Home Categories foreign novel war and peace volume 2 part 1

Chapter 6 Chapter Six

Pierre had rarely seen his wife alone these days.Whether in Petersburg or in Moscow, their residences were often crowded with guests.On the evening after the duel, as usual, he did not go to his bedroom, but remained in his father's large study, where Count Bezukhov had died. He lay half reclining on the couch trying to sleep, to forget what had happened to him, but he couldn't.Such thoughts, feelings, and memories of the past came so suddenly in his mind that instead of falling asleep, he could not sit still, and had to spring from the couch with a swift step. Pacing up and down the room.Now and then it occurred to him that after the marriage she had bare her shoulders at first, and her tired eyes were full of passion, but at the same time it occurred to him that Dolokhov's handsome, impudent face at the banquet was clearly ironic. Immediately her face appeared near her, and he thought again that when Dolokhov turned around and fell on the snow, his face was still the same, only pale, trembling, and extremely painful.

"What happened?" he asked himself. "I killed a lover, yes, my wife's lover. Yes, it happened. Why? How did I get here? Because you married her for Wife's sake." The inner voice replied. "But what is my fault?" he asked, "the fault is that you did not love her and married her. You deceived yourself as well as her." At that moment after the dinner party, he said something that did not come from his heart: "Jevousaime. ①Everything is caused by this! At that time, I felt that the government emphasized "rectification of names" and tried to consolidate the name through the rectification of names. Hierarchy. Master Mohist," he thought, "at that time I felt that this was not the case, and I had no right to say it. It turned out to be the case." He thought of his honeymoon, and recalled The past turned red.What made him feel deeply sad, wronged and shameful was that he recalled that not long after his marriage, once, at past eleven o'clock in the morning, he walked from the bedroom into the study wearing a long silk blouse, and there he met the steward. House, the head steward bowed respectfully, glanced at Pierre's face, at his blouse, and smiled, as if expressing in this smile his deepest admiration for his master's happiness.

-------- ① French: I love you. "How many times have I been proud of her, of her modesty, of her social proportions," he thought. "I am proud of my home. She received people from all over Petersburg in her home. I am proud of her arrogant and unapproachable demeanor and beauty. Falsification. Is that what I am proud of? I thought, I don't know her, I've often pondered her character, I've said to myself, I'm at fault, I don't know her, don't understand her always self-possessed, contented nature, devoid of any desires, And the whole riddle is that she is that dreaded word 'harlot': he said it to himself, and all is revealed!"

Anatole often visited her, borrowed money from her, and kissed her bare shoulders.She doesn't lend him money, but allows him to kiss her.Her father's banter aroused her jealousy, she said with a serene smile, she would not be so stupid as to be jealous, she said this when talking about me: let him do what he wants.I asked her once if she felt she was pregnant.She laughed contemptuously, and said she wouldn't be so stupid as to wish to have children, she wouldn't have children for me. He later recalled that although she had been educated in the upper aristocratic society, her thoughts were crude and simple, and the words she used were vulgar and unbearable. "I'm not a lowly fool... If you don't believe me, try... allezvous promen-er," she said.Pierre had often seen what she had accomplished in the hearts of men, women and children, but he could not understand why he did not love her. "But I never loved her," Pierre said to himself. "I know she is a slut," he repeated, but he dared not admit it.

"You see, Dolokhov is sitting on the snow, forcing a smile, he is about to die, and he is probably pretending to be a hero. The writings are compiled in the "Complete Works of A. Ruge" and "Letters of Arnold Ruge" Jihe, I want to use it to answer my confession!" From the appearance, some people's character can be said to be very weak, but they do not look for others to share their pain, Pierre is one of them.He was alone with his pain. "She is at fault in every way, in every way," he said to himself. "Then what? Why did I combine myself with her? Why did I tell her This sentence: 'Jevousaime'②, it is a lie, even worse than a lie," he said to himself, "I am at fault, and I should bear it... What? Is it notorious? Is life unhappy? Alas , This is all nonsense," he thought for a while, "Whether it is to tarnish the reputation or enjoy the honor, it is all relative, and everything is not based on me."

