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Chapter 27 4. The sun rises again

what is history 1 袁腾飞 5289Words 2018-03-20
Tang Taizong saw that the uncle was eliminated, and knew that it was because he was abandoned by the people. The Qin and Sui dynasties did not take the people seriously so they perished super quickly, so he emphasized the need to save the people. According to historical records, in the fifth or sixth year of Zhenguan, the amount of rice was only three or four dollars." "Tianxia Daren, a bucket of rice is ten liters, and only three or four copper coins, that is, food is too cheap. It means that agricultural production is developing very well, and there is plenty of money. "The diaspora return to their hometowns," meaning that all those who fled from the war have returned.

"Twenty-nine people were sentenced to death at the age of one year," and twenty-nine people were sentenced to death a year.In ancient China, the death penalty must be approved by the emperor himself, and the minister asked for love three times, expressing that the killing should be done carefully and not casually.Only 29 people were killed in one year, which proves that the society is in good order. "There are no jackals and tigers on the roads of Kyushu. Traveling from Chang'an to Guangzhou, you don't bring food, and of course you don't need to bring money. You get it from the road. You can eat wherever you go, because someone They are all rich, and they all warmly entertain you. If you can’t eat food, you might as well feed you to pigs!There is no need to lock the door when you go out, and the outside door is not closed. Every family is rich, so why should I steal you?It's almost like communism.

Tang Taizong's political achievements, political aspects, one is to know people well and accept advice with an open mind. Knowing people well is one of Tang Taizong's great strengths.He believes that the key to politics is to win people.This person refers to talents. Ordinary people are called people. People are the foundation of a country.His awareness led to the emergence of a large number of talents from the inside out. Among the worthy ministers are Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.The two brothers are one resourceful and the other good at making decisions, which is known as "Fang Conspiracy and Ending Judgment".Famous generals include Li Jing and Li Ji.Li Jing is Tota Li Tianwang, Nezha's father.Among the top ten military books in ancient China, there is a "Li Weigong Questions and Answers", and Wei Guogong is talking about him.He once defeated the Eastern Turks in Yinshan with three thousand cavalry, and captured the Eastern Turks Jieli Khan.Li Ji is Xu Maogong mentioned in the storytelling. At the age of 80, he was in command, destroyed Goguryeo, and broke Tuyuhun, so these two famous generals were incredible.In terms of economy: "Light corvee and light taxes, encourage farming and mulberry, build water conservancy, avoid extravagance and keep things simple."

Empress Changsun took the lead, "The clothes are not beautiful, and the skirts do not drag the floor."I didn't wear embroidered or brocade clothes, and there was no cotton at that time, so I wore linen.In order to save fabric, the skirt is made super short and cannot drag the floor.With the queen like this, can the concubine surpass the queen?One is shorter than the other!Can the civil and military officials go over the concubine... It's too cheap.In terms of culture: "prosper the imperial examination, take Confucianism as the teacher, and run a large school".During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the politics was clear, the society was stable, the economy developed, the national strength increased, and the people's lives improved, which is known as the rule of Zhenguan in history.

Tang Taizong's biggest advantage is to accept advice with humility. Emperor Taizong's admonisher was Wei Zheng.Wei Zheng was originally an old minister of Prince Li Jiancheng, and Wei Zheng always told the prince at that time that if he wanted to kill Qin Wang Li Shimin, he would sooner or later." "King Qin has a different ambition. You kill him, or he will grow up and prosper. But the crown prince didn't listen, he cared about his brotherhood, so he was killed by his younger brother, King Qin. Then King Qin arrested Wei Zheng. You see, it's all up to you Come on, you kid sow dissension, how do you want to die, choose a way to die yourself! Wei Zheng said, if you use my words, I can be as loyal to you as I am to the prince. Li Shimin thinks this idea is good, then give me your opinion Bar!

