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Chapter 35 Volume Five III

The Long March 色诺芬 1116Words 2018-03-21
Now, seeing that Cherisophus had not returned, that they had not enough ships, and that they could no longer secure supplies, they resolved to depart by land.They sent sick people, people over forty years old, women and children, and luggage that they didn't need to carry on board.They also put on board the oldest generals, Felicius and Sophinetus, and put them in charge.The rest of the people set off and the road was repaired. On the third day after their departure they reached Celasus.It was a maritime city in Greece, a colony established by the Sinobos in the territory of Colces.They stayed here for ten days, inspected the fully armed team, counted and counted 8,600 people, and these were the number of people who survived. died of illness.

Here, too, they sold the spoils of their plunder for a share.The tithes due to Apollo and Artemis of Ephesus were retained by the generals for the safe keeping of the gods respectively.The portion due to Cherisophus was given to Neon of Athena.Xenophon set aside some from his share to pay the god Apollo, and gave it to the Athenian treasurer at Delphi, and wrote his own name and the name of Proxinus who died with Clearchus. , because Proxinus was his friend.The share belonging to Artemis of Ephesus, when he returned from Asia with Achisyros to participate in the crusade against Othia, he left it in the custody of Meccabizus, the sexton of Artemis, for the reason It's his own itinerary that can be dangerous.He charged that if he managed to escape, the money would be returned to him; but in case of any misfortune, Meccabizus could proudly claim any befitting offering to the goddess.

During the exile of Xenophon,2 when he was settled by the Lasidemones as an immigrant at Silus near Olympia, Meccabizus came to Olympia to participate in the Games and returned the deposit to him.Having received it, Xenophon bought a field for the goddess at the place appointed by the priest of the oracle of Apollo.It so happened that there was a river called Serinus flowing through this place.At Ephesus also there is a river of Serinus which flows through the temple of Artemis, and in both rivers there are fish and mussels, and at the site of Silus there are all kinds of game animals.Here Xenophon used this holy money to build an altar and temple.Since then, he has offered a tithe of the seasonal products of the land to the goddess every year, and all citizens and men and women in the vicinity have participated in this festival.The goddess provided these revelers with barley flour and large loaves of bread, wine and sweets, and a part of the sacrifices of the holy pastures and the game, for the sons of Xenophon and the sons of other citizens often hunted at festivals, and came of age. Anyone who is willing to hunt can participate.Their kill came partly from the Holy Parish itself, and partly from Mount Flo—boar, duiker, and stag.

This place was on the road from Lacidemon to Olympia, about twenty stadia from the temple of Zeus at Olympia.There are grasslands and green hills in the holy area, which are suitable for raising pigs, sheep, livestock, and horses.Even the draft animals who come with people to participate in the festival can also have a good meal.Immediately surrounding the temple is a man-made forest, which produces various seasonal fruits.The temple itself was like the one at Ephesus, though smaller; and the statue of the goddess was like the one at Ephesus, though it was of cypress instead of gold.There is a tablet next to the temple, on which it is written: "This is the holy land of Artemis. Those who keep and enjoy its blessings must pay a tithe every year as a sacrifice, and maintain the gods from the balance. If you do not follow this The gods will come to see them.”

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