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Chapter 3 Chapter 3 The Monster Who Destroyed the World

How the Earth and its sister planets formed is a matter of great debate among astronomers.Some competing theories seem to be equally plausible.But the unanimous opinion of all astronomers is that, at any rate, the earth existed billions of years ago and, during the short period of human history, has been spinning rapidly on its axis and A fixed speed moves around the sun along a certain orbit. From the pseudoscientist's point of view, the consensus among the "orthodox" is precisely what is being challenged.It is not surprising, therefore, that as many curious theories have arisen about the earth's recent celestial evolution as about its shape.This chapter will briefly mention 4 claims.Each argument holds that since the beginning of human beings, the earth has encountered cosmic disasters more than once.Each version insists that the earth's upheavals have been caused by its close contact with a celestial body.

Worlds in Collision by Dr. Emmanuel Velikovsky is the most recent of the four.Published in 1950 after much fanfare and hype, the first reaction of most professional astronomers was: bullshit.The second reaction was anger, since it became clear that not only Velikovsky himself was self-righteous, but also the publishers and editors seemed to think that he had published a great theory.Outraged letters from scientists are flooding the publisher, who threatens to boycott the company's textbooks.As a result, the relevant editors who recommended this manuscript to the company were dismissed.Publishing rights were assigned to Doubleday Publishing.As a result, the book became a bestseller instead, and Sojitz, which does not publish textbooks, gladly accepted it.

What is Velikovsky's theory?In short, he believed that on one occasion Jupiter ejected a gigantic comet that came very close to Earth on two occasions.It fell in love with Mars and was subdued, and gave birth to a nest of small comets.The comet later settled down to become Venus.The first time a comet collided with Earth was when the Israelites came out of Egypt in 1500 BC.As a result, the Earth does not stop spinning completely.It just turned slowly.Velikovsky was also not sure which was the case.In either case, the learned physician was unmistakable in seeing the catastrophic consequences of inertia.The surface of the earth was completely cracked, some mountains collapsed, others rose, floods flooded, hurricanes burst up, dust fell like storms, fires did not go out, seas boiled, rivers were blood-red, meteors showered like meteors, huge Fireballs rise from the earth and head straight for the comet, and oil falls from the sky.Velikovsky tells us that the fuel used in cars and airplanes today is extracted from "the remnants of that planet of fire and viscous gas ... that collided with the earth."

However, this earth-shaking change did not form any obvious east-west geological structure; moreover, thousands of complex ancient buildings were not affected by these upheavals.Why this is so, people are puzzled.A slight shift in the earth's crust, for example, would alter the vertical lines of the long stalactite fields at Carlsbad, which, in retrospect, have existed for centuries far beyond Velikovsky's earliest date. that disaster.The slow deposition of the Mississippi Delta, the imperceptible erosion of the Grand Canyon, the gradual receding of Niagara Falls, and countless other geological processes have apparently remained undisturbed for tens of thousands of years.

According to Velikovsky, it was the stopping of the earth's rotation or the slowing down of its rotation that caused the waters of the Red Sea to part at exactly the moment Moses stretched out his hand, thus allowing the children of Israel to drown the pursuing Egyptians in the water. Safely crossed the Red Sea before.Just two months after the comet left, it came back in time to cooperate with Moses' admonishment on Mount Sinai, sending out thunder, lightning, smoke, earthquake and trumpet-like gale.A few years later, the carbohydrate deposits from the comet's tail turned into manna, the god-given food, that fell down and kept the Israelites alive for 40 years.If what is said in chapter 16 is true, then Velikovsky does not explain why this manna does not fall from heaven on the seventh Sabbath every week.

After 52 years of silence, the comet came again.This coming coincides with Joshua's success in stopping the sun over Gibeon and the moon in the valley of Aijalon.Velikovsky was not sure whether this was due to the fact that the Earth had stopped spinning, or if it was an illusion caused by the fact that the Earth was still spinning but its axis had changed.Anyway, there was another geological upheaval, but this time there was no big fireball and no reversal of the magnetic poles.The hail that had been raging near the earth since the first coming of the comet fell on the tops of the mountains of Canaan.

For several years the earth was cold and peaceful, and there were many localized earthquakes.An earthquake easily knocked down the walls of Jericho and destroyed the wicked city when the priests sounded their trumpets for the seventh time.Velikovsky reveals that "the tribes of Israel, who believed in magic, believed that the sound of the earth echoed the sound of the blowing of the shofar...." It is clear that the doctor meant that God wrought it by subtle means. All the miracles in the "Old Testament" can be explained by the laws of nature. Seven centuries after Joshua's time, that is to say, about the middle of the eighth century BC, another series of catastrophes occurred.This is due to the approach of Mars to the Earth.These disasters now explain countless events in the Old Testament, such as the various earthquakes predicted by Amos and Isaiