Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 10 (9)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2502Words 2018-03-20
I suggest that everyone, it is best to go to bed around 23 o'clock in the evening, this is the best time to sleep.Why is 23:00 the best time to fall asleep every night?What problems can be improved by doing this?In the next chapter, I will continue the discussion with you. Adequate Sleep and the Midday Influx There is a saying that goes well, if you don't have time to sleep, you will have to make time to be sick sooner or later.So sleep is very important to each of us.There is an old saying in China that if you suffer from insomnia every day, you will lose ten years of life. So how long do we need to rest to be sufficient? 6 hours, 8 hours, or 10 hours?There is a Chinese saying that goes with the flow.What is adequate sleep?According to the explanation of our Chinese medicine, you don't feel tired at all after waking up, very comfortable and very relaxed, this is a sufficient sleep.What is bad sleep?Chronic insomnia, or having nightmares, or constantly waking up in the middle of sleep, or very light sleep, which can wake up even if a needle falls on the ground, this is insufficient sleep.Therefore, I hope everyone will take a look at your own reasons, what causes your poor sleep, and analyze it.

There is a Chinese zodiac saying, each of us has our own zodiac sign when we are born.Everyone knows the zodiac signs, but if I ask you to know the relationship between the zodiac signs and each hour, do you know? In the last chapter, I mentioned that the best time for humans to fall asleep is 23:00. Why is 23:00 the best time for humans to sleep? The time of 23:00 was not proposed by me, but by our ancestor of traditional Chinese medicine. To be precise, he proposed the concept of Meridian Liuzhu.Then many friends have to ask again, what is Meridian Liuzhu? Ziwu Liuzhu is a law discovered by our sages of Chinese medicine, and it is a natural law revealed through the human body. See "Illustration: Ziwu Liuzhu".That is to say, the 12 hours of each day correspond to the 12 meridians of the human body.Because the time is changing, different meridians also rise and fall at different times, and have their own changing laws, so the health preservation according to the meridian flow can get twice the result with half the effort!

Chinese medicine talks about meridian flow, what is it called in Western medicine?It's called the biological clock.Now that everyone has a general understanding of the time represented by the 12 hours, how should we maintain our health at different hours? First of all, let’s talk about Zishi. We all know that Zishi is from 23:00 to 1:00 in the morning. During this time period, gallbladder metabolism is the most vigorous.There is such a sentence in the "Huangdi Neijing": All eleven collections are taken from the gallbladder.Why does it depend on guts? In fact, there is a very vivid way to remember these, or how to say that our ancestors are very smart and have already drawn them for us!Everyone, what is the zodiac sign of Zishi?It is a mouse, why is it a mouse and not other animals?Judging from the appearance of the rat, it is neither big nor ferocious, so why did our ancestors put the rat at the top of the Chinese zodiac?In fact, it can be fully explained by combining our TCM health preservation theory.

According to Chinese medicine, Zishi is the time when the gallbladder is most active, but this time is the darkest time of the day; our yang qi is just growing, which is what we call Shaoyang fire in Chinese medicine.Everyone knows that the idiom "cowardly as a mouse" is talking about this matter.At this time, we should also go to sleep, this is the most precious time for our health preservation. After Zishi, it is Choushi, which is from 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning.This time is when our liver is most active.The ancients believed that the liver is the master of strategy, and the liver qi is upward.If the light goes up but not down, there will be problems. Then apply this point of view to the liver qi. If a person's anger is too high and the liver qi only goes up but not down, then this person's health will have serious problems.The corresponding zodiac sign of He Choushi is the Ox. When we describe a person with a strong temper, we often use the term Ox Temper, which is very appropriate here.

