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Chapter 15 5. Wolves, tigers and leopards are not afraid

what is history 1 袁腾飞 9577Words 2018-03-20
The situation of the various ethnic groups in the frontier during the Han Dynasty was that there were Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Xianbei in the north; Fuyu in the northeast.Today's Korean peninsula also has descendants of Puyu, that is, the Koryo nation, and the Koryo nation was established by the Puyu people.In the south are the Yue and Southwestern Yi; the other is the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions.In addition to the Central Plains Dynasty, there are so many ethnic groups that have contacts with the Central Plains Dynasty.In ancient China, the ethnic groups that posed the greatest threat to the Central Plains dynasty came from the northern Mongolian plateau.The ethnic groups in the north are divided into two systems, the Xiongnu is one system, and the Donghu is one system.The Xiongnu, including the Turks behind, belonged to the Xiongnu system; Khitan, Jurchen, and later Mongolia should belong to the Donghu system.

The economic life of the Xiongnu was dominated by animal husbandry.The history books of the Central Plains commented very proudly that our Central Plains dynasty was advanced, but the Xiongnu was backward. Why did we lag behind?They "chased water and grass, practiced shooting and hunting, forgot the emperor and his ministers, slightly married officials, and galloped without a barrier."Chasing water and grass, practicing shooting and hunting, this can all be understood.Forget the monarch and ministers, they don't have such a strict relationship between monarchs and ministers in the Central Plains, and there is no such strict eldest son inheritance system as in the Central Plains of China.There are a lot of things like nephew marrying aunt, uncle marrying niece, once the father dies, all mothers can marry except the real mother.The step marriage system where younger brother marries sister-in-law is too primitive.There is no wall, and the wall is the city. Riding a horse and running casually is too backward.It's not like our Central Plains where the fields can be cultivated and the city walls can be defended.But don't look at the primitiveness of this nation, the war is very powerful.During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Maodun Shanyu unified the northern grasslands and occupied Hetao, including the inner and outer jackets.

Back then, Mao Dun Shanyu's father, Lao Shanyu, didn't want to see him and wanted to kill him. His method was to send him to the Yuezhi country as a hostage. As soon as he was sent to the Yuezhi country, his father sent troops to attack the Yuezhi country. Forcing King Yuezhi to kill Maodun.King Yueshi was more kind and didn't kill him, so he let Maodun go back.Dad gave Maodun a not-so-good fief because he doted on his younger son and wanted him to take the throne. Mao Dun had a plan in mind, and began to train a group of dead men under his command, and shoot arrows with them.His arrows are empty, and when shot out, they will make a sound called Ming Dy.He said that your arrows will go wherever my Mingdi shoots, so the group of people shot birds and animals with him.Then Mao Dun took this horse that he loved to shoot himself. For the Huns, a horse is a wife. Some of these people dare not shoot. Anyone who doesn’t shoot will be killed. The rest will know, brother shoot Wherever we shoot.Then he shoots his concubine, and kills those who dare not shoot.Since then, I have never dared to shoot again.In the end, he shoots his father, and the gang shoots after him. Ming Di kills his father and kills his father.

Look at how ruthless this man is. For the sake of power, the horse, wife, and father are all killed.Therefore, he is the first holy lord and heroic lord on the grassland to unify the north and occupy Hetao.It was also a good time for Maodun Shanyu to catch up, because it happened to be the peasant war at the end of Qin Dynasty, and then the Chu-Han War for four years. The Central Plains Dynasty was busy with the civil war and didn't take care of it, so he occupied the land. Why did the Central Plains Dynasty always fail to fight against ethnic minorities?The first reason is that all ethnic minorities are soldiers, and their production and fighting are the same thing.A child can draw a bow at the age of three, and mount a horse at the age of five. Isn't it two things to fight with a bow and mount a horse? A child can bend a bow and shoot a big eagle.The big eagle in the sky comes down with one arrow, how many do you think the one arrow from the ground shoots?When the Xiongnu had the largest population of 1.5 million and the least number of soldiers, they were called "300,000 people who control strings".When the Han Dynasty had the largest population of 60 million, the largest army was 600,000, and there was 1 soldier in 100 people.Moreover, the common people in the Central Plains Dynasty held hoes in their hands, and the wooden sticks were just fitted with iron pieces.It will take time to train farmers to handle swords and guns.Ethnic minorities have always held bows and arrows, so all the people are soldiers, and you can't beat them.Just like people nowadays can’t write calligraphy like the ancients, because the ancients used a brush when they wrote, and you spend half of your time typing on the keyboard.

