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Chapter 49 Volume VII III

The Long March 色诺芬 4108Words 2018-03-21
After hearing this and making mutual promises, they rode away on horseback.They arrived at their tents before dawn, and each reported to the team to which he had been assigned.At dawn Aristarchus summoned his generals again, but they ignored them.They called a council of troops; and all the ranks, except those stationed at Neon, some ten stadia away, assembled.After the assembly Xenophon stood up and spoke as follows: "Brothers, Aristarchus with his ships prevents us from sailing to where we want to go, so we are not safe in ships. But this Aristarchus But let us march by force through the holy mountain to Kersonis. If we conquer this mountain and reach Kersonis, he said that he will not betray you as he did in Byzantium. You will not be deceived again, you will Get paid. He will not care about your lack of provisions as he does now. This is what Aristarchus said. But Satus said that if you go to him, he will treat you well. Therefore, now you will Make up your mind whether to think about this right now, or go get some supplies first and then talk. My personal opinion is that since here we have neither money to buy nor permission to take anything for free, we should go to the permission We went to take the village, because the inhabitants there were weaker than us. When we got there, we had provisions, and we listened to the services that we were required to do, and chose the course of action that we thought was best." He said, "Anyone who agrees with this Please raise your hands if you have any comments. Everyone raised their hands. Xenophon continued, "Then go, pack your bags, and follow the vanguard as soon as you order. "

At this time Xenophon led the way, accompanied by troops.Indeed, Neon and Aristarchus sent envoys to persuade them to return, but they were unmoved.When they had advanced thirty stadia, Satus joined them.Xenophon saw him, and let him ride close to the troops, that as many as possible might hear of the good course they had decided.When he approached, Xenophon said: "We are going to a place where the army can get food. There we will listen to the proposals of you and the Laconian messenger, and then choose what we think is best. .Then, if you lead us to a place of great abundance, we shall regard you as a kind reception." Satus replied: "Well, I know many villages connected to each other, with all kinds of provisions hidden .It is not too far from us, and it is just right to have breakfast in peace when we walk there." Xenophon said, "Then, take us there." When they arrived at those villages, in the afternoon, the soldiers assembled, and Satus spoke As follows: "Brothers, I invite you to join me in the army.

I promised to pay the soldiers a monthly salary of Sezikuskin, and the captain and generals would pay as usual.this In addition, I will reward those who have meritorious service.As for food and drink, you will get it locally, as you do today. But if there is any robbery, I intend to keep it for myself so that I can sell it to provide your salary.We can pursue those who flee; if someone resists, we can use your help to subdue him. asked Xenophon, "how far from the coast do you intend to have the army follow you?" He replied, "The farthest place is only seven days away, and some places are less than." "

After speaking, give everyone who wants to speak the opportunity to speak.Many people have said the same thing: Seuthes' advice is invaluable.As it was the depth of winter, it was impossible to sail home.It is also impossible to maintain in a friendly zone, if it is necessary to spend money to buy supplies.On the other hand, if one were to stay in hostile territory, it was safer to stay with Satus than to be alone.And it's even more luck to be paid in addition to these great benefits.Then Xenophon said: "If anyone has an opinion to the contrary, speak; otherwise I shall put the question to a vote." No one objected, a vote was taken, and the plan was settled.So he immediately informed Satus that they were going to serve with him.

Afterwards, the teams set up camp one after another.The general and the captains were invited by Satus to a banquet in a village near his residence.When they came to his door, and were waiting to enter to feast, they saw standing there a man, Heraclides the Maroni.This man came to every guest who he thought could do something to Satus.He first came to some Paromeans who had come to befriend Midocus the Odrysian king, and to bring presents to the couple, saying that Midocus was twelve days' journey from the sea in the interior, and that Satus now has this army to dominate the coast.He is, therefore, your neighbour, the most influential for your good or ill.Therefore, if you are wise, give him what you have with you.This is better for you than for Medocus who lives far away. ’ That’s how he tried to convince these people. Then he came to Timasson the Dardanian,—for he had heard he had Persian cups and rugs,—and said that it was the custom that whenever Setus gave dinner, the invited One has to give something. He went on, "Once this Certus is a big man around here, he can bring you back to your old country, or make a fortune here. In this way he approached one person after another to urge him. He also came to Xenophon and said to him, "You are a citizen of a great state, and Satus admires you very much.Perhaps you can get castles and domains in his domain, as others in your country do.You should, therefore, pay Setus the utmost magnanimity.I advise you this because of my kindness to you, because the heavier the gift you give this person, the more benefits you will get from him in the future. ’ Xenophon was astonished at this, for he had brought nothing from Parome, but a page and money for the journey.

