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Chapter 46 Volume Six VI

The Long March 色诺芬 3440Words 2018-03-21
Thereafter the enemies were busy with their own business, especially in transporting their slaves and property as far as possible.At the same time, the Greek army is waiting for ships such as the Cleanander and the trireme that are expected to come.Every day they went out with pack animals and slaves to plunder without fear, carrying away wheat, barley, wine, beans, millet, and figs.This area has all kinds of good stuff besides olive oil.Whenever the army rests in their tents and allows individuals to go out and seek loot, then the loot is theirs.But whenever the whole army sets off, if any individual leaves alone, the income will be regarded as public property.At this time there is a large variety of things.

There are products on the market in Greek cities in all directions, and people passing by along the coast are willing to come in, because they have heard that a city is being built here, and there is a port.Even the hostile peoples who lived nearby began to send messengers to Xenophon—for they had heard that he was making the place a city—to ask what they must do to be on good terms.Xenophon always introduced these messengers to the soldiers. At this moment Cleander arrived with two triremes, but not a single merchant vessel.He arrived just as the army was out in search of provisions; at the same time a man was seeking loot in another part of the mountains, and had already obtained many sheep.Fearing that the sheep would not return to them, the looters told Dexipus who had slipped away from Trapezus with a fifty-oared warship, and asked him to keep the sheep for them. So as to leave some sheep for himself and return the rest to them.At this moment Dexipus immediately drove away the soldiers who stood aside and said that the sheep were public property, and then he went to Cleander to say that they were trying to rob.Cleander told him to bring the robber up.He seized one of them to take him to Cleander, but Acacia met them just then, and rescued the man, who belonged to his company.At this time, other soldiers nearby threw stones at Dexipus and called him a "traitor".At this moment the sailors from the warship were taken aback, and began to flee to sea, and Cleaner also fled.But Xenophon and the other generals managed to stop them and call them back, telling Cleander that nothing had happened, but a resolution of the army had caused it to happen.

But Cleander, partly at the instigation of Dexipus, partly because he himself was surprised Furious, he announced that he was going to sail away, and issued a statement that no city would receive them, because they were enemies.At this time the Rasidemonians ① were the hegemony of all the Greeks.This turned the matter against the Greeks; they begged Cleander not to do it, and he replied that it would not be done unless they handed over the man who had begun the stone-throwing and freed the man Dexipus had captured.It turned out that the Agathia they wanted had always been a friend of Xenophon—it was for this reason that Dexipus slandered him.

At this point the commanders were bewildered and called a council of war.Some disagreed with Clander; but Xenophon thought it a big deal, and rose to speak: "My brethren, I don't think it would be indifferent if Cleander went away and treated us as he said. thing. For the Greek cities were not far from here, and the Lasidemonians were leaders among the Greeks. They could, and every Rasidemonian could, do as they pleased in these cities. Therefore, if the man first We kept out of Byzantium, and then sent word to the other governors that we would not be admitted to the city, because we were disobedient and lawless to the Lasidemonians; ears, we are in a dilemma. Because at present the Lasidemonians dominate, land and sea are invincible. It is not possible for one or two people to prevent the rest of us from returning to Greece; we must obey any order given by the Rasidemonians, because The city to which we belong also obeys them. Therefore, as far as I am concerned--I heard Dexipus tell Clander that Agasia would not have done it if I had not ordered it--I can make you and Acacia is free from charges, if Acacia himself says I am responsible for this, I will judge myself; if I take the lead in throwing stones or other acts of violence, I deserve the most severe punishment and I will not complain .And I also argue that if he thinks anyone else is responsible, that person should submit himself to Cleander for trial, because then you will not be charged. And the current situation is that if our expectations are met in Greece It would be very embarrassing that a man who was praised and honored would be placed in a position where he could not even sit on par with other Greeks, and be refused return to the city."

