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Chapter 8 Part 2 The Charm of Love - 1

I arrived at my parents' house at 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning, and the path in front of the house was filled with festive cheer.Balloons are tied to every tree, cars are parked in my driveway, and a large tent has been pitched in the adjoining yard, swaying slightly in the wind.I got out of the car, grabbed my bag—I stood still for a moment, looking at the Websters' house.God, how weird.It was unbelievable that Tom Webster was getting married.To tell you the truth--it may sound selfish--I can't believe a girl would marry Tom Webster.Sure, he's been behaving a little better lately, and he's got a lot of new clothes, and he's got a better hairdo, but he has big, thick hands—he's not a Brad, let's be honest. Pete Brad ? Pete (Brad Pitt): famous American film actor. ——Annotation, right?

And yet, that's the beauty of love, I thought, slamming the car door.When you fall in love with someone, you will completely ignore his shortcomings.Lucy obviously didn't care that Tom had rough hands - and Tom obviously didn't care that Lucy's hair was straight and ugly.This is indeed very romantic, I silently thought to myself. I stood on the side of the road, looking at the house in a daze.At this time, a girl appeared at the door of Webster's house. She was wearing jeans and a wreath in her hair.She gave me a strange, almost hostile look—and ran back into the house.This was apparently one of Lucy's bridesmaids.I think she was a little embarrassed to find out that she was seen in jeans.

Lucy might well be in the room, too, it occurred to me—and I turned and walked away instantly, instinctively.I know she's the bride of the day and the center of attention, but to be honest, I'm in no rush to meet her.I've only met her a few times and never had an intimate relationship with her.Probably because she thought I was secretly in love with Tom.Oh my god.Anyway, when Luke arrives, I'll be able to show them how ridiculous it is to think so. Thinking about Luke made me tense, and I took a slow, deep breath to calm myself.I resolved not to rush this time.I have to let go and see what he has to say today.If he volunteered to tell me that he was going to work in New York, then I'd... play it by ear.There is always a way.

Anyway, don't think about it now.I walked briskly towards the house, opened the door and walked in.In the kitchen, I saw Dad drinking coffee in a tank top and Mom in a striped shawl, her hair in curls, spreading cream on a sandwich. "I just don't think it's right," I heard her say as I stepped through the door. "It's definitely wrong. They're going to lead the country, but look at what they're wearing. What a mess! Scruffy jacket, dirty tie……" "You really think the ability to lead a country is affected by what you wear, don't you?"

"Hi, Mom," I said, putting the bag on the floor, "Hi, Dad." "It's a matter of principle!" Ma was still saying. "If they can't even care about their own clothes, how can they manage the country's economy?" "It's two different things!" "That's the thing. Becky, you think Gordon Brown should dress better, don't you? Always wear these wrinkled plain suits." "I don't know," I said vaguely, "maybe." "Look, Becky agrees with me. Now, let me take a good look at you, honey." She put down the bread knife in her hand and looked me up and down, making me flush a little because I knew I was dressed up. very decent.I am wearing a beautiful long pink dress with a bolero, a hat with feathers and a pair of beautiful black satin shoes decorated with a dainty and delicate butterfly . "Oh, Becky," said Ma at last, "you're so pretty. You'll put the bride to shame!" She reached for my hat and held it in her hand to look at it carefully. "That's a pretty hat! How much does it cost?"

"Well... I can't remember," I said vaguely, "about fifty pounds?" This is not true.In fact, the price is... anyway, much more expensive.However, the hat is well worth the price. "And Luke, where is he?" my father asked, looking up and smiling happily at me. "We've all been looking forward to meeting your young man." "Luke himself," I said--a little discouraged to see their faces sink a little. "By yourself?" Mom finally asked, "Why is that?" "He came over from Munich this morning," I explained. "He was there talking about business. But he'll come, I promise."

