Home Categories world history lost ark of the covenant

Chapter 2 Chinese version preface

In the 1980s, I completed an unusual expedition in the mountains and deserts of the Horn of Africa. Through the complex circumstances of which I describe in the book you are about to read, I found myself in pursuit of a treasure of antiquity--precisely, the object of mystery described by the Jewish and Christian scriptures as the richest The legendary holy object, it is the Ark of the Covenant. I don't want to go into too much detail here about the story you're about to read, but to make a long story short: the "cabinet" was a wooden box, a little over a meter long, almost a meter high and wide, and lined inside and out with pure gold.Its thick lid bears two winged statues.It contained two stone tablets on which were said to be inscribed the "Ten Commandments" written by the "Finger of God" himself.

The Ark of the Covenant was usually carried on the shoulders of a group of hereditary guardians on gold-covered ark poles.carried from one place to another.Despite this, it is said to sometimes defy gravity and lift itself into the air.The scriptures of the Hebrews also tell us that the Ark of the Covenant often emitted strange lights, and sometimes released aerosols or clouds of smoke.What is even more horrifying is that the Ark of the Covenant often kills people. For example, 70 people have opened the lid of the ark to peep into the ark, and one person has encountered it by chance. There are also tens of thousands of Philistines. It was taken captive for a short time during a battle, and all these people were killed by the ark.

At some point in the long story of the Ark of the Covenant, it disappeared from history.No one knows its experience, let alone its whereabouts-no one has heard of the cabinet since then. I spent most of the 80's discovering that there is a place in the world where people are talking about the Ark of the Covenant again and again.That place is Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa.It is said that the Ark of the Covenant is in the holy city of Axum.The ancient city is at the center of an area where government and anti-government forces are fighting. I put the rest of the story into this book.In this "Preface to the Chinese Edition", what I want to say is: the events described in this book later changed my life.It was this quest that led me to a wider examination of a vanished prehistoric advanced civilization that I had been tracking.It was also from here that I began to understand how vast and deep the past disappeared in the black hole of time, and how poor our exact knowledge of human "prehistoric" civilization is.

Indeed, my own investigations have led me to the conclusion that the Ark of the Covenant can only be properly understood—that it is a A gift left to us by an ancient, secret science.And I think that this science is the key that can lead us to the sealed and forgotten history of human beings.It is a marker of humanity's forgotten glory - it is a witness to the lost truth of our own humanity. What is the search for the Ark of the Covenant if not for knowledge, for wisdom, for enlightenment? Today, this book has readers in China, a great ancient civilization, which makes me very happy.If you would like to keep up-to-date information on my current research programs and views, please visit my personal website: www.grahamha ncock.com.Any reader who knows the fascinating ancient mysteries of the land of China, please also tell me!You can email me at: [email protected].

Finally, I hope that Chinese readers will like this book! Graeme Hancock October 2000 in Devon, UK
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