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Chapter 257 Four Double Responsibilities: Care and Expectation

Les Miserables 维克多·雨果 2750Words 2018-03-21
In this case, have the dangers of society completely disappeared?of course not.The Zakhray movement will never happen.In this regard, society can rest assured that the blood is no longer rushing up and making the head dizzy, but it must pay attention to breathing.No need to worry about cerebral hemorrhage anymore, but tuberculosis still exists.The tuberculosis of society is poverty. Chronic attack is as deadly as sudden bombardment. We should take the trouble to repeat: we must first think of those suffering people who have no means of livelihood, reduce their difficulties, let them get air and light, love them, expand their horizons, make them feel brilliant, and provide them with various forms of life. Opportunity to receive education, to provide them with an example of labor rather than idleness, to relieve the pressure of their personal burdens, to increase their awareness of the general purpose, to limit poverty and not to limit wealth, and to create a lot of space for people to work together, like cloth. Like Lyareus, a hundred hands are stretched out on all sides to the oppressed and powerless, and collective strength is used for this great duty, factories for all arms, schools for all talents, schools for all talents Intelligence sets up laboratories, increases wages, reduces punishment, and balances income and expenditure, that is, adjusts the ratio between welfare and labor, and between enjoyment and demand.In short, it is the first duty of human love to make the social machine shine more light and more warmth for the benefit of the suffering and ignorant, so that the sympathetic people will not forget these, and make the selfish People understand this, this is the first need of politics.

We also have to point out that all of this is just the beginning.The real problem is this: if labor is not a right, it cannot be a rule of law. We're not going to go into the details here, this is not the place to go into the details. If the natural world is the dependence of human beings, human society should have foresight. Intellectual and spiritual growth is no less necessary than material improvement.Knowledge is the accumulation of food in the journey of life. Thought is the most important thing. Truth is food, just like rice and wheat.Intellect without scientific and philosophical grounds is bound to dry up.A spirit that does not absorb nourishment is as poor as a stomach that does not eat or drink.If there is anything more painful than a body dying of hunger and thirst, it is a soul dying from want of light.

Progress always tends towards problem solving.One day, people will be surprised.Since human beings are advancing to a higher place, the strata at the bottom will naturally rush out of the disaster area.The eradication of poverty will be accomplished by a simple increase in levels. Anyone who doubts this kind solution is mistaken. The influence of the past is indeed still powerful in the present.It will come back.The corpse of youth regained is appalling.look!It's coming in stride.It seemed to be the victor, the dead body the conqueror.He came with his legions—superstitions, with his swords—absolutism, with its banners—foolishness, and not so long ago won ten battles.It advances, it threatens, it laughs, it reaches our door.As for us, we need not be discouraged.Let's sell the camp of Hannibal's garrison.

We have faith, what are we afraid of? Ideas have no more room to retreat than rivers. But those who don't want the future should think more about it.They don't want progress, but what they are denying is not the future, but themselves.They are willing to suffer from unmentionable diseases, and they use the past as a vaccine to inoculate themselves.There is only one way to deny tomorrow, and that is to die. Therefore, don't die, the body dies as soon as possible, the soul never dies, this is our wish. Yes, the mystery will be solved, the sphinx will speak, and the problem will be solved.Yes, the people have received enlightenment education in the eighteenth century, and they will mature in the nineteenth century.Only an idiot would doubt this!The universal good life will surely bloom everywhere like flowers in the future, in the near future. This prospect is justified and will inevitably come.

The infinitely great thrusts of all parties together manipulate the things of the world and make them all logical, that is to say, balanced, that is to say, to achieve equality in a certain period of time.A power, made of heaven and earth, comes from humanity and rules over mankind, a power so skilled in miracles that it is no more difficult to deftly obviate difficulties than to arrange extraordinary turns of action.With the aid of both science from below and chance from above, it is less surprised at some contradictions in the questions posed that might strike the mediocre as insoluble.Its power to find solutions from the synthesis of ideas is no less than that of lessons from the synthesis of states of affairs. From this mysterious power of progress one can expect everything, which will one day Making East and West face each other at the bottom of the tomb would make Imam and Bonaparte converse inside the Great Pyramid.

At present, in this long march of grandiose thoughts, we must not stop, wander, and have no time to pause.Social philosophy is primarily a philosophy of peace.Its goal, its intended effect, is to remove anger from the study of hostile motives.It investigates, it explores, it analyses, and then, it reassembles.It works by cutting, it cuts out hatred in all respects. People have seen more than once a society disappear in a storm. In history, many nations and empires have been destroyed. Many customs, laws, and religions have been completely destroyed by a sudden hurricane in a day.The civilizations of India, Chaldea, Persia, Assyria, and Egypt all disappeared successively.Why?we do not know.What is the source of these disasters?We don't understand.Was it impossible to save these societies at the time?Is there any fault of their own in this process?Have they persevered in the error of some evil which necessarily brought misfortune, to the point of their own destruction?To what extent should suicide be a factor in this terrible extinction of a nation and a people?These questions are impossible to answer.Over these vanished civilizations lay darkness.Now that they're leaking, they're swallowed up, and there's nothing more to say.When we look back at the past centuries, it is like looking at the huge waves in the ocean, and seeing huge ships: Babylon, Nineveh, Tarsus, Thebes, Rome, in the dark wind and waves rushing fiercely During the attack, they sank into the bottom of the sea one by one, and they couldn't help being horrified.However, there is darkness over there, and light over there.We do not understand the diseases of ancient civilizations, but we know the diseases of our own civilization.Everywhere we have the right to hold it in the sun, to admire its beauty and to expose its ugliness nakedly.Where there is something wrong with it, we will diagnose and treat it there. Once the condition is identified, we can study the cause and prescribe the right medicine.Our civilization, the fruit of twenty centuries, is both grotesque and splendid, and it is worth saving.He must also be saved.Rescuing it is not bad, but enlightening it is even better.All activities of modern social philosophy should focus on this goal.Today's thinkers have a great responsibility, and that is to auscultate civilization.

We repeat that such auscultations are inspiring, and it is to enhance this inspiring effect that we insert these pages of serious digression in the midst of a tragic story.Society can perish, but human beings cannot perish.The earth will not die with a few craters like wounds here and there, sulfur fumaroles like mange, or a volcano that spews like pus.People's diseases cannot kill people. Even so, anyone who makes a clinical diagnosis of society will sometimes shake his head.Even the strongest, softest, most logical people can get lost sometimes. Is the future really here?People almost ask themselves this question when they are frightened by the darkness in front of them.It is a dismal meeting between the selfish and the needy.As for selfish people, there are all kinds of prejudices, such as the poison of getting rich and education, the appetite of eating more and more, the madness of money obsession, and the fear of suffering. Satisfying one's own desires, conceited to a state of mental occlusion; on the side of poor people, there are envy, jealousy, resentment caused by seeing others happy, animal impulses from the bottom of the heart in pursuit of satisfaction, and foggy thoughts. Heart, sorrow, longing, resentment, unclean and simple ignorance.

Should we keep looking up at the sky?Is that spot of light we see on the horizon one of those celestial bodies that are going out?The ideal, hanging high in the distant sky, is so small, lonely, imperceptible, and shining brightly, which is chilling to look at. Around it, there are piles of dangers, dangers and evil winds and shadows, but it is no more than The stars beside the clouds are even more at risk.
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