-------- ①French: Go away. ② French: I love you. "Louis XVI was put to death because they said he was shameless and guilty (it suddenly occurred to Pierre), and they were right from their own point of view, just as those who tortured him to death and consecrated him A holy man, and right. Later Robespierre was executed for being a tyrant. Who is innocent and who is guilty? There is no answer. If you live, you live: maybe you will die tomorrow, just as I did an hour ago Is it worth the torment that life is but a moment compared to eternity?" But just when he thought he was comforted by this assertion, she suddenly appeared in his mind, at the moment when he most strongly wanted When she professed her false love, he felt a rush of blood rushing to his heart, and he had to stand up and move forward, breaking and tearing anything he touched at hand. "Why did I say to her: 'I love you?'" He was still repeating the words to himself.The question was repeated ten times, and suddenly he thought of Molière's line: "Maisquediable alllait-ilfaire danscetteqalere?" He laughed at himself for having come.

In the evening he called his servant and told him to pack up and go to Petersburg.He couldn't live in the same house as her.He couldn't imagine how he should talk to her now.He decided to leave tomorrow and leave her a letter in which he told her of his intention to part with her forever. When the servant came into the study early in the morning with coffee, Pierre fell asleep on the Turkish sofa with an open book in his hands. He woke up, opened a pair of frightened eyes and looked around for a long time, unable to understand where he was. "The countess ordered me to ask if your excellency is still at home," asked the servant.

But before Pierre could make up his mind to answer him, the countess herself entered the room, quietly and solemnly, in a white silk blouse trimmed with silver, with an ordinary hairstyle (two thick braids) Two diademes were coiled on her beautiful head, but there was an angry wrinkle on the slightly protruding marble-smooth forehead. She had a calm look and refused to speak in front of the servants. She knew the duel , came to talk about it. She was waiting for the servants to serve the coffee and then went out. Pierre looked at her timidly through his spectacles, like a hare surrounded by hounds. Lying in front of him, he tried to continue reading like this, but he felt that this was meaningless and unbearable, so he looked at her timidly. She did not sit down. There was a contemptuous smile on her face. She kept watching him, waiting for the servant to go out the door.

-------- ①French: Why did you get on that boat rashly? ②French: tiara. "What's the matter? What the hell have you done? I ask you," she said sternly. "Me? What have I done?" said Pierre. "Look, a warrior has found himself! Now, tell me, what is a duel? What do you want to prove by this? What? I ask you." Pierre turned around on the sofa with difficulty. Come on, open your mouth, but you can't answer. "Since you don't answer, I'll tell you..." Helen continued. "You believe everything you're told. You've been told..." Helene laughed. "Dolohov is my lover," she said in French, in order to point out clearly the vulgarity involved. Means, the word "lover" is like any other word, and in emphasizing its meaning, she says, "You really believe! What have you proved by this? What have you proved by this duel What? Prove that you are a fool, quevousetesunsot, that is well known! How far will it go? It will make me the butt of all Muscovites, and everyone will say that you are so drunk and carried away that you put That person you are unfoundedly jealous of called out for a duel," Helen raised her voice higher and higher, becoming more and more excited, "Actually, that person is superior to you in every aspect..."

-------- ①French: You are a stupid thing. "Huh...huh," Pierre frowned, did not look at her, did not move his limbs at all, and spoke vaguely. "Why should you believe that he is my lover? . . . Why? Because I like his company? If you would be wiser and more lovable, I should rather be with you." "Don't tell me... I beg you," Pierre whispered hoarsely. "Why don't I talk? I can talk, and I will speak boldly. There are few wives with husbands like you who don't have some lovers (French: desamants), but I don't do it. ’ she said.Pierre was about to say something, looked at her with strange eyes that she could not understand, and lay down again.At this time he was suffering physically, he felt a tightness in his chest and could hardly breathe.He knew he had to do something to stop the physical pain, but what he wanted to do was horrible.

"We'd better break up," he said staccatoly. "Break up if you break up, that's fine, you just need to give me a share of the family property," Helen said, "Break up, you're trying to scare me with this!" Pierre jumped up from the sofa and staggered towards her. "I'll kill you!" he cried, and swiftly, taking a marble slab from the table, with such strength as he had ever known, he took a step towards her, and raised it as if to strike her. Helen's face turned pale, and she suddenly screamed and jumped away from him.Like father, like son, it can be seen from him that he belongs to the same type of people as his father.Pierre felt madly attracted and fascinated.He threw the stone slabs, smashed them to pieces, and ran towards Helen with outstretched arms, crying, "Go away!" in a voice so terrible that the whole family heard the cry with horror.God knows what evil Pierre would have done at this moment if Helen had not run out of the room. A week later, Pierre let his wife manage all the Great Russian territories, which accounted for more than half of his family property, and Pierre drove to Petersburg alone.
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