Home Categories Chinese history The Era of Gorgeous Blood: Alternative History of the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

Chapter 14 Gravedigger of the Western Jin Dynasty

——Liu Cong's valor and cruelty After Liu Yuan's death, Prince Liu He succeeded to the throne.Liu He, "eight feet long, majestic and beautiful", like his father, has been studying poetry and books since childhood, and has been eager to learn.However, "if you are the second prince, you will be suspicious inside, and you will not be gracious if you control your subordinates."As soon as he ascended the throne, under the instigation of his uncle Hu Yanyou, he wanted to kill his fourth brother Chu Wang Liu Cong and other three princes.Unexpectedly, Tian Mi and other generals he sent to attack and kill his younger brother Beihai King Liu Yi ran away and rushed to Liu Cong, Liu Yuan's fourth son with 100,000 soldiers, to report the emergency.During the chaos, Liu He sent people to kill Liu Sheng, the king of Anchang, Liu Qin, the king of Anyi, Liu Anguo, the king of Yongan, Liu Yu, the king of Qi, and Liu Long, the king of Lu. But in the end, Liu Cong led his army into the Ximing Gate, rushed into the inner palace, and beheaded Liu Cong. And, and cut off Hu Yanyou et al.

After Liu Cong killed Liu He, although all the power in the court was in his own hands, he had no ambition to become emperor immediately.Since Liu Yuan's young widow, Shan Shi, was the "Empress Dowager" at that time, Liu Cong wanted to honor Liu Yi, the son of Beihai King born by Shan Shi, as emperor. "(Liu) Yi and Gongqing weep and ask for it."Liu Yi was only a young prince around fourteen years old at the time, and he probably wasn't acting in a "political" drama. In addition, he himself was almost killed by Liu He, so the recommendation of this fourth brother must be out of sincerity.According to the situation at that time, Liu Cong's ascension to the throne of God was also expected and a matter of course.

Liu Cong "promised it for a long time".He said to the imperial family and ministers in the court: "The emperor's brother Liu Yi and all the ministers recommended me at this time when the world is still uncertain, because I am old. I dare not refuse to follow the national affairs. Wait until the emperor Liu Yi When Yi becomes an adult in the future, I will relinquish the throne to him." Therefore, Liu Cong became the emperor, changed Yuan Guangxing, honored Liu Yuan's empress Shan as the empress dowager, his biological mother Zhang as the empress dowager, and worshiped Liu Yi as the empress dowager His younger brother, the leader of Da Shanyu and Da Situ, made his wife Huyan the queen, made his son Liu Can the king of Hanoi, and acted as an envoy to Chijie, the general of the army, and the governor of Chinese and foreign military forces.

Liu Cong is a human being. It is said that his mother gave birth to him after fifteen months of pregnancy (the ancients were very attached to supernatural powers. If a child really stayed in the mother's womb for fifteen months, it would be a fool if it was not stillborn). The root of the hair is white, more than two feet long, shiny and bright.Since he lived in the Han area for a long time, Liu Cong was also eager to learn since he was a child. At the age of fourteen, he was proficient in classics and history, and he was good at writing. More articles.Because he was a noble breed of the Xiongnu, Liu Cong started to learn to stab again at the age of fifteen.

Liu Cong has not only the inheritance of his father's Xiongnu martial arts, but also the spirituality accumulated by his mother's Han poetry. He is indeed a dragon and a tiger among men.In the year of weak crown, Liu Cong traveled to Luoyang to study and made friends with countless famous people. The ministers Le Guang and Zhang Hua at that time all admired him greatly.After seeing the big world in the capital, Liu Cong returned to his hometown of Xinxing. He became the captain of the right department, and he was good at taking care of the five tribes of the Xiongnu, bringing the people back to their hearts.When his father Liu Yuan was serving under Sima Ying, the king of Chengdu, he was afraid that his father would be wrong. Liu Cong also volunteered at that time, serving as General Jinu under Sima Ying.

Therefore, no matter in terms of talent, experience, and political experience, Liu Cong is a mature and seasoned emperor.Immediately after assuming the throne, Liu Cong dispatched Liu Can, Wang Mi, Liu Yao and others with 40,000 elite troops to drive Luochuan, attack Liangzhou, Chenzhou, Ruzhou, Yingzhou and other places, and captured Wubao built by the Han people. More than one hundred seats.At the same time, he also sent Hu Yanyan to lead 27,000 banned soldiers from Yiyang to Luochuan, echoing the army of Wang Mi, Liu Yao, and Shi Le, and fought against the Jin army in Henan. More than ten thousand people surrounded Luoyang.

In the Western Jin Dynasty, Liu Kun joined forces with Tuoba Yilu, the chieftain of the Xianbei tribe, to defeat Liu Hu, a member of the Huns who was allied with Liu Cong, and the Bai tribe of Xianbei.After the victory, Liu Kun wrote a letter to Sima Yue, the king of the East China Sea who was in charge of the Western Jin Dynasty, asking him to send troops to fight against Liu Cong and Shi Le. He rejected Liu Kun's suggestion on the grounds of mobilizing foreign troops, which actually made Liu Cong's army besieging Luoyang more confident and no longer in danger of being surrounded.Liu Kun had no choice but to "thank you" Tuoba Yilu, and moved the Jin people from the five counties in Xingbei to Xingnan as agreed, and separated the land in Xingbei from Xianbei.

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