Home Categories Chinese history Seventy Years of the Late Qing Dynasty (1): A Summary of Chinese Social and Cultural Transformation

Chapter 5 Chapter 3 Diplomatic Learning and Historical Transformation

Our friends who are interested in modern Chinese bibliography will generally not deny a phenomenon, that is, the weakest link in the history of Chinese people's governance of the country is the diplomatic history of modern China.The author himself even said it without knowing the severity.When it comes to achievements in the history of diplomacy, there is hardly a book in Chinese that is readable.Although this is nonsense that I don’t learn personally and has a big rightist mouth, for example, the new book "Late Qing Dynasty Diplomacy of Commercial Contracts" written by Professor Wang Ermin, an old friend for decades, is an extremely readable book, but in the following This casual statement comes from my many years of teaching experience at home and abroad, and I feel it.Because we are sometimes driven by cultural self-esteem in the bibliography (syllabus) of Chinese diplomatic history (especially Sino-British and Sino-American diplomatic history) or the history of East Asian international relations in foreign universities, we really want to include some "Chinese writings" is a good idea, but sometimes, with the exception of some historical materials, the Chinese writings that are reluctantly included are really contrary to our wishes.The reason is that if you juxtapose the bibliography that you barely selected with the same type of Western bibliography, the skill and heat between the two cannot be compared.Let’s just talk about the diplomatic history of the late Qing Dynasty. Is there any “Chinese book” that is not a baby compared with Morse’s three major volumes of “The History of International Relations of the Qing Empire”?

Let’s talk about Morse’s student Fei Zhengqing. Under the banner of Fei’s banner, Harvard University has published dozens of specific and similar works, not talking about opinions, but only comparing academic skills and enthusiasm. So far, the “Chinese works” "In ", there are still few great works that can be compared with them.In this way, if we think about the Cambridge School, in the field of diplomatic history in the late Qing Dynasty, how can it be achieved if it does not claim to be king or hegemony?Here I also want to boldly add that in this Cambridge School, even if the views held by Asian scholars are also Fairbank’s views.Although after Fei's death, this view has gradually weakened.

If you ask, why is there such a big gap between Chinese and English works in this line of work?The author's answer will return to my old "ism".First, it is a matter of historical transformation.Academic transformation was originally a part of social transformation; and the transformation of history is also a part of academic transformation.Needless to say, diplomatic history is a part of historiography. We must know that none of the disciplines of diplomatic history and international relations have ever become majors in my country’s traditional historiography, the so-called six schools and two bodies. Diplomats should have some cultivation of international law, which, like our entire traditional legalists, has never matured. In the history of Chinese academics, it is like a flower bud that withers before it blooms.Why?That is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.It will be briefly described in the next section.

Furthermore, when I talk about comparative history, especially when I talk about comparative literature and comparative art, I always like to persuade friends who engage in "comparative studies" to divide the comparison into "stages".The ancients are compared with the ancients, the middle ancients are compared with the middle ancients, and the modern is compared with the modern.You can't just say that Chinese music is not as good as Western music, Chinese poetry is not as good as Western poetry, or Chinese novels are not as good as Western novels... You can only say that modern Chinese music is far inferior to modern Western music.You must never say that the music of the Tang Dynasty in China is inferior to the music of Europe in the Middle Ages.Therefore, it is the same when we talk about the history of international relations, and even the field of international law.In traditional China, we lagged behind the West in this major, to the extent that it almost disappeared, but its development in the pre-Qin era had a lot to say, and even had higher achievements!If we try to read "Zuo Zhuan", "Guo Yu", "Guo Ce", and even "Yan Zi" and "Guan Zi" in ancient Chinese books, we know that our achievements are not inferior to those of the West.But after the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was not enough.And give a few small examples:

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, our old diplomat Guan Zhong (? ~ 645 BC) became Zhou Enlai of the Qi State. ". (Not exactly what the United States is doing today), in order to maintain the international peace of his time, Guan Zhong convened an international conference in Kuiqiu (now Linzi County, Shandong Province) in Qi State in 651 BC, and signed the An international treaty called (Kuiqiu Alliance). (If this treaty had been signed in the 20th century, Zhou Enlai would obviously have chosen Geneva or Bandung.) In this "Treaty of Kuiqiu", the various powers at that time, in the state of Qi (which is the same as the old United States today) manipulated Under this circumstance, the alliance was made by blood, and they declared that they would unanimously abide by the various terms signed. Of course, these terms became the public international law of the year.The original article was announced to the world under the name of the then titular "Tianzi Zhou" (that is, the name of the Security Council of the United Nations today).The content of the treaty is:

Don't Yongquan, don't stop buying, don't change the tree, don't take concubines as wives, don't make women and state affairs. (See "Biography of Gu Liang in the Spring and Autumn Period", the ninth year of Duke Xi) This ancient international convention in our country can roughly be called the "Five Prohibition Convention" or "Five Prohibition Convention"!Although it is ridiculous to read today, and modern feminists read it, especially it will make them angry, but this was the most practical international treaty at that time. (Please look at the three and five prohibitions such as "prohibition of nuclear weapons", "prohibition of drugs" and "prohibition of weapons" (chemical weapons) initiated by the United States in today's United Nations, and you can see their importance.) In the seventh century BC, there were many small states in the valleys of the Yellow River, Huaihe River, and Yangtze River.A river flows through several countries.If the upstream countries build dams to store water, the downstream countries will suffer from drought, so they cannot "Yongquan" (block the river, build dams, or build reservoirs).During periods of famine and food shortages, countries are especially not allowed to hoard food, which is the so-called "don't stop buying". "Never Yi Shuzi" is also very important.Due to the old tradition of intermarriage between ancient tribes, royal marriages in the feudal era of our country all had an international background.To this day we still have the idiom "marriage between Qin and Jin".Be good, Qin and Jin are both superpowers.The nephew and young master of his two families have already become the "Shuzi" (Prince), if you want to replace him with the son of the concubine, won't it cause disputes between the two?For the sake of international peace, the tree must not be changed.

"Do not take concubines as wives" should also be included in international treaties.Friends, do you think it's a joke?No.Not only was it a matter of world peace at that time, even today the mistress cannot replace the big tit!If you don’t believe me, if you imagine that President Clinton of the United States is going to divorce Hillary Clinton today and make Monica S. Lewinsky (Monica S. Lewinsky) the first lady of the United States, the world today will become a mess. what does it look likeFirst of all, the "partnership" between Washington and Beijing may be difficult to continue.If the extreme right political group in the Congress seizes the opportunity to depose this lecherous president, the role of the old Americans in the Persian Gulf and on both sides of our strait will be completely changed. "Using a concubine as a wife" can still happen today. If it is a flaw, how about the Cambodian mainland 2,500 years ago?Therefore, they have to clearly stipulate in the international treaty that the heads of state can set up the Sangong and Liuyuan, but they cannot use mistresses instead of mistresses.

