Home Categories Chinese history The Era of Gorgeous Blood: Alternative History of the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

Chapter 67 Xiao Qi is a proud young master

After Xiao Daocheng usurped the Song Dynasty, he established the Qi State, reigned for four years, and died at the age of fifty-six.The eldest son, Xiao Yu, succeeded to the throne as Emperor Wu, the ancestor of Qi.He reigned for twelve years, and returned home at the age of fifty-four. It was said that he was located in Xiao Zhaoye, the grandson of the emperor (his father, Prince Wenhui, Xiao Changmao, died early). Xiao Zhaoye was already 20 years old when he succeeded to the throne, and was changed to Yuan Longchang in 494 AD. Xiao Zhaoye has picturesque features, elegant appearance, and a good hand in official script. Emperor Wu of Qi loves this grandson very much.He was raised by his second uncle Jingling King Xiao Ziliang since he was a child, and he was very pampered.King Jingling guarded Xizhou, and Xiao Zhaoye also accompanied him when he was a boy. Since there was no one to discipline him, he and more than 20 scoundrels around him lived, fed and drank together, and had a lot of fun every day.His wife, Concubine He, is also a frivolous woman who had an affair with some beautiful young men who Xiao Zhaoye played with.Later, when Xiao Ziliang, King of Jingling, entered the capital, Xiao Zhaoye stayed in Xizhou alone, becoming even more daring, going to various barracks every day to have sex feasts, and secretly asking the local rich people for money. Seeing that it was the grandson asking for money, no one dared to say a "no".In order to reward his left and right rogues, he used yellow paper to pre-write the title and official position, and promised to appoint him immediately after becoming emperor.

Emperor Wu and Prince Wen Hui didn't know about these absurd things. Xiao Zhaoye's teacher and attendant were both elderly people in their seventies, afraid of accidents and disasters, both committed suicide.Prince Wen Hui was vaguely aware of his feelings, so he stepped up his supervision and controlled his expenses, which made the emperor's grandson very honest for a while. Soon, Prince Wen Hui was seriously ill, Xiao Zhaoye acted realistically, mourning, and crying constantly. The servants and officials who didn't know the details were so moved to sob and cry when they saw the emperor's grandson being so filial.But as soon as he returned to his residence, he laughed and drank, ate and drank, and all the Qi Rong just now was wiped out. It can be said that he has been a pretentious king since he was a child.

After the death of Prince Wenhui, Xiao Zhaoye was established as the grandson of the emperor and moved to the East Palace.Grandpa Emperor Wu of Qi came to visit, and he greeted him with howls and weeping until he lost his breath.Emperor Wu personally went down to comfort him, and was very moved by the child's filial piety. Later, when he heard that Emperor Wu was ill, Xiao Zhaoye sent the witch Yang to curse his grandfather to die early so that he could ascend to the throne early, and sent a letter to his wife, He, with a big "Xi" character written on it, surrounded by thirty-six small "Xi". Character.However, when he entered the palace to serve the sick, Xiao Zhaoye wiped his face and turned into a mournful expression. The grandson of the emperor burst into tears and knelt down in front of Emperor Wu's bed to ask about his condition.

Emperor Wu of Qi had no doubts about this filial grandson of the emperor, thinking that he would be able to shoulder the burden of the emperor's career, and said: "Baby, do a good job. If you miss me, grandpa, you must do a good job." After saying it twice, it was over. And collapse. As soon as Emperor Wu died, Xiao Zhaoye summoned the musicians and actors of Emperor Wu to play songs and dances.The musicians and actors missed the old emperor and shed tears while performing their performances, while the little emperor laughed and ate happily on the throne. On the day of Emperor Wu's funeral, Xiao Zhaoye justified that he was sick and couldn't go to the cemetery as soon as the funeral car left Duanmen.After returning to the palace, the musicians were immediately summoned to play Huqu to perform songs and dances.Minister Wang Jing asked Xiao Zhaoye's close friend Xiao Tanzhi, "Isn't it too early to sing happily now?"

Xiao Tanzhi was not lacking in humor, and replied: "This sound is exactly the cry of the palace!" After Xiao Zhaoye came to the throne, he wanted to reward the left and right groups of young people, and the reward was hundreds of thousands.Every time I saw gold and silver ingots on the table, I said to myself: "I used to think that it was rare to have any of you. Let's see how I use you today!" , Xiao Zhaoye has been on the throne for less than a year, and he has squandered most of it, rewarding the proud left and right, and palace people.A group of people usually throw and smash the cultural relics and treasures all over the palace for fun.

