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Chapter 14 Chapter Thirteen

When Mark came on Saturday night, he brought another box of sweets and a big paper bag of things: "The sweets are for you. These are for Angel." Kelly took the gift. "Thank you. Thank you also for Angel." She observed him caressing Angel, and asked innocently, "Do you really want to watch the game?" Mark nodded and said impatiently, "Oh, I want to see it." Kelly smiled. "Okay. I want to see it too." She knew Mark had never seen a football game. The Paris Saint-Germain stadium was packed as 67,000 enthusiastic fans awaited the start of the championship final between Lyon and Marseille.

As Kelly and Mark were ushered into their seats directly facing center court, Kelly said: "It's amazing. It's a hard seat to get." Mark smiled: "If you love football as much as I do, there is nothing impossible in the world." Kelly bit her lip to keep from laughing.She was eagerly looking forward to the start of the game. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two teams entered the field and stood at attention when the band played the French national anthem "La Marseillaise".As the two teams of Lyon and Marseille faced the auditorium and were introduced one by one, a Lyon player took a step forward, wearing the blue and white jersey that is the Lyon logo.

Kelly decided to show mercy and let Mark know what was going on on the field.She moved closer to him. "This is their goalkeeper," Kelly explained. "He's called—" "I know," said Mark, "Gregory Kube. He's the best goalkeeper in the association. He won the title against Bordeaux last April. He won the UEFA Champions League the year before. He's thirty-one, tall Six feet and one hundred and eighty pounds." Kelly looked at Mark in surprise. The master of ceremonies continued: "Forward, Sidney Guffo..." "Number Fourteen," Mark introduced enthusiastically, "is incredible. Last week, against Axel, he scored a goal in the last minute of the game."

Kelly marveled as Mark discussed everything about the rest of the team. The game started and the audience went crazy. It was a furious, intense game, with goalkeepers on both sides battling hard to keep their opponents from scoring.Kelly had a hard time concentrating.She stared at Mark intently, overwhelmed by his expert knowledge.How could I be so wrong? In the middle of a game, Mark yelled: "Gufu's going to lob it! He scored!" A few minutes later, Mark said: "Look! Kariell touched the ball with his hands, and he's going to be penalized." He was right. When Lyon won, Mark was full of praise: "What a team!"

As they left the stadium, Kelly asked, "Mark—how long have you been interested in football?" He looked at Kelly sheepishly. "About three days. I searched on the computer. Since you're so obsessed, I thought I should research it." Kelly was indescribably moved.No one would believe that Mark would devote so much time and energy just because she enjoyed watching this kind of competition. They decided to date the next day, after Kelly finished her modeling assignment. "I can go to your make-up and touch you, and—" "No!" She didn't want him to meet other models.

Mark looked at her, puzzled. "I mean—there's a rule that men aren't allowed in dressing rooms." "Oh." I don't want you to fall in love with-- "Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts and return the seat backs and decks to the upright locked position. We are flying into JFK and will be landing in a few minutes." Kelly snapped back to reality.She had come to New York to meet Tanner Kingsley, the man Mark had worked for. Someone notified the media.They waited for Kelly when the plane landed.She was mobbed by reporters with cameras and microphones.

"Kelly, please look this way, please?" "Can you tell us what happened to your husband?" "Will the police investigate?" "Are you and your husband planning a divorce?" "Are you going to move back to America?" "How did you feel when you heard about the accident?" The most insensitive question. Kelly saw a man with a kind face and an alert expression standing in the back.He smiled and waved to Kelly, and she motioned for him to come.Ben Roberts is one of the most popular and respected talk show hosts on satellite television.He interviewed Kelly once, and they became friends.She watched Ben make his way through the crowd of reporters.They all know him.

"Hey, Ben! Will Kelly be on your show?" "Do you think she will talk about what happened?" "Can I take a picture of you and Kelly?" At this time, Ben had come to Kelly.Reporters rushed up to them.Ben said loudly, "Let her breathe, guys. You can talk to her later." The reporter began to back down reluctantly. Ben took Kelly's hand: "I can't express how sad I am. I like Mark very much." "It's mutual, Ben." As Kelly walked with him toward the luggage area, Ben asked, "Privately, what are you doing in New York?"

"Meet Tanner Kingsley." Ben nodded. "He's a powerful man. You're sure to be well looked after." They arrive at the baggage counter. "Kelly, if there's anything I can do to help, you can always find me on TV." He looked around. "Is anyone picking you up? If not, I—" At that moment, a uniformed driver walked up to Kelly: "Mrs. Harris? This is Colin. The car is waiting outside. Mr. Kingsley has booked a suite for you at the Peninsula Hotel. If you Give me your ticket, and I'll look after your luggage." Kelly turned to Ben: "Will you call me?"

"of course." Ten minutes later Kelly headed to the hotel.As we weaved through the traffic, Colin said, "Mr. Kingsley's secretary will call you to make an appointment. The car is at your disposal." "Thank you." What am I doing here?Kelly didn't understand. She's about to have an answer.
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