[Note] It is said that after Peng Dehuai returned from the Korean War, he immediately ordered the disbandment of the Zhongnanhai Art Troupe as the Minister of National Defense.It should be noted that China has transformed from a monarchy to a democracy, and this "transition" has not been completely completed!Our chairman is at least half an emperor, or even a half emperor!The emperor still exists, how can you Mr. Peng "wait" to abolish the most important system in the imperial system, the so-called Sangong and Liuyuan? ... Let me ask which powerful men, including President Clinton, don't want to set up the Three Officials and the Sixth Court. If they don't, they can't do it.It's a pity that Meng Zhangfei doesn't know the way of this transformation.His venerable and lovely "General Peng" did not die well in the end, and history readers are sad.

As for not allowing women to participate in politics, it is very contrary to the trend today.But even today, it is inevitable that there must be a "proviso"!Like Lu Xiulian and Chen Wenqian, the strong women in Taiwan today, they are independent and would rather sacrifice marriage and childbearing than engage in politics.Women have their own ambitions, which is really admirable.But if there is a woman, first grab a strong husband, and then coerce her husband to make the princes, pretending to be a tiger, and running rampant in the world, like Jiang Qing and Ye Qun (Lin Biao's wife), it is not enough to teach.Even in the United States today, where women's rights are on the rise, the ambitious Hillary can't engage in politics as she pleases. It's not because people in Congress hate her wife's false husband's authority and come to participate in state affairs.Mrs. Ke is not jealous of her lecherous husband today, but also for her own political future, she sacrificed herself to the male chauvinists in Congress!Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Guan Yiwu (Zhong), a great politician and diplomat in ancient my country, would instigate the United Nations Security Council to legislate to prohibit "women and state affairs".

The Qilu region in ancient my country not only produced some great saints, but also produced some great statesmen and diplomats.Later, Yanzi (named Ying, styled Pingzhong,? ~ 500 BC) was Qi Xiang, also Zhou Enlai, prime minister and foreign minister, and he even went out to be an ambassador in person, applying for appointments to various countries!At this time, Qi was on the decline, while Chu was on the rise.It was not easy to do the job as an envoy to Chu State. In "Yanzi Chunqiu", there is a short story about Yanzi envoy to Chu, because he was a dwarf like Deng Xiaoping, and the people of Chu State wanted to humiliate him, but was humiliated by Ambassador Yan. , is also quite sufficient.Let us first read the original text of his "Ancient Chinese". (Young readers may also wish to practice exercises by the way. It is not too difficult to read the so-called "Hundred Schools of Philosophy" old antiques!) The original text of "Yanzi" is as follows:

Yanzi made Chu, and the people of Chu thought that Yanzi was short, and made a small gate on the side of the gate, and extended Yanzi.Yan Zi refused to enter, and said: "Those who envoy the dog country enter through the dog gate. Today's minister envoys Chu, it is not appropriate to enter through this gate." The guests are guided to enter through the gate.Seeing the king of Chu, the king said: "There is no one in Qi? The envoy is the envoy." Yan Zi said to him: "There are three hundred rooms in Linzi in Qi. The clothes are covered with clouds, and the sweat is raining. They follow shoulder to shoulder. What is there to be unmanned?" "The king said: "Then what is an envoy?" Yanzi said to him: "All envoys have their own masters. The sages envoy the virtuous lord, the unworthy envoys the unworthy lord, and the baby is the most unworthy, so it is appropriate to envoy Chu. ’” (See Chapter Nine of the Second Miscellaneous Parts of Yanzi Chunqiu) Let me say it again in the vernacular——Yan Zi was sent as an envoy to the state of Chu, and because he was a dwarf, the people of Chu installed a small door on the side of the gate, and asked Ambassador Yan to enter through the small door.The ambassador refused to enter and said, "If the country where I am going as an envoy is a dog country, then I will enter through the dog gate, but today I am going to Chu as an envoy. Go in through the dog door." The receptionist had no choice but to ask the ambassador to enter through Dadou instead.When the king of Chu saw that the ambassador was ugly, he said, "Is there no one in Qi? Why did you send someone like you as an ambassador?" Yanzi said, "There are so many people in our country! There are three people in Linzi alone. Hundreds of communities. On the bustling streets, everyone raises their sleeves to shade the whole city; everyone wipes the sweat off their heads like rain. Hmph, how can you say there are no people?" King Chu Said: "Since there are so many people in Qi State, why did you send them out?" Ambassador Yan said: "Your Majesty does not know something. Our country has certain standards for sending ambassadors. The most decent first-class talents are sent to The most respectable first-class big country. I, Yan Ying, was originally the worst diplomat in our country, so I was sent to Chu, and I deserved it!" At this time, the Chu State was striving for the