"He sure knows the wedding starts at twelve o'clock?" Ma said anxiously again. "Did you tell him where the church is?" "Told him!" I said. "Don't worry. He'll be here first." I realized that I was speaking in a hurry.But I can't help myself.To be honest, I'm a little nervous myself not knowing where Luke is right now.He should have called me at the airport right after the plane landed - that should have been half an hour ago.But until now I haven't received a call from him. However, he said he would come. "Is there anything I need to do to help you?" I asked, taking the opportunity to change the subject.

"Good boy, take these upstairs for me," said Ma, deftly cutting the sandwich into triangular pieces. "I have to go and straighten the sofa cushions." "Who's upstairs?" I asked, picking up my tray. "Maureen came over to blow Janice's hair," Ma said. "They didn't want to get in Lucy's way. Look, she's getting dressed." "Have you seen her?" I asked with interest. "Is her dress beautiful?" "I haven't seen what she's wearing yet," said Ma in a low voice, "but I hear they cost £3,000. That doesn't include the bridal veil!"

"Ah," I said in surprise.At this time, I was really jealous.I mean, I can't think of anything worse than being married to Tom Webster - but it's worth £3,000 of dresses, and a big party... so many presents... I mean, That's what people do when they get married, don't they? On the corridor, I heard the hum of the hair dryer coming from my parents' bedroom, and I opened the door and walked in.I see Janice sitting on a dressing stool in a dressing gown, holding a sherry glass and wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.Maureen, who had done my mom's and Janice's hair for years, was blowing Janice's hair with a blow dryer in hand, and a woman I didn't know sat in a chair by the window, she had a slightly dark complexion. Dark brown, with blond curly hair, wearing a lavender silk dress, with a cigarette in his hand.

"Hi, Janice," I said, walking over to give her a hug. "How are you?" "It's all right, darling," she said, taking a few hard sniffs, "it's kind of weird. Look, think Tom's getting married!" "I know," I said sympathetically, "it's hard to imagine that there wasn't a long time ago when we were just kids playing together on our bikes!" "Have another glass of sherry, Janice," Maureen said reassuringly, pouring some dark brown sherry into Janice's glass, "it will help you relax." "Oh, Becky," Janice said, and she took my hand and squeezed it, "it's a rough day for you, too."

