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Chapter 19 Saga Super Grandma's happy life quotes

Saga's Super Granny 岛田洋七 1038Words 2018-03-21
Some people may think that it is impossible for grandma to say so many wise words after reading this book.Actually, this is a secret.Whenever my grandma was free, she would try to compose haiku and read it to me excitedly. "'The annoying thing is too ostentatious'... Oh, there are too many words, and it does not meet the rhythm requirements of Wuqiwu. Anyway, this is my exclusive Wuqiwu." She laughed at herself, posing like a poet look.This may become the only entertainment for a grandmother who is busy raising children and has no hobbies. The annoying thing is being too ostentatious.

Don't mention sad things at night.It's nothing if you save the sad things until the daytime. As long as it is not 0 on the report card, it will be fine. 1 point and 2 points add up to 5 points! Don't grieve over the funeral, because it happens to be high tide (the time of the day when Japanese people think there are most births and deaths). If others fall, laugh it off, and if you fall yourself, you should laugh it off. Because people are ridiculous. It's fun to be alive. Instead of paying attention to the appearance, it is better to work hard on the inside. The unnoticed thoughtfulness is the real thoughtfulness, the real concern.

Miserly is the worst!Frugality is genius! Don't complain about "cold" or "hot"! Thank you for winter in summer, and thank you for summer in winter. If the clock runs backwards, people will think that the clock is broken and throw it away. People should not always look back on the past, but keep moving forward! The world is full of people who are sick and don't want to die. Suicide is too extravagant. Rich people want to travel, eat sushi, order new clothes, and they are too busy. If you can eat sardines, you are not poor. If people in the past saw sardines and named them snappers, then sardines are now equal to snappers!

Don't try too hard!Work too hard and you'll be a nerd! Swimming does not rely on swimming trunks, but on strength! Don't just think about today and tomorrow, but think about a hundred or two hundred years from now.Thinking of having five hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I will be extremely happy at that time. The radish with a split tail tastes the same when cut into pieces. Curved gherkins, shredded and mixed with salt all taste the same. There are two kinds of poverty: the poor are depressed and the poor are cheerful. Our family is poor and cheerful, and it is different from the people who change from rich to poor. Don’t worry, you must be confident, because our family’s ancestors have been poor for generations.

There are only things that can be picked up, nothing that should be thrown away. "Grandma, I don't even know English." "Then you write 'I am Japanese' on the answer sheet." "I'm not very good at Chinese characters..." "Just write 'I can live on hiragana and katakana'." "I hate history too." "Neither does history? Then write 'I'm not stuck in the past.'" Even if a thief comes, there is nothing to steal, because there is nothing left. Maybe he'll leave us something. People have dreams until they die!It doesn't matter if it doesn't come true, it's just a dream after all.

Smart people, stupid people, rich people, poor people, after fifty years, they are all fifty years old. As long as you can say: "Goodbye." It is happiness. If you can say: "See you another day." I will be happier. If I can say: "Long time no see." I will be even happier.
Notes: The pronunciation of "nine" in Japanese is the same as "bitterness"; Kagami cake is a round rice cake made for offerings during the Japanese New Year. The day after the 31st is the New Year, so Kagami cake will become "one night cake". In Japanese architecture, there is no earthen floor inside the house.

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