upper reaches, aiming for hegemony, and the cold war between the two countries was raging.As a special envoy to Chu, there is always the possibility of being humiliated.Once, the Chu State Police arrested a robber, who he said was from Qi State. The King of Chu asked Ambassador Yan, "Are Qi people good at robbers?" If it grows in Huainan, it will be orange, and if it grows in Huaibei, it will be orange."Yan Zi said: "The people were born in Qi, and they don't steal; when they enter Chu, they steal. It's because your country has a bad atmosphere! He was originally a good citizen of Qi, but he became a robber when he arrived in Chu..." It's really hard, Yan Great eloquence from the ambassador. The above-mentioned stories may all be true, because it is not easy to conduct diplomacy during the Cold War, no matter whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign!A diplomat, in addition to implementing his foreign policy, also needs a special genius for his quick wit in the middle of the day!As recently as the 1954 Geneva Conference, Premier Zhou Enlai extended his hand to US Secretary of State Dulles and called out "Good morning!"Unexpectedly, Dulles, an old imperialist, refused to extend his hand.Under such circumstances, how could Duke Zhou withdraw his hand?Fortunately, Zhou Enlai also had his genius to deal with this kind of situation. Like Yan Zi, he was able to save the day. Later, when the international diplomatic circle mentioned this matter, they all called Dulles an old bastard.Later, when Ji Zuji visited China secretly for the first time in 1971, he was troubled by this "handshake problem".He was deeply afraid, "If I reach out and he (Lao Zhou) doesn't, what should I do?" (See Kissinger's memoir "The White House Era" and Nixon's memoir, 1972, p. 559.) In fact, Kissingji still didn't have enough diplomatic training.Before you come to China, you should have figured out "Zhou Enlai"!The ancients said: "Is there any uncle Yang who is a poisonous man?" In this world, "Is there any Zhou Enlai who does not reach out?" On the contrary, before Lao Zhou met Ji, he even checked his doctoral dissertation at Harvard. It's clear!So, how can you, a little grandson, jump over the palm of Lafayette Zhou?So as long as Zhou Gong was alive, Ji Xinji was always among the Zhou family, the American doctor who served him!Dr. Ji, to be honest, never tires of it.He is still loyal to Beijing to this day.Why?Don't you hear, Su Qin went home when he was poor, the story of "wife can't weave, sister-in-law can't cook"?When he wore the seal of the Six Kingdoms and passed the house again, "the wife and sister-in-law did not dare to look up, and fell down to serve the food (climbing underground to serve the guests to eat)".Su Qin smiled and asked his sister-in-law: "Why did you become arrogant before and then respectful?" The sister-in-law covered her face and replied in a low voice: "Isn't it because my uncle is a high-ranking official today, rich and powerful!" (See the Chinese version of "Historical Records? Biography of Su Qin "page 2262) Su Zi "hangs his head from the beam and stabs his spine", he studied hard to become famous, so why did he come here?Isn't it for today? Our Mr. Kissinger is exactly the same!The author taught in the United States, starting from the worst night school adult class in New York City University. The teaching time is from 7 to 11 in the evening.After a day's work, I'm exhausted.Therefore, in such a classroom, the teachers are miserable; the poor students in work-study are especially pitiful.Kissinger was a small Jewish refugee child from Europe in his early years. He kept accounts in a small shop during the day and attended accounting specialization in the adult class in New York City at night. At that time, Ji Xinji, like Su Qin in his early years, was a pauper whose wife could not weave and his sister-in-law could not cook.It wasn't until after World War II that he received a veterans' scholarship that he transferred from the "Harvard of the poor" (the nickname of New York City University) to the Harvard of the rich, where he went to "hang his head on the beam and prick his spine" to read his Ph.D.His subsequent successes were almost all the result of working for Zhou Enlai.Without China, Ji Xinji would not be Ji Xinji.Drinking water and thinking of the source, can you not be overwhelmed?Friends, the objects Su Qin and Zhang Yi served had no national boundaries.Kissinger, who was born in Germany, can serve for Nixon, and he can also serve for Zhou Enlai!Engaging in diplomacy is like using troops, and it is also a clever use, with one mind.The Duke of Zhou got it.That's why Bu Cai always likes to say that there have been only two and a half diplomats in the history of China in the past century.Apart from Zhou Enlai and Li Hongzhang, Gu Weijun was half.And among the two and a half diplomats, only Gu Weijun is the half, who can be regarded as a professional.Li and Duke Zhou were both born in the army.Although Gu Weijun came from a major in diplomacy, he was only a foreigner. After Wellington (Wellington is Gu's foreign name) left home to go to school, he never went to a Chinese school for a day.Although Li and Zhou are purely domestic, as mentioned in the previous section, there is no such way among state-owned enterprises.What the two of them engaged in can be said to be 100% genius diplomacy and common sense diplomacy (common sense diplomacy).Engaging