I knew it would be like this.She's still thinking I'm going to miss Tom, huh? Why do all mothers think their son is charismatic and irresistible? "Not at all!" I said, as cheerfully as I could. "I mean, I'm happy for Tom. And Lucy, of course—" "Becky?" the woman in the chair by the window turned to me, her eyes squinted suspiciously. "You're Becky?" There was no friendly look on her face.Oh, my God, don't play any more She thinks I'm after Tom too. "Well... yes," I said, smiling at her, "I'm Rebecca Bloomwood. You must be Lucy's mother?" "Yes," said the woman, still looking at me, "my name is Angela Harrison, mother of the bride," she added, emphasizing the word "bride," as if I didn't understand English like. "Then you must be very happy today," I said politely, "your daughter is getting married." "Yes, of course, Tom is dead on Lucy," she said hostilely, "so dead on, he never looks at another girl." She gave me a look. , I could only smile awkwardly at her. Honestly, what else can I do? Find Tom's old shit and make him ugly? Say he's the ugliest guy I know? They're all going to think I'm jealous, aren't they? They're gonna say I'm Sophistry. "So... Luke's coming too, Becky?" Janice asked, smiling kindly at me.Suddenly—strange to say—everyone in the room fell silent, looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Not yet," I said, "I think he must be delayed by something." There was no movement in the room, and I felt that everyone's eyes were flying around the room. "Delayed," Angela repeated after I said it, in a tone that made me uncomfortable. "Is it? Well, it's amazing." what does that mean? "He's coming from Munich," I explained, "and I thought maybe the flight was delayed or something." I looked at Janice, but to my surprise, she blushed. "Munich," she said, nodding her head vigorously again, "I see. Of course. Munich." She gave me a bewildered, almost sympathetic look. What went wrong with her? "It's Luke Braden, the person we're talking about," Angela said, taking a puff of the cigarette in her hand, "a famous entrepreneur." "Oh—yes," I said, a little surprised.I mean, I don't know anyone else named Luke. "Then he's your boyfriend." "yes." There was another awkward silence, and even Maureen looked at me curiously.Suddenly, I see this month's issue of Tytler lying on the floor next to Janice's chair.Oh my God. "By the way, that article in Tytler," I said hastily, "wasn't right at all. Instead of saying he was single, he said he had no comment." "Article?" Janice had a look of disbelief on her face. "I don't know what you're talking about, honey." "I... I don't read magazines," Maureen said, flushing and looking away. "We're all looking forward to seeing him," Angela said, exhaling a puff of smoke from her mouth. "Really, Janice?" I looked at her in bewilderment—and at Janice, who seemed afraid to meet my eyes, and then at Maureen, who was pretending to be looking for something in a beauty bag. Wait a moment. Are they thinking—— "Janice," I said, trying to keep my voice even, "you knew Luke would come. He even wrote you back!" "Of course he wrote me back, Becky!" said Janice, her eyes down on the ground. "Yes—as Angela said, we're all looking forward to seeing him." Oh my god.She doesn't believe me. I felt so ashamed that my face burned.What was she thinking? Thought I was making it up that I had a boyfriend named Luke? "Well, how about some sandwiches?" I said, trying to keep my voice unaffected. "I'll go... see what my mom wants me to do." I found my mother at the top of the corridor. She was packing the sofa cushions into a transparent plastic bag, and then sucking out the air in the bag with the suction port of the vacuum cleaner. "Come and see, I've got some of these plastic bags left for you," she called out, raising her voice over the noise of the vacuum cleaner, "from Nationwide Express. Bought turkey foil too. Paper, a steamer plate, a microwave poached egg container..." "I don't want any turkey foil!" I yelled. "It's not for you!" Mom said, turning off the vacuum cleaner. "It's a special event launched by 'National Unblocked'—a set of ceramic pots for customers who recommend a friend to them. I regard you as My friend filled it in. Their mail order catalog is really good. I'll show you later." "mom--" "There's a lovely suede coverlet. I'm sure you can make a new—" "Listen to me, Mom!" I said a little impatiently. "Listen to me. You believe I'm talking about friends with Luke, don't you?" Mom hesitated for a while when she answered my question. "Of course I do," she answered at last. I looked at her in horror. "You don't believe it either, do you? You're all thinking, I made it up!" "No!" said Ma firmly.She put down the stick of the vacuum cleaner in her hand and looked directly at me. "Becky, you told us you were friends with Luke Braden—that was enough for your father and me." "But Janice and Martin, they think I made this up?" Mom looked me in the eye—then sighed and reached for the other sofa cushion. "Oh, Becky. It's something, dear, you've got to remember that they believed you had a