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Chapter 44 Chapter Forty-Three

Kelly opened his eyes first.She lay on her back, naked, on the bare floor of the concrete basement, her hands in handcuffs attached to an eight-inch chain fastened to the wall and pressed against the floor.There was a small window with iron bars at the other end of the room, and the door into the room was heavy. Kelly turned to look at Diana, who was also naked and in handcuffs.Their clothes were thrown in a corner. Diana said dazedly, "Where are we?" "We're in hell, partner." Kelly tried the handcuffs.The handcuffs were tightly fastened around her wrists.She can lift her arms four or five inches, that's all. "We went right into their trap," she said tartly.

"You know what I'm most unhappy about?" Kelly looked at the bare room: "I can't imagine that." "They won. We know they killed our husbands and why they killed us, but we have no way of telling the world. They got away with it. Kingsley was right. Our luck is up." "No, not yet." The door opened and Harry Flint stood in the room.His smiling mouth widened.He locked the door behind him and put the key in his pocket. "I shot you with tranquilizer bullets. I should have killed you, but I figured we'd better have some fun first, and have fun." He moved closer.

The two women exchanged a look of terror.They looked at Flint, who was grinning grimly as he took off his shirt and trousers. "Look what I have prepared for you." He finished and threw the pants on the ground.Flint looked at the two of them, and walked up to Diana: "Why don't I start with you, baby, and then—" Kelly cut him off. "Wait, handsome. Fuck me first? I can't wait." Diana looked at her, stunned: "Kelly—" Flint turned to Kelly, giggling. "Okay baby. You're going to like it." Flint's hands reached down and began to lie flat on Kelly's naked body.

"Oh, yes." Kelly moaned. "I really want this so badly." Diana closed her eyes.Can't bear to watch. Kelly spread her legs apart, and when Flint started, Kelly's right arm rose a few inches, reaching into her upturned wig.When her hand was down, she was clutching a rat-tailed comb with a five-inch steel rod hidden in the comb.In one swift motion, she slammed the steel rat tail into the back of Harry Flint's neck, pressing the rod down hard as far as it would go. Flint tried to call out, but only made a loud grunt.Blood spurted from his neck. Diana opened her eyes, dumbfounded.

Kelly looked over at Diana. "You—you can relax now." She pushed the limp body above her. "He's dead." Diana's heart beat violently, as if it was going to pop out of her mouth.His face was pale. Kelly looked at her, panicked: "Are you okay?" "I'm afraid he'll—" Her mouth parched.She looked at Harry Flint's bloody corpse and shuddered. "Why didn't you tell me this—?" She pointed to the mouse-tail comb on his neck. "Because if it doesn't work...well, I don't want you to feel like I've failed you. Let's get out of here."

"How to escape?" "I'll show you." Kelly stretched out one long leg to where Flint dropped his trousers.She stretched her toes to reach his trousers.Two inches away.She moved closer.By an inch.Finally, it worked. Kelly grinned, "Okay!" She hooked the pant leg with her toes and slowly pulled it up until she could reach it with her hands.She dug into his pockets, looking for the handcuff keys.found it. After a moment, her hand was free.She ran to free Diana again. "My God, you are a miracle," said Diana. "Thanks for my new haircut. Let's get out of here."

The two women picked up their clothes from the floor and dressed quickly.Kelly took the house key from Flint's pocket. They went to the door and listened for a while.silence.Kelly opened the door.They stood in a long empty corridor. "There must be a way out," said Diana. Kelly nodded. "Okay. You go that way, I'll go the other way, and—" "No. Please. Let's stay together, Kelly." Kelly pinched Diana's arm and nodded: "Yes, partner." A few minutes later, the two women found themselves in a garage.Parked inside was a Jaguar and a Toyota.

"You pick one," Kelly said. "The Jaguar is too ostentatious. Let's pick the Toyota." "I hope the key is in—" exist.Diana took the steering wheel. "Do you know where we're going?" Kelly asked. "Manhattan. I don't have any plans yet." "That's good news." Kelly sighed. "We need a place to sleep. Kingsley will go crazy when he finds out we've escaped. Then we'll have nowhere to hide." Kelly thought, "Yes, we can." Diana glanced at her. "What do you mean?" "I have an idea," Kelly said proudly.

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