in common sense diplomacy and genius diplomacy is no longer desirable. The two of them, together with their own ignorant but power-hungry masters, are tyrannical and tyrannical. The two of them engage in diplomacy not only to resist foreign powers, but also to talk internally. Faint king.It is very rare to be able to maintain a situation where defeat does not perish.sad husband! The above mentioned a lot of diplomatic anecdotes from ancient times to the present are nothing more than to illustrate: ① my country's ancient diplomacy is very extraordinary.For example, all the concepts and practices related to international relations developed in the West today are all available in the ancient books of our country.The administrative organ specializing in foreign affairs also has a high status in the government system.In modern terms, that is, either the prime minister and the foreign minister, or the foreign minister is the prime minister (the US Secretary of State is like this).People who were engaged in diplomacy at that time were also the darlings of the international community.Su Qin is the foreign minister of six countries by one person, "peering the seal of the six countries", which is obviously a "King's record" in the history of human diplomacy. Not only that, but even the ideas of the "League of Nations" and "The United Nations" organizations that only appeared in the 19th century had also sprouted in our Warring States period.The "king" in their so-called "respecting the king and fighting the barbarians" in their concept at that time was basically an international organization that was supported by the great powers on the surface, but in fact was dominated by several big powers contending for hegemony. and also.Don't you see that in the "League of Nations" before the Second World War, 50 countries were led by the nose by the United Kingdom; and today's old America is always calling for the United Nations and bossing around the world?Hussein in Iraq has dug thousands of holes, but he still fears that he will have nothing to hide; Jiang Zemin in China keeps laughing at the lascivious little president, because he is afraid that he will coerce the emperor and make the princes.Today's Foreign Minister Qian is still smiling, bowing, and saying no to the overlord's Persian Gulf policy with a low profile. However, ②, after Qin Shihuang unified the East Asian continent, abolished feudalism, and established prefectures and counties, Chinese civilization established the first unprecedented "Universal Empire" (Universal Empire) in human history, which was also established by the Mongolian yellow people The "first major transformation" of Eastern civilization.After a hundred turns, the world order in which the ancient nations coexisted and a single power dominates no longer exists. The diplomatic system that slowly developed during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods also underwent a rapid transformation and changed beyond recognition. [Note] Before the Great Qin Empire unified the Cambodian Asian continent, there was only one Macedonian Empire established by Alexander in human history that could be compared with it, but Alexander I cut it off.He also did not create the scale and system of a cosmic empire.The Roman Empire after the Qin Dynasty was naturally also a cosmic empire. Unfortunately, after it fell in 476 A.D., it never came back.After that, the Western empire builders no longer had the concept of "the sky has no two suns, and the people have no two kings".Later, the British Empire, where the sun never sets, was as big as it was big, but it was not a cosmic country. Therefore, in the historical tradition of our country, the imperial period after the Qin and Han Dynasties had only internal diplomacy and no diplomacy at all.Within the organizational system of our central government, there are nine ministries and six ministries, and all systems are complete, but there is no "Ministry of Foreign Affairs".In order to cope with the small kingdoms established by the surrounding ethnic minorities, only a "Li Fan Yuan" with different names was established in the past dynasties to manage the affairs, but the "Li Fan Yuan" is only a bureau-level organization within the Ministry of Rites. All affairs are handled as "internal diplomacy", not "diplomacy".For example, in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the relationship between the central government and the Nanyue Kingdom with its capital in Panyu (now Guangzhou) was described in Cambridge History of China edited by John Fairbank as the "foreign relations" of the Han Empire. Chapter 6 of the first volume, there is a Chinese translation) When dealing with this issue, the author thinks that it is an "internal diplomatic relationship", which is the relationship between Zhang Xueliang in the Northeast and Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing.Western scholars and politicians today also believe that the relationship between Beijing and Tibet is fo-reign relations, saying that China has occupied Tibet, and Tibet should restore its independence, and so on. The diplomatic authorities in Beijing knew that it was foreigners who made excuses to make trouble, but all the ministers could only falter and haw in self-defense, making him slurred and unable to speak convincingly.The first reason is that if you play video games with "modern Westerners" from a "modern point of