It is estimated that Xiao Zhaoye has a habit of dressing up in strange clothes, and often wears colorful and brocade clothes in the palace.I also bought cocks at a high price and played with them, and the cocks and horses were very happy.His own queen He Shi is also very "free", having promiscuous intercourse with left and right every day.This young couple can be said to be the earliest sexual openness in China and the pioneer of "partner exchange". Xiao Chen and Xiao Tanzhi, the leaders of the imperial guards who were both members of the clan of the Qi State, saw that the little emperor was becoming more and more reckless, and feared that something would happen to him in the future, so they secretly attached themselves to Xiao Luan, Marquis of Xichang, and prepared to abolish the establishment.

In 494, Xiao Luan led troops into the palace. At that time, Xiao Zhaoye was drinking with his favorite concubine Huoshi naked. After hearing the news, he immediately ordered the gate of the palace to be closed.Seeing Xiao Chen leading the soldiers running towards him with swords from a distance, the little emperor knew that his servants were plotting to rebel, and knowing that there was no hope, he stabbed himself in the neck with a knife, but because of too much wine and lack of courage, he couldn't kill himself with trembling hands. Xiao Chen sent someone to roughly bandage Xiao Zhaoye with silk, and carried him out of Yande Hall with his shoulders.When Xiao Chen entered the palace for the first time, the guards held their shields and stood up their swords to fight when they saw soldiers entering. Xiao Chen shouted: "It was taken from someone, you don't need to move." The guards thought Xiao Chen was a guard. The chief, who entered the palace to arrest people under the emperor's order, put down their weapons and stood by for orders.Soon, the guards of the palace saw the emperor was injured and helped out, and they all wanted to come forward to rescue him.If the emperor yells, it is not certain who will die.The strange thing is that Xiao Zhaoye kept silent and sat on the shoulders with his head drooped. Everyone could only watch him being carried out of the palace gate.As soon as he disappeared from the sight of the guards, Xiao Luan's soldiers killed the lecherous emperor at the age of twenty-two in the west alley.

In the name of the Queen Mother, Xiao Luan deposed Xiao Zhaoye as King Yulin and welcomed his younger brother Xiao Zhaowen, King Xin'an.In less than four months, Xiao Luan abolished Xiao Zhaowen as King Hailing and established himself as Emperor Qi Ming.Soon, Emperor Ming secretly sent someone to kill the fifteen-year-old Hailing King. Qi Ming Emperor Xiao Luan was the son of Xiao Daowang, the elder brother of Qi Gaodi Xiao Daocheng. His father died early, and Xiao Daocheng raised him with more kindness than his own son. After Xiao Luan came to the throne, he thought that he was a side branch of the emperor, and his position was not right. In addition, his parents and children were young, and the descendants of Emperor Song Gao and Emperor Wu of Song were growing up, so he massacred the descendants of the two emperors.

Emperor Gaodi Xiao Daocheng had nineteen sons, seven of whom died of illness before Xiao Luan proclaimed himself emperor, and four died early. Of the twenty-three sons of Xiao Yu, only Prince Wenhui and Xiao Ziliang died of illness. Xiao Zixiang, the Marquis of Yufu, was killed in rebellion during Emperor Wu's reign. Four of them died early. They were all killed by Emperor Ming.After the two only sons of Prince Wenhui, Xiao Zhaoye, the deposed emperor, and Xiao Zhaowen, the king of Hailing, were killed, Emperor Ming killed the other two sons of Prince Wenhui, Xiao Zhaoxiu, king of Baling, and Xiao Zhaocan, king of Guiyang.

When the dynasties were rising, it was very tragic to kill the former royal family, but the cruelty of the family's fratricide was the most cruel of the Qi Ming Emperor.Xiao Zilun, the thirteenth son of Emperor Wudi of Qi, was resolute and resolute. He was guarding Langya before he was killed.Emperor Ming sent Ru Faliang to hold poisoned wine with him. Xiao Zilun was dressed up and received the imperial edict. He said to Ru Faliang: "A family that does not accumulate good things will surely have other disasters. In the past, Emperor Gao (Xiao Daocheng) destroyed the Liu family (saying that he would kill the Song Dynasty) Clan disciples), today’s matter is reasonable.” He took up the poisoned wine and said to Ru Faliang: “You are a veteran of our Xiao family, and it is definitely not the original intention to be sent today. I will not let this glass of wine You." After saying that, he died of drinking poison at the age of sixteen.

When the royal family of the Song Dynasty killed each other, the towns bordering the Northern Wei Dynasty surrendered to the enemy one after another, causing the vast area north of the Huaihe River to be completely occupied by the Northern Wei Dynasty.As a result, Huainan immediately became the front line against the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the local people were worried every day, and there were many wars.The originally prosperous Huainan area has become a quasi-battlefield.Later, when the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty attacked Qingzhou and Qizhou, they plundered all the people in these areas and made them slaves.It can be seen that in the Southern Dynasties' internal disputes, it was the people in the country who ultimately suffered the most serious disasters.
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