Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 29 (28)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2443Words 2018-03-20
I used millet porridge with one or two boiled eggs earlier, because my father studied Buddhism, and he didn’t eat these things in the past. Now I tell him that he must eat them. We use one or two a day for healing. Sometimes It was three, and at the highest point, four eggs were used.The purpose of eating eggs is to supplement him with protein, and the second is to strengthen his nutrition and increase hemoglobin. After two weeks, he will be given eggplant. As I mentioned earlier, eggplant has the effect of reducing tumors and removing blood stasis.After three months of adjustment, his symptoms gradually eased, and finally all symptoms disappeared. He is 88 years old this year.

There is another kind of case, which is called "gastroesophageal reflux" in Western medicine, which is what we ordinary people call "heartburn".In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called "the liver restrains the stomach, the liver restrains the spleen, and the spleen and stomach are incompatible".Gastric acid is secreted. If the stomach does not peristalsis, the gastric acid cannot go down, and the gastric acid stays here; if there is too much, will the heat come up?The hot air arches upwards, passes through the cardia, and enters the esophagus, which is called "esophageal reflux".So you see, do people with cardia cancer often have stomach acid?In fact, the stomach acid turned up and burned the cardia!After the cardia is burned out, it becomes red and swollen...it turns into cancer after a long time.The reason is because the stomach does not peristalsis caused.

What causes esophageal reflux?More than half of this disease is suffered by the elderly, but now more and more young people suffer from this disease.what is the reason?It's just that we eat too many cold drinks.As I said just now, the spleen likes dampness and is afraid of cold.Because we now eat cold drinks for the sake of taste, enjoyment, and mouth, regardless of whether the weather is hot or cold, which stimulates and destroys the spleen. There is another problem, that is, we eat too little staple food. When I talked about it in the general introduction and at the beginning of the soil chapter, I once said, what does the spleen depend on?It relies on "whole grains".Because the staple food is eaten too little, the spleen is working for us every day, but it is always deprived of nutrition. Think about it, can this spleen still work well for you?Once the spleen is sluggish, won't the stomach stop wriggling?If the stomach stops moving, won't all these diseases come out?So this is because our diet is too unreasonable, which brings these diseases.

How should patients with these digestive tracts be treated?Most diseases of the digestive system have two symptoms.The first one was weak in defecation, and I also defecated several times a day, but it was not dry, but weak!Many people call this constipation, which is wrong, it is called defecation disorder.What about this kind of person?Boil half a catty of mung beans with water, boil for 5-6 minutes to filter out the water, soak 5-10 pieces of Astragalus membranaceus, not too much, drink it as water every day, because Astragalus membranaceus strengthens the spleen, if there is too much, it is easy to get aphthous ulcers.Eat a variety of raw vegetables for dinner every day, what is the main one?Bell peppers and purple cabbage are the main ones.Stop eating oil and meat at night.Often pinch the legs, the two meridians of the spleen and stomach, which have been taught in detail in the exercise.There is also a Gongsun point, see "Illustration: Gongsun Point".

The Gongsun points are on the soles of our feet. You can look for them according to the picture, and pinch these points frequently to restore the power of the spleen.Once the power of the spleen is restored, the qi and blood will flow smoothly, the stomach will strengthen its peristalsis, and the stool will be fine... This is a situation. There is another situation, several times a day defecation, shapeless, Western medicine is called "enteritis" or "stomach is not good", Chinese medicine is called "spleen-stomach incompatibility".How to adjust this kind of person?During the day, half a catty of mung beans, 50-100 medlars, boiled for 5-6 minutes, boiled for 5-6 minutes, soaked in astragalus, started with 5-10 pieces, added 5 pieces if not on fire for two or three days, added 5 pieces if not on fire, and then added 5 pieces to 30- Limited to 40 pieces.Millet porridge or soy milk in the morning, with boiled eggs, one, two, three to five are all right; according to your own situation, be careful not to eat too much.Add an assortment of raw vegetables in the evening after a week.Rub two more meridians of the spleen and stomach every day (for details, please refer to "Chapter 6 Appropriate Exercise and Weight Loss"), and press the Gongsun point more.Usually a month or so, the disease will be cured gradually.