view", you have to obey their game rules (Play their game according to their rules).Since you can't give up your own traditional mahjong rules, but want to play their sand crabs, then you can't vote.Sometimes even if you have great axioms, when a scholar meets a soldier, you can't explain the reason clearly.For example, if you don't engage in family planning, as Chairman Mao said, "there are many people who can do things easily", then aren't you an ignorant and ignorant person in the third world represented by Mao farmers?But if you practice the one-child system and "beat" off countless cute babies, wouldn't you be even more brutal and uneducated?In short, in the "glorious, great, and correct" US Congress, you are always wrong anyway. My friend, you said that American politicians are sharp-mouthed and thick-skinned, and they are childish and ridiculous.Our glorious, great, and correct Communist Party is not the same, or even worse!Politics is politics!Which politician is not sharp-mouthed and thick-skinned?Furthermore, engaging in modern diplomacy is a matter for the people of the whole country, including selling firewood and selling pulp, and even street girls.All have their common language, and diplomats are not only the spokespersons of the government, but also the spokespersons of their people (as is the case in Britain).At the very least, diplomacy is a big business and a big profession, and it is impossible to fight the war to the end if you only rely on the geniuses of Zhou Enlai and Li Hongzhang.To fight the "protracted war" that Chairman Mao called, then you must have an eternal and professional Think Tank.Almost all American diplomats in the 20th century came from the classrooms at Yale and Harvard, or even on those sofas.He started in the west, and the opera singer Regan didn't believe in evil. He wanted to find some "experts from the west" to fight against the foreign trust.Friends, trusts, and Guiguzi are not good things.After Qin Shihuang, we have not turned back for two thousand years.Unfortunately, today we are back to the "Warring States Period". (During the Anti-Japanese War, Lei Haizong and several other professors called themselves "Warring States School", and published a magazine called "Warring States Policy", which was hated by the boss.) In the Warring States Period, when old dramas were replayed, to engage in "combining vertical and horizontal" again, we must rely on the long-term drills of Yale and Harvard's Think Tank. Only rely on Chairman Mao's wise and great "Anti-Intellectualism" (Anti-Intellectualism) ), it is inevitable that there will be no way out. Let's go back to the Tibet issue.The author does not learn. Regarding the Tibet issue, I personally feel that the Dalai Lama has not engaged in a split. The Dalai Lama believes that his relationship with Beijing is still domestic relations (internal relations). Unfortunately, what the Dalai Lama has adopted is only historicism point of view, and pragmatic point of view; the author thinks that he should add a "post-modernist point of view" (Post-Modernist Approach), just fine.How do you say this?It turns out that in the "post-modern stage" (that is, after the 1950s), the "fraternal nations" are becoming more and more united, not more and more divided, in order to exchange what is needed and mutual benefit and mutual protection. of.To dismantle the brotherly nations that were originally united and let them fight each other so that their neighbors can fish in the troubled water, like today's Bosnia, or even Iraq and Kuwait, that is what imperialism does. Yes, it is also against the trend of the world. Don't you see that the Europeans who are currently staying in Europe are doing a lot of work on their "Common Market" and "European Union"?Great professors from various countries in the European Union are going to resume communicating with each other in Latin!Aren't they doing a lot of work on the same texts in books, in the same track, in the same way, in the same government (military) system, in the same value of currency, and in teaching the same scriptures?Aren't they trying to restore the "Roman Republic" (Roman Republic)? The "Roman Empire" was a generation older. (The Roman Empire is about the same as our later Han Dynasty; they want to restore the "prosperity of the former Han Dynasty" today) Aren't the Americans helping them expand the "NATO" (NATO) now?This is simply implementing Zhuge Kongming's ideal! Look at the Europeans currently in America, the so-called "European-Americans" (European-Americans) and the "European-Canadians" who are as white as a bed sheet) European Canadians. At the same time, we must also know that Canada is today The country with the highest living standard in the world), they are not completely mixed, and become a new "English-Speaking People" (English-Speaking People, note that it is not Peoples) that dominates the world?Aren't the three countries in North America, the United States, Canada, and Mexico, also building a tri-country economic community?We should know that in "post-modern" computerized Western Europe and North America, the "text" of their books and texts is by no means "Latin", but "English"! The glorious so-called "Melting Pot" in the history of the United States is only for "European-American citizens", not for other ethnic groups!We Asians are slow to put gold on our faces.For Europeans, that is 100% correct, and they are also 100% melted