As a result, to what extent did Wei Zheng advise the emperor?The court fights face-to-face, fights with the emperor in court, pouts at the emperor's face, the angry emperor shakes his sleeves, stops playing, and dismisses the court.At that time, the monarchs and ministers were sitting and discussing, the emperor was sitting on the stage, and the ministers were sitting on the bottom. It was very uncomfortable to sit, because the buttocks were pressed on the heels, which was actually almost like kneeling.The emperor turned around and left when he was upset, Wei Zheng stood up and rushed to the steps, grabbed the emperor's sleeve, don't go, we haven't finished yet!The emperor said, country bumpkin, just wait, I will kill you, believe it or not, I will kill you.

He came from a peasant uprising, so the emperor called him a country bumpkin.You’ve heard nonsense in some storytelling. In ancient China, there was always beheading at the Meridian Gate. Is the Meridian Gate a place to kill people?The Ming Dynasty was in Xisi, and the Qing Dynasty was in Caishikou. How could they go to the Meridian Gate to behead every now and then?Except for those bastard emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the dynasties established by hooligans, the darkest, bloodiest, and most terrifying dynasty in Chinese history, how can other dynasties beat and scold ministers casually? Emperors cannot kill or beat ministers, especially those who The cultivated emperor.It's hard to say the wild emperor, Zhao Kuangyin, the founding old and rough emperor, often beats ministers, and generally can't do this kind of thing.So Tang Taizong could only go back to the palace to get angry after scolding the bumpkins.While being angry, he said, this country bumpkin, he must be killed.

Empress Xian, the eldest grandson, asked who you were so angry with?The emperor said, Wei Zheng, he grabbed my sleeve, can I not kill him?Then the queen asked the emperor to put aside his anger, and asked the female officer to serve the emperor.When the queen returned to the harem, she came out with her concubines, wearing the grand gown of the imperial court. The emperor is very strange, what's wrong?Worshiping ancestors today?The Queen said, I congratulate Your Majesty.What does the emperor say I have to congratulate?The queen said, the Lord Ming minister is straight.Wei Zheng is so straightforward because you are the Holy Lord.Who dared to do this during Emperor Sui Yang, let alone grabbing the sleeves, grabbing the shoelaces would have killed him long ago.So congratulations to His Majesty.Besides, if you listen to both, you will be clear, and if you listen to one side, you will be dark. It is not easy for the emperor to listen to different opinions.Everyone flatters you and dare not tell the truth. Only people like Wei Zheng tell the truth. It is a blessing for the court and society!

Tang Taizong saw it, and our family political committee was more aware.So Tang Taizong reused Wei Zheng, and was appointed as the second-rank censor Zhongcheng, who was in charge of supervision, gave advice to the emperor, and formed a family with his son and daughter. The princess married his son, and his son was promoted to the second rank.Later, it was Wei Zheng who put forward opinions even more vigorously, and put forward more than 200 opinions in his life.The emperor is playing with birds, but he has never seen a sparrow that pays tribute from a foreign country. It is called a hawk, and it is playing!When Wei Zheng came to the palace to play something, the emperor took a look. If he saw me playing with birds, he would definitely say that I was a loser, so he stuffed it in his arms.As a result, Wei Zheng saw the emperor playing with birds, so he couldn't let him play with things and lose his mind, he had to be responsible to the monarch, so he talked endlessly here.The emperor finally sent him away, and the bird was suffocated to death.

When Wei Zheng became seriously ill, the emperor came to visit him and held his hand reluctantly. You must not die.But there is no holiday, and Wei Zheng died in his 50s.Tang Taizong said with emotion: "With copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; with history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; with people as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses. I always keep these three mirrors to prevent my own mistakes. Now Wei Zi died, and then died A mirror." When Mr. Wei died, he lost a good mirror. Emperor Taizong died of illness after more than 20 years on the throne. After his death, Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi succeeded him.This Emperor Gaozong was really tall, with high blood pressure and frequent dizziness. His high blood pressure scared his father. The process of this shock has a specific ins and outs.

