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Chapter 10 9. What is the most expensive in the 21st century BC

what is history 1 袁腾飞 5657Words 2018-03-20
The Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods were the first period of cultural peak in Chinese history. All the vassal states and states that were undergoing great social changes put forward their own views and propositions on social changes, forming a cultural phenomenon of contention among a hundred schools of thought. During the Spring and Autumn Period, two famous representatives were Lao Tzu and Confucius.First of all, look at Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism. This Taoism is different from Taoism. Taoism is a collection of ancient Chinese fairy alchemy and primitive witchcraft. After absorbing Taoist ideas, Taoism was formed.After the formation of Taoism, Lao Tzu was mythologically regarded as the Taishang Laojun, that is, the old man with the white beard who practiced Sun Wukong in the furnace.In fact, there is a real person in history, but his life and deeds are unknown.I only know that he is the founder of Taoism. Some people say his name is Lao Dan, while others say his name is Li Er.

His theory has two characteristics, first, naive dialectics.Second, do nothing.Advocate inaction politically.Is doing nothing good?Why does Laozi advocate inaction?Why?Who is promising?Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Xiang of Song, Duke Wen of Jin, King Mu of Qin, King Zhuang of Chu, and the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period were promising people.So Lao Tzu saw this situation and suggested that we should do nothing.In a small country with few people, the sound of chickens and dogs is heard, and the people do not communicate with each other until they grow old and die.This state is the best, and there will be no war between people.Laozi hopes to return to the primitive society. He does not realize that there will be a communist society in the future, so he can only realize how we can avoid this tragic war, so he advocates inaction. At the same time, he believes that people must follow nature, and nature is Heaven.Lao Tzu's, the first sentence that comes up is Dao Ke Dao, very Dao.I can't tell what it is, I can only force it to be called Tao. According to our theory, Tao is nature.Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things, emphasizing the unity of man and nature.He believes that there are four great things in a country: the Dao is great, the sky is big, the earth is big, the king is also big, and the Dao is the biggest.Dao has heaven, genius has king, king is the master of all people, and it is far inferior to Tao, so ordinary people must obey the laws of nature even more.

The derived state of letting nature take its course is called using softness to overcome rigidity, and the simplest truth is that water drips through stone.The most soft in the world, gallop the most firm in the world.For example, the hardest thing in your mouth is the teeth, and the softest thing is the tongue. When you are old, you will not lose your tongue if you lose your teeth; a big tree is taller and tougher than a small grass!When the seventh-level wind came, the big trees were uprooted, and the grass was flying all over the sky. When the cup is full, it will overflow, and only when the cup is empty can water be poured into it, so nothing can be born, and being cannot be regenerated.Mr. Feng Youlan, a modern Chinese philosopher, divided people into four realms, the realm of heaven and earth, the realm of morality, the realm of utilitarianism and the realm of nature.We are in the realm of utilitarianism. Murderers and rapists are all in the realm of nature.The moral realm is the sages. He believed that there was only one person in ancient China who reached the realm of heaven and earth, that is, Lao Tzu, and Confucius was only in the moral realm.

Generally, those of us who are in the realm of utilitarianism are more expensive than what we have. We have more than money, a house, a car, and more officials than my father or your father.And Lao Tzu is precious and nothing, see through and let go, the four elements are empty, and the six sense organs are pure, only then can you achieve success, and you can do everything without doing anything. Confucianism in the moral realm differed from his opinions and propositions.The sages of Confucius advocated promising, so Confucius had a hard life.Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, thinker and educator.In ancient China, especially after the Yuan Dynasty, he was known as the most holy teacher of Dacheng.The master of all ages who has gathered all kinds of etiquette, morality and traditional academic achievements, the teacher's ancestor, so Taiwan designated September 28, the birthday of Confucius, as their Teacher's Day.Many members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference suggested that we also change September 10 to September 28, and make Teacher's Day the birthday of Confucius, which is great.

The three cardinal principles of "the king guides his ministers", "the father guides his son", "the husband guides his wife" and the five constants of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith" all originated from the thoughts of Confucius. It was later sorted out by Dong Zhongshu and others. The central idea of ​​Confucius is benevolence, a benevolent person loves others, and should not do to others what he does not want to be done to others.This song has been sung. The first sentence of "University" "The way of great learning lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in ending in perfection." Let us be close to the people, which is what Confucius means by benevolent people.People refer to others, love people who have nothing to do with you, the ruler loves the ruled, the ruled should love the ruler, let the world be full of love, isn't this a harmonious society!This kind of benevolence is more than 500 years earlier than Jesus' view, so Christmas in China should be on the same day as Teacher's Day, and it should also be changed to September 28.