Another reason is that the cavalry played against the infantry, which is not like the German team playing against the Chinese team. I scored as many goals as I wanted.In the Beijing Olympics, I will save some face for you. I will score one in 5 minutes. If I don’t show you face, I will score one in half a minute.That's not it, I run faster than the ball, you run slower than the referee, can you kick me?Isn’t cavalry playing infantry the same as German team playing Chinese team, you can score as much as you want, people come and go like the wind, fast as lightning, you can’t attack and you can’t run.Moreover, northern peoples like the Huns do not need logistics for fighting. Each of his soldiers has three horses, one war horse, one walking horse, and one pack horse.Usually ride a walking horse, when marching, pack horses are used to carry supplies, and war horses can only be ridden when charging, and they are usually reluctant to ride.These horses are all mares, they can drink milk when they are thirsty, fly something in the sky when they are hungry, live something in the ground, knock them down with an arrow and eat them, it will be fine, no need for logistics at all.When someone sends 200,000 troops, it is 200,000 knights. When we send 200,000 troops, we need 50,000 grain deposits. Once the grain and grass are cut off, we cannot fight.

Wars must be carried lightly. Mongolian iron cavalry rides on the European grasslands, and the Russian plains travel 80 kilometers a day. They are as fast as the armored forces of World War II, and they are so mobile.What's the use of building a Great Wall? Your Great Wall is thousands of miles long, and thousands of miles of troops are deployed. He gathers hundreds of thousands of troops and rushes in at any opening.Furthermore, in terms of climate reasons, he fought from north to south, and the more he fought, the warmer he became. No matter what, it was cool, and he fought shirtless. We fought from south to north, and it became colder and colder. I can't hold it anymore.In addition, the Central Plains Dynasty is not interested in land that cannot be cultivated. Why do you occupy his land, so there is no need to fight from the motive. He has gone to Siberia, and we will guard it and not recruit him.But he has to recruit you, how can he live without recruiting you, his production is relatively backward, so he always recruits you.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, the national power was limited, so they were forced to make peace with the Huns. The reason is this. In 200 BC, Mao Dun Shanyu led 400,000 cavalry to the south, and Gaozu Liu Bang led 320,000 infantry to fight. Isn’t this a trick? They had 400,000 cavalry, and you had 320,000 infantry. As a result, they were trapped by the Xiongnu in Baideng Mountain in Pingcheng, which is today Datong, Shanxi.In the siege of Baideng, the Han army did not bring tents, and it snowed heavily, with heavy rain and snow, and many people and horses froze to death.The soldiers couldn't hold their guns or draw their bows, so they were besieged on Baideng Mountain.Gaozu Liu Bang used to be the pavilion chief of the Qin Dynasty. In today's words, he is the security director of the street neighborhood committee. In the end, his hooligan nature broke out and he threw his hat on the ground. I fought with them.If you fight, this dynasty will be over in three years, and the emperor will be easy to remember.

Before the fight, the treasures had to be burned, that is, the treasures he brought with him were burned, but the counselor Chen Ping said goodbye, don't burn them, you give it to me, and I will save you.Chen Ping took this to see the queen of the Xiongnu, Yanshi, and presented the treasure, saying that our emperor knew that he was wrong, and dedicated these treasures to the Great Chanyu, please retreat.If you don't retreat your troops, open a picture scroll with a stunning beauty on it, saying that our emperor is going to dedicate this beauty to Shan Yu.Yan Shi saw it and said that I will definitely let Shan Yu retreat, don't send this beauty away.So Shan Yu retreated. Shan Yu didn't know about sending the beauties. You must know that he would definitely not retreat. I guess the beauties are also from PS. Where can I find such a beautiful person.

