Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 39 (38)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2435Words 2018-03-20
For another example, if we eat salty food, do we drink more water?If you always eat so salty and drink so much water, will the burden on your kidneys be increased?Over time, this kidney qi will gradually lose, and people will have more and more diseases.What have we been living on since we were young?They all live by Qi, as the saying goes, "One lives with one breath"! What kind of qi is mainly mentioned here?It is kidney qi, so the older a person is, the more prone to kidney deficiency.Why?As long as you breathe, as long as you are alive, you are constantly using up this qi.If we don't replenish it in time, we will consume too much, and the qi will become more and more exhausted.The more deficient the qi, the slower the blood circulation will be, and the oxygen supply to the viscera and all levels from head to toe will deteriorate, and aging will be more likely to occur.There is a very typical phenomenon in our human body. When we are young, the skin is good. As we age, the skin gets worse and worse, with more and more wrinkles and roughness.The reason is that our qi is insufficient, resulting in poor blood circulation, resulting in a lack of nutrition in various parts of the body, and the phenomenon of aging appears.So the kidney is a very important organ.

Let's continue to talk about unitary time, that is, 17:00-19:00, which is related to our food again. In the past, our ancestors ate porridge and light food every night. What was the purpose?One is to nourish the kidneys, and the other is to eat some light food at night, go to bed early, and don't put extra burden on our liver and gallbladder at night.And what are our current eating habits?They all eat very well at night, big fish and big meat, delicious.If we eat like this every day, think about it, will our kidneys be damaged? In our daily life in the future, we must inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of our ancestors, and change the unhealthy lifestyles that are common now.First of all, the lighter the dinner, the better, and eat more foods that are good for the kidneys. You can add black beans to your staple food; you can also eat some nuts, such as walnuts, pine nuts, chestnuts, etc.Nuts are good for the kidney. I suggest that you eat some nuts every day before dinner, that is, between 17:00-19:00.

In the Meridian Flow, the metabolism of the kidney is the most vigorous at 17:00-19:00 in the evening.At this time, everyone must have dinner on time.No matter how busy you are, you must put down your work, because eating on time at this time will have a great protective effect on your kidney qi. Elderly people over the age of 70, if conditions permit, can drink a moderate amount of wine-white wine at this hour, that is, between 17:00-19:00.Why do old people drink alcohol?Since the appetite of the elderly is small, the daily food intake can no longer meet the requirements of nourishing the kidneys. We can use some auxiliary methods, such as drinking a little wine.Alcohol has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, why can it promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis?Because blood is the mother of qi, it can promote blood circulation, and good blood circulation can produce qi.Elderly people have spent a lot of qi throughout their lives, so they can replenish kidney qi at this time.

How else can we nourish our kidneys?When exercising in the morning, look for stones, preferably pebbles, and try to walk on them.Why walk this cobblestone place?Because there is an important point on the sole of our feet called "Yongquan point", this Yongquan point is the main point of the kidney meridian.When we walked on the pebble ground, it constantly stimulated the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet.Isn't the sole of the foot called "the second human body"?All the viscera are underneath!You massage the soles of your feet by walking, just like the principle of our sports.If you can walk on this cobblestone once in the morning and in the evening, it will have a good nursing effect on the organs, especially the kidneys.

We mentioned in the opening chapter that the kidney is the "powerful official", and strength is the bow and arrow. To draw a bow and shoot an arrow, you must first have strength.Our strength comes from the kidneys, and sufficient kidney qi is the source of human strength.The kidney stores essence and is also in charge of the utilization of vitality.Vitality is the foundation of our life activities and is limited, so it cannot be wasted and consumed casually.For example, vitality is like a can of gas that you are born with. Some people have little or insufficient gas.But because of his insufficiency, he cherishes it very much. If he saves it, he can live to be 90 years old.Some people see that their tank is full of gas, so they boil water every day with a high fire, and it may be used up soon, and their life will be over.Therefore, the function of storing essence in the kidney is very important. Only when the vitality stored in the kidney is sufficient and not consumed indiscriminately can a person live a normal life.

The so-called ADHD in children nowadays is a manifestation of distracted mind and weak kidney essence.This has something to do with taking medicine and food. Now children take too much cold drinks and cold medicines.Let me tell you a simple truth: the inside of the human body is at a constant temperature. If you eat a lot of ice water at once, the self-protection function of the human body must adjust the kidney essence to break the cold and maintain the original body temperature.Vitality should be fixed. If we always use our vitality, our body will become weaker and weaker. This is a common problem now.

Some friends may ask, if the kidney is not good, what should I eat more?We have introduced a lot of kidney nourishing foods before, and then I will teach you a soup.There has always been a saying in TCM health preservation that "replenish the viscera with the viscera".If elderly friends have kidney deficiency or deficiency of kidney qi, mental fatigue, weakness of waist and knees, and frequent urination at night, you can try it. The raw materials are 1 animal kidney, 5 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, and 10 grams of medlar.Cut the kidneys open first, remove the white tendons, soak them in cold water for half an hour, then take them out, then cook them with Eucommia ulmoides and wolfberry for 1 hour.

There is also a "Shouwu Chicken", you can also try it.The raw materials are 1 broiler chicken, 20 grams of Radix Polygoni Multiflori, 300 ml of chicken broth, appropriate amount of onion, ginger, garlic and condiments.The method is to wash and cut the young chicken first, blanch it in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then remove it.Then heat the pan with cold oil, add the onion, ginger, and garlic and stir-fry until the aroma is released, then put the blanched chicken nuggets into the stir-fry, season and add Zhishouwu and chicken broth, and simmer for about 1 hour.This soup has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing essence and blood.

When to invigorate the kidney is also very important.Do you know which season is the best season for nourishing your kidneys?By the way, winter!Winter is suitable for nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the muscles and bones.Winter is the season of "Yin prospers and Yang hides", so in winter, Yang Qi should not be disturbed, but Yin should be suppressed and Yang should be protected.The health preservation principle of daily life in winter should be to go to bed early and get up late, to avoid the cold and keep warm. In winter, we must go to bed early and wake up late, in order to comply with the nature of collection. "Wait for the sun" means that you must wait until the yang energy of the heaven and earth, and the human body (such as waking up naturally) appear before you can start activities and work.This is a concrete manifestation of the "unity of man and nature". It cannot be said that the world has not yet moved, and you willfully get up first, that is a violation of the laws of nature!

In winter, the Yang Qi of the body is latent in the body. If the skin is vented without avoiding the cold, it is violating the internal Qi mechanism in winter, and the vitality of the human body will be lost.In winter, many women friends, especially elderly women, often have cold hands and feet and are prone to colds.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the head, chest, and feet are the most vulnerable to attack by cold evil. Therefore, in winter health preservation, we must pay attention to keeping these three parts warm. Many of our current lifestyles are excessive fatigue at night, excessive eating and drinking at dinner, and karaoke after eating and drinking... Excessive indulgence is the biggest damage to the kidneys.You see, many animals still hibernate in winter!As humans, it is impossible for us to hibernate, so we must rest as early as possible in winter.Winter is the time when kidney qi is at its peak, so don't consume it too much.

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