When they joined in the meal--there were the noblest Thracians, the generals and captains of the Greek army, and the foreign envoys in the place--the guests sat in a circle, and a three-legged table was brought out for everyone, full of There were pieces of cut meat, and large sourdough bread and skewers.Usually the table was always set opposite the strangers, for it was a Thracian custom that Setus was to take the lead,—he would take the bread next to him, break it into small pieces, and throw it to whomever he liked Who? Meat is also given in the same way, only a little bit is left to taste for yourself.Then others at the table in front of them do the same.But there was an Arcadian named Aristas who was a big-bellied man; instead of throwing food at others, he took a three-quart loaf of bread in his hand, and put some pieces of meat on his knees, as big as he could eat. Eat up.They served wine in horn cups, and drank it all; but when the cupbearer came to serve him the cup, Aristas, seeing that Xenophon had finished his meal, said, "Give him the wine, for he is idle." Come down, and I haven't finished eating." Satus heard his voice,

Ask the drinker what he's talking about.The drinker knew Greek, so he explained it to him.So I laughed. While the drinking was in full swing, a Thracian came in with a white horse, drank a horn to the brim, and said, "I wish you health and long life, Setus, and I offer you this horse. Mount it and chase You can catch whoever you want, and you can retreat without fear of the enemy." Another person brought in a page boy, and made a toast to him like the previous one, while another presented clothes to his wife. .Timason also toasted him with a silver bowl and a carpet worth ten minas.At this time, an Athenian named Genesipus stood up and said that this is an ancient and extremely good custom: those who have property give gifts to the king as a respect, and those who have no owners receive gifts from the king.He went on, "In this way, too, I can give you a gift and pay homage." Let me say that Xenophon did not know what to do at this time.As an honored guest, he was sitting on the stool closest to Satus.

Heraclides asked the drinker to offer him a glass of wine.Xenophon had already drank some at this time, took the cup, and after drinking he said bravely: "Ceutus, I offer myself and these my companions to you as your loyal friends. These companions are also Totally voluntary, and more willing to be your friend than I am even. Here they are, asking for nothing else, but giving themselves to you, and willing to go through fire and water for you. With them, gods be blessed, you will gain vast territories, restore all patriarchal possessions and gain more. You will have herds of horses, boys and beauties; these you will not have to plunder, these companions of mine will give to you automatically. At this moment Seutus stood up and drank with Xenophon, and sprinkled the remaining drops on the guests together. Then the musicians came in and blew the horns used for signaling, and played not only on the big rawhide horns Rhythmic music, more like harp music. Satus himself got up, gave a shout, and leaped nimbly aside, as if to dodge the attack of the spring. At this time, there was also a group of funny clowns.

When the sun was about to set, the Greek army rose up, said it was time to post a sentry, and gave the order.They also urged Setus to decree that no Thracian should be allowed to enter the Greek camp at night, "for," they said, "our enemies are the Thracians, and you are our friends." When he left, Satus got up after him, not at all like a drunk.After he came out, he called the generals aside and said alone: ​​"Everyone, our enemies don't know our alliance yet. Therefore, if we take advantage of our unpreparedness or guard against being captured, we will definitely be able to capture a lot." The officials unanimously agreed to this plan and let him lead the way.Said he: "Get ready and wait. I will join you when the time comes, with my light infantry and you, and with my cavalry to lead the way." "Ah," said Xenophon, "consider this now: if Is it better for us to march at night according to our Greek method? You see, when marching during the day, we always let the most suitable army go first according to the terrain, heavy armor, light soldiers or cavalry. But the Greek method at night It is to put the slowest troops first, because in this way the divisions of the army are the least likely to be separated, and the soldiers are the least likely to be separated from each other without knowing it. The scattered troops often encounter each other and blindly injure each other."

Satus replied: "You are right, and I will take your course. I will choose for you as a guide from among the old soldiers, who know this country best. I will take the cavalry in the rear, because I can quickly go to the front if necessary. .” So, because of their kinship, they spread "Athena" as the password.After discussing, they went to rest. About midnight Satus arrived, with cavalry in breastplates and light soldiers well armed. He handed over the guide to the Greek army, and the heavy armored infantry went first, followed by the light soldiers, and the cavalry followed.After daybreak, Setus galloped to the front and expressed his appreciation for the Greek army's approach.For, he said, many night marches, even with his own small force, he himself and his cavalry were separated from the infantry.

open. "But now," he went on, "we're all there at dawn, as it should be. Please wait there and take a rest, I will go to see it and come back. "After that, he drove along the hillside along a road. When he came to a place with deep snow, he looked around to see if there were any footprints of people going up or down. There was no one on the road. He quickly turned back and said, "Guys, it's all right, God bless, because we can surprise them without them knowing.Now I will lead the cavalry to lead the way, so that if I see someone, I won't let him miss to report to the enemy.Please follow me; if you fall behind, follow the horse tracks.Once over the mountain we will come to many prosperous villages. " At noon he had reached the high ground, and looking down at the village below, he galloped up to the hoplite, saying, "Now, I will send the cavalry down the plain at full gallop, and send light soldiers to attack the village. Please follow me as quickly as you can." Come up, so that you can deal with resistance in case of resistance." Hearing this, Xenophon got off his horse.Satus asked, "Why did you dismount? Is it urgent?" Xenophon replied, "I know, I am not the only one you need."If I also walk, the lead and lead heavy armor will run faster and more vigorously. ’ So Setus went away, and Timason followed him leading about forty Greek cavalry. At this time Xenophon gave orders that the agile soldiers under thirty years of age should go forward from their respective companies. He and these The rest were led by Clianor. When they reached the villages, Seutus came up to him with about thirty cavalry and said, "Xenophon, as you say .These fellows were caught; but unfortunately my cavalry ran helpless, and scattered in the pursuit.I am afraid that the enemy will gather somewhere to harm me.On the other hand, some of us also had to stay in the village to look after it because there were so many people there. ’ replied Xenophon, ‘well, I myself will take the heights with my army; send Crianor his army across the plains and hold these villages. After doing this, a thousand captives were collected, two thousand large animals, and another ten thousand small animals. Then they camped on the spot.
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