So the Xiongnu retreated and took a breath, which was equivalent to following the route of the wife before retreating.These people are too powerful to be messed with, what should I do?Let's make love.It is the daughters of the clan, and even the maids of the palace pretend to be princesses and marry the Huns, and the two countries become the country of nephews and uncles.It is not enough to just marry the princess in the past, you have to accompany her with gifts, food, goods, silk, gold and silver.If my daughter marries you, you will be my son-in-law, and your child will be my grandson. After I die, my son will ascend the throne, and your child will be my son’s nephew, so the Xiongnu and Han are the country of nephews, then you Can you still hit me?You forget that people forget about the emperor and ministers, and marry eunuchs, so if the things are collected, and the princess is married, the one who beats is the uncle. Who will let the uncle be cowardly?So this marriage can't solve the problem, violence is the only language they understand.

During the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the national power was strong. "The millet in Taicang was full of Chen Chenxiang, and it was so corrupt that it was inedible." There was so much grain leaking from the granary that it was all rotten. The ropes are all rotten, and the copper coins are scattered all over the ground, it is impossible to count them, it is too rich.The key is horses. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there were 600,000 military horses.There were only 3,000 horses in the time of the great ancestor Liu Bang, so "since the emperor cannot have a mellow horse, but a general or a bullock cart".The emperor’s horse should be a scorpion. The four white horses are so beautiful. As a result, the emperor’s horse was white, black, and colored. of.In contrast, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had much richer resources, so he dared to launch a counterattack against the Huns.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed his brother-in-law General Wei Qing and Wei Qing's nephew Huo Qubing to attack the Xiongnu.At the age of 17, Huo Qubing led 800 warriors across the desert, went deep into the Huns for more than a thousand miles, beheaded more than 2,000 Huns, and killed all the uncles of the Huns Shanyu. We translated the first place in sports competitions into champions, source It was Huo Qubing's 17-year-old champion Hou.So he became a hussar general when he was in his 20s. He divided his troops into two groups to attack the Xiongnu, and went deep into the desert for more than 2,000 miles. He defeated the Xiongnu in Outer Mongolia.The name Huo Qubing gave was more annoying to him. He called him Qubing, but he died of illness at the age of 24. It might be okay to call him Huo Hanhan.He mainly runs the Hexi Corridor. He is stationed outside all the year round. The emperor bestowed fine wine on him. Huo Qubing did not dare to drink alone. He poured the wine into the spring water and asked the soldiers to drink it with their helmets. This place is named Jiuquan. Today’s Satellite Launch Center is where Huo Qubing used to be. Stationed place.After his death, he was buried in the Maoling Mausoleum of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It is an honor to be buried with the emperor, so his tomb was built in the shape of Qilian Mountain.

The Hexi Corridor is under the Qilian Mountains, with lush water and grass. After this land was taken back, it was possible for the Han Dynasty to connect to the Western Regions.The Xiongnu lost the Hexi Corridor, so they had to move far away to Mobei, which led to internal scuffles. When Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty Hu Hanxie returned to Han alone, Zhaojun went out of the fortress. Wang Zhaojun entered the palace as a maid at the age of 14. It is said that she was born beautiful, but because she refused to bribe the painter, the painter painted her as an ugly girl with impressionism, and made her stay in the palace until she was 25 years old.The average life expectancy of people in the Han Dynasty was only 25 years old, and people in the Tang Dynasty were 29 years old, so 25 years old at that time was considered an old lady, and she had not seen the emperor yet.It happened that the emperor posted a notice to recruit volunteers to go to the Huns to get married. Wang Zhaojun thought that being the first lady there would be the same, so she volunteered.At the farewell banquet, the emperor saw that Wang Zhaojun's eyeballs had fallen to the ground, and he was astonished. How could there be such a person in the palace?The emperor was so angry that he slaughtered the painter Mao Yanshou, and told Hu Hanxie that we could change it. Do you think Hu Hanxie is stupid, if you don't return or exchange, it's her. Wang Zhaojun was only 25 years old when he left the country, and a 70-year-old Hu Hanxie could be her grandfather, so Wang Zhaojun died a few years ago.The Xiongnu adopted a second marriage, so as soon as Hu Hanxie died, his son would marry Wang Zhaojun.Wang Zhaojun wrote to the court, saying that the task had been completed and he