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Chapter 20 raccoon dog

60 idiom stories 679Words 2018-03-20
During the Han Dynasty, there was a famous person named Yang Dan. His father was Yang Chang, the prime minister of Emperor Zhaodi of the Han Dynasty, and his mother was the daughter of the historian Sima Qian.He has been well-bred since childhood, and became a celebrity in the dynasty when he was a minor.When Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty Huo Guang rebelled, Yang Dan was the first to report to Emperor Xuan. Afterwards, he was named Pingtonghou. People who were officials in the court at that time were very prone to bribery. Rich people could use money to bribe and often went out to have fun; .After Yang Dan became Zhongshan Lang, he got rid of all these disadvantages, and the officials of the Manchu Dynasty praised him for his integrity.

However, because of his success at a young age and his achievements, he became proud and complacent, and ended up having a disagreement with his servant Changrong (Changrong was an old friend of Emperor Xuan and was most trusted). Once, Yang Dan heard the Huns descended to Han say that the leader of the Huns, Shan Yu, had been killed. Yang Dan said: "When you meet such a bad king, his ministers will draw up a strategy for him to govern the country and don't use it. I killed myself, just like the kings of the Qin Dynasty in our country, who trusted villains and killed loyal ministers. As a result, the country perished. If the Qin Dynasty hadn’t been like this, the country might still exist today. Kings from ancient times to the present They all trust the villain, just like the raccoon dogs born on the same hill, there is no difference!" In this way, Yang Dan was dismissed.

Since ancient times, kings have the courage to correct their mistakes. How many people do not believe in greedy words?well! "Book of the Former Han Dynasty": The original text of "Yang Dan's Biography" is "Ancient and modern, like a mound of sables." Mound, Tufu also, a mound with high sides and low center; raccoon dog, sound crane, commonly known as tree raccoon dog, shape Small like a fox, with yellow-brown fur, thick and smooth, it can be used as a fur robe.Later people extended these two sentences into an idiom of "a mink on a hill", which means that there is no difference between the same kind, just like the minks growing on the same hill, they are all the same in shape.

When this idiom is used, it is used to describe negative things, even negative things; it contains a tone of disdain and sarcasm.For example, if there is a group of people who specialize in spreading rumors, causing trouble, deliberately embarrassing others, and none of them is a good person, it can be said: These people are all "raccoons of the same feather", so one of them is a good person!
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