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巨人传 弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷 3136Words 2018-03-21
Symbolism of white and blue It can be seen from this that white symbolizes joy, joy and happiness. It is not wrong and justified. If you are willing to put aside your prejudices and listen to the reasons I give, you can prove that I am telling the truth. Aristotle said that if two things are essentially opposite, like good and bad, virtue and vice, cold and heat, white and black, pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, etc., take one and the other If one of the two cooperates, then the remaining two must also cooperate.For example: "virtue and vice" are relative in nature, and so are "good and bad"; and "good", which means "virtue is good", and the remaining two, "vice" and "bad", can also be combined, because "vice is bad".

After clarifying this logical law, you can take two opposite nouns "joy" and "sadness" and combine them with the other two "white" and "black". They are also opposite, so if you say "black" If it symbolizes "sorrow", then "white" naturally symbolizes "joy". Such an explanation is not created and enforced by one person, but agreed by everyone. Philosophers call it jus gentium, which is a universal truth recognized by any country. You must know that all peoples, all countries (I must exclude the ancient Syracuses and a few Argives, whose minds are perverted), regardless of which language they speak, are Those who wear black clothes to express sadness, all mourning clothes are black.This general understanding does not require any arguments or reasons from nature, everyone can understand it at a glance, and no one else needs to point it out; this, we call it the law of nature.

Using this natural induction, all people can understand that white symbolizes joy, well-being, pleasure, joy and elation. The ancient Thracians and Cretans used white stones to mark lucky and happy days, and black stones to mark sad and unlucky days. Isn't the night gloomy, miserable, and dreary?It's because it's dark.Doesn't light make the natural world flourish?Precisely because it is whiter than anything.To prove this, I invite you to read the book of Laurentius Valla ⑤ refuting Barthrus ⑥; but the arguments in the Gospels will suffice for your satisfaction: Matthew § Chapter seventeen says that when our Lord Jesus changed his image, vestimenta ejus facta sunt alba sicut lux (clothes as white as light), used white light to make his three apostles realize the meaning and image of eternal joy.Because light makes everyone happy, and you all know how an old woman with all the teeth in her mouth can say: Bona lux.And Tobias ② (Chapter 5) when he was blinded, and when the angel Raphael paid homage to him, ① Latin: universal law.

① Siracusai: ancient inhabitants of Sicily. ② Argives: Ancient Greek Spartans. ③ This comes from the works of Plutarch. Plutarch described that when the Siracuses attended the funeral of Timorion, they wore plain clothes, which were mistaken for white by later generations, and the author of this book also spread falsehoods. ④ Thrace: In the north of ancient Greece. ⑤ Laurentius Valla (1406-457): Italian philosopher.This refers to the book Ad candidum Decembrem published in Basel in 1517. ⑥ Bartolos (1313-356): Italian jurist. ① Latin: "So bright." See Chapter 31 of "Crazy Praise" by the Italian bishop Erasmus in the fifth century.

He replied: "I can't even see the light of heaven. What joy do I have?" It is to use a piece of white to express the joy of the whole world.St. John the Evangelist (Revelation 4 and 7) also saw the devout in holy Jerusalem dressed in the same white garments. Read the ancient history again, whether it is Greek or Roman.You will see the city of Alba (the first form of Rome), built and named after a white sow seen there. You also see that whoever conquers the enemy is commanded to enter Rome victoriously in a chariot drawn by four white horses; The color can better express the joy of their return.

You will also see Pericles, the great prince of Athens, who ordered the warriors that whoever got the white beans should play, idle, and rest all day long, and the rest should go to war.I could give you a thousand other such examples, but this is not the place. Using the above example, you can solve a problem that Alexander Aphrodisius thought he could not solve, namely: "Why, a lion, which can make all wild animals afraid with a single roar, but fears only the white cock?" This is because (as Procles says in Desacrificio et Magia) the quality of the sun, the mechanism and source of all the light of the earth and stars, whether in symbol or power, Or in color or in instinct and character, it is closer to a white rooster than to a lion.He also said that he often saw the devil appear in the form of a lion, but when he encountered a white rooster, he disappeared immediately.