applied to return to the country.The emperor said that you put the overall situation of friendship between the two countries at the top of the list, so let's take another term, and Wang Zhaojun will serve another term.When Hu Hanxie's son dies, his grandson will marry Wang Zhaojun again.Wang Zhaojun is about the same age as his grandson, and probably doesn't want to leave at this time, because she is already the Empress Dowager in terms of seniority; and her son with the second Shanyu is the Right Wise King of the Huns, who will inherit the throne in the future Her son-in-law is General You, who is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the Huns, so why would she return to China?However, she was half-truthful and gave the emperor a sign, saying that she wanted to return to the country.At that time, the emperor of the Han Dynasty was Han Chengdi, and the Yuan Emperor had already died.How could Emperor Cheng remember the person sent by the first emperor? He looked at his watch and said that you should serve another term. In the end, Wang Zhaojun worked in the Xiongnu for more than 40 years, and the court named her Ning Huyan.She was a court lady of the Han Dynasty who married the Xiongnu far away, and the policy implemented was naturally very beneficial to the friendship between the two tribes, especially when the third generation of Chanyu came, she was like a grandma.I made a deal with your grandpa and your father back then, what's wrong with you little bastard, especially my son will have soldiers in the future, and my son-in-law will have soldiers, so what are you doing?Therefore, the role of Zhaojun's travel to the fortress is to close the relationship between Han and Hungary, the mutual market flourishes, the cultural exchanges increase, and the two sides live in harmony.Didn’t the Huns fight the Han Dynasty just to grab things? You don’t need to grab things. You want iron and silk, and I want horses and furs.Therefore, Mr. Jian Bozan, a historian, praised Wang Zhaojun and said, "Han Wuxiong pictures record the history, and the Great Wall is full of beacon smoke. How can a pipa be good, and the sound of the dysprosium will be silent for fifty years."In ancient times, wars could not be fought, and the foundation of the agricultural economy was weak. Once a fight was over, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty fought for so many years. In his later years, he saw that the accumulation of more than 70 years by Emperor Gaozu, Emperor Hui, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Jing had been wiped out. From prosperity to decline.With wars raging everywhere, it would be better for Zhaojun to go out to play a pipa and not fight for fifty years.Of course, there are prerequisites for Wang Zhaojun’s pipa to be effective. In the past, there were many people who sent court ladies, but it didn’t work, but it worked at this time, because the Xiongnu had already been defeated, and they were sent over on the basis of victory. The territory of ancient Chinese dynasties is quite different from the concept of today's territory. According to today's terms, the territory is the sphere of influence.In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, it was 16 million square kilometers, yes, it was only three years.At the peak of the Han Dynasty, it was 14 million square kilometers. Yes, it was 14 million during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.As soon as the new emperor succeeded to the throne, there would be fewer people. He thought what my father and grandfather would do with such a large land.He had his reasons. The first emperor was very happy with the years of war. The army penetrated so far into Xinjiang and built a castle to show that this land belongs to me, but the land that belongs to me cannot grow food. The food has to be shipped there every year from the Central Plains. If it is not delivered, it will be almost eaten by the food transporters on the road.It's not a good deal, so I don't want this place, and withdraw it. At that time, it was basically this kind of pattern, with large and small territories, which was actually the ebb and flow of spheres of influence.It's not like today that I set up a boundary marker here, this land will always be mine.The Huns are nomadic people, let alone have any territory. Zhaojun ruled the country, and the Han and Hungarians lived in harmony for more than 40 years.Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Huns were divided into northern and southern parts.The southern Huns lived together with the Han people. We may not be sure who is the descendant of the Huns, it is entirely possible.Beijing was the former capital of the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. Except for the Ming Dynasty, the Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Qing Dynasties were all ethnic minorities. Therefore, Beijing has been a place where Hu and Han have lived together since ancient times. The Hu people may have ruled longer than the Han people.You said that I am the most authentic Chinese nation, it is impossible.Confucius may have spoken Hokkien, because Beijing dialect is a mixture of Manchu, Mongolian and northern dialects, and it is Huyin. In 1928, when the national government established the national language, Beijing dialect beat Cantonese by one vote. Cantonese almost became the national language, but in fact it was ancient Chinese. After the Southern Huns merged with the Han people, the Northern Huns retreated to Mobei, threatening the Central Plains.At the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dou Gu and Dou Xianbo's nephew defeated the Northern Huns, and the regime of the Northern Huns collapsed.They were last recorded in Chinese historical records in AD 119, and have not been seen since.It appeared in Europe two centuries later, and where they stayed for 200 years. I don’t know. They unearthed very few cultural relics. Because the Huns did not have writing, so I don’t know if they were unearthed. I don’t have written records. Ethnic groups are also not recorded, so historians can only speculate. When the Huns moved westward, they defeated the Goths, the Goths defeated the Germans, and the Germans wiped out the Roman Empire.Therefore, the Roman Empire has to compare with Emperor Han. Our defeated generals are inferior to us in strength.At that time, the northern Huns were very powerful. In the fifth century, the Huns in Europe produced a famous king named Attila the Great. Today in Europe, Attila means the incarnation of the devil.In Europe, it is said that Attila or Genghis Khan are the incarnation of the devil and the whip of God, which means that God sent them to do the last judgment and torture Christians.At that time, Attila swept across Europe, and the monarchs of all European countries failed to unite to fight him. Finally, they paid him a tribute to a stunning German beauty, and assassinated him on their wedding night.As soon as Attila died, several sons fought for the throne, and the Hun Empire quickly disintegrated.Then the Huns were divided into several groups and settled down in Europe. The main one was called the Magyars. They settled in Europe and established a country called Hungary, which has continued to this day.The first three letters of Hungarian English Hungary are Hun, which means Huns in English.Because of the mixed blood for thousands of years, when you go to Hungary today, you can no longer see the appearance of yellow people in Hungary, but you can see white people.However, the statue of the ancient king on the central square is obviously of Mongolian race, and according to the records of Attila in European historical records, unlike Europeans, the facial features are very distinct and exaggerated, but flat face, small eyes, and thin eyebrows , with a flat nose, obviously of yellow race.In addition, only the Chinese, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Hungary have people whose surnames come first and their first names follow, and they are called Li Xiaoer, and the others are all Xiaoer Li.Hungarians are called Li Xiaoer, which can be regarded as an example of the ancestors belonging to the yellow race.It is said that the Finns, as well as the Estonians, may also have some Hun blood. In order to fight back against the Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions to visit the Da Yuezhi and other countries. Sima Qian called this trip a hollow.On the map, the Western Regions refer to: the west of Yumenguan and Yangguan, and the east of Congling (that is, the Pamirs).In fact, it is mainly in today's Xinjiang region. The race is mainly Caucasian, and the language is Indo-European, Tocharian, which is equivalent to Indian script.So at that time, Yumenguan and Yangguan were the borders of the country, the ends of the earth and the ends of the earth. "I advise you to have a glass of wine, and there will be no old friends when you leave Yangguan in the west" and "The spring breeze does not pass Yumenguan" said exactly this. The Dayue Clan was originally in the Qilian Mountains. After being defeated by the Huns, the Huns took the head of the King of the Dayue Clan as a wine vessel. The two countries should be at odds.Therefore, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to contact the Dayue clan to attack the Xiongnu. Later, when he heard that the Dayue clan had moved to the Western Regions, he sent Zhang Qian with more than 100 people as an envoy. This was the purpose of connecting the Western Regions.Zhang Qian also recited a little bit, and was captured by the Huns as soon as he left Yumen Pass, because Yumen Pass was controlled by the Huns at that time.The Xiongnu let him marry and have children here, severing his desire to return to the Central Plains. However, Zhang Qian lived up to the emperor's orders and did not forget his homeland. Ten years later, he saw the opportunity and ran away one day.He continued to look for the Da Yuezhi, and finally found the Da Yuezhi King in the Amu Darya River Basin in Afghanistan.Later, the Yuezhi people established the famous Guishuang Empire in Central Asia, which lasted for four centuries.Zhang Qian had nothing to do, so he had no choice but to go back and report. He was caught by the Huns on the way and detained for more than a year.At that time, communication was not well developed, and the Huns did not know that this was Zhang Qian who ran away before, otherwise they would be in trouble if they checked online.To sum up, Zhang Qian went on a mission for 13 years and was detained for 11 years, failing to complete the task.But I learned about the customs, customs, and geography of the countries in the Western Regions.Wusun, the largest of the 30 countries in the Western Regions, has a population of 620,000, and Loulan, the smallest, has a population of 14,000. These small countries all wanted to communicate with the Han Dynasty, so Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions for the second time and established friendly relations with various countries. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty established the Protectorate of the Western Regions, marking that the Western Regions officially belonged to the central government.At that time, it was the third year of Shenjue, the grandson of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty.Historical facts show that Xinjiang has been China's territory since ancient times and is an inseparable part of China. It has been more than 2,000 years since 60 BC. How can it be called East Turkestan.Later, at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, followed by peasant uprisings, the Eastern Han Dynasty was established, and the country was in chaos.The Central Plains Dynasty had no control over the Western Regions, and the Western Regions were controlled by the Northern Huns, but they had no boundary with East Turkestan for eight lifetimes. During the reign of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Chao managed the Western Regions, and the connection between the Western Regions and the mainland began to strengthen again.Ban Chao's family is very good. His elder brother Ban Gu is a historian and wrote "Han Shu"; his younger sister Ban Zhao is the teacher of the emperor's concubines, and later wrote the Four Books for Women, which is "Nv Commandment", which is amazing; his father Ban Biao Also a historian.At the beginning, he himself copied and wrote for the government, and he used a pen. Later, he thought that a man should make a contribution to the battlefield, so he abandoned his pen and joined the army, and took 36 people to the Western Regions. The first stop was Shanshan Kingdom, the king treated him very well, the big man came to envoy, five-star hotel, and beautiful waitresses.After a few days, the five-star hotel was changed into a guest house, and the beautiful women were changed into old ladies.Ban Chao thought for a while, this is the Huns coming.So he grabbed the waiter and asked where the Huns lived.The waiter couldn't help being frightened, thinking that the Han envoy knew everything, so he confided everything.There are more than 300 Huns, and they will tell them all about where they are stationed.When Ban Chao heard this, that would not work, the Huns had to be killed.As the saying goes, if you don’t enter the tiger’s lair, you can’t catch tiger cubs, either you die or I die, so while the moon was dark and the wind was high, some people set fire to the Xiongnu’s garrison, and some held bows and arrows, waiting for those who were not burned to come out and shoot. 36 Han people Killed more than 300 Huns.The king of Shanshan was terrified. This guy is really powerful. If he doesn't listen to him, I will die. You can use my army.In this way, Ban Chao is tantamount to using the troops of the Western Regions to consolidate his rule in the Western Regions, and using the Shanshan army to fight country by country, and conquer all countries. During Banchao's tenure as the protector of the Western Regions, he submitted a petition to "beg for bones" several times, hoping to be born in Yumen Pass in his lifetime, and the emperor approved several times, but the people of the Western Regions tried their best to keep him.The commander-in-chief of the Khotan Army drew his sword to stop his horse's head and killed him. Ban Chao saw that he was dead and couldn't leave, so he stayed for more than 30 years.Ke Ke has been loyal to the country for so many years, but he also has to be filial. He has to die in his hometown and be buried in his ancestral grave, so in the end the emperor recalled him. He was over 70 years old when he died.After Ban Chao's death, his son Ban Yong continued to work here, and the father and son served as the guardians of the Western Regions for more than 50 years. There were two famous generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty, one was Ban Chao, and the other was General Fubo Ma Yuan who pacified Jiaozhi.These two names have made considerable contributions to the integrity of China's territory.Jiaozhi is today's Vietnam. It has been the territory of China since ancient times. It became independent in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Ban Chao and Ma Yuan thus became the earliest representatives of national heroes in China. There was a poem in the Tang Dynasty "Fu Bo only wished the shrouded body to return, so why should Dingyuan enter the pass?" knighted.When General Cai E died of illness, Mr. Sun Yat-sen wrote him an elegiac couplet that reads "Given the generosity of Ban Duhu in his life, Guan Ma Fubo for thousands of miles", using Ban Chao and Ma Yuan as a metaphor for Cai E.These two people can be said to be national heroes, and they are successful national heroes.The Chinese seem to sympathize with the weak, and most of the heroes they worship are failed heroes, such as Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang. These heroes would rather die than surrender, and few of them can really save the country.In fact, we should worship more successful heroes. Such people are too little publicized, such as Ban Chao's pacification of the Western Regions, and Xue Rengui's pacification of North Korea. Some people say that China's first aircraft carrier should be named Yue Fei. Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang have too many meanings. They are both failed heroes. It is better to name it Ban Chao. A prominent feature of foreign relations during the Han Dynasty was the growing expansion of the East Asian cultural circle centered on China, with its influence reaching as far as Europe and Africa.The East Asian cultural circle is basically represented by Chinese characters, so it is also called the Chinese character cultural circle. Let me talk about the relationship with North Korea first. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, "tens of thousands of people from Yan, Qi and Zhao fled to the land", which means that hundreds of thousands of Chinese moved to the Korean peninsula to escape the war.The first dynasty in Korean history was established by Jizi, the uncle of King Shang Zhou.King Zhou of Shang had three famous uncles. Bigan was dug out of Qiqiao Linglongxin because of persuasion, and later became the God of Wealth; Weizi surrendered to Zhou Dynasty and became the founding monarch of Song Dynasty; Yin and Shang lineage.Jizi was conferred the title of marquis by the Zhou Dynasty in North Korea, and became the earliest country in Korean history. It lasted for more than a thousand years and passed down more than 20 generations of kings.The Korean nation still has the legacy of Jizi, merchants still wear white, and today the traditional clothes on the Korean Peninsula are still white.The kings of the Shang Dynasty wore white, the Xia Dynasty wore red, the Zhou people still wore black, and the Qin and Han Dynasties also wore black. The emperors began to wear yellow in the Tang Dynasty. Before that, black and red were cooler. Weiman, a native of Yan State, led his people to North Korea, killed the last king of Jizi Dynasty, and established the second dynasty in Korean history, Wei Dynasty Dynasty, which existed for more than a hundred years and was eliminated by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty destroyed Wei's North Korea, he established four counties in northern North Korea, one of which was called Pyongyang, which is still in use today.Seoul changed its name to Seoul, just to find some psychological balance, but Pyongyang did not change, and the Chinese name was still used. North Koreans were originally Chinese, and later the Goguryeo people emerged, who are also ethnic minorities in China.Goguryeo was established for 700 years, the capital was in Jilin for the first 400 years, and moved to Pyongyang for the next 300 years.South Korea is now arguing with us all day about Goguryeo, saying it is their nation. China has declared Goguryeo's royal city and royal tombs in China as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, making South Korea so angry that we are cultural imperialism.But these things are all within our Chinese territory, which is our local government.Today's Koreans are the aborigines in the southern part of the peninsula, and they continue to mix with the descendants of China in the north to form the Korean nation. The three Hans in the south of the peninsula: Mahan, Chenhan, and Bianhan, among them, the cultural relics of Chenhan's clothes and hats are similar to Chinese, so they are called Qinhan.Han itself means big, big clan and big tribe, and Sanhan is three big tribes, and each big tribe is also divided into N small tribes.They don't have written words, so they chose the word "Han" when they use Chinese to represent the sound. South Korea, the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, has nothing to do with it. In the trade union building in the summer of 2006, I went to participate in the first China-Japan-Korea peace teaching material exchange meeting. When the Korean representatives spoke, I took off the simultaneous interpretation and listened to Korean. Later, I discovered that Korean has elegant words, such as Nationalism, patriotism, and negotiations are all pronounced in Chinese; toilets, pigs, and dogs are their own languages.So South Korea abolished Chinese characters in 1970, and now it is going to be restored, at least its street signs are all written in English, Korean, and Chinese.If the Chinese characters are not restored, among other things, there will be more Koreans with the same name and surname, and Jin will account for half of them.If the Chinese characters are not heavy, it is not enough to use Chinese pinyin. I have known 8 people