So what is another manifestation of anger?It’s dry mouth. Now many people don’t have dry mouth after talking all day during the day. What should I do if my mouth is dry at this time of day?There is a water bottle on the bedside table, so now he drinks water in the first half of the night and goes to the toilet in the second half of the night. Do you think he can sleep this night?So the next day I wake up very tired, as if I haven't slept, and this is the reason. Therefore, I advocated that everyone should be vegetarian at night, and this is the reason!Eating more vegetarian dishes such as raw vegetables for dinner is to reduce the anger and let our body achieve a balance.From the point of view of Chinese medicine, all human organs are connected and must maintain a certain balance.

After talking about the cow, it's time to talk about the tiger, which is Yin time, from 3 am to 5 am.This time is when the lungs are active, that is, our body's qi and blood begin to redistribute again.At this time, we should be in deep sleep, because the redistribution of Qi and blood can only be completed in deep sleep.Anyone who has had the experience of staying up late knows that staying up until 1:00 or 2:00 is okay, but it is difficult to survive until 3:00 or 4:00, which is why the body is redistributing Qi and blood.Therefore, when it is time to sleep, people have to sleep. Sleep is not as simple as each of us imagines. In fact, the human body is carrying out a very complicated and huge project.

From 5:00 to 7:00 is Mao time, when the large intestine should be active. An old saying describes this time as the gate of heaven opens.In Chinese medicine, it is believed that the large intestine and the lungs are the exterior and interior of each other, the large intestine is the exterior, and the lungs are the interior.The lungs fill the whole body with sufficient fresh blood, and then promote the large intestine meridian to enter an excited state, complete the process of absorbing the water and nutrients in the food, and then expel the dregs.There is a disease related to this time called Wugeng diarrhea, which must be pulled and discharged at this point, which is called Wugeng diarrhea.

Now it's time for Chenlong.We all know that Chenshi is from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock. At this time, we should have breakfast, and the energy and blood in our whole body have been fully raised at this time.At Chenshi, the sun has also risen, which is also the time when we say that the yang energy is very abundant.But we know that Chinese medicine pays attention to balance. When Yang Qi is sufficient, we have to use Yin to balance it. We know that food belongs to yin, so we must have breakfast at this time, except that we will feel hungry at this time, the most important thing is that we need to balance yin and yang.Moreover, we must eat richer at this time, isn't there such a saying that breakfast should be as rich as an emperor!What's more, no matter how much breakfast you eat, you won't gain weight.Because at 9 o'clock, the spleen begins to transport and transform, and the spleen can turn food into blood essence and enter it into the internal organs of the human body.The spleen controls the movement and chemistry, and controls the blood. The spleen is the general dispatcher of the human body's digestion, absorption and excretion, and the general leader of the human blood.

Noon is from 11:00 to 1:00 noon, at this time we have to take care of our hearts.Medical books record: The heart governs the gods, opens to the tongue, and its splendor is on the face.The heart promotes the movement of the blood, nourishes the mind, nourishes the qi, and nourishes the tendons.If a person can take a short nap at noon, it will be of great benefit to nourishing the mind, so that the energy in the afternoon and evening will be very abundant.We see that the zodiac corresponding to noon is the horse. Does the horse run fast because of blood flow?Does the blood flow depend on the pumping of blood by the heart?So at this time we should take a lunch break and take care of ourselves.

This hour is also a period of time when heart attacks occur frequently.Most of the patients with this kind of heart disease are people with incompatibility of spleen and stomach. What are the characteristics of this kind of people?They are all accompanied by diarrhea. Western medicine calls it enteritis, and Chinese medicine calls it diarrhea. Spleen cold. Most of these people are people with unformed stools, and they get sick at this time. 13:00 to 15:00 is the Wei time, which is the time for the small intestine to work.There is an idiom in Chinese called sheep intestine trail, have you seen it, what do sheep eat to grow up?Grass!Therefore, sheep cannot suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes.Isn't the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed?Now we all eat too much meat!From the point of view of Western medicine, the small intestine is the place to absorb protein, so everyone must try to eat as much as possible at noon, and eat more high-protein diet.

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