into one furnace.But the intermarriage rate between "European American (and Canadian) citizens" and non-European is less than 1%!So in the "World oftbe Post - Modern Era" there will be a transatlantic, English-speaking "Pure white Nationalism" (Pure white Nationalism) or "Aryan Nationalism" (Aryan Nationalism) .This emerging Aryan nation is not the Indo-European Nationalism that existed before World War II.That old doctrine has "Anti-Semitic" attributes.That was the Achilles' heel of its final failure. From now on, this "Aryan nationalism" will include Judaism. "Assimilated Jews" will be an extremely important member of its core group.This quiet, new ethnic group is currently growing rapidly.After the middle of the next century, it will come overwhelming.Therefore, in the post-modern world, they may still be the kings and hegemons. Unless other so-called "colored races" (Coloured Races) can quickly catch up and unite to save themselves, the "under dogs" (under dogs) in today's world ), until then there is still no day to look up. [Note] Between the 4th and 6th centuries AD, there was a similar phenomenon in my country's Five-Huanghua era.The 400 years of chaos in the five centuries is also a great integration of various ethnic groups in Cambodia, which added new blood to an ancient Han nationality, and the phenomenon of rejuvenation (renovated) occurred, and the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties appeared.The current neo-Arian nationalism of the English-speaking nations that began in the United States and Canada is exactly the same and cannot be underestimated. Therefore, if we Asian academics ignore this inevitable new development in history, and follow the "Eurocentrists" (Eurocentrists) to brag about the "China Threat Theory", or pretend to be high-minded, and oppose some nationalism , and to mess around, the pediatric propaganda of "China can also say no" is "Barking up the wrong tree". Friends, what they should object to is not our pitiful Chinese nationalism, which regards the slightest desire for governance after the 1.2 billion Chinese have suffered a hundred years of humiliation, as the future "Yellow Peril" (Yellow Peril), old man Dad, how can a Chinese-American intellectual with a little heart dare to speak out?In the "post-modern" world, friends, our Chinese nationalism is probably not qualified to be the "yellow peril"!It is our top priority in the new century to do some checks and balances for the "New Arynized World Order" (New Arynized World Order) that has come quietly but overwhelmingly. If you don’t learn, I’m afraid it’s the development direction that my Chinese can’t give up on! Therefore, those of us who study comparative history are watching helplessly as the white races, for the actual benefit of their future brothers and races, are gradually unifying from dozens of languages ​​into English.English has become the "national language" of the United States and Canada today, and will also become the ethnic language of this new nation (English-speaking nation). However, our Cambodian mainland has been a unified Mongolian yellow people for more than a thousand years. Why must we split up today? Woolen cloth?The Dalai Lama, an extremely intelligent, English-speaking, and world-minded political monk, clearly sees that this world trend is not only for the political and economic interests of Tibetans, but also for his own political future. , so he only needs to be Tung Chee-hwa of Tibet, not Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan.This is his historical vision (Historical Vision), which is beyond the reach of Lee Teng-hui and Xu Xinliang.American politicians are not reconciled to this, insisting on forcing him to engage in "Tibet independence"; forcing him to split from China, this is the bastard of Washington politicians. The Dalai Lama didn't want to be independent, but Beijing just wanted to drive fish away from Yuan, insisted on pushing the monk into the arms of the old beauty, and kept labeling him "Tibetan independence". This is the confusion of Beijing politicians. In all fairness, the Dalai Lama, an ambitious political monk, wants to be the "Tung Chee-hwa of Tibet".Didn't he do "Dong Chee-hwa" thirteen times in his "previous life"?Why not do it again?But Master Monk doesn’t know something, the times are different!If you have the material and spiritual foundation of Hong Kong, you can also give it a try.Tibet today is not far from ancient times, and the sequelae of slavery are still there. It is backward and poor, and it is basically similar to Africa in the south of the desert.There can only produce African-style local emperors, how can they create a Hong Kong-style "special zone"?Although Dong Chee-hwa is no better than your English-speaking monk, he is a mediocre son, at least he knows how to do business!What's more, there is a modern, well-hardened "Professional Modern Bureaucy" under him. The chief executive is an idiot, and he (she) is not an idiot.You Dalai little monk, what are you doing down there?It is true that all the young and old monks in your team will "recite lightly"; chanting sutras cannot manage the "special zone". Here, we also want to ask, American politicians who have been instigating monks to seek independence all day long, do you want young monks to go back to Tibet to read scriptures?Or do "Chief Executive"?The author personally has no intention of bragging for the Communist Party.I just feel that the Dalai Lama and his group of monks who eat meat can't eat the bowl of rice given by Chief Executive Dong. 