Therefore the "gari" (i.e. the French, for they are born white as milk, while the Greeks call milk "gala") like to put a white feather in their hats; they They are cheerful, simple, gentle, and easy-going; their national flower is the whiter lily than any other flower. If you ask, how can we experience joy and comfort from white?I answer you this way, which is the result of analogy and unity.Because, white can decompose our sight from the outside and disperse our vision. This is the opinion of Aristotle and other scholars who study optics in the "Interrogation" (you can also learn from actual experience. See, if you pass through the snow-capped mountains, you will feel that your eyes are not clear; Xenophon ④ records that his subordinates encountered the same situation; also extensively discussed).The same is true for the human heart. When it encounters strong joy, it will expand and decompose inside. If the joy intensifies, the heart will lose its control power, and thus lose its life due to excessive joy. The twelve volumes, the fifth volume of "The Scope of Infection", and the second volume of "The Origin of Disease" discuss exactly the same.Ancient scholars have also proved it, such as Margus Turius ⑤ "Dosculanes ② Tobiah is a devout Jewish believer, blind in old age, his son was instructed by the angel Raphael to eat fish liver healed his blindness.

③ City of Alba: After Troy was captured by Greece, Prince Ines came to Italy and established the city of Rome where he saw a white sow and thirty piglets, and later became the ancestor of the Julian tribe .See lines 388 to 393 of the third volume of "Init". ④ Pericles (499-429 BC): political leader of Athens. ⑤ See Chapter 27 of Plutarch's Biography of Pericles. ① Procles (412-85): Neo-Platonist philosopher. ② Latin: "Sacrifice and Illusion". ③ Transliteration of Greek γaλα. ④ Xenophon (about 430 BC-425 BC, died 352 BC): Ancient Greek historian and philosopher, general of Athens.

⑤ The ancient Roman orator Cicero.Here is his philosophical work "Dosculanes". Questions, Volume I, Valerius, Aristotle, and Titus Levy's Narratives of the Post-war Ghana, Plinius, Book VII, Chapter 32 and Chapter 32 Chapter Fifty-Three③, Chapter Fifteenth of Book Three of Galias④, and so on.Also Rhodes ⑤ Diagoras ⑥, Chiro ⑦, Sophocles ⑧, Sicilian tyrant Dionysius ⑨, Philipides ⑩, Philemon (11), Polly Krata (12), Philistion (13), Ruventi (14), etc. all died of joy.Avicenna (15) mentioned saffron in the second volume of "Classic" and "On the Heart", saying that if taken too much, it can make the human heart overextend, presenting an extreme state of division and death.Now, if you look at the nineteenth chapter of Alexander Aphrodisius's "Questions", you will know the difference.

What's the matter, on this topic, I didn't want to say so much at the beginning, but now I have gone too far.Let the sails drop here, and if you don’t say anything, let’s leave it in the book that deals with this issue.Now I just use one sentence to make it clear that blue must symbolize the sky and things in the sky. According to the same law of expression, white symbolizes joy and happiness. ① Valerius: Ancient Roman poet. ② Titus Levi (before 59-after 17): Roman historian. ③ Refers to Plinius's "Compendium of Natural History". ④ Refers to Gelias's "Attica Night".

⑤ Rhodes: One of the Sporadic Islands. ⑥ Diagoras: The ancient Greek philosopher in the fifth century BC, who died happily because of his prize in the Olympics. ⑦ Chiro: One of the seven great philosophers of Greece, who died happily because his son won an award at the Olympics. ⑧ Sophocles (about 496-406 BC): one of the three major tragic poets of ancient Greece. ⑨ Both Dionysius and Sophocles died suddenly after hearing that their tragedy had succeeded. 10 Philipides: The poet of comedy in Athens in the third century BC, who died happily because of the success of comedy.
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