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Chapter 26 Chapter 5 Defend against powerful enemies together

Tomorrow, there will be as many young children as cannon fire, poets strolling by the lake, and week after week they will communicate and whisper, Tomorrow, youths compete on bicycles between suburban houses in the evening of summer.But today, struggle... ——The English-American poet Auden's poem "Spain" (W.H.Auden, 1937) Dear mother, of all people, I know you will grieve the most, so my last thoughts are with you.Please don't blame anyone for my death, because I chose this fateful path for myself. I didn't know what to say, and although I was sane, I couldn't find the right words.I joined the ranks of the liberators, and when the light of victory had begun to shine, I was about to die... In a short while, I was about to be shot together with 23 comrades.

Once the war is over, you must try to secure a pension.They will give you back everything I left in prison, all I took was Daddy's underwear, because I don't want to shiver what…… Say goodbye again.You must have courage! Unfilial son Sincerely, Spartan ——In 1944, a member of the Misak Manouchian underground anti-enemy organization in France and a steelworker, Spartek, died at the age of 22 (Lettre, p. 306)
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