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Chapter 18 2. The emperor takes turns sitting next year to my house

what is history 1 袁腾飞 1458Words 2018-03-20
In 265, Sima Yi's grandson Sima Yan abolished Wei and proclaimed himself emperor, and established the Jin Dynasty, known as the Western Jin Dynasty in history. Sima Yan is Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty. In 280, Emperor Wu of Jin destroyed Wu and unified the north and south.The unification of the Western Jin Dynasty was only a flash in the pan, because Emperor Wu of Jin was not a talented and generous monarch, he relied on his grandfather and Laozi to win the country.It's just that his opponent is worse than him, not to mention Adou, who is reluctant to miss Shu, Sun Hao, the last monarch of Wu Kingdom, is cruel and violent, and often kills without reason, and he can't eat without killing.When the Jin army crossed the river, the people of Wu State welcomed the People's Liberation Army just like the people of Beiping welcomed the People's Liberation Army in 1949.

After the death of Emperor Wu of Jin, his successor, Emperor Hui, was a complete fool.The idiot once heard a court lady talking about a disaster outside, and many people starved to death, but this guy actually said, the people are so stupid, why do they have to eat food instead of meat.The founding of the Jin Dynasty, like Han Gaozu, mistakenly summed up the lessons of the demise of the previous dynasty, thinking that it was the result of not enforcing the enfeoffment, so he enfeoffed the king of the same surname, and the princes of the Sima family all held heavy troops, and the conditions for rebellion were very good.According to the statistics, the Western Han, Western Jin, and Ming dynasties that engaged in enfeoffment after the unification of Qin had a 100% probability of accidents.

Emperor Hui of Jin was fatuous and incompetent, the empress was ugly and the Jia family was monopolizing power, and Emperor Hui's grandparents, uncles and brothers who held military power attacked with troops, causing turmoil.The scuffle was going on in the capital, and the bow and arrow shot to the throne of the stupid emperor, and the blood splashed all over the stupid buddies.This is the famous "Eight Kings Rebellion".In addition to family thieves, there are also foreign ghosts. The Southern Xiongnu, who had always pretended to be good grandsons, rose up, saying that they were the grandsons of the Han Dynasty and wanted to restore the Han Dynasty.Liu Bang and Liu Bei were actually enshrined in the family temple set up by Li. If the two old brothers knew about it, they would be so angry that they would fight in the coffin.

In 311, the coalition forces of the Xiongnu nobles and the Jie tribe captured Luoyang and captured Emperor Huai of Jin (posthumously called Huai in the posthumous title Fali Ciren, short-folded as Huai), which was known as the "Yongjia Rebellion" in history. In 316, the Xiongnu nobles attacked Chang'an and captured Emperor Min of Jin (posthumously named Min in the country).Emperor Min, like the previous Emperor Huai, was a pair of unlucky ones.At this point, the Western Jin Dynasty perished. After the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, in 317, Sima Rui, the royal family of the Western Jin Dynasty, took Jiankang as the capital and rebuilt the Jin Dynasty in the relatively peaceful Jiangnan, which was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history.Sima Rui is the emperor of Jin and Yuan.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in order to gain a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River and resist the attacks of nobles such as the Huns and Xianbei in the north, the rulers strengthened internal unity on the one hand, and on the other hand practiced recuperation to appease the refugees who moved from the north to the south.Soon, a situation of "Jing Yang, Yan An, and household registration is rich" appeared in the south of the Yangtze River.Due to the ease and comfort of their lives, some nobles who originally wanted to return to the Central Plains, including the supreme ruler of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, no longer had any intention of returning to the north, and settled in the southeast corner.

In the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, land mergers were serious, and farmers were heavily taxed.In order to curb the local separatist forces, the rulers recruited troops on a large scale, which led to peasant uprisings, and the rule of the Eastern Jin Dynasty existed in name only. In 420, Liu Yu, a general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who held real power, abolished the Emperor Jin and stood on his own, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty fell. In the 170 years from 420 to 589, the regime in southern China changed frequently, and it experienced four dynasties: Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen.These dynasties were all building their capitals in Kangding, known as the "Southern Dynasties" in history.

After Liu Yu destroyed the Jin Dynasty, the name of the founding country was Song. He was Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty, and he was more accomplished during his reign.During the 30 years of the Song Dynasty, the tax was light and the service was sparse, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River were rich and prosperous, and entered the period when the national power of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties was the strongest. In the last years of the Chen Dynasty, the Empress Chen didn't think about governing. The fields in the territory were barren, the taxes were heavy, and the people were exiled. He still indulged in pleasure. In 589, the Chen Dynasty fell.

When the Eastern Jin Dynasty ruled the south, there were more than a dozen ethnic minority separatist regimes in the north and southwest of my country. This period is called "Sixteen Kingdoms" in history.Afterwards, from 439 to 581, about the same period as the Southern Dynasties, five regimes, the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, and Northern Zhou, established by ethnic minorities successively emerged in northern my country, which were called the Northern Dynasties in history.The Northern Dynasties and the Southern Dynasties confronted each other for a long time, collectively known as the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

In the later period of the Sixteen Kingdoms period, the Northern Wei Dynasty established by the Tuoba clan of the Xianbei tribe became stronger.The Tuoba clan of the Xianbei ethnic group originally lived in the northern section of the Greater Khingan Mountains, moved southward at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and gradually became a powerful military force on the Great Wall. In the late 4th century, Tuoba Gui, the leader of the Tuoba clan, established the State of Wei, known as the Northern Wei Dynasty in history.Later, Tuobagui eliminated Houyan, occupied the Central Plains, and established Pingcheng as his capital. In 439, the Northern Wei Dynasty unified the Yellow River Basin and confronted the Southern Dynasties. In the middle of the 5th century, the Northern Wei Dynasty pushed the southern border to the Jianghuai area, and its strength began to surpass that of the south.

In the late 6th century, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty carried out a series of reforms: politically, strengthening the centralization of power and rectifying the administration of officials.Economically, slaves and maidservants were released, and bureaucrats who concealed their land and household registration were severely punished; a large number of monks and nuns were forced to return to secular life to engage in agricultural production.In terms of military affairs, expand the source of troops, destroy the Northern Qi Dynasty, and unify the Yellow River Basin.After the death of Emperor Wu of Zhou, the government became increasingly chaotic, and the power fell into the hands of his relative Yang Jian.

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