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Chapter 42 Chapter Forty-One

"There was a white Lexus following us," Kelly said. "I know. There were six of them." "Can you get rid of them?" "I do not need." Kelly stared at her with wide eyes: "What?" "Look." They approached an airport gate with a postal sign.The guard behind the door opened the door to let the car in. The people in the Lexus watched as Kelly and Diana got out of the car, got into an airport official vehicle, and drove across the tarmac. When the Lexus arrived at the door, the guard said, "This is a private entrance." "But you let that car go in."

"This is a private entrance." The guard closed the gate. An airport official car crosses the asphalt runway and pulls up next to a huge jet. When Diana and Kelly got out of the car, Howard Miller was waiting for them: "You're all right." "It's all right," Diana said. "Thank you for everything you've done for us." "My pleasure." His face hardened. "I hope this all turns out well." Kelly said, "Thank you to Lois Reynolds for us and tell her—" Howard Miller's expression changed: "Lois Reynolds died last night."

Both women were shocked. It took Kelly a moment to say, "I'm sorry." "What happened?" Diana asked. "I guess her heart is failing." Howard Miller looks over at the jets. "They're getting ready to take off. I've got you seats by the door." "Thank you once again." Miller watched Kelly and Diana walk up the ramp.A few minutes later, the flight attendant closed the door and the plane began taxiing. Kelly turned to Diane and smiled. "We made it. We outwitted all those brains. What are you going to do after we talk to Senator Van Leuven?"

"I haven't really thought about it," Diane said. "Are you going back to Paris?" "It depends. Do you want to stay in New York?" "yes." "Then I'll probably be in New York for a while, too," Kelly said. "Then we can go to Paris together." They sat and smiled at each other. Diana said: "I was just thinking how proud Richard and Mark would be to know we were going to fulfill their dying wishes." "Needless to say." Diana looked out the window, looked up at the sky, and said softly, "Thank you, Richard."

Kelly glanced at Diana, shook his head, but said nothing. Richard, I know you can hear me, honey.We will fulfill your wish.We will avenge you and your friends.This won't bring you back from the dead, but it will still help a little.You know what I miss about you most, my love?everything. Diana and Kelly were the first passengers to disembark when the plane landed at LaGuardia Airport three and a half hours later. Diana remembered Senator Van Leuven's words: When you arrive at the airport, there is a gray Lincoln waiting for you. The car is waiting in front of the airport hall.Beside the car stood an elderly Japanese man in a driver's uniform.He stood at attention as Kelly and Diana approached him.

"Mrs. Stevens? Mrs. Harris?" "yes." "I'm a Chinese man." He opened the car door and they got in. A few minutes later they were heading for Southampton. "It's a two-hour journey," Guo Nan said. "The view is very stunning." They were least interested in the scenery.Both were busy trying to figure out the quickest way to explain to the Senator what had happened. Kelly said to Diana, "Do you think the Senator would be in danger hearing what we know?" "I'm sure she has protections. She'll know how to handle it."

"hope so." Two hours later, the car finally pulled up to an 18th-century English-style limestone mansion with a slate roof and slender chimney.The expansive lawns around them were meticulously manicured, and they could see another separate house, serving as the servants' quarters and garage. When the car stopped at the front door, Guo Nan said, "I'll wait for you, if you need it." "Thank you." The door was opened by a butler. "Good morning. Come in. The Senator is waiting for you." Two women walked in. The living room is elegant, yet casual, with curios and comfortable couches and easy chairs.On the wall, above a large fireplace with a baroque mantel, is the mirror reflection of a candlestick.

"Follow me, please," said the butler. Kelly and Diana followed the manservant into a general parlor. Senator Van Leuven was waiting for them.She was wearing a light blue silk suit and blouse, and her hair hung loose.She was more feminine than Diana expected. "I'm Paulina van Leuven." "Diana Stevens." "Kelly Harris." "It was a pleasure meeting you both. It took too long." Kelly looked at Senator Van Leuven in confusion. "Excuse me?" Tanner Kingsley's voice said behind them: "She means you've been lucky, but your luck has just run out."

Diana and Kelly turned their heads.Tanner Kingsley and Harry Flint had entered the room. Tanner said, "Now, Mr. Flint." Harry Flint raised his pistol.Without saying a word, he aimed at the two women and fired two shots in a row. Paulina van Rooven and Tanner Kingsley watched as Kelly and Diana both rolled backwards onto the floor. Tanner walked up to Senator Van Luwen and hugged her tightly: "It's finally over, princess."
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