At that time, Li You, Taizong's fifth son, was named the King of Qi like Taizong's unlucky younger brother Li Yuanji, so I don't know whether he was looking for the bad luck or the bad luck looking for him. One day (the seventeenth year of Zhenguan) Li You and a group of ancient Huo Zai rebelled against his father.Li Shimin was so fierce, how could he be rebelled by his son, and immediately suppressed him.Originally, the incident was over, but during the interrogation of the rebellion, the prince Li Chengqian was involved, and he found out that the prince was also rebelling. Li Chengqian was the eldest son born to the eldest grandson, and was established as the prince when he was two years old, while Emperor Taizong was only in his 20s at the time, and he was in his prime.The prince is getting bigger and bigger, I am anxious, I have grown up, the emperor is still in good health, my prince is the prince, if you are old, when will I be the emperor.Self-reliance, I help you die!So the prince found a group of wizards in the palace, first got acupuncture there collectively, and then conspired to rebel. After Emperor Taizong sent someone to investigate the truth, he deposed Li Chengqian as a commoner and put him under house arrest.So only Pu Gong Wang Li Tai and Jin Wang Li Zhi remained. According to his feelings, Taizong should appoint Li Tai as the prince, because this kid is very smart and talented, and he is a good material to be an emperor, while Li Zhi is a gentle ghost, and he will not jump out of anything.But precisely for this reason, Li Zhi was finally established as the prince.Taizong meant that if Li Tai became the crown prince, this kid would be like a father, and he was too similar to Lao Tzu. It is estimated that Li Chengqian and Li Zhi would be killed as soon as he ascended the throne in order to avoid future troubles. Business can be done at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but it is definitely not good to do too much in the Taiping era.After Li Zhi came to the throne, although he was not as capable as Li Tai, he would never kill Li Chengqian and Li Tai.For the sake of the country, Taizong also imprisoned his favorite child Li Tai. In this way, the only son born to the eldest grandson was Jin Wang Li Zhi, who died of illness at the age of 38. At that time, Li Zhi was only 18 years old, and he was the only son left, and the rest were concubines.So the emperor said that it was time for you to be the prince, and sent someone to pass the decree, planning to appoint him as the prince of the East Palace, and kowtow without the crown.When Li Zhi saw it, he didn't do it, he didn't do it, whoever wanted to do it, I didn't do it, he was so frightened that he cried and passed out.Li Zhi was too afraid of his father, his father was so ruthless, he killed his elder brother and his younger brother, and ransacked his family; he forced his father to abdicate, and put his two sons (whether he liked it or not) under confinement.And now it's his turn, he's scared, so every time he sees Taizong, he can't speak in fright.Taizong hated him even more, he was a wimp, not at all like me. In the end, Li Zhi fell into such a root cause and was unable to manage politics.If you can't govern, you have to learn from Wu Zetian to take power.Wu Zetian was originally a talented person of the late emperor. She entered the palace at the age of 14. This girl was very stubborn. The emperor didn't like her. As a result, Taizong became seriously ill in his later years. When Wu Zetian was serving, Li Zhi happened to come to greet her.Since the prince came to greet him, Wu Zetian hit the snake with the stick and got next to the prince.In terms of seniority, Wu Zetian is the prince's mother, and in terms of age, she is four years younger than the prince. After much deliberation, it's still about age. It's not convenient to hook up based on seniority, but it's easy to hook up based on age.After the death of Emperor Taizong, according to ancient Chinese etiquette, before the Ming Dynasty, all barren concubines and concubines who died before the death of the first emperor were buried, and Wu Zetian should also be strangled to death. But the emperor was reluctant, so he got her to become a monk in the Ganye Temple to avoid the limelight for a while, and then brought her back.Of course, it was the queen who brought her back to her later. The queen wanted to deal with Concubine Xiao Shu and use Wu Zetian to fight for favor.It's just that once Wu Zetian was favored, the concubine Shu was finished, and the queen was also finished.Wu Zetian strangled his own