If you have an ulcer, let alone a gastric ulcer or a duodenal ulcer, how should you treat it with diet?If accompanied by diarrhea, you should cure the diarrhea first, and then use the following method: Raw wax gourd and raw carrot, smashed together, with a boiled egg, stir together... It is best not to peel the wax gourd, Coupled with 2000 mg of calcium, drink it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, and the ulcer can be repaired gradually.There is a substance called plant gum in wax gourd, which is a very adhesive food; vitamin A in carrots, which repairs mucous membranes; egg protein also promotes the growth of mucous membranes.Calcium also increases cell viability and helps restore mucosal growth.So these two are combined, drink once in the morning and evening, how much do you drink each time?Take your stomach as the standard, gradually increase the amount!Under normal circumstances, after two or three months or three or four months, you may wish to go to the hospital for an examination to see how the mucosa has repaired and compare it with your previous situation.We have cured many people in this case.

Consistent spleen and stomach The spleen is one of the five zang-organs, and the stomach is one of the six fu-organs; the spleen governs movement and transformation, and the stomach governs reception;These two organs cooperate with each other to complete the digestion and absorption of food and the transmission of nutrients.If the spleen’s transportation and transformation function is poor, the stomach’s receiving and descending functions will also be affected at the same time, and symptoms such as less food, nausea, and vomiting will appear.Similarly, if the diet is not temperate, it will also affect the transportation and chemical functions of the spleen and stomach, and symptoms such as abdominal distension and diarrhea will appear.

The spleen is the foundation of the acquired constitution and an important part of strengthening the body, curing diseases and maintaining health.People have to eat every day and absorb nutrients every day, so that life can continue.Therefore, we must pay attention to maintaining the spleen and stomach throughout the year.Today I want to tell you about skin diseases caused by spleen and stomach disharmony. Let's talk about eczema first, mainly on the limbs, and then on the whole body.It was red at the beginning, the back was broken, and there was water in it. This disease has a very consistent symptom, which starts from the head first, and then spreads to the whole body.This disease is related to the spleen, which governs the limbs, including the head.The human skin is the second respiratory system of the human body. If the breathing is not smooth, is it stuffy?Isn't this stuff coming out?This is what causes eczema.Eczema is called dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, and the so-called poison is heat poison.The reason is that the heat in your body can't escape, and it's trapped in the body tissue.

In human skin, the top is called the epidermis and the bottom is called the dermis.There is a gap between the skin and the meat. If this gap is blocked, the heat inside will not escape!When the heat reaches a certain level, it slowly protrudes, which is called a rash.Just like a volcano in nature, if it is suppressed to a certain extent, it will definitely erupt.That means you're out of breath!Why doesn't it work?Because the pressure inside is not enough, it cannot be excreted. Looking back, let's see what the spleen does.According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs movement and transformation and produces qi.What is the kidney for?Appreciate.What is the liver for?Regulated.To give an example, the spleen is like the coking plant in our city, where gas is produced; the kidney is the place where gas is received, just like the gas tank in our house; the liver is the gas valve in our house.I have always eaten cold food, or too sweet food, and my spleen has been destroyed. This coking plant has shut down, so can the gas tank still have gas?If there is no air, the valve is useless, can it still adjust the air?It's the same with people, because the system is disrupted, resulting in poor blood circulation, the heat cannot be dissipated, and it explodes when it is held to a certain extent.Eczema is related to liver, spleen and kidney.In terms of the five elements, the liver is wood, the spleen is earth, and the kidney is water. Wood restrains soil, earth restrains water, and the circulation of qi, blood and water is not smooth. A disease caused by the incoordination of the three kidneys.

Once the cause is found out, the problem will be solved.Let's invigorate the spleen, regulate the stomach, regulate the liver and kidney, and don't let the heat escape from the face.The principles of treatment and health care, clearing, adjusting, tonifying, nourishing, clearing the liver, clearing away heat, nourishing the kidney, regulating the spleen, here comes the recipe:
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