Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 8 (7)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2445Words 2018-03-20
Lunch: Chicken and Mushroom Soup, Stir-fried Loin Slices, Dried Shrimp and Winter Melon, Vinegar Cabbage, Rice. Dinner: ten-grain porridge, purple cabbage mixed with soy sauce, steamed eggplant with garlic, sweet and sour shredded radish.If the blood fat is high, eggplant can be eaten raw. This kind of matching meets the essentials of color, taste, thickness, raw and cooked, and meat and vegetables.These two designs have a characteristic, that is, breakfast and lunch pay more attention to nutrition and taste, while dinner is lighter. Moderate exercise and weight loss First of all, I would like to ask everyone, what is "exercise"?As almost everyone of us knows, life is about movement.All kinds of life movements and behaviors are going on all the time, without stopping for a moment, but few people can really explain clearly, what kind of behaviors are called sports?What kind of exercise can play a better role in health care and treatment for the human body?

From many sports theory books, we often see this definition: "Sport" is an activity that involves physical strength and skill and is constrained by a set of rules or habits.Many of us now understand exercise as getting up in the morning to punch, dance, jog... This is called "activity"; holding a sports meeting is not called exercise, but it is also called activity.To give another example, someone said again, I run upstairs and downstairs at work every day, and go home to do housework, how much exercise do I do?Here, I want to solemnly tell you that it is called "labor", not exercise.Chinese characters are like this, what characters represent what meanings.So what is exercise?From the perspective of our Chinese medicine, what Chinese medicine pays attention to is "Qi moves blood", because we humans live by Qi and blood!Where did the gas come from?It was shipped.Therefore, Chinese medicine is called Yunhua, and Western medicine is called digestion.The difference between one word and the meaning is completely different.

Then you can understand it. I have already told you in the previous lecture that eating Chinese medicine is called Yunhua. What is the concept?You see, we burp and exhaust gas after eating, why don't we usually burp and exhaust gas?This is because, after eating, the qi is produced, and after the qi is produced, it enters the blood vessels and promotes blood circulation, so the qi is produced by eating.What is moving?It's bloody.Because we all live by blood circulation, blood circulation is dynamic, and all substances in the world are dynamic.So what is the exercise that Chinese medicine pays attention to?Luck moves blood!

So how come luck moves the blood?In the video program, I taught everyone a set of six exercises.Although it is easier to express clearly through video, I have also given detailed explanations in the following content. I hope that everyone will "learn it once you learn it, and use it once you use it"! Don't underestimate these simple movements, as long as you follow them, your body's qi and blood will definitely be much stronger than before; if your qi and blood are good, your body will naturally get better.But ah, you have to "persist"!Now if you want to make some achievements in a certain field, many times it is "persistence" that plays a big role.The same is true for a good body, the most important thing is persistence!This is what I have repeatedly emphasized to everyone:

The best doctor is yourself; the best hospital is the kitchen; The best medicine is diet; the best curative effect is persistence! To give an example: my father is 88 years old this year, and our home is about 40 kilometers away from Xiangshan Mountain. Before my father was 87 years old, he would go to Xiangshan Mountain once a week, and he would ride a bicycle.What is the purpose?The first one is to breathe fresh air; the second one is to exercise himself by climbing mountains to achieve the purpose of moving the joints of the body.Hearing this, you must think in your heart that my father must be in good health, and it is indeed the case.But, just like that, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 83.To be honest, I was not mentally prepared at all.

When he heard the diagnosis result, he came back to discuss with me what to do?The hospital advised him to have an operation immediately.My father is quite opposed to surgery. He himself is an old Chinese doctor, because Chinese medicine believes that the abdominal cavity is the place where the vitality of the person exists. If the abdominal cavity is opened, the vitality of the person will be injured.If the vitality is injured, people's illness will soon follow, which will cause more pain or disease.Therefore, he was more opposed to opening the abdominal cavity.After our father and son discussed it, we decided not to have the operation.

We have to treat that disease, we can't delay, what should we do?We decided to use diet therapy to regulate.At that time, his symptoms were a mass in the left lower abdomen, hemoglobin was only 7 grams, his heart was not good, and his legs were swollen.At that time, the hospital told him that there was a possibility of heart failure at any time.Through our three-month diet therapy, these symptoms disappeared one by one. He is 88 years old this year.Why does he have such a body?That is, he has the best way to keep in good health, which is the six exercises I mentioned just now.For so many years, he has insisted on doing so.Second, a lot of exercise every week keeps his body in a very healthy state.

This year, I advised him not to go to Xiangshan by bicycle.However, he still insists on waking up in the morning and exercising for two hours every day. With more than 30 apprentices, he fights every morning, which is our traditional Chinese Xingyi and Liuhe, and he still insists on it! . After listening to the example of my old father, I believe many friends know what exercise is.Then some friends want to say again, work is very strict now, if you are late, you will be charged a lot of money, can I exercise at night?Is it possible to get the same effect? From the perspective of Chinese medicine, exercise at different time periods has different regulatory effects on the human body.So what is the difference?In a nutshell:

Regulate the heart and lungs early, liver and kidney in the evening, and often regulate the spleen, stomach and gallbladder. Why wake up in the morning to adjust the heart and lungs?We all know that when we sleep at night, people are the quietest and the heart rate is the slowest.When you wake up in the morning, your heart rate increases and your lung capacity increases, so you can adjust your heart and lungs early.I got up in the morning, brushed my teeth, washed my face, had breakfast or didn’t eat breakfast, went out for a walk, and did this while walking How to do it?It's very simple, as you walk, rub your hands... rub your hands and walk.What concept?There is an acupoint on the palm of the hand called Laogong acupoint, which is the main acupoint of the Heart Sutra.The purpose of asking you to rub your hands is to massage this acupuncture point.When you massage this acupoint, this acupoint stimulates the heart through the meridians, excites the organs, and helps the body recover its kinetic energy quickly.

Just like our acupuncture, it stimulates the meridians through the acupuncture points and reaches the organs.Then it's comfortable to rub while walking, and no one cares about you, right?After rubbing your hands to heat up, cover your eyes for a while while they are hot.Please pay attention, when you cover your eyes, you must not go any further, otherwise you may fall or hit the wall, ha ha.Persist in doing this every day, and it has a very good conditioning effect on "cataracts". To give an example: Once when I was giving a lecture in Huaiyin, Jiangsu, I met an old lady who was kind-hearted and not tall. She was almost 80 years old, but her eyes were very good, just like those of pilots; Faster and better than young people, sometimes they can embroider when they get up.

I thought, why are her eyes so good?We just observed, and even went to her home to investigate.As a result, I found out that the old lady is more vegetarian. We all know that vegetarians are not angry.But the eyes are so good just by being a vegetarian, I don't think it's quite right.So I continued to observe and found that the old lady had a chicken farm at home, and their family was a professional chicken farmer.She wakes up every morning and has a job, picking up the eggs every day.Moreover, she has a habitual action, that is, after picking up eggs, put them here to warm her eyes, and pick up an egg to warm her eyes.She has such a habit of action, accumulated over the years, her eyes are very good! This old lady's habitual movements happened to be linked to "Health Preservation Exercises of Traditional Chinese Medicine".This is just like what I just taught you to "cover your eyes for a while after rubbing your hands while they are hot", and it is the same as what I often teach you to "smudge your eyes with hot water and a little vinegar".
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