my name, but I couldn't remember your name, and I always felt a little familiar. Just It seems that I met you a long time ago, under completely different circumstances."

Tarzan smiled, and took the hand that was extended to him. "You are quite right, Mr. Clayton," he said in French. "Excuse me, I cannot speak English to you. But I am studying now. I can understand what you say, but it is difficult to speak." gone." "But who are you?" Clayton asked again, speaking French this time. "Tarzan the Ape." Clayton took a few steps back in surprise. "My God!" he exclaimed, "is this true?" Both Professor Porter and Mr. Philander crowded forward to join Clayton in expressing their thanks.What a great surprise, they all said, to see their bush friend again so far from his savage homeland.

Several people walked into a very simple small hotel together.Clayton quickly arranged things to entertain their friends. They had just sat down in the stuffy, cramped lounge when they heard the sound of a car motor approaching from afar. Sitting by the window, Mr. Philander saw the car come up and pull up beside the other two. "My God!" said Mr. Philander, with a tinge of chagrin in his voice, "it's Mr. Keller. I wished... oh, I thought... No, we're glad he didn't die in the fire. ’ he stammered. "Tsk tsk! Mr. Philander." Professor Porter said, "tsk tsk! I always tell my students to think twice before doing anything. Is that so, Mr. Philander.

As for myself, I don't just think twice, I think three hundred times!Then keep your mouth shut and keep silent. " "My God! Yes!" Mr. Philander could only agree. "But who is that gentleman who looks like a priest?" Jenny's face turned pale all of a sudden. Clayton sat in his chair, looking restless. Professor Porter nervously took off his glasses, breathed on the lenses, and put them on the bridge of his nose without wiping them. That Esmeralda who was everywhere was muttering something. Only Taishan remained unmoved. In the blink of an eye, Robert Canner broke through.

"Thank God!" he exclaimed. "I was expecting the worst until I saw your car, Clayton. I was caught on fire on that road south and had to go back again." Go back to the city, go around to the east, and then take this road. I thought we'd never get to the farm again. " No one wants to talk to him.Tarzan stared at Robert Canner like a lion mountain treasure at a pig. Jenny glanced at him, coughing nervously. "Mr. Canler," she said, "this is Mr. Tarzan, an old friend of ours." Kanler turned away and held out a hand to him.Tarzan stood up according to D'Arnot's instructions, and bowed to Kanler gracefully, as if he didn't even see the hand he extended.

Kanler didn't seem to notice this "oversight," either. "This is the respected Mr. Tusley, Jenny." Kanler turned his face and said to the priest-like person standing behind him, "Mr. Tusley, this is Miss Potter." Mr. Tusley bowed and smiled. "We're going to have our wedding right away, Jenny," said Kanler; "and then you and I can take the midnight train back to town." Taishan immediately understood the meaning of this plan.He narrowed his eyes and looked at Jenny, but didn't take any action. The girl hesitated.The room was dead silent, and the air was tense.

All eyes were on Jenny, waiting for her answer. "Can't wait a few more days?" she asked. "I'm nervous and upset, I've been through so much today!" Kanler felt the hostility towards him from the people in the room, and he flew into a rage. "We've waited long enough. I don't want to wait any longer!" he said roughly. "You promised to marry me. I can't let you fool me any longer. I've got the marriage certificate and the priest .Come on, Mr. Tusley! Come on, Jenny! There's plenty of witnesses here—more than there should be." He added slyly, and then, grabbing Jenny's arm, he was about to wait for the ceremony. The pastor pulled up.

But before he could take a step, a big hand was like a vise, tightly grasping his arm. The other hand grabbed his throat, and he was lifted off the ground by Tarzan, like a mouse being played by a cat. Jenny looked at Tarzan in fear. She saw the crimson scar on Tarzan's forehead again.She had seen this scar in the remote African jungle during the bloody battle between Tarzan the Ape and Teganz the Great Ape. She knew that there was a murderous intent buried in Taishan's wild heart.She cried out in fear, and rushed over to beg Tarzan the Ape.Of course, she was afraid of the consequences of Taishan's murder, and she didn't care about Kanle's life or death.She knew how severely society would punish murderers.

But before she could pounce, Clayton had already taken a step forward, jumping to Taishan's side, trying to pull Kanle out of his iron grip. With one flick of Tarzan's powerful arm, Clayton staggered across the cabin.At this time, Jenny's white hands tightly grasped Taishan's wrist, and she raised her head to look into his eyes. "For my sake," she said. The hand on Kanle's neck loosened a little. Taishan lowered his head and looked at the beautiful face in front of him. "You want him to live?" he asked in surprise. "I just don't want him to die at your hands, my friend," she replied. "I don't want you to be a murderer."