princess to death and blamed the queen. The emperor didn't know that this woman could kill relatives so righteously, so of course he was fooled, deposed the queen, and made her the queen. When Wu Zetian became queen, Li Zhi was no match for her. He took power immediately, and then became emperor, changed the name of the country to Zhou, and destroyed the Tang Dynasty.In this way, she became the only female emperor in the history of our country. Wu Zetian gave birth to four children in total, two of whom were forced to death. The latter two were Zhongzong Li Xian and Ruizong Li Dan.In the past, historians called her "the rooster wakes up the morning, and the hen crows", which means that she is a woman who calls herself emperor like a hen crowing like a rooster, and she was so cruel that she strangled her own daughter and forced her two sons to death.Even after Zhongzong Li Xian and Ruizong Li Dan became emperors, they were quickly deposed, especially Zhongzong Li Xian, who was deposed as King of Luling and demoted to Jiangxi. Li Xian and his family always hang a rope on the beam of their house, ready to hang themselves at any time.As long as there is a palace envoy in Chang'an to pass the decree, his first reaction is that my mother wants me to die, I will hang myself!Fortunately, his princess Webster said that you should wait a while and don't worry.Listen to it first, if you are rewarded with McDonald's, it is not a loss for you to hang yourself in a hurry. Some people also said that Wu Zetian was "dirty and chaotic in the court" and her life style was not good, but these are small details. The key is that she is ruthless, but is he as ruthless as Li Shimin?She has a bad life style, does the emperor have a good life style?Although Wu Zetian is not monogamous, she is much better than Hong Xiuquan.On the merits and demerits of an emperor, the key is to look at what she has done in history. Empress Wu Zetian's rule is conducive to the progress of society and the development of the country. She developed agricultural production, employed people outside the rules, and developed the imperial examination system, so that the social economy continued to develop and the national strength continued to rise. Therefore, comprehensively, she should be sure!Some people say that Wu Zetian's rule "started the Kaiyuan, ruled Hongzhenguan".Kaiyuan is the year name of Tang Xuanzong, that is to say, he believes that Wu Zetian is a link between Taizong and Xuanzong, and her rule has the legacy of Zhenguan.After Wu Zetian died, she was not buried with the emperor's ceremony, but with the queen's ceremony, and was buried with Tang Gaozong in Qianling.Moreover, she was originally an emperor, "Yuegu Jinlun Zetian Dasheng Emperor", Zetian was her honorary title, but she was finally buried with empress ceremony.After 15 years of her reign, she let her son succeed her, and the Li Tang royal family was restored. After Wu Zetian died, she set up a stele without writing for herself. The reason she set up the stele without writing was because she knew that she was a controversial figure, so she was free to comment on her meritorious deeds.I don't comment on myself, I boast about myself very well, but later generations grind down my stele, how boring.Posterity to comment on it.Facts have proved that she is very wise. Now the head of the wordless stele is full of words, and it has been engraved with visits from all dynasties, and this dynasty has the most. After Wu Zetian's death, his son Zhongzong Li Xian came to the throne for the second time (was abolished).When Zhongzong Li Xian was in power, Empress Wei and Princess Anle ruled in disorder. Linzi King Li Longji raised troops to kill Wei's party, and then let his father succeed him. His father was Ruizong Li Dan, the youngest of Wu Zetian. son.When Ruizong was in power, Wu Zetian's daughter, Princess Taiping, rebelled again and wanted to follow her mother's title of queen. Li Longji raised troops and killed his aunt, which fully demonstrated his talent for governing the country. In 712 AD, Li Dan issued an imperial edict to abdicate the crown prince Li Longji. Li Longji succeeded Tang Xuanzong, also known as Tang Minghuang.After Tang Xuanzong came to the throne, he needed talents for governing the country, so he recruited Yao Chong to be his prime minister.Yao Chong said don't be busy, I have ten suggestions, if you listen to me, I will do it; if you don't listen, I will dodge.Xuanzong said you and let's talk about it. Yao Chong's ten points are very powerful. One is to abolish harsh laws and implement benevolent governance.Be