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Chapter 33 Volume 5Ⅰ

The Long March 色诺芬 1498Words 2018-03-21
After that, they got together and started to discuss their future itinerary.The first to rise to speak was Leon the Teurian.He said: "Well, gentlemen, I am so tired of packing, walking, running, carrying arms, lining up, standing guard, and fighting. I long now to be free from these drudgery, for we have seas to sail the rest and reach Greece while lying down, like Odysseus." Hearing these words, the soldiers shouted that he was right.Another person said the same thing, and virtually everyone who stood up said the same thing.At this moment Chrisophus stood up and said: "Gentlemen, I have a friend named Anaxisis, who happens to be the commander of the navy. If you send me to him, I think I can bring back our ship. Warships and merchant ships. If you really want to go by sea, wait for me to come back. I will be back soon." The soldiers were very happy when they heard this, and they voted for Cherisophus to set sail immediately.

After him, Xenophon stood up and spoke as follows: "Then Chrysophus will set out to find a ship. We will stay here, so I will say something that I think we should do while we wait. Things. First, we have to get supplies from the enemy, because we have neither ample market nor money to buy them. But this place is hostile, so if you are not careful and unprotected when you look for supplies , there will be danger, and there will be many casualties. I think that when you go to search for supplies, you should organize and go in teams. Don't mess around, so as to ensure your safety. We, the generals, should be responsible for this." A proposal was accepted.

"Then, listen to the second point. Some of you are going to plunder. Those I want to go had better tell us, and where to, so that we may know how many have gone out and who have not. In this way, when necessary, we can help to make some preparations, and when we meet someone who needs help, we know where to find it; He went to plunder the power of the object." This proposal was also adopted. "Then," he went on, "consider this too. Our enemies have time to rob, and plot against us - which is no surprise, since we take from them, and they treat us with Condescending. So, I think we should set up sentries around the camp, for example, we take turns to stand guard and watch. That way, the enemy will be less able to harass us.

"One more thing to note. What I'm about to say wouldn't be necessary if we knew for sure that Chrysophus would bring back enough ships, but that's not really certain. I think we should try to get some ships here too. .If he does bring enough boats, and we have boats at hand, the means of sailing are richer; and if he does not, we can use what we have here. I have often seen ships go by. If we can use Let the Trapezians give us ships of war, and bring them into the harbor and guard them, and take off their rudders, and indeed there will be a sufficient number, and perhaps there will be no shortage of the necessary means of carrying." This proposal was also adopted.

"And," said he, "do you think it fair to maintain these sailors brought into port at the public expense while we wait, and to agree on a tariff so that they benefit as well as we do? ?” This proposal was also adopted. "I think," he went on, that if this plan fails to get enough ships, we must turn to the high road.I heard that the road is difficult to walk, so let the coastal cities build roads.They must obey orders, firstly because they are afraid, and secondly because they want us to go away. " At this time, the soldiers screamed and said that they should not go by land.Seeing their ignorance, Xenophon did not put forward a proposal to vote on the matter, so he persuaded the cities to voluntarily build roads, and proposed that if the roads were repaired and the roads were easy to walk, the army could leave faster.In addition, they obtained from the Trapezians a galley of fifty oars, which they placed under the command of a Laconian borderer, Dexipus.But this guy didn't perform the task of collecting the ships well, but slipped away with the warships and left the Yuke Star Sea.Later, he did get retribution, and was killed by the Laconian Nikander during the conspiracy of the court of Setes in Thrace.They also procured a thirty-oared galley, which was placed under the command of Polycrates the Athenian.He took all the captured merchant ships to the camp.Cargo ships are unloaded and taken care of, so that they can be kept safely for their own transport.At the same time as this was going on, the Greek army also carried out raids and looting, some of them took something, and others got nothing.On one occasion, when Corientus led his own company and another company against a formidable castle, the commander himself was killed, along with many of his soldiers.

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