Then Acacia stood up and said: "Brothers, I swear to the gods, verily, neither Xenophon nor any of you ordered me to rescue the man. I saw then a good man of our own company, who was That, you all know, was taken away by Dexipus who betrayed you, I think it is very infuriating. I rescued him, I admit. You don't need to pay me now. I will like Xenophon As mentioned, surrender yourself to Clander, that he may interrogate me and do as he pleases. Do not make war on the Rasidemonians for this matter, but rather return safely, and let each of you go where you will. . However, I ask each of you to send some of yourselves to send them to Cleander with me, so that they can speak for me and do things for me if I have missed something. "

So the army authorized him to choose anyone to take with him.He picked the generals.Agatha took the generals and the people he rescued to see Cleaner.The generals said: "Cleander, the army has sent us. They say that you accuse them all, and send them yourself for interrogation, and do as you please. If you accuse one or several people, they will let these people vote against you for trial.So if you make a charge against any of us, we've got it before you.If there is any charge against any other, let us know, for there is not one who obeys us who refuses to come before you for trial.At this moment Agatha came forward and said, "Cleander, I am the one who rescued Dexipus when he was about to take him, and gave the order to fight Dexipus. Because I know the soldier He is a good man, and I also know that Dexipus was chosen by the army to command the fifty-oared warship we asked for from the Trapezus. It was originally agreed to use it to collect ships and return home safely, and this Dexipus, however, fled away and betrayed the soldiers who helped him in his deliverance. Thus we robbed the ships of the Trapezians, and became rascals in the eyes of others. It was because of this

Dexipus.In fact, we couldn't even live under this fellow's influence, because he heard, and we heard, that it was impossible to get safely back to Greece by land, across the river. I saved this man from such a fellow.Believe me, I would never have taken him, or any of your men, instead of one of our fugitives.Now, if you put me to death, you put a good man to death for a coward, a rascal. " After hearing this, Cleaner said that if Dexipus behaved like this, he would not be protected.But he believes that even if Dexipus is completely bad, he should not be treated violently. "However," he went on, "he should be tried first, as you yourselves now request, and then punished. Now, therefore, go and leave this man here to me. When I order, the former Come to the hearing.

I have nothing against the army or anyone else who by his own admission he freed the prisoner. At this time, the rescued person said: "Cliande, please realize that I was taken away for no evil. I neither beat anyone nor threw stones, but just said that these sheep are public property."Because the soldiers passed a resolution: If someone loots property for himself when the whole army is out, his income will become public property.As soon as I said this, the fellow grabbed me and took me away so that no one could speak and he could break the law by keeping the filth for the marauders—and get a share of it. ’ said Cleander, ‘well, since you say so, you stay, so that we may also examine your case. "

Meanwhile Cleander and his party went to have breakfast.Xenophon called a council of the army, and proposed that a delegation should be sent to Cleander to intercede for the two men.They decided to send the general and the captains, the Spartan de la Contus, and other suitable persons to beg Cleander to release them both.Xenophon came to Cleander and said: "Clander, the man you want is already in your hands, and the whole army has obeyed you. Let you deal with these two people and the whole army as you like. But now They beg you to return these two men to them, and not to put them to death. For these two men have done much for the army in the past. If they are released by your grace, they will try to do it. If you will be their leader, Gods be blessed, they will pledge not only to obey the law, but to be able, Gods be blessed, to obey the command and to be fearless before the enemy. They further ask you that when you come among them and take command, you will be Dexipus and the rest put it to the test, to see how the two men compare, and to give each his due." After hearing this, Cleander replied: "Well, the two Holy Spirits are Come on, I will answer you all promptly. I hand these two back to you, and I myself will be with you.

If the gods bless you, I will lead you back to Greece.I have heard that you are trying to make the army disloyal to the Rasidemonians; what you have just said is contrary to what I have always heard about you. " Afterwards they thanked him and took them away.Cleander offered sacrifices to the gods for his journey, and joined Xenophon in friendship and friendship.Knowing first-hand that the order was strictly and well carried out by the troops, Cleaner was more earnestly willing to take command, but even though he had continued to sacrifice for three days, the omens were always bad.He summoned the generals for a meeting and said: "Sacrifice omens will not help me to lead you on the road, but don't be discouraged because it seems that the task of rescuing these soldiers is up to you. Then, let's go on the road! When you reach the end of your journey, we will welcome you with great grandeur."

So the soldiers deliberated and decided to give him the publicly owned sheep. He accepted it, but returned it to the team.He sailed away.After selling their grain and other plunder they had gathered, the soldiers set out on their way through the land of Bithenia.But when they couldn't find the loot by going straight, so that they didn't have any savings on hand when they reached Youjiang, they decided to turn around and walk in the opposite direction for a day and a night.So they got a large number of slaves and sheep, and on the sixth day they reached Chrysopor in Chalcedonia. lis.There they stayed seven days, selling their loot.
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