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Chapter 36 Chapter Thirty-Five

Diana and Kelly at Madrid's Baragas Airport.They could choose to rent a car from Hertz, Euro Auto, Avis, and others, but they chose Alessa, a lesser-known car rental company. "What's the fastest way to get to San Sebastián?" Diana asked. "It's easy, se ora. (Spanish for 'mrs.') Take the N1 to Honda Ribia on the French border and go straight to San Sebastián. Only a four to five hour drive." "Gracias." (Spanish, "Thank you.") Kelly and Diana hit the road. An hour later KIG's private jet arrived in Madrid, and Harry Flint was driven from one rental car agency to another.

"I'm supposed to pick up my sister and her girlfriend here - she's an amazingly beautiful African-American woman - I miss them terribly. They come from New York on the Delta flight at 9:20. Did they rent a car here? ?” "No, sir..." "No, sir..." "No, sir..." At the Alessa booth, Flint had his luck. "Oh, yes, sir. I remember them very well. They—" "Do you remember what car they rented?" "Peugeot." "what colour?" "Red. It's the only one we—" "Do you know the license plate number?"

"Of course. Wait a minute." Flint watched the clerk flip through the book and look it up. He told Flint the number: "Hopefully you can find them." "Will do." Ten minutes later, Flint flew back to Barcelona.He would rent a car, find their red Peugeots, follow them to a quiet spot on the road, knock them off the road, and make sure they died. Diana and Kelly had only been thirty minutes away from San Sebastián, and they drove on in comfortable silence.There are not many vehicles on the highway, so they have plenty of time.And the country scenery is very beautiful.Ripe crops and orchards filled the air with the scent of pomegranate, apricot and orange trees, and beyond the road were old houses with walls covered in jasmine.Just minutes away from the medieval town of Burgos, the landscape changes abruptly to the rolling hills of the Pyrenees.

"We're almost there," said Diana.Looking forward, she couldn't help frowning, and stepped on the brake pedal suddenly. A burning car was parked two hundred feet ahead of them, and a crowd was watching.The highway was blocked by men in uniform. Diana was puzzled: "What's going on?" "We're entering Basque territory," Kelly said, "and there's a war. The Basques have been at war with the Spanish government for fifty years." A man in a green uniform with gold and red trim on his cuffs, a black belt around his waist, black leather shoes on his feet, and a black beret on his head stepped onto the road. He stood in front of the car and raised his hands.Pointing to the curb.

Kelly said in a low voice, "This is Aita. We can't stop because God knows how long they'll keep us." The officer walked to the side of the car and looked at them. "This is Captain Irradi. Please get out of the car." Diana looked at him and smiled. "I'd really like to help you win the war, but we're too busy fighting our own war." She slams her foot on the gas pedal and dashes around the burning car, which zigzags through the screaming crowd. Kelly's eyes closed tightly. "Did we run into someone?" "fine." Kelly opened his eyes, glanced in the rearview mirror, and froze.They were followed by a black Citroen, and she could see the man behind the wheel.

"Big Mac monster!" Kelly gasped, "He's following us." "What? How did he find us so quickly?" Diana pressed the gas pedal all the way to the bottom. Citroen is approaching them.Diana looked at the double-sided speedometer.A dial shows: 175 kilometers per hour.Another reveal: 110 mph. Kelly said tremblingly, "I bet you're driving too fast for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway." Diana saw a checkpoint between Spain and France a mile away. "Hit me!" said Diana. Kelly laughed. "I'm just kidding, I just—" "Hit me." Diana's tone was urgent.

Citroen is getting closer. "What, you—?" "Do it now!" In desperation, Kelly slapped Diana across the face. "No. Hit it hard with your fist." There were only two cars between them and the Citroen. "Hurry up," Diana called. Kelly hesitated and punched Diana in the face. "Heavier." Kelly hit her again.This time, her diamond ring cut Diana's face and blood began to flow. Kelly looked at Diana, horrified: "I'm sorry, Diana. I didn't mean to." They arrived at the customs checkpoint.Diana stopped the car. The border guard approached the car: "Good afternoon, ladies."

"Good afternoon." Diana turned her head so the guard could see her cheeks were bleeding. He looked at her and was shocked: "madam, what happened?" Diana bit her lip. "It's my ex-husband. He likes to hit me. I got a restraining order for him, but I- I can't stop him. He keeps stalking me. Now he's right behind. I know it's no use asking for your help Yes. Nobody can stop him." When the guard turned around and carefully inspected the train of passing cars, his face was rigid: "Which car is he in?" "Black Citroen, behind two cars. I think he's trying to kill me."

"That's what he intends, isn't he?" growled the guard. "Go on, ladies. You needn't be afraid of him any more." Diana looked at him tearfully: "Oh, thank you. Thank you." Moments later, they crossed the border and drove into France. "Diana—" "what?" Kelly put her hand on Diana's shoulder. "I'm so sorry—" She pointed to Diana's cheek. Diane grinned. "It got us out of the Big Mac, didn't it?" She glanced at Kelly. "You're crying." "No, I don't." Kelly shrugged. "It's the goddamn mascara. What you did—you have more than just a pretty face, right?" Kelly asked, dabbing Diane's wound with a Kleenex.

