Home Categories Chinese history The Era of Gorgeous Blood: Alternative History of the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties
The Jin Dynasty (Sixteen Kingdoms) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties were the most turbulent, chaotic, and darkest periods in China. Many vicissitudes, divisions, and integrations have taken place in the history of great changes, leaving behind countless sighing stories.At the same time, it is also an aesthetic era with the most resolved ideas and the most flamboyant personality in Chinese history. In this turbulent era, Xianbeizi, Hanjiaer, Qiangzhongjie, clan hero, Jie clan hero, Xiongnuying, changing bows and horses, sassy and handsome, profound words and flavors, flying hongtian, are really wonderful.Although the time has dimmed and it is not wonderful, and how many heroes have passed away in the past years, those uncarved, humanized, non-dramatic and precisely the most dramatic "big dramas" in the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties made us have to produce Endless fascination.

This is a dynastic history with brand-new content and form.This book uses people to connect history and use characters to highlight events. This unique writing method not only avoids the unnecessary "fiction" of general historical novels, but also is more vivid and interesting than academic historical research works.At the same time, the author's perspective and research methods are also very unique, and he has put forward many creative insights.The writing style of the whole book is vivid and comfortable, which can surprise people beyond imagination like suddenly discovering treasures and wonders in the depths of sleeping history.

About the Author Mei Yi (King Helian Bobo), male, originally from Tianjin, now lives in Shenzhen.Writer, translator.After graduation, Shuotu has been working in finance in Shenzhen.Author of "Wounds of Life", "Escape from Helsinki", "Alternative Emotions", "Surface" and many other novellas, and "Trilogy of Pseudo-Youth" - "Southern Sunlight Airport", "The Weightless Years" ", "City Fragments" and other three novels were published (China Youth Publishing House, etc.), and won many national, provincial, and municipal literary awards.And published a long sociology translation "Human Behavior" (China Social Science Press).Recently, he has published a long collection of historical essays "Hidden History" (China Society Publishing House), "Historical Human Nature" (Contemporary World Publishing House), etc.

Published by Shaanxi Normal University Press Author: Mei Yi
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