Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 21 (20)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2406Words 2018-03-20
Therefore, pregnant women must add these dishes, and try to match raw and cooked dishes every day.Some people are afraid that eating lettuce will cause diarrhea, affect the fetus, or even cause miscarriage, so you should wash it as much as possible to prevent these phenomena.In this way, nutrition is also supplemented, and high blood pressure and diabetes are also prevented!If you have these diseases, try to eat as much of the "raw vegetables" as mentioned above to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar to the lowest level.After giving birth, if blood pressure and blood sugar have not recovered, if you are not constipated, you should quickly supplement calcium to lower blood pressure and blood sugar as soon as possible.Lesbians with gestational diabetes and high blood pressure must remember not to eat meat and oil at night after giving birth!It can be eaten normally in the morning and at noon.Usually everyone has a worry that it will affect the milk...in fact, it will not affect it! .

To give an example, I have a patient with gestational hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which is managed through food.At that time, she was 6 months pregnant, and she was found to have high blood pressure and high blood sugar. She did not dare to take medicine for fear of affecting the child.Then I found us here, and I used this recipe for her.The first blood pressure remained relatively stable, sometimes high, but it was much better than before eating.Blood sugar is also high, not as high as before.Just like this, after giving birth, I used the diet for treating diabetes that I told you just now. After a few months, everything returned to normal in the end, and she was completely treated.

In another case, I got hyperglycemia during pregnancy.After giving birth, the hospital still treats her as diabetes. Of course, the time is not long, just one year.Through our dietary adjustments, everything will be fine in three months.This is a great way to deal with gestational hypertension and diabetes. No sugar-free food for diabetes Many people use sugar-free foods to treat diabetes.I would like to ask everyone, is there any sugar-free food in the world?Let me tell you, there is no so-called sugar-free food in the world!Why?The four major components of organic matter in nature, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, have none of these four deficiencies in nature, nor in us humans.Isn't sugar a carbohydrate in the chemical definition?So there are no sugar-free foods in the world.This is one of them!Second, each of us cannot live without it. Carbohydrates oxidize quickly in the body and can supply energy in time to meet the needs of the body. Therefore, carbohydrates are the most economical and main source of energy for most people.They are also an important part of the body, closely related to the normal metabolism of certain nutrients in the body, and have important physiological functions.We humans cannot lack sugar at all, but relatively speaking, it is starch, sucrose, or glucose; in other words, is it polysaccharides, disaccharides, or monosaccharides.If the so-called sugar-free food for diabetes really has no carbohydrates, which patient can really stand it?If there are too few carbohydrates in the diet, it may cause waste of dietary protein, enhanced decomposition of tissue protein and fat, and loss of cations.So everyone must understand that there is no sugar-free food specially suitable for diabetics in the world.

People cannot live without sugar, and there is no real sugar-free food in the world.How should diabetics pay attention in daily life?Eat less foods that are high in sugar!What are foods high in sugar?It is what we call polished rice and refined noodles, which are relatively high in sugar.Therefore, since ancient times, it has been advocated that we should eat as little of these polished rice and noodles as possible, and eat more whole grains. The sugar content in whole grains is relatively low. Which of the fruits has sugar, and we have to eat fruit, what should we do?Remember, eat less and eat more.To give an example, let's say I don't have diabetes, if I eat a big watermelon now, my blood sugar will also rise!Why?You enter a lot at once, and it has to be digested slowly.So you have to change, isn't it over if you eat less and eat more?

I just said that there are no sugar-free foods in the world. Now many of us are eating some sugar-free foods. You can see on the ingredient list of these foods that some sweeteners are added, such as xylitol, stevia and so on.Now some relevant reports have been released one after another. People who often eat foods containing these additives may develop cancer or cause some chronic damage to organs.So I hope everyone will remember this sentence, eat natural things, and don’t eat these foods with additives. Only in this way can we fundamentally eliminate these diseases in the body. There are always times

People generally use the idiom "Take care of each other with sincerity" when describing friends who are closely related and share weal and woe.So where does this idiom come from?What causes people to suffer from insomnia? The idiom "sentimental and courageous" comes from the description of the relationship between "liver" and "gallbladder" in traditional Chinese medicine.What are gallbladders for? There is a sentence in the "Huangdi Neijing" that "every eleven treasures depend on the gallbladder". When is the Gallbladder Sutra in order?It is 11:00 to 1:00 at night, which is the darkest time of the day.At this time, Yang Qi begins to grow, so we should sleep at this time to preserve Yang Qi and store energy.

Just now we talked about the gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder are all germinal. There is another description for gallbladder in Chinese medicine. What is gallbladder?It is the sun of man.Everything is inseparable from sunlight, so the gallbladder is a very important organ.Chinese medicine believes that gallbladder regulates moisture.If the gallbladder is hot, the qi is easily held inside, and some gallbladder diseases are easy to form, such as "cholecystitis", "thickened gallbladder wall", "gallbladder polyps", "gallstones" and so on. As our living standards get better and better, we often eat too much meat, and now there are more and more gallbladder diseases, the most common being "gallstones".Some people say that gallstones are obtained by eating calcium, which is a very serious misleading.There are many people who have gallstones now, and some of them have actually eaten calcium!Never hearsay, speak with facts.

Let's analyze again now, how are gallstones formed?The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder stores bile.If the bile secreted by the liver is very clean, it is stored in the gallbladder.After we eat meat and oily food, the bile naturally comes out of the gallbladder to help break down the oil.If we eat too much meat, the liver can no longer metabolize the oil, and the bile will become more and more turbid. Will the turbidity slowly accumulate when the bile enters the gallbladder?Over time, it solidifies, which is called "gallstones".To give an example, everyone knows about drains, right?If the water is clean, the drainage channel will always be open; if the dirty things settle in it, the water channel will be blocked, isn't that called stone?The reason for gallstones is because we eat too much meat and oil.There are many misleading claims about eating calcium, which is simply wrong.

"Gallstones" how to prevent it?When does gall work? From 23:00 to 1:00, the liver works from 1:00 to 3:00 at night, so oil and meat must not be eaten at night.It doesn't matter once in a while, but don't eat oil and meat for dinner every day. What should I do after I have "gallstones"?Now there are two kinds of gallstones, one is called sediment-like, which is very small; the other is called granular, which is a large piece or several small pieces.Through my many years of practice, the modulation of sediment-like gallstones is very successful, reaching 100%. The particle type depends on the particle size of your gallstones.If your stone is small, will it go out along the bile duct?If your stones are large, you won't be able to get out by yourself.What if it's too big?The only way is to go to the clinic to crush the stones, and then discharge the stones.

How to treat "sand-like gallstones"?It's also very simple!The first one, don't eat meat at night, drink a glass of raw winter melon juice between 10:00 and 11:00 every night.
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