Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 25 (twenty four)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2489Words 2018-03-20
The heart governs the mind, if the heart has problems, you may suffer from depression.In Chinese medicine, the heart governs the spirit; the spirit is divided into two gods, one is "primordial spirit" and the other is "knowledge spirit".What does Yuanshen represent?Yuanshen represents some demeanor that we have inherited from our parents.Consciousness of God is some cognitive demeanor cultivated in the day after tomorrow.To give an example, some people are naturally good at studying and quiet;So what is knowledge of God?Some people like to watch football and some like to watch basketball. This is acquired, so it has a lot to do with the nervous system in Western medicine.

Then some people ask, do mental illnesses have something to do with the heart?The answer is yes.For example, more and more "mental depression" and "mental mania" have a lot to do with this heart.Diseases like this are called "fascinated".In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is the "god", which is the demeanor of a person; the liver is our "soul" - the soul.The liver belongs to wood, the heart belongs to fire, and wood produces fire, which is a relationship of mutual growth.Fascinated means that the heart and liver are turned upside down.

There is also a general response from everyone that children today have poor memory.I don't think so!Let me ask you, why does this child always go back to your own home and not to other people's?It shows that this person is not poor in memory, but that the child did not concentrate on memorizing this thing.The reason was that he was hot and restless inside; he couldn't sit still, so he didn't memorize seriously, not because of poor memory, but because of restlessness caused by restlessness.According to traditional Chinese medicine, it means "excessive heart fire", while Western medicine calls it "hyperactivity".It is a common phenomenon for such children to sleep in circles at night, turning back and forth, left and right, and there are many such children now!During my more than 20 years of practice, according to incomplete statistics, I have also come into contact with dozens of them.

Through our adjustments, these children's problems have been solved, and they have become a very good and progressive child. Where is its rationale?We just calmed him down and made his spirit calm down.When God is sure to come down, man will be quiet; once man is quiet, he will be able to do anything you teach him... I just talked about the situation where children can't calm down. Now let's talk about adults.In real life, we see some people with thick necks, commonly known as "big neck disease".In Western medicine theory, such a disease is called "iodine deficiency".But from the point of view of Chinese medicine, this disease is directly related to the heart.As I said just now, wood produces fire. If the wood is too strong, the fire will be too strong, which will cause "excessive fire in the heart".Human heat goes up, and the upper part is where the heat is discharged.If the liver fire is too strong, the heart fire will be too big.If the excretion is not smooth, it is easy to accumulate blood stasis on the neck, forming a disease called "hyperthyroidism" or "goiter".

From so many years of research, it has been found that people who suffer from this disease have great changes in their emotions and intelligence. A person who used to be quite gentle and calm becomes more and more irritable!Many of these are caused by constipation.If the stool is dry, the heat will go up and pile up on the neck, which will easily cause this kind of disease.Therefore, such patients must pay attention to controlling their emotions, try to maintain calm in work and life, and let their emotions relax. Why are there more and more patients with hyperthyroidism now?The reason is that we ate so well tonight!After eating too much high-calorie food, sit there and think about it, where does the heat go?If the heat cannot be released, it must be discharged through our seven orifices.So how do we arrange the seven orifices?The heat from the liver is discharged from the eyes, the heat from the lungs is discharged from the nose, and the heat from the heart is discharged from the throat.Therefore, hyperthyroidism is now increasing!In Western medicine, the thyroid is a nervous system that organizes nerve conduction.Because the heat in our body cannot be discharged, it is blocked here, and it is over-secreted. Isn't this called hyperthyroidism?Excessive secretion and it stagnates here...

Therefore, everyone must pay attention. People with these diseases should first improve their emotions and intelligence; second, change their diet; Going to surgery. How to use the method of traditional Chinese medicine to tune it out?I will teach you a method, every day at noon, use the needle used for blood tests, the left middle finger, to prick it, just like the method for testing diabetes, prick it, squeeze out ten or twenty drops of blood.Don't be afraid, everyone, you can't be anemic.Once every other day, for a month or two, twenty or thirty times.For some people, the hyperthyroidism tumor slowly spreads out and disappears; if it doesn’t get pricked, it’s time to go to the hospital for surgery.Everyone must be flexible, and don't go all the way to the dark!

People with hyperthyroidism and pharyngitis should pay special attention. They must add raw bitter gourd at noon. What is bitter gourd for?It's for heartburn, so when is the best time to eat it?It is best to eat it at noon, and it is best to eat it raw. Before eating at noon every day, eat a plate of this, and then eat some chicken, duck and fish. For example, animals, such as chicken, duck, and fish, are now called "white meat", which has relatively high protein content and relatively low fat content. It is recommended to eat as much of these things as possible; eat less fat-rich meat, such as beef. Meat such as pork, sheep, and pigs is also the so-called "red meat".

When it comes to diet, patients with hyperthyroidism must remember to eat more light food, especially dinner, and never eat meat!Eat more raw vegetables!So what is the main raw vegetable mix?As I have told you before, bell peppers are very effective, and their vitamin C content is the largest, and there is also purple cabbage.Why does purple cabbage work so well?Because the selenium content in purple cabbage is the highest, it increases cell activity.If the cells survived, wouldn't our bodies be healthy?Isn't human blood made up of cells?Too many cells are aging and have problems, so don't people have problems?

Dinner must be based on these dishes, bell peppers, purple cabbage, if there are nodules, with raw eggplant, must remember to eat at night. Next, let’s talk about another disease related to the heart.Everyone should understand what our blood circulation depends on? "gas"!If the qi is insufficient, think about it, can the blood circulate well?If the blood circulation is not good, the heart is prone to ischemia; what about heart ischemia? It will contract hard to supply blood.Because our human body is a self-stabilizing system, a system that regulates its own balance, if you are used to contracting and expanding so hard for a long time, will it cause arteriosclerosis after a long time?Western medicine believes that the disease is all in the heart, but Chinese medicine does not think so. Chinese medicine believes that the heart disease is in the liver or liver and spleen.Because the spleen transports and transforms and produces qi; the liver regulates qi and sorts out the mechanism of qi; when qi is blocked, blood circulation is not good, plaques and other diseases are formed.

As life is getting better and better now, there are more and more coronary arteriosclerosis or blockages.The liver metabolizes fat at night, because we eat and drink a lot every night, these high-fat things cannot be metabolized by the liver, and the fat enters our blood, and accumulates on the blood vessels over time.Also, one of the worst habits people have now is drinking at night.Alcohol is also a high-calorie thing.What are the benefits of drinking at night?There are only ruins, only disadvantages, no benefits at all!Now what should we do if we want to prevent the blood vessels from being blocked?There is no other way but to change our eating habits.How to change it?It's very simple, absolutely don't eat oil and meat at night, and don't drink alcohol, drink it at noon, and don't drink it at night.Of course, it doesn't matter once in a while.

Many people now have thick blood and blocked blood vessels. How can I solve it?I told you before that in nature, one thing always descends from another, and as long as it is born, it will be restrained, otherwise it will be a mess.So what is the gram of these plaques, sticky blood?It is what we have been talking about "long eggplant".Everyone has cooked eggplant, and the oil absorption capacity of eggplant is quite strong!So if you want to prevent this disease, or if you already have this disease, quickly cure it, what should you do?I hope you will eat more raw eggplant every night!
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