Taishan put down the hand that was pinching Kanle's neck. "Do you agree to break off the engagement with her?" he asked, "at the cost of your life." Kanler gasped and nodded. "Can you get away and never bother her again?" Kanler nodded again.His face was contorted with terror of the looming death. Tarzan let him go.Kanler immediately stumbled towards the door and disappeared in the blink of an eye.The petrified pastor fled after him. Tarzan turned to Jenny. "Can I have a few words with you alone?" he asked. The girl nodded and walked towards the door leading to the narrow corridor of the small hotel.She went out and waited for Tarzan in the corridor, not hearing the later conversation in the house.

"Wait a minute!" Professor Potter shouted as Tarzan was about to go out. The sudden change of the situation just now left the old professor dumbfounded. "Before we go any further, sir, I would like you to explain what has just happened. Sir, what right do you have to interfere with my daughter's marriage to Mr. Kanler? I have already agreed to his proposal, sir. , whether we like him or not. And that commitment must be kept.” "Professor Potter," Tarzan replied, "I interfered because your daughter doesn't love Mr. Keller, and she doesn't want to marry him. In my opinion, that's enough." "You don't understand what you've done!" said Professor Porter. "Now, without a doubt, he's refusing to marry her." "Of course he doesn't dare." Tai Shan said with an emphasis. "Besides," Tarzan added, "you don't have to worry about hurting your pride, Professor Potter. You'll be able to pay off your debt to Kanler as soon as you get home." "Tsk tsk! Sir!" Professor Porter fussed again, "What do you mean? Sir." "Your treasure has been found," said Tarzan. "What . "It's true. I stole that chest. At that time I didn't know its value, and I didn't know who owned it. I saw the sailors put it there, and I dug it up like a monkey." It came out and was buried in another place. I went back to the jungle and dug it up after D'Arnot told me what it contained to you.I would have liked to take it with me to America, but D'Arnot thought it best not to carry with me the box that caused so much guilt, misery, and sorrow.I have heeded his advice and brought you a letter of credit. "This is, Professor Porter." Taishan took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to the stunned professor, "It's a total of two hundred and forty thousand dollars. These treasures have been carefully identified and valued by experts. I'm afraid If you have any doubts, D'Arnot bought it first with his own money, and will keep it for you for the time being. If you want, you can deposit it in his account first." "We have received so much favor from you, sir," said Professor Porter in a trembling voice, "and now you have given us such a great favor. You have given me the means to save my reputation." Clayton had just followed Kanler out for a while, and now he walked into the lounge again. "Excuse me," he said, "I think we'd better be in town before dark and take the first train out of the woods. A local guy came up on horseback from the north just now and reported that the fire was moving slowly in that direction." Move slowly." The announcement interrupted the conversation, and everyone hurried away from the inn and into the waiting cars. Clayton, Jenny, the professor and Esmeralda ride in Clayton's car.Tarzan and Mr. Philander took another car. "My God!" Mr. Philander exclaimed after Tarzan's car started up right behind Clayton. "Who can believe this could be true! The last time I saw you, you were a true A savage with a buckle, jumping through the dense foliage of the African tropical jungle. Now you are driving me down the road in Wisconsin in a French car. My God! This is really amazing!" "Yes," Tarzan agreed.Then he paused a little and asked: "Mr. Philander, do you remember every detail of the discovery and burial of the three skeletons in my hut next to the African bush?" "Of course I do, sir, and very well," replied Mr. Philander. "Is there anything special about those skeletons?" Mr. Philander narrowed his eyes and stared at Mount Tai. "Why are you asking this?" "It will be of great importance to me to ascertain this," said Tarzan, and your answer will clear up a mystery.Whatever the outcome, it's better than it remains a mystery. In the past two months, I have made various assumptions about these skeletons.I hope you will do your best to answer my question: Are the three skeletons you buried human skeletons? " "No," said Mr. Philander, "the smallest one, the one found in the cradle, is an ape skeleton." "Thank you," said Tarzan. In the car ahead, Jenny's mind was in turmoil.She already felt the purpose of Tarzan's private conversation with her.She knew she had to be ready to answer the burning question. He's not the type to get rid of easily.Somehow this thought made them ask themselves, were they really not afraid of him? Can she love someone she fears? She realized that, in that remote, secluded place in the African jungle, there had indeed been a spell-like power over her.At this moment, in unremarkable Wisconsin, that glamor has all but disappeared. And the spotless "French youth" at the moment is definitely not as attractive to the "primitive woman" deep in her heart as the brave and resolute "God of the Forest". So, does she love him?Now she really can't speak. She gave Clayton a sideways look out of the corner of her eye.The man grew up in the same social environment as she did.He has social status and culture.And this is what her education taught her to be the "essentials" of choosing a lover. According to normal logic, shouldn't