Confucius also emphasized etiquette, emphasizing the order of the high and the low, the high and the low, and abiding by one's duty.He thought that during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the lower people did not pay attention to the Zhou royal family, which belonged to the collapse of etiquette and music, and he was very dissatisfied with this.He believes that the best way to make the world full of love is for everyone to abide by their own duties, and don't have any wrong thoughts in their hearts. People of any class should be content with their own lives.The princes should be princes honestly, and the officials should be officials honestly. Don’t let the officials want to be princes, and the princes want to be the emperor, then it will be messy.For the sake of national stability and social harmony, self-denial and ritual must be restored.

But Confucius's proposition is very naive. In ancient China, the ritual system was strict, and everything can reflect the hierarchy.The crown worn by the emperor looks like a washboard on the head, with abacus beads hanging down.These beads are very particular, the emperor will hang 12 strings of beads, and the princes will hang 9 strings.In Korean historical dramas, the one worn by Han Wang when he came out is 9 strings. I deliberately counted on TV. Korea really didn’t brag this time. This Korean drama is more realistic. Their 9 strings are right because he is not the emperor. Only Chinese emperors can wear 12 strings.For another example, on the gate of the Forbidden City, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one copper nails, and nine beasts on the roof.You said there were nine of them on the ridge of our house, you're looking for death!We also use yellow tiles to build our house, what a shame!There are all grades, the imperial palace is ninety-nine and eighty-one, the palace is eight-eight-sixty-four, seven-seven-forty-nine, you can't come here casually.There are also regulations on how many rooms can be opened at the gate of the imperial palace, and how many rooms can be opened at the palace.Confucius especially emphasized the need to maintain this ritual.

Everyone knows that Confucius had a famous saying, "What is tolerable, what is unbearable".What made the old man so angry?The Ji family of the Lu State held a banquet to dance. The emperor could use 64 people to dance, the princes 48 people, and the doctor 32 people. In the end, the Ji family actually used 64 people. Confucius was very angry. How can you put on the posture of the emperor? If this can be tolerated, there is nothing unbearable.Some of us today may think that Confucius is sick, and he has money, so can you manage if you are willing to use 128 people?But at that time, the etiquette system was so strict that not only could it be controlled, but it must be controlled.So the core of his thinking is one benevolence and one propriety.

In addition to his thoughts, Confucius also made great achievements in education, breaking the situation that learning was in the government, and giving ordinary people the opportunity to receive education.We are talking about quality education now, there are no students who can't teach, only teachers who can't teach, you can't teach with one method, and you can't be the same.The earliest Confucius sages held this view. Confucius had 3,000 disciples in his life, including 72 sages. Among the 3,000 disciples, the oldest was five or six years younger than him, and the youngest was younger than his grandson.From his grandfather to his grandson, he cannot use one method, so of course he teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.At that time, there was no examination, and Confucius was definitely engaged in quality education.Many educational thoughts are very useful for today. When we write educational papers, Suhomlinski or Dewey often say that, in fact, what Confucius said is enough.

In order to promote quality education, Confucius edited and compiled "Poetry", "Li", "Yi", "Spring and Autumn", which are the five classics of Confucianism. , and later this sutra was lost.Confucius's standard seems to be a pair of hands, a sword.Under normal circumstances, there is an inscription on the top of this painting, which is written about the most holy teacher of Dacheng, or the teacher of all ages, and a couplet on both sides: "The virtues match the heavens and the earth, the crown of the past and the present, and the deletion of the Six Classics is the constitution of all generations." .This couplet shows that Confucius spoke but did not write. Although he said it, he did not write it, but his disciples sorted it out.It seems that big people are like this. Sakyamuni only spoke, but he didn't know how to write it himself. The same is true of Muhammad, who said it but didn't write it.Laozi and Confucius are two famous thinkers in the Spring and Autumn Period.In particular, Confucius' Confucianism became the guiding ideology of subsequent dynasties.