named Zhang Ying since I was a child, but some of the characters may be different. The spelling sounds exactly the same.Korean is written in phonetic alphabet, so it is bound to restore the use of Chinese characters. In ancient Korea, if one did not understand Chinese characters, one could only farm the land and could not be an official. Vietnam was also Chinese territory at that time. In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a pair of sisters in Vietnam rebelled against Zheng Fang and Zheng Er. temple.The Vietnamese said that we invaded them in history, but this actually has no historical common sense. It became independent later. It was part of China at that time and belonged to Chinese territory. At that time, it was not called invasion, but counter-insurgency. Japan. This country has a history of more than 2,600 years according to its own imperial history. Its first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, was the grandson of Amaterasu, the grandson of the Sun Goddess. The Sun Goddess sent her own grandson to rule Japan, the kingdom of God. What mistake did her grandson throw here? There are many volcanoes and earthquakes.Sun Tzuji was located in 660 BC, about the same time as Duke Huan of Qi, in the 7th century BC.However, according to archaeological findings, in the 3rd century BC, Japan was still in the Stone Age. As a result, 4 centuries before the Stone Age, he had an emperor... Counting from Emperor Jimmu, Emperor Heisei is the 125th generation today. This is obvious. It's a bit of a joke.Moreover, it is calculated that the previous generations of emperors in Japan all lived to be 150 years old, reigned for more than 100 years, and became immortals. No one else dared to make up this. Japan transitioned to the Iron Age in the 3rd century BC, which was equivalent to Qin Shihuang's unification of the six countries.China’s transition took thousands of years. It took tens of thousands of years for the world’s major nations to transition from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Japan completed the transition in less than 100 years. The only reasonable explanation is to learn from the Chinese and Koreans.In the northern part of Kyushu Island, Japan, that is, in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, there are two small countries, one is called the slave country, and the other is called the dog slave country. The two countries are at war.Among them, King Wonu (actually not called a king) sent an envoy to congratulate him. This was the time of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty.When Emperor Guangwu was happy, he rewarded him with a gold seal with the inscription: King of Han Weinu, this replica is sold all over the streets of Fukuoka today.The real thing is Japan’s No. 1 National Treasure. It was unearthed in 178X. The farmer who dug it out won a reward of 20 taels of silver. In ancient Japan, 20 taels of silver was equivalent to hundreds of millions of yen today. This turtle button gold seal is bestowed on princes and kings. Let's give him a seal for such a small tribe to show that you are my subject.The Han Dynasty would not go so far, and it was not easy for them to come here. They paid tribute to the emperor with ten bamboo sticks, ten rolls of sacks, and ten raw mouths (male and female slaves). Adult men less than 1.5 meters, fun. When Chinese ironware, bronzeware, and silk were introduced to Japan, there were no jade seals in Japan.The Imperial Seal of the Emperor was only available after the Meiji Restoration, and the Emperor ascended the throne with three artifacts: a sword, a mirror, and a piece of jade, which are actually replicas.Grass Pheasant Sword (enshrined in Atsuta Shrine), Nine-Target Gouyu and a bronze mirror.Why did he use swords, mirrors, and jade as symbols of the emperor? It can be seen that they were very precious when they were first introduced to Japan.Now each new emperor has to accept three artifacts of the national heritage. In fact, it is said that they are not complete. As early as the Song Dynasty, they lost one in war.So like a conscientious Japanese, they say that China is the mother of Japan's 2600-year culture. Let's talk about the Silk Road again. Starting from Chang'an, passing through the Hexi Corridor, Yumen Pass, Yangguan, and Dunhuang, you can reach Shendu and Daqin in the south; the northernmost route can reach the Caspian Sea, which is where Russia, Iran, and Kazakhstan meet today.Through the Silk Road, China's iron silk, sericulture and silk reeling technology, iron casting technology, well canal method, and papermaking technology were successively spread to the west, and Buddhism was also introduced to China through the Silk Road.At the same time, there is also a Maritime Silk Road opened up by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It starts from the coastal port of Guangdong, then goes west, passes through the Indochina Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula, goes out of the Strait of Malacca, reaches the coast of the Bay of Bengal, and reaches the southern tip of the Indian Peninsula at the farthest. .
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