【Note】According to the statistics of experts, the living standard of the world in 1997 was almost as follows: Canada first, America fourth, Japan seventh, UK fifteenth, Hong Kong twenty-second, China one hundred and eighth... See The World Book, Yearbook 1998, p. 231.If Tibet becomes a special zone, it may rank after one hundred and twenty.What special zone are you doing? Furthermore, Yankees and English-speaking peoples have already turned English into their "national language" and "ethnic language".In the future post-modern "World Wide Web" (WWW for short), English is likely to become the international language that dominates the world, at least the first of the five "functional" international languages, and the other four should be Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. (In fact, in today's United Nations, these five languages, plus one French, are the practical international languages ​​in the world, but in the future WWW, French will be squeezed out by English.) Therefore, due to the trend of , English has become the national language of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and the ethnic language of the emerging "English-speaking nation". Why can't our Chinese become the national language and ethnic language with the same obligations and responsibilities? What about the language? [Note] When Mao Zedong and others changed the original "national language" to "Chinese", it was a self-righteous and wrong policy.Today Taiwan wants to replace "Mandarin" with Hokkien, which is also outdated thinking that does not know the trend of the "post-modern" world.Thoughtful Taiwan compatriots must not be fooled.If you are fooled, your monolingual children and grandchildren will hate you to death in the future.Don't you see that Lee Kuan Yew, who speaks Hakka, wants to use "Mandarin" to unify the Sin Chew dialect.That is for the sake of future generations!Lee Kuan Yew is a thoughtful and historically visionary statesman who will leave a lasting legacy in the future.Not as short-sighted as Mr. President of his own family. We, both the government and the opposition, should therefore debate and debate today's Eurocentrists on this assertion!How can you keep silent like a cicada and just listen to their one-sided remarks!The author's humble opinion is only based on pure academic theory and historical trends, and definitely does not value any regime.I sincerely hope that virtuous readers from all walks of life can give me more in-depth advice on my theories without involving emotions. 话说回头,我国的传统的外交学理和外交行政,在秦始皇以后便转向一个新的方向。它所致力的,不再以国际之间平等竞争为对象,而是一个金字塔式的宇宙国家的中央政府,对周遭无数小王国所发生的作用。我们读历史的可以肯定的说,从古代到中古、近古的亚洲,统一的“中国”之外,四周少数民族的小邦,是多不胜数的。他们各说各的方言,属国之下,亦有属国。彼此之间的部落战争(tribal wars),也是打不完的。因此一个强大而又有“仲裁特权”(arbitrational power)的汉、唐、宋、元、明、清的朝廷,往往却是维持他们之间和平共存的力量。 【附注】此一小国混战的现象当时不独柬亚地区为然。非、拉二洲固无论矣,中西欧亦不能免。试看中欧的日耳曼诸小邦,以及西欧的羲大利诸小邦,都是在十九世纪末期,才归于统一的,统一之前,他们也是纷争无已时。早年的神圣罗马帝国和中古、近古的教廷,对他们的约束力,远不如帝制时代的中国朝廷也。 换言之,那时中国朝廷在它自己的“世界秩序”之内所发生的作用,也正是今日的联合国的“安全理事会”(Security Council),和“国际仲裁法庭”(The International Court of Justice)所发生的作用,因此那个中华帝国和它周遭无数小王国之间的国际关系,便类似今日联合国与会员国的关系。也就是先秦时代,“周天子”与诸侯关系的延续。例如西藏的喇嘛政权,到承继问题不能自己解决时,北京政府就颁发一“金瓶”,让他们去抽签。蒙古王公和喇嘛斗得不得开交时,乃由北京朝廷分别加封,来他个政教分立,只有朝廷才能说了算;也只有朝廷才能维持各地区的区域和平。 当然,人类既是好战好杀的下等动物,在任何种的制度之下,战争都是无法避免的。中国和四邻少数民族小国,就时常打斗,有时也打得十分激烈。如唐太宗征高丽(公元六四五年),邓小平惩越南(一九七九),也都发兵数十万。我的越南学生就告诉我说,在越南的历史上,所有越南的“民族英雄”都是“抗华英雄”。我也告诉他们,历史上在印度支那半岛族群内战中,不知出了多少“民族英雄”,可能百十倍于抗华英雄,但是只有“抗华英雄”,才能名垂青史。其他英雄们的大名,你们都不知道罢了。诸生大笑称是。 我们要知道,在汉、唐、元、明、清的强势朝代中,“礼乐征伐自天子出”;为着区域事务,或干脆为着“声威”(aggrandizement),都会发生征东、征西一类的战争的。可是在六朝和南北宋的弱势朝代里,则“礼乐征伐自诸侯出”。一旦诸侯国相互兼并,变得太强大了,它就要入主中原,建立其北魏、辽、金、元、清等大帝国,但其所建立的,宇宙大帝国的外在形式和内部结构,自秦皇汉武建制以后,两千年中却一成不变,这也就是毛泽东所说的“千载犹行秦法政”了。这本是一种东方的“世界秩序”,有它自己的运作程序。与西式世界秩序相比,二者之间只有制度之异同,而无政治是非之可言也。 在这一与西方完全不同的宇宙观,和宇宙政府之下运作的外交体制,自然与西方的体制是绝对的南辕北辙。但是它也是个自成体系,有效运作的制度(a functional system),一行两千年,未尝瘫痪也。只是从鸦片战争(一八三九~一八四二)之后,在西方制度的挑战之下,无法继续罢了。但是在行将到来的“后现代时期”(during thepost - Modern Era),它的理论与实践,是否能重发余温?制衡西制,今日似乎还言之过早,然并非绝无可能也。君不见,今日美国在波斯湾,不正在大搞其“挟天子,令诸侯”的勾当?现任联合国秘书长安南先生,不是华府一手扶植的吗?老美今日偏不许他充分行使职擅。岂不怪哉呢? 总之,二次大战后的战争,如韩战、越戳(包括邓小平所打的)、波斯湾和波士尼亚之战,其性质与结束方式,与一、二次大战及战前之大小战争,均已大异其趣。近年美国所搞的挟天子令诸侯那一套,已愈来愈像咱们东方老传统,迨地球转入“后现代”或“后西方”(Post - Western Era)时代,政客们纵横之道如何?现在虽言之尚早,然其与现在之决然不同,固不待智者而后明也。 现在再回顾一下,看我国外交体制,从近古转近代,是怎样转过来的。 鸦片战争后,古老的东方文明被迫作第二次大转型。一转百转,我们的外交建制和操作,也被卷入转型大潮,慢慢转移,从两广总督府,转入中央特设的“总理各国通商事务衙门”(简称“总理衙门”)。到一九〇一年,吃了八国联军的败仗,才又被迫设立了两千年历史上第一个“外务部”。然后重作冯妇,再习外交。百余年来,这项转型学步的经验,是十分艰难和痛苦的。 首先是,近百余年来的我国中央政府,虽也有个外交部(Foreign office),却基本上没个“外交政策”(Foreign Policy),我们所搞的,几乎全部是被动的应付外交,或挨打外交;在国际间的外交行为,始终就未尝采取过主动。此一劣势的形成,虽亦与国势有关,所谓弱国无外交也。但是我国朝野,对此新舆行道之无知,也是个主要的因素啊!清末民初,那段血泪斑斑的挨打外交,不用谈了,纵在二次大战末期,我们已挤入“四强”之列,但是被欺被宰,还是血泪横流啊!那是技术落后、愚昧无知的结果,与“弱国外交”就没有太大的关系了。 在二次大战末期,胜利已成定局之时,全球列强,只剩下中、美、英、苏,一桌麻将。六十年后,细谈牌经,历史家不能不说,这场麻将中的最大赢家和最高牌手,实在是老毛子史达林也。他原是个最危险的德日夹攻、英美暗算的毁灭的对象。但在二次大战前夕,他就能安排中国替他“抗战到底”,而化德日“夹攻”为纳粹“单攻”。何等高明?二次大战末期,他居然又透过雅尔达、波茨坦,不费吹灰之力,不特在欧洲囊括了所谓“苏东波”半边天下,在东亚也掌握了满、蒙、北韩,最后还在满洲暗助一小老弟入主中原。真是锦上舔花。苏联后来之解体,实在是天亡老苏,非战之罪了。 四方城中,另一麻将客邱吉尔,也技术非凡。邱氏原意,是在欧洲缓开“第二战场”(Second Front),务必等到德、苏两军,皆拚搏至死亡边缘之时,然后来个卞庄刺虎,以英、美主力,从东欧的黑海沿岸,抢滩登陆。如此,则约翰黄牛,不但可尽收战败纳粹之所有,同时也可把“北极熊”,赶回北极,以除后患。这着何等厉害。 可惜邱某受制于他的“上家”罗斯福,而不能尽展所长。罗某不但有其美国传统的理想主义,他也以带病之身,受制于满脑军功,而政治木讷的窝囊将领,马歇尔和艾森豪。但是二十世纪毕竟是美国世界。在这场麻将中,也只此一家,能“不按理出牌”。赌本无限故也……朋友,人家输得起嘛!这也就是管仲能搞“九合诸侯”的道理啊!人家本钱无限,你如也想赢点小钱,你就得“摸着石头过河”,在霸主身边,狐假虎威一番。是非云乎哉?这就是罗、邱的关系了。 这场伟大的国际牌局中,本钱既小,而牌技奇劣者,就是我们的蒋公介石了。