During the Warring States Period, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and legalism contended among a hundred schools of thought. First look at Mohism, Mozi advocates universal love, non-aggression, and elevating the virtuous.Universal love is to love all people, which is a bit similar to the benevolent love others.Non-aggression means no war, no war, and defending the country is okay.Appreciate the virtuous, appoint sages, and conduct elections. It is best to elect the kings.This is unrealistic. That is the method of election for the US president. If the elected monarch is a dog, he will definitely not let him go.Therefore, Mohist thought was the least valued in ancient China, because the rulers did not accept it.At this time, the representative of Confucianism was Mencius, who advocated benevolent government, the people are more important than the emperor, and the government is to win the people.Give farmers land, do not infringe on working hours, and give lenient punishments and low taxes.The foundation of a country is the people, and Mencius' thought is people-oriented, and it is the most shining humanism.He is revered as a sub-sage in Confucianism, second only to Confucius. Another representative of Confucianism is Xunzi.It is advocated to control the destiny and use it.That is to say, they feared the sky in ancient times, because natural science knowledge was limited at that time.People regard landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses as punishments from heaven, so Xunzi proposed at that time to use them to restrain the destiny, and you can use nature to transform nature.Later, some people developed this kind of thinking to the extreme, making people conquer the sky.This is impossible. If you can’t overcome the sky, if there is an earthquake, it will have an earthquake. After the earthquake, the place will be abandoned and must be moved.You said that you can defeat nature, and you are still building a city there.Do not say that man will conquer nature, otherwise the overlord will not farewell to my concubine, but you can use the laws of nature to serve the people. Today, the idea that man will conquer nature should not be emphasized, because this is very scary. If you over-develop, you will be punished by nature.For example, to give a simple example, the Great Wall is the natural dividing line of China's agriculture and animal husbandry. Our ancestors were very wise. The land north of the Great Wall cannot be cultivated, but can only be herded. , The weasel can be seen even if the wind does not blow.There is no grassland, just because of arable land, I don't believe that I planted it, but the result of planting is that neither food nor grass grows, and it becomes a desert.Why does Beijing always have sandstorms? It means that the Great Wall has become a desert.Mencius said that if you don't follow the rules, you can't make a circle.Everyone must have rules, let alone nature. During the Warring States period, Zhuangzi inherited Laozi's Taoism.He has a very famous saying: "The clever man works, the wise man worries, the incompetent seeks nothing. The vegetable eater travels like an untied boat." The able man works more, the wise man worries more, and the vegetable eater is the ordinary people. Officials are meat eaters.An ancient poem says: "The iron-armored general crosses the pass at night, and the courtiers wait until the fifth watch is cold. There are no eminent monks in the mountain temple every day, so fame and fortune are not as good as leisure." Probably it means the same thing as Zhuangzi said. During the Warring States Period, Han Feizi was the master of Legalism.As we have said about Legalism, Shang Yang is Legalism, and there are three differences between Legalism and Confucianism: First, Legalism believes that history is moving forward, that the present is better than the ancients, and reforms must be carried out, and the current world cannot be governed by the way of the ancient kings. , That is to say, don't use the memory stick from the previous year to run this year's new game.From the perspective of ruling ideology, Confucianism emphasizes the law of the first kings, and they have to learn from the ancients in everything they do.Therefore, the most powerful emperors in ancient China were Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu. There was no emperor. I dare say that I am better than these six brothers.Whether you Tang Taizong or Emperor Kangxi, he would never dare to say that I am better than Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu Niu. If I dare to say that, I am crazy.Of course, it doesn't matter now, "Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish, a romantic figure, let's look at the present", that is now.So Confucianism is the king of the law, and Legalism is the model of the king of the law. It believes that it will be stronger in the future than it is now, so we need to constantly carry out reforms.However, reforms in ancient China were always full of difficulties. Those who carried out reforms generally ended up being close to "treacherous ministers".We have to respect our ancestors and their testimonies, so in the Temple of Heaven Zhaigong, there is a large plaque behind the emperor's throne in many places, with four big characters—Jingtian Fazu.We also mentioned a person who advocated reform earlier, Guan Zhong.Guan Zhong is also a Legalist. Legalists generally don't value the role of morality very much, so what Guan Zhong said is particularly good: "The warehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing know the honor and disgrace."Don't sing high-profile things there, you can understand everything when you are full. From this, it can be seen that the origin of Legalism can be traced back to Guan Zhong's time. Second, advocate the law-based.The modern human bourgeoisie advocates the rule of law as the "system" of the system, emphasizing the perfection and inviolability of the system.The rule of law emphasized by legalists is to rule the country by law, and the people who rule the country are not allowed by the king.The law was originally formulated by the emperor. For example, the Taizu promulgated the imperial decree: "I own the world, and the people are guided by the rites, and the laws are enforced." To be obedient is to obey