Diana took a closer look in the rearview mirror and made a face. "Not anymore, not anymore." When Harry Flint arrived at the border checkpoint, the patrolman was waiting for him: "Please get out of the car." "I have no time to lose," said Flint, "I'm on my way. I must—" "get off." Flint looked at him. "Why? What's the problem?" "We have a report that a car with this number plate is smuggling drugs. We are going to break up the car." Flint stared at him, eyes blazing. "Are you crazy? I tell you, I was in a hurry. Never smuggled drugs—?" He stopped and smiled. "I see."

He reached into his pocket and handed the guard a hundred-dollar bill: "Here. Take it and forget it." Border guards yell, "Joseph!" A captain in uniform approached.The border guard handed him the hundred-dollar bill: "Attempt to bribe." The captain said to Flint, "Get out of the car. You're under arrest for bribery. Go over there and stay." "No. You can't arrest me now. I'm—" "And the charge of resisting arrest." He turned to the guard, "Call for backup." Flint looked at the road ahead and took a deep breath.Peugeot has disappeared without a trace. Flint turned to the captain. "I've got to make a call." As Diana and Kelly galloped through the French countryside, the flat central plateau of Castile Meseta began to split into the hills of the Pyrenees and the jagged ridge of Urbasa. Diana broke the silence: "You said you had a friend in Paris?" "Yes. Sam Meadows. He's a colleague of Mark's. I have a feeling he can help us." Kelly reached into her purse, pulled out her new cell phone, and dialed a Paris number. The operator said, "KIG." "Can I have Sam Meadows on the phone?" A minute later, Kelly heard his voice. "Hey." "Sam, this is Kelly. I'm on my way to Paris." "My God! I'm so worried about you. Are you all right?" Kelly hesitated: "I think it's okay." "It was a nightmare," Sam Meadows said. "I still can't believe it." Me too, Kelly thought. "Sam, I have something to tell you. I believe Mark was murdered." Sam Meadows' answer made her break out in a cold sweat: "I think so too." Kelly had trouble speaking: "I have to know what's going on. Can you help me?" "I don't think this is something we should discuss on the phone, Kelly." He tried to sound very relaxed. "I—I understand." "Can't we discuss this tonight? We can have dinner at my place." "it is good." "Seven o'clock?" "I'll go," Kelly said. Kelly ended the call: "I'm going to have some answers tonight." "While you were working on this, I flew to Berlin and talked to the people who worked with Franz Verbrugge." Kelly fell silent suddenly. Diana glanced at her. "What's the matter?" "Nothing. It's just us—we're such good partners. I don't want to part with you. Why don't we go to Paris together and—?" Diana smiled. "We're not breaking up, Kelly. Call me when you're done talking with Sam Meadows. We can meet in Berlin. I should have some news by then. We have cell phones. We can Keep in touch. I'd love to know what you'll find out tonight." They arrived in Paris. Diana glanced in the rearview mirror. "No Citroen. We finally got rid of him. Where do you want me to take you?" Kelly looked out the window.They were heading for the Place de la Concorde. "Diane, would you like to return the car and get on the road? I can call a cab here." "Are you sure, partner?" "Be careful." "The same to you." Two minutes later, Kelly was in a taxi heading to her apartment, eagerly anticipating her return home.In a little while she was going to have dinner with Sam Meadows at his apartment. She was genuinely relieved when the taxi pulled up in front of Kelly's apartment complex.she's back.The doorman opened the gate. Kelly looked up, was about to say, "I'm back, Martin—" but stopped. The doorman was a total stranger. "Good evening, ma'am." "Good evening. Where's Martin?" "Martin doesn't work here anymore. He quit." Kelly was taken aback: "Oh, sorry." "Madam, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jerome Mallow." Kelly nodded. She walks into the lobby.A tall, thin stranger stood behind the reception desk, beside Nicole Paradis. The stranger smiled slightly: "Good evening, Mrs. Harris. We have been waiting for you. I am Alphonse Girauld, property manager." Kelly looked around in confusion. "Where's Philip Sandel?" "Oh, Philip's family moved somewhere in Spain." He shrugged. "A deal, I believe." Kelly became increasingly alarmed: "What about their daughter?" "She went with them." Did I tell you that my daughter was admitted to the University of Paris?A dream come true. Kelly tried to keep his tone calm: "When did they leave?" "A few days ago, but please don't worry, ma'am. You will be well looked after. Your flat is ready for you." Nicole Paradis sat at her desk and looked up. "Welcome home." But her eyes said something else. "Where is Angel?" "Oh, your puppy? Philip took it." Kelly fought desperately against the panic that rushed over his face.She began to have difficulty breathing. "Shall we go up now, ma'am? We have a little surprise for you at your apartment." I guarantee you are ready.Kelly turned his head quickly. "Okay, wait a minute," Kelly said, "I forgot something." Before Giroud could speak, Kelly was out the gate and running down the street. Jerome Mallow and Alphonse Geraud stood on the sidewalk watching her after her.Caught off guard, it was too late to stop her.They watched her get into a taxi. Oh, God!What had they done to Philip and his family, and Angel?Kelly couldn't think of an answer. "Where are you going, miss?" "Just drive it!" I'm going to find out what's behind all this tonight, Kelly thought. At the apartment, Sam Meadows is closing the call: "Yeah, I understand how important this is. It's going to work out...she's going to be at dinner in a few minutes...yes...I've got someone to deal with her Corpse... thank you. You are so generous, Mr. Kingsley." Sam Meadows put the microphone back and looked at his watch.The guests he invited for dinner could arrive at any moment.
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