他老人家个性倔强,颇有忠肝义瞻。一介死士也,烈士也。他搞内交,打内战,有时也有些智慧与手腕,可以不战而屈人之兵。然终非大器。搞国际外交,没个智囊班底,他就是个一介武夫了。在二次大战之后,美、苏交恶,中国介于其间,举足轻重。运用得当,他原可“坐收两国之金”。(这是蒋公最爱阅读的《战国策》上的话。)战后毛公虽有土□九十万,声势确实不小,但是在美、苏夹缝中讨生活,仍是小筹码也。其所以能席卷大陆者,蒋氏外交无能,终以一人而与两国一党为敌,麻将技术太鲁,有以致之也。此处篇幅太短,容当另论之。 蒋去毛来,中华人民共和国成立了,吃一堑长一智,理当深识蒋之覆辙,在两强之间,釜底抽薪,而独享其渔翁之利。孰意毛之山洞外交,尤逊于蒋。他替史达林打了一场韩战,死伤数十万,且几乎吃了原子弹,事后还要向赫秃赔偿“战债”,天下事之荒唐有甚于此者乎?某次愚答大陆学生问:此债应偿否?余冒反革命、反毛泽东思想之大险,自承是资本主义的“徽州朝奉”,曰:“此债誓不偿还也。”数百师生闻言,竟为之鼓掌哄堂,亦可笑矣。 其实“扫扫仓角子”(毛公名言)赔点小钱,小事也。何足挂齿?毛公之左右开弓,最后竟变成以两强为敌,几至美、苏合作,联合炸毁罗布泊之结果。毛氏之终能免此屈辱,无他,命大而已矣。真是天下无俊杰,使庶子成名。吾人固知,美方五角大厦之原始计昼,是单独毁减中国之核子设备(与他们今日之对付伊拉克,简直是一模一样),然以未获苏联默许而未果行。迨布里兹涅夫亦有意单独行动时,又为企图联华制苏之尼克森所峻拒,而末达所愿。两强计昼中,偶然之时差,竟免中国于浩劫,而鼓中老毛不知,还自鸣得意,岂非天意哉?余于尼克森访华之后,得机返大陆探母,从南到北之大小干部,无不歌诵“伟大毛主席的革命外交”,闻之实不胜悲楚。盖余深知该次中美关系之回旋,全出于狡猾之尼克森,一手之安排。北京之联合国席次,全系尼大总统之恩赐,毛氏得之而不脸红,还大吹其“不称霸”,亦诚厚颜之甚矣。余嗣读尼氏、季氏之回忆录,见“小媳妇”周恩来,用尽心机,内说昏君,外御强寇,以风烛残年的癌病之躯,折冲其间,“古大臣欤?”真为之拭泪也。(在九一三之前,周致尼克森每一密函,必说经毛主席及林副主席之批准,见其用心之苦也。见尼克森自传,一九七二年各节。) 周、毛既逝,尼党亦垮,小蒋短命,闽南帮篡位,中美两岸之交,从头来起。海峡南岸,新官上任,金权务实,忙不开交。而成败仰乎赵孟,民可使由之,不可使知之,政权基础,固未稍变也。北岸受惠开放,科技与经济齐飞,资本与社会一色,毛规邓随,对岸小朝廷不听话,开炮如仪。但是毛的十万大炮,未能打掉金门,江的几颗飞弹,又何能吓坏老爸?头轻脚重,以千斤而拨四两,宜其贻笑方家也。 可是我国的圣贤遗训,所谓“满招损,谦受益”,于近年来海峡两岸对峙之局,真能一语道破。南岸的李老总的毛病,便是由“满”而骄,睥睨当世,而其志只在一岛,他非所知,良可慨也。其实蕞尔小岛,海隅孤悬,要冲出困境,需有不世出之大思想家与大政治家,去领袖群伦,导夫先路,不幸宝岛今日多的是急功近利的政客,共同目标,亦只限于分家独立。这与美国内战中,林肯对手方所搞的分裂外交(SecessionistDiplomacy)相似而规模不如也。林肯之所以不朽者,若辈与有功焉。 笔者之对岛兴叹,并非说大陆上,今日已出现了什么“大政治家”也。其实□中共政客之困死于一党,亦正如台湾政客之困死于一岛,双方皆无魄力能破茧而出也。只是双方政治资本则有天渊之别罢了。毛泽东政权之最大成就,也可说是唯一的成就吧,厥为对中国大陆的“武力统一”,而“武力统一”却为中国政治运作中之第一条件。民国以来,自袁世凯而后之当权者如段祺瑞、吴佩孚、张作霖、孙中山、蒋介石、毛泽东,无不梦寐求之也,然只毛泽东一人能最后完成之,而还是功亏一篑。 朋友,政治是最现实的东西。所以今日的北京政权,如能维持它的“武力统一”于不坠,便是百分之八十的成功。此即邓小平所谓“稳定第一”之真谛所在也。有此武力统一之基础,它和世界任何超级强权,不论为敌为友,皆可平起平坐。无此基础,则既不能为敌,更不能为友,充其量只是一变相附庸而已。为附庸则赵孟能贵之,赵孟亦能贱之也。斯即今日宝岛台湾之实际的国际地位。直言之,知犯众怒,然无人能否认此客观事实也。 大陆便不然了。就近五十年来的中美关系来说,尼克森之前,中、美两国均以对方为天字第一号之世仇(archenemy),尼克森而后,渐次接近,今日两国竟变成莫逆之交,甚至变成了所谓“战略伙伴”(Strategical Partners)。真出人意料。如今蜜月之情,奚待多言?为时不过数月之前,当华府好色之小总统向北京propose(求亲)之时,我辈台下观众,无不大惊失色。不意柯林顿能出此怪棋也。北京显亦为此突来之爱情所惊,最初曾连连否认,说只是“合作伙伴”,而非“战略伙伴”也。吾辈中美外交史课室中之老学究闻之,颇为北京之半推半就而惊奇也。美谚不云乎:“搞不过他,就同他合伙。”(If you cannot lick him, join him)老江原搞不过小柯嘛,现在小柯要老江入黟,为何不干? 读者贤达,您知道啥叫“战略伙伴”吗?那就是:老美今日世界之霸主(hegemonist)也。他老人家现在要搞“九合诸侯,一匡天下”,尤其是要对付伊拉克、伊朗、金正日,这窝小造反派,没个中国作“二把手”为助,则阻力处处,事倍功半。他若能拉中国“入伙”,做个“助霸”(assistant hegemonist),则一匡天下,便易如反掌矣。而今日中国这位老太太,对霸主既无篡位之心,更无篡位之力。自己如能和平稳定,于愿已足,台湾之外,又别无所求,霸主老爷,如能说服北京当“助霸”,对老美的世界霸权,实有百利无一害也。所以这位好色的小总统,就要苦苦向北京追求和亲了。北京最初的反应虽然有点脸红心眺,不知如何是好,所幸今日主持大陆外交的“江钱配”,原也是洋场出身,非老毛的山洞外交所可比。因此不出数日,他们对美国式的快速拍拖,也能快速适应,终于一拍即合了。 朋友,同老美合伙,有啥好处呢?啊,那好处才说不完也。须知,美国老牧童(cowboy)这个腰缠万贯的大老粗,莽小子,鲁提辖,“He Man”,做了世界的霸主了。问良心,他倒真的没有小心眼、黑良心,像英国保守党,彭肥那样,笑里藏刀,诡计多端。牧童哥直来直去,也见义勇为,惯打不平。这是他的好处,但也是他的弱点。他对比他更有钱,也有更高度文明的人,像犹太人,就很有自卑感,因此他的犹太情结极重,美国也就变成世界犹裔唯一的天堂,华府也就变成以色列的殖民地。而以色列这个国家,原是老谋深算的英国宋江,二次大战后被迫退出中东时,特意制造出来的(其手法和它被迫退出香港时,筒直一模一样)。英国这一手法的后遗症,便是把中东弄得永无安宁之日。因此中东这个大火药库,就变成美国永远甩不掉的大包袱。把老提辖变成个背了一辈子包袱的布袋和尚。可是这个包袱的轻重,就有赖于我们“江伙伴”的举足之劳了。 君不见,周前美驻联合国大使李嘉森(Bill Richardson),为着要向伊拉克动武,曾以“伙伴”身分专访北京乎?只要“江伙伴”一点头,则伊拉克之毒气工厂,就摇摇欲坠矣。“战略伙伴”就有这么“灵”也。钱其琛外长封“柯伙伴”之动机与目的,万般同情与支持,只觉突然动武,更会引起区域不安,恐贻后患,因以殷勤软语,劝“柯伙伴”再思之,或有和平方法,能达相同之目的也。(见一九九八年二月十五日《纽约时报》Erik Eckholm的北京专访。) 朋友,这是性爱伴侣的枕畔良言。其实际效果则远超过安理会中之正式VET0也。阿钱此一低姿态,不特李嘉森大使衷心折服,西方媒体舆政论家也一致颂扬。伊拉克的海珊大总统,对钱外长之感激涕零,岂在话下?老美这个牧童,如今除了英国之外,已变为举世所不直的“战魔”(warmonger),而在联合国犯有好战前科,并经安理会正式通缉,迄末平反的“侵略者”(aggressor),中华人民共和国,居然变成了和平女神。中、美两国今后在竞逐诺贝尔和平奖之间的距离,也就够大了吧!这一来,以后李嘉森大使还会拿台湾问题,来向阿钱要胁吗?亚、非、拉小邦更何能与北京为敌,要把“中国台北”拉入联合国呢?片语而安天下,一言而有十利,又何必千斤拨四两去搞啥飞弹呢?孟子曰:“有智不如乘势。”牧童哥曰:“搞不过他,就同他合伙。”语有雅俗,而智慧无殊也。台湾今后要在国际关系中,“造势”反击,在牧童移情别恋之后,实甚艰难,无他,本钱不足故也。与北岸竞争,应另辟蹊径才好。 其实,北京在外交上之突破,不只以中美关系为然也。其收回与掌握香港之方式,已发其端。香港回收之匕鬯不惊,已属不易;回归后,对港政不染一指之表现,尤属难能。今日港、中之异议媒体,仍是读者如云,清望照旧,此种容忍雅量,余深恐民运诸子,如一旦当权,或且有所不能也。但这一治港政策,又何伤于大陆之和平稳定?何必那么瞻小如鼠呢? 西哲有言:“制度者,机运与智慧之产儿也。”(System is the child of wisdom and chance.)中国近代社会文化之转型,已臻最后阶段之机运,正迫人而来,两岸当政者,若有适当智慧(appropriate wisdom)以配合之,我民族翻身,此其时矣。大陆今日已位跻“助霸”,一国之下,万国之上,若能乘势积德行仁,拿出更大气魄,民胞物与,有教无类,台独民运,一体通吃,主持正义于列国,作第一二世界之发言人,传口碑于世界,这点是霸主老美所永远无法取代者也。对内更应广开政权,以最谦冲怀抱,容异议于两岸。中国历史发展至此,已是乔治?华盛顿呼之欲出之时,识时务者为俊杰。领导天下一家,促成华族一统,在将来“霸主”气运不继而交庄之时,我民族起而代之,亦是天降大任也。有眼光、有气魄的大政治家,盍兴乎来。 朋友,读圣贤书,所为何事?我国古史上,五霸、七雄的次第交班,世界近代史上,法、英、美三强之相继崛起,不都是这样的吗?在科技发展一日千变的“现代后期”(Late Modern)与“后现代”(Post - Modern)的世界里,三百年洋东转洋西,后现代应是季候柬风倒吹之时。对此排山倒海而来之历史任务,我民族文化,亦有当仁不让之实也。笔者今日发此狂言缪论,吾知嗤之以鼻者,正所在多有也。回忆抗战初期,笔者斯时一赤足少年也,曾亲闻冯玉祥大炮之狂言,曰:“打到日本无条件投降为止。”其时虽小难童亦笑其狂也,谁知八年之后,竟成事实哉?天下事有非常理可以预测者。悬的以赴,有为者亦若是,有什么不可能的呢?但愿,阿弥陀佛,一帆风顺,今后两岸对立,其争也君子,不再节外生枝,功亏一篑才好。 拙篇是应老友王尔敏教授之嘱,为他的大著《晚清商约外交》所写的序文。然在拜读王子大著之后,不禁百感潮涌。因为像他这样的专著,在欧美的已发展国家里,真触手即是,无虑数百种也,而且多是现抄现实,无待于百年之后也。回看国、共易手之初,“谁丢掉中国?”(Who lose China?)会变成华府政客的口头禅,杜鲁门政府随即抛出“白皮书”(White Paper),向国内外解释:谁丢掉中国?中国自丢之也。何等快捷有力。当时也有策士,劝复职了的蒋总统,针锋相对,也发表个黑皮书以自白。但是只习惯于江湖外交和忍辱外交的蒋大总统不干也。最后他老人家决定在台北来修炼“罗斯福路”,以扬罗贬杜,亦可叹之甚矣。 [其实那时蒋如真要发表一个Black Paper,恐亦编不出来。第一,咱中国搞外交无此传统;第二,中国学术现代化,当时还未化到这个化境。官僚体制(bureaucracy)与象牙之塔(academics)还是个老王家的吹鼓手,你吹你的,我打我的,各不相涉。在此之前,蒋公曾出了一本《中国之命运》。据已故史家萧作梁教授生前告诉我,此书几个关键章节,是抄自美国作家Robert C. Norths的Chinese Communism。余复查之果然。这就是中国近代外交学的研究,与政府的外交运作无法配合,很可悲的实际事例了。 ] 前节已言之,笔者本人,为着糊口,也曾在海内外学府,教过不少堂东亚和中国外交史一类的课程,每苦于无中文参考书,以为点缀。八〇年代之初,我又为纽约市大所指派,住中国大陆作交换教授,授美国史及国际关系史诸课程,并曾得机参观大陆各地诸大学有关外交学科的教研情况和图书收藏。斯时开放未几,国内对与外交有关的出版与收藏,可说是一片沙漠,班上纵有极优秀,和肯下苦功的青年师生(我班上即有很多优秀的青年大学教师),而苦于巧妇难为无米之炊。回忆笔者于六〇年代之初,服务哥大期间,曾由联合国文教机构及美国国务院之特颁执照,与北京有关机关,作大量图书交换。经我个人手选,由联合国负卖运输之交换图书,即包括美国国务院所出版,凡七十年末断之全套《外交档案汇编》(Foreign Relations)。窃思中、美两国不论为敌为友,和有志外交的中国青年,将来不论为学(做教师)或从政(当外交官),这部绝版书,都是不可或缺的ABC教科书,笔者当年所以费尽心血,搜得一套运往中国者,职业知识分子之职业癖,实有以致之,然亦未尝不是为两国百年之计,作“后人乘凉”之想,未尝计及个人及
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