the law.Those who are stubborn will be brought to justice.It doesn't matter if the emperor is stubborn, because the emperor will not disobey his own words.As for nobles, nobles have gold medals for avoiding death, so why do you have gold medals (you didn’t win the first place in the Olympics), because my ancestors have made meritorious deeds!For example, in the laws of the Qing Dynasty, there were eight rules for aristocratic crimes. If you were a nobleman and you committed a crime, you could reduce your sentence if you were involved in the eight rules.For example, in discussing meritorious service, the ancestors of our family have made meritorious service, so the death penalty should be changed to indefinite, discussing meritorious service, discussing nobles, discussing relatives... After eight discussions, let's go, you, and be released without charge.This seems absurd today. Everyone is equal before the law. What does it matter to you that your father has meritorious service?For example, my father is a martyr of the Volunteer Army. If I commit a capital crime, I should be shot as usual. I can’t just kill people for nothing just because my father is a martyr.So everyone is equal before the law, which is not the same as Han Feizi's rule of law. The rule of law at that time was used to govern the common people.This is the biggest difference between Legalism and Confucianism. Legalism emphasizes how to govern the people and how to govern the country, the rule of law.Confucianism emphasizes the rule of virtue, governing with virtue, emphasizing benevolent government.Legalism emphasizes heavy punishment for misdemeanors, and no punishment without killing is nothing to gain prestige, in order to frighten the common people so that they dare not make riots.Third, another point of view of the Legalists is to strengthen the centralization of power.Han Feizi advocated the establishment of a feudal state with a centralized monarchy.He advocated that "if things are in the four directions, they must be in the center; if the sage holds the key, the four directions will follow."Significantly strengthened centralization.Legalism was accepted by Qin Wang Yingzheng and became the guiding ideology because of these points: the Queen of Law advocated change, not sticking to ancient times; he advocated the rule of law; he advocated the establishment of centralization.Of course the ruler likes it, it is good and useful to the ruler, of course the Qin Dynasty welcomes it. There are still some great things that need to be said. The first one, "Spring and Autumn" records that in the fourteenth year of Duke Wen of Lu (613 BC), "in the seventh month of autumn, a star (comet) entered the Big Dipper."The world's first definite record of Halley's Comet is more than 670 years earlier than that of the West, which is the most in the world.But you were the first to record Halley's Comet. Why is it called Halley's Comet instead of Lu Guo's Comet? Obviously, after you recorded it, you didn't study it. The second one, 19 years and seven leap years, is so many years earlier than the West, which is the best in the world. Seven leaps in 19 years.There are three types of calendars in countries around the world, lunar calendar, solar calendar and lunar calendar. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar belongs to the lunar calendar, not the lunar calendar. The Arabic calendar is the lunar calendar, which is the Muslim calendar.According to the Hijri calendar, the first year of Muhammad’s founding in 622 AD is the first year, so the year of the Hijri calendar should be 13×× years, but it’s already 14×× years, and the time passes so quickly because there are 354 days in the Hijri calendar year. It takes the moon around the earth as a month, with 30 days in the big month and 29 days in the small month, which is called the lunar calendar.The Gregorian calendar is that the earth revolves around the sun for a year, and then there are 12 months in a year. In theory, each month should have 31 days and 30 days, but it is not possible.For example, if July is big, August should be small. As a result, Emperor Augustus celebrated his birthday, adding one day, August would be big.Then take this day from February, because that month kills people, so hurry up, so February will be one day less, very casual.In ancient China, in order to guide agricultural production, they took care of everything as much as possible. According to the moon, it is a month, and the earth is a year. In this case, our year is 354 days, but we have to take care of the earth's revolution cycle , Seven leap years have been added in 19 years. On average, a leap year has to be inserted every two years. There are 13 months in a leap year. Two Julys.Because we all use the Gregorian calendar now, you don't care about this. If you want to use the lunar calendar, you will often mention the leap month.Our Chinese calendar belongs to the lunar calendar, not a purely lunar calendar. This principle was established very early.In addition, it is the world's earliest astronomical book "Gan and Shi's Celestial Book", written by Gan De and Shi Shen, and the five planets are recorded.If you persist in research since then, you may be able to live on Mars today. In terms of physics, it is the "Mojing", eight optics.Mozi was born as a working people, so he paid more attention to natural science and production experience.More than 2,000 years have passed since Newton discovered the spectrum. If you persist in research since then, maybe the time machine has come out. Bian Que is the most popular in ancient medicine.Bian Que, a famous doctor, is the master of pulse study; he established the traditional method of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine.There is a fierce debate about Chinese medicine now. In the Republic of China, some people advocated the abolition of Chinese medicine.Some people say that the word "Chinese medicine" is actually not accurate, and it should be called traditional medicine, which is different from modern Western medicine.There was no Western medicine in ancient China, and the common people went to Chinese medicine to see a doctor. Traditional medicine has been able to continue until now, so there is naturally a reasonable living space for it.
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