her choice be this young British nobleman?She understood that his love was just what an educated woman like herself craved. Could she love Clayton?She saw no reason why she should not be in love with him.Jenny is not a naturally calculating person.But her education. The combination of the surrounding environment and traditional forces enabled her to analyze rationally even on issues like love. In the distant jungles of Africa, and today in the woods of Wisconsin, the feeling of love she felt when she was lifted up into the air by the young giant with his arms around the waist seemed to her to be only due to this aspect of her human nature. to the psychological appeal and attraction of the primitive man to the primitive woman in her nature. She analyzed in her heart that if he never had any physical contact with her again, she would never find him attractive.So, she never loved him at all, and this emotional entanglement was nothing more than skin-to-skin contact.The agitation of spring, changing into a short-lived illusion. Spring will not last forever.If married to him, happiness would not always be the hallmark of their union.With mutual familiarity, the power of sex will eventually fail. She gave Clayton another look.He was very handsome, and a true aristocratic youth.She would be very proud to have such a husband. Then he spoke--words spoken a minute late, or a--minute sooner, would have made all three lives different--but at this fateful moment, Clayton had the upper hand , took this opportunity. "Now that you are free, Jeanne," said he, "if I tell you that I will sacrifice my life to make you happy, will you accept my love?" "Accept." She said softly. That night, in the waiting room of the train station, Taishan took the opportunity to have a private conversation with Jenny for a while. "Now you are free, Jenny," he said, "out of the dark, ignorant, remote cave of a primitive man, I have 'come out', across ages, to find you here.For you, I have become a civilized person; for you, I have traveled across oceans, across Europe and America; for you, I am willing to change me into whatever you want.I will make you happy, Jenny.I will adapt to the life you know and love.will you marry me " Jenny realized for the first time how deep Tarzan's love was.The reason why he was able to become a brand new civilized person in such a short period of time was because he was full of love for her in his heart!She turned her head and buried her face in her hands. Oh, what has she done!Because of the fear of yielding to the entreaties of the giant, he broke his boat and lost his way; because of an unfounded fear of making a mistake, he made a grave mistake. She told him all this, telling the truth word by word, without trying to excuse herself or justify her mistake. "What shall we do?" he asked. "You have admitted that you love me and know that I love you. But I do not understand the moral code by which you are bound. I leave it to you to decide. Because you Know best what is your greatest and ultimate happiness." "I can't tell him all this, Tarzan," she said, "he loves me too, and he's a good man. If I take back what I said to Mr. Clayton, either to you or to any honest man, I have no face to face. I must keep my word, and you must help me bear the weight of this burden. Although after tonight, maybe we will never see each other again." At this time, others also walked into the waiting room.Taishan turned his face and looked at the small window.But he saw nothing.There is only a piece of green grass in front of you, surrounded by lush tropical plants and gorgeous flowers.The ancient trees above the head are huge, the shade is like a cover, and thousands of leaves are shaking gently in the breeze.Over the whole world is the blue sky of the equator. In the middle of the lush lawn, a young girl was sitting on a small mound, and beside her was a young man.They ate delicious wild fruits, looked into each other's eyes, and smiled.They are very happy, the world is only their own. A railway policeman interrupted his train of thought.He went into the waiting room and asked if there was a Mr. Tarzan. "I am Mr. Tarzan," said Tarzan. "Here is a telegram from you. From Paris to Baltimore, and from there." Taishan took the telegram and opened it to see that it was taken by Di Arnott.The telegram is as follows: Congratulations on your fingerprints proving that you belong to the Greystoke family. Diano Tarzan had just finished watching when Clayton walked into the waiting room, came up and held out a hand to him. It is this person who owns the title of Taishan, inherits Taishan's property, and wants to marry a woman who Taishan loves and loves Taishan as his wife.At this moment, as long as he reveals a little about his life experience, his life will be changed drastically. He will lose his title, his lands, his castle.And all of these will naturally disappear completely in Jenny Potter's life. "I say, old friend," cried Clayton, "I haven't had a chance to thank you enough for what you've done for us! Your hands seem to have been made to save us, both in Africa and here. ! "I'm so glad you're here. We've got to get to know each other better. You know, I think of you a lot, and the wonderful life around you. "If it's not talking too much, may I ask, why did you go to that ghostly place?" "I was born there," said Tarzan calmly, "my mother was an ape. Of course she couldn't tell me much about my life.As for the father, I never knew who he was. If you want to know what will happen next, please read the second volume of "Taishan Series" "Back to Basics and Truth".
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