nice to the people. The second is not to fight against the border within ten years.Because it was beaten enough by Tubo before. The third is that eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics. Fourth, the royal family members cannot be high-ranking officials.These two are based on the historical lessons of eunuchs chaotic politics and relatives fighting and rebelling. Fifth, if a close minister breaks the law, he must be punished according to law.If a trusted confidant commits a crime, he must be killed in accordance with the law. You cannot indulge him just because he plays table tennis well with you. Sixth, except for taxes such as rent, yong, and adjustment, all other additional levies must be cancelled. The seventh is to prohibit the construction of temples and palaces, which are too laborious and costly.These two are also for the common people. The eighth is to treat ministers with courtesy. The ninth is to allow the officials to tell the truth, even if it is a critical remonstrance, they must be tolerated. Tenth, foreign relatives are strictly prohibited from intervening in politics. As long as you can listen to these ten items, I will be the prime minister, otherwise, goodbye. Tang Xuanzong said yes, these ten items should be mentioned by the prime minister, aren't you taking the position in advance? Come on, come on, I promise to come to work tomorrow. With the help of Yao Chong, Tang Xuanzong began to work hard to rule.He selected talents and appointed talents, reformed the administration of officials, and personally assessed county magistrates.How many counties were there in the Tang Dynasty? It took more than a thousand days to test a county magistrate a day, which shows the emperor's determination to advance and retreat.Then he developed production, restricted Buddhism, implemented the recruitment system, and greatly promoted cultural governance.He did everything a good emperor should do. One year there was a plague of locusts in the world, the minister told the emperor, the heavens are warning you, the emperor, you have to bathe and change clothes, fast and plead guilty.Did the emperor say that the locusts were caused by my smell?What does it matter if I take a shower or not?So go to the field to see and hunt locusts, but if you go to the field, you can't fight.As a result, the emperor picked up a locust, put it in his mouth and chewed it, it was alive, and his legs were still moving!It is said that "you eat the five grains of my people, as if you eat my heart".You eat the crops of the common people, just like eating my heart, liver and lungs. If you eat me, I will eat you first. Kah, I chewed it.Whether civil or military officials or common people, seeing this scene, they were so moved that their noses came out.Let's all come to this, high protein!So despite the locust plague, no one rebelled against the court. In the early period of Tang Xuanzong's rule, the politics was clear, the country was strong, and the economy was unprecedentedly prosperous.It is known as the rule of Kaiyuan or the prosperity of Kaiyuan in history.Compared with the rule of Zhenguan, the rule of Kaiyuan was more prosperous economically.Du Fu said, "Recalling the heyday of Kaiyuan in the past, there are still tens of thousands of houses hidden in a small town." There are more than 10,000 households in any small town. "Both public and private warehouses are full of fruit", both public and private warehouses are full of fruit.Look at Sui Dynasty Fu!But it is the government that has money, the common people have no money, and the wealth is hidden in the country.The rule of Kaiyuan is to hide wealth among the people, which is more beneficial to the development of society than hiding wealth in the country.Coupled with a complete tax system, everyone can live together.In ancient China, there were very few dynasties that could do this. They either hid wealth in the country, like the Sui Dynasty, and soon perished; or hid wealth in the people, like the Northern Song Dynasty, but lacked reasonable taxation, and the people below had money to collect it. If it does not come up, the country will be poor and weak.The GDP of the Song Dynasty accounted for 80% of the world at that time. Unfortunately, the money was in the hands of these high-ranking officials. If it was not in the hands of the country, it would be over.Only in the Tang Dynasty, public warehouses and private granaries were abundant, the common people were rich, the country was also rich, and the national power was unprecedentedly strong.
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