suitor who was always there, and then... well. Not quite that, is it?" A chill ran through my body.Well, maybe I used to be someone who pretended to have someone who was after me.Of course, it was wrong for me to do that.But I mean, just because you bragged a little once, you can't believe anything in the future, right? "The key thing is, we've never actually... well, seen him with you, huh, baby?" Mom continued as she packed the cushions into a plastic bag, "Didn't see him in a real A real guy. Then the magazine said he was single..." "He didn't say he's single!" My voice was high, mixed with confusion. "He said no comment! Mom, did Janice and Martin tell you something they didn't believe me?" "No." Ma said, raising her chin recklessly. "They wouldn't dare say that to me, not a single word." "But you know they talk like that behind our backs." We look at each other.I saw the muscles on Mom's face twist, but she still tried her best to keep smiling.She must have been looking forward to me coming home with Luke in Luke's beautiful car.Suddenly, it dawned on me that she must be eager to prove to Janice that Janice and the others were wrong.But the reality is, I came home by myself, alone... "He'll come," I said, as if encouraging myself, "he'll be here any minute." "Of course he will!" cried Ma, with a bright face on her face. "As soon as he gets to--well, let's see what they have to say then, right?" The doorbell rang and we both froze, looking at each other. "I'll answer the door, okay?" I said, trying to sound casual. "Of course," Ma said, and I saw the light of hope in her eyes. I refrained from running, but walked down the stairs quickly, and opened the door with a brisk mood.Oh, outside the door...not Luke. It's a man who brings flowers.On the ground at his feet were several flower baskets, a large bunch of flowers, and several flat flower boxes. "Wedding flowers," he said, "where do you want to put the flowers?" "Well," I said, trying not to let disappointment show, "actually, I'm afraid you sent it to the wrong place. It's next door for flowers. It's number 41." "Really?" The man frowned, "Let me see the flower delivery list...please get it for me, please?" He handed me the bridal bouquet and reached into his pocket for the list. "That's right," I said, "the flowers from next door. Look, I just—" I turned away and held Lucy's flowers in my hands, for they were heavy.To my surprise, Angela Harrison was coming down to the landing.She was looking at me, and for a split second I felt like she was going to jump on me and kill me. "What are you doing?" she snapped, "Give me the flowers!" She snatched the flowers from my hand and brought her face to mine, and I could almost smell her breath. "Listen, girl," she said through gritted teeth, "I'm not going to let your smile fool me. I know what you're thinking, don't even think about it, huh! I'm not going to let my daughter's wedding get crazy The little girl got disturbed." "I'm not crazy!" I yelled angrily. "I don't want to mess with anything! I don't want Tom! I have a boyfriend myself!" "Oh yeah," she said, crossing her arms across her chest, "your famous boyfriend, is he here?" "No, he's not here yet," I said, taking another look at the look on her face, "but he... just called me." "He called you just now," Angela repeated me with a bit of contempt. "He said he couldn't make it?" Why do these people just not believe that Luke is coming? "Actually...he'll be here in half an hour." I heard myself shouting the words desperately. "Okay," said Angela Harrison, who grinned at me, "good—we'll see him soon, huh?" Oh hell. It was 12 o'clock, and Luke was still missing, and I was going crazy.It's been a nightmare.Where is he? I anxiously paced back and forth in front of the church, dialing his cell phone desperately, hoping to see him rushing along the road.But the bridesmaids arrived, and another Rolls-Royce drove up to the church door—and Luke hadn't arrived yet.When I saw the car door open and caught a glimpse of the bride's wedding dress in the car, I hurried back into the church lest it be said that I was waiting outside to disturb the wedding procession. I sneaked into the church for fear of disturbing the music that was already playing.Angela Harrison gave me a savage look, and there was commotion on the side of the church where Lucy's friends and relatives sat, whispering among themselves.I sat in the back seat, trying to keep my composure and composure—but I was well aware that all of Lucy's friends were casting suspicious glances at me.Who knows what she told them? For a while I really wanted to get up and leave the church.I had no intention of coming to this bloody wedding.I promised to come, just not to disappoint Janice and Martin.But it was too late now, the wedding procession had started, Lucy was walking into the church, and I had to let her go.Lucy was wearing one of the most gorgeous wedding gowns I'd ever seen, and I stared at the gown with unbearable longing and trying not to imagine how I would look in it. The music stopped, and the pastor began to mutter