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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

It was getting dark when Prince Andrew and Pierre approached the gate of the house in Bald Hills.They were approaching the gate when Prince Andrei, smiling, called Pierre's attention to a commotion near the steps behind.A hunchbacked old woman with a rucksack on her back and a short man with long hair in black clothes saw a four-wheeled carriage driving into the house, turned back hastily, and ran towards the gate.Two women ran after them, and all four ran up the back steps in horror, looking back at the carriage. "This is Mary's kinsman," said Prince Andrei, "and they took one of us for a father. That's one thing about her disobedience to her father; he ordered the pilgrims to be driven away, but she I want to welcome them."

"What is a kinship?" asked Pierre. Prince Andrew did not have time to answer.The servants came to meet him, and he asked them where the old prince was, and whether he would be waiting long. The old prince was still in the city, and they were expecting him every hour. Prince Andrew took Pierre into his bedroom, which was always neat and habitable in his father's house, and then he himself went to the nursery. "Let's go to my sister," said Prince Andrei, returning to Pierre. "I haven't seen her yet. She's hiding now. She's staying with some priests. She's here." We feel shy in front of us, she deserves it, and you will see these relatives of them. C'est curieux, maparole. ①"

-------- ① French: Really, this is very interesting. "Qu'estcequec'estque," asked Pierre. "You'll see them." Princess Marya really felt uncomfortable, and when they came up to her, she flushed.In her comfortable room, with an ever-burning lamp in front of the shrine, a boy with long hair, a long nose, and an Orthodox monk's robe sat beside her on a divan behind the samovar. A wrinkled, bony old woman sat in an adjacent easy chair with a childlike gentle expression. "Andrepourquoinepasm'avoirprevenu?" she said in a tone of mild reproach, standing before the pilgrims as a hen stands before her chicks.

"Charmeedevousroir. Jesuistrescontentedevousvoir." she said to Pierre as he kissed her hand. -------- ① French: what is. ②French: Andre, why didn't you inform me in advance? ③ French: I am very happy to see you, very happy. She had known Pierre since he was a child, and now his acquaintance with André, his misfortune with his wife, and above all his kindly, unpretentious face, had won her admiration. His favor.She looked at him with very beautiful shining eyes, as if to say to him: "I love you very much, but please don't laugh at my people." After a few pleasantries, they sat down.

"Ah, Ivanushka is here too," said Prince Andrei, smiling, pointing to the young pilgrim. "Andrei!" cried Princess Marya imploringly. "Ilfautquevoussachiezquec'estune femme," said Andrey to Pierre. "Andre, aunom de Dieu!" repeated Princess Marya. It seemed that Prince Andrew's mocking attitude towards the pilgrims and Princess Mary's vain patronage were part of an established and habitual relationship between them. "Mais, mabonneamie," said Prince Andrew, "Vousde Avriezaucontrairem'etrereconnaissantedecequej'expliqueaPierrevotreinfiniteaveccejeunehomme."

"Vraiment?" said Pierre curiously and earnestly (Princess Marya was especially grateful to Pierre for this), looking carefully at Ivanushka's face through his spectacles, and Ivanushka felt Knowing that people were talking about him, he looked around everyone with sly eyes. -------- ① French: You know, this is a woman. ②French: Andre, for God's sake. ③ French: My kind friend, you must be grateful to me, and I explained to Pierre the intimacy between you and this young man. ④French: Seriously? It was no use for Princess Mary to be embarrassed by her own people.They are not shy at all.The old woman lowered her eyes and squinted at the person who came in. She turned the tea bowl over, put it on the plate, put the leftover sugar next to the bowl, and sat quietly and motionless in the easy chair, waiting for someone to give her again. Pour a cup of tea.Ivanushka drank slowly the tea from the saucer, frowning, and looked the naughty woman's eyes at the young men.

"Where have you been, have you been to Kyiv?" Prince Andrew asked the old woman. "Been there, sir," answered the talkative old woman, "at Christmas, I have received the holy mystery of heaven in the servant of God. I have just come from Kolyazin, sir, where the great divine gift has been revealed." ..." "Did Ivanushka go with you?" "My lord, I went alone," said Ivanushka in a bass voice, "I met Pelagyushka only in Yukhnovo..." Pelagyushka interrupted her companion, evidently eager to tell him what she had witnessed. "Sir, a great divine gift was revealed in Kolyazin."

"Why, has the holy body been found again?" asked Prince Andrew. "Andrei, that's enough," said Princess Marya. "Pelagyushka, stop talking." "No . . . why, madam, why can't you go on? I like him. He, a good man, God's favorite, gave me ten rubles, I remember. When I was in Kyiv, there was a dementia Kiryusha said to me that he is a real god, and he always walks barefoot, whether it is winter or summer. He said that you are not going where you should go. Go to Kolyazin, there There was a spirit statue, where the Virgin was consecrated. I said goodbye to these pilgrims, and went there..."

Everyone was silent, only a female pilgrim took a breath and spoke in that even voice. "Old man, when I got there, people told me: a great gift was found, and holy oil dripped from the face of the Virgin..." "Oh, very well, very well, you can talk about it later," said Princess Marya, blushing. "Let me ask her," said Pierre. "Did you see it yourself?" he asked. "Old man, that's right, I was personally gifted by God. The first chakra on her face was like the light of heaven, brilliant and brilliant, and the holy oil dripped down from the face of the Holy Mother..."

"Know that this is a deception," said Pierre innocently, listening again to the pilgrim. "Oh, sir, what are you talking about!" said Pelagyushka, terrified, and turning her face to Princess Marya, begged her for protection. "They're deceiving the people," he repeated. "Jesus Christ," said the pilgrim, as she crossed herself, "Oh, sir, don't tell me. There was a general who couldn't believe it, and said: 'The monks are lying,' as soon as he fell , his eyes became blind. So he dreamed that the Virgin of the Cave came to him and said to him: "You have to trust me, I can cure your eye disease." He began to beg: Send me, send me to the Virgin I tell you the truth; I saw it with my own eyes. They sent him, the blind man, to the Virgin, and he followed her, fell on his knees, and begged: 'Heal my eyes. I put What the Tsar gave me, I gave it all to you.' I saw it with my own eyes, sir, and I put the gold star on her body. There is nothing to say, the eyes are restored! It is wrong to say that, God will come Punishment," she said to Pierre in an admonishing tone.

"Why does the statue have the Gold Star?" Pierre asked. "Has Our Lady also been promoted to general?" said Prince Andrei with a smile. Pelagyushka's complexion suddenly turned pale, and she raised her hands and patted it lightly. "Old man, old man, you are guilty, you have a son!" When she spoke, her pale face suddenly turned red. "Old man, God forgive you for saying such things." She crossed herself on her chest. "God, forgive him. Miss, what's the matter? . . . " she said, turning to Princess Marya.She stood up and began to pack her backpack, almost crying.It was obvious to her that she felt terrible and shameful that she should have been favored in this family that could say such things, and she felt that it was a pity that she had to abandon this favor. "Why do you bother?" said Princess Marya, "why have you come to me?  … "No, Pelagyushka, you know, I'm joking," said Pierre. "Princesse, maparole, jen'aipasvoulul'of Afenver, ①that's all I have. Don't think about it, I'm only joking," he said, smiling timidly, trying to correct his mistake. -------- ① French: Princess, to be honest, I don't want to make her feel wronged. Pelagyushka paused, suspiciously, but sincere repentance was evident on Pierre's face, and Prince Andrew looked now meekly at Pelagyushka, now at Pierre, he gradually calmed down.
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