words.I felt people on Lucy's side of the church still sneaking glances at me now and then - but now and then I adjusted my hat and raised my face and dismissed them. "...the sacred bond of marriage unites this man and this woman," read the priest, "into a sublime marriage..." Those bridesmaids shoes are so pretty, I thought to myself, where did I get them? But their clothes are not flattering. "So if anyone has valid reasons to object to their legal union, please speak up now or never again." I always love this moment in weddings.Everyone lowered their heads and kept silent, for fear that they would be misunderstood by others if they accidentally made noise.I looked up and looked around for someone to say something—and to my inward surprise, Angela Harrison turned in front of me and was looking at me viciously.What the hell is she up to? At this time, there were quite a few people on the other side looking at me - even the woman in the front with the big blue hat turned around and looked straight at me! "What's the matter?" I whispered to her angrily, "What's the matter?" "What?" said the preacher, putting his hands behind his ears. "Anyone say something?" "Yes!" said the woman in the blue cap, pointing at me. "She's talking!" what? Oh my God.No.Come on, no.Everyone in the church slowly turned their heads to look at me.I can't believe this is happening.Even Tom was looking at me now, shaking his head a little, with that unbearable pity on his face. "I didn't...I didn't..." I stammered, "I was just..." "Would you please stand up and speak?" said the minister, raising his voice. "I'm a little deaf. If you want to say something..." "actually, I--" "Stand up!" snapped the woman next to me, prodding me again with her etiquette agenda sheet. I stood up slowly and felt two hundred pairs of eyes shining on me like torches.I dared not look in the direction of Tom and Lucy.I also dare not look at my mother and my father.I've never been so embarrassed. "I have nothing to say! Really! I just..." I said, raising my voice almost in desperation, "Just... my phone rang. I thought... I'm sorry. Please get on with the wedding." I sat down, my legs trembling, and there was silence all around me.Gradually, people turned their heads back and became quiet.The priest cleared his throat and began to say the marriage vows again. The wedding went through the whole process in chaos.When it was all over, Lucy and Tom came out of the church, passing me by without even looking at me—people gathered around them in the yard, throwing confetti and taking pictures.I slipped out, trying not to be noticed, and ran quickly on the way to Webster's.Because Luke must be there now.He must be here.He must have been late, felt it inconvenient to barge into the church, and went straight to the post-wedding meeting place.When you think about it, it's obvious.This is what any sane person should do. I hurried into Webster's house and saw a number of caterers and waitresses busy in the room.I ran straight to the big tent in the yard.Thinking of seeing Luke soon, telling him about the heart-pounding scene in the church just now, seeing a smile on his face, and then laughing, I couldn't help showing a happy smile on my face—— But the big tent was empty, and there was no one there. I stood there, dazed for a moment—and soon I was turning around and walking briskly to my parents' house.Suddenly, it occurred to me that maybe Luke had gone to my parents' house.Maybe he misremembered the time, or maybe he had to change into his wedding attire.or-- But there was no sign of him in my parents' house.Not in the kitchen, nor upstairs.I called his cell phone, but there was no answer. Slowly, I walked into my bedroom and lay down on the bed. All kinds of ominous thoughts came to my mind, but I tried my best not to think about it. I said that to myself over and over as he was on his way here.Right now...he's on his way. Through the window I saw Tom and Lucy and the guests pouring into the next yard.Top hats and morning coats rocked here and there.The waitresses kept passing people champagne.The scene was lively and cheerful.I knew I had to go downstairs and blend in with the crowd—but I didn't want to.He didn't want to be without Luke by his side, and he didn't want to be alone among the crowd. I sat on my bed for a while, thinking that if I just hid in my own home like this, it would stir up people's unwarranted suspicions.They all thought that I couldn't face this happy new couple, I was hiding somewhere and weeping secretly, I was going to die or live.In this way, they will be convinced that all the original suspicions are true.I have to show my face next door, even if it's just for half an hour. I forced myself to stand up, took a deep breath, and reapplied some lipstick on my lips.I walked out of my house and walked around the yard to the Websters'.I slipped into the big tent sideways and stood watching the people.There were crowds of people walking around, talking loudly one after another, and no one paid attention to me.At the entrance to the courtyard, Tom and Lucy and their parents stood in a line to greet the guests.But I'm not going there to join in the fun.I sneaked to an empty table and sat down.After a while a waitress came and handed me a glass of champagne. I sat like this for a while, sipping champagne slowly, watching the people walking in front of me, and felt my nerves begin to relax.At this time, there was a noise around me.I looked up—and my heart sank.Lucy was standing in front of me in her beautiful wedding gown, and behind her was a tall bridesmaid in a truly unflattering green dress.I think that says a lot about Lucy as well. "Hi, Rebecca," said Lucy in a cheerful tone--I dare say she was flattering herself at the moment with such civility to a foolish girl who nearly ruined her wedding. "Hey," I said, "Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened in church. I didn't expect to..." "It's all right," said Lucy, with a forced smile on her face. "Anyway, Tom married me. That's the main thing." She glanced contentedly at the wedding ring on her finger . "Of course!" I said. "Congratulations. You're going to—" "We're wondering," interrupted Lucy cheerfully, "is Luke here?" My heart sank. "Oh," I said slowly, after a delay, "well..." "I heard from my mother that you told her that Luke would be here in half an hour. But we haven't seen him yet! That's kind of weird, don't you think?" She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked She looked innocent, but the bridesmaid behind her let out a sneer.I looked behind Lucy and saw Angela Harrison and Tom standing a few yards away, looking my way with piercing, self-satisfied eyes.God, they're gloating, aren't they? "But it's been, oh, more than two hours now," said Lucy, "at least that long! It'd be a little strange if he hadn't arrived." She said in a sort of mock concern. Looking at me, "Maybe he got into an accident? Maybe he was delayed in...Munich, right?" Looking at her self-satisfied, pretending to be serious face, my mind became so hot that I didn't have time to think about it. "Here he is." I blurted out. There was a moment of silence, with Lucy and the bridesmaids behind her looking at each other in amazement, while I took a swig of champagne from my glass. "He's here?" said Lucy at last. "You mean...he's at the wedding here?" "Of course!" I said. "He's . . . he's just been here a while." "What about people? What about others?" "Well, he was here just now..." I pointed to the chair next to me, "Didn't you see him?" "No!" said Lucy, her eyes wide open. "Where is he now?" She turned and looked around at the crowd in the marquee. "There," I said, gesturing vaguely to a large crowd, "he's in his morning coat . . . " "Where? And what else?" "And...he has a glass of champagne in his hand..." Thankfully, men all dress and behave alike at their wedding feast. "Which one is it?" Lucy asked impatiently. "The man in the black suit," I said, and took another swig of champagne. "Look, he's greeting me." I raised a hand, too, in a nod. "Hi Luke!" "Where is it?" cried Lucy, looking desperately at the moving crowd again. "Kate, do you see that?" "No," replied the bridesmaid in despair, "what does he look like?" "He looks... and now he's gone," I said. "He must have gone to get me a drink." Lucy turned around again and stared at me. "So—why didn't he come to church for the service?" "He didn't want to come in and disturb everyone," I replied with a little hesitation, forcing myself to smile as naturally as possible. "Well—I won't hold you back. You have so many guests to attend to." "Yes," said Lucy hesitantly, "yes, I will." She looked at me suspiciously again, and walked over to her mother in a rustling manner. After a while, she formed a small circle again and glanced at me from time to time.One of the bridesmaids ran to another group of people, and they also started looking my way.Then another person ran to another group of people.It was like a forest fire, slowly spreading. After a while, Janice ran up to me, flushed and sweating, with a floral hat slanted on her head. "Becky!" she said, "Becky, I hear Luke's coming!" My heart sank suddenly.Oh my God.It was one thing to have to deal with that difficult bride just now, but I couldn't tell Janice myself that Luke was here.I hastily took a swig of champagne, raised my almost empty glass and gave her a wild gesture, which I did not know what it meant. "Oh, Becky..." said Janice, clapping her hands. "Becky, I feel so... did your parents see him? I know your mother would be jumping for joy!" Oh, what the hell. Suddenly, I feel a little dazed.My parents, I didn't think of them just now. "Janice, I've got to go... get some powder on my face," I said, standing up hastily. "Bye." "And Luke!" she said. "Of course, and Luke!" I said, with a shrill laugh. Avoiding people's eyes, I hurried to the makeshift toilet, ran into a small room, buckled the door hasp, sat on the toilet, and drank the remaining champagne in the glass in my hand.Well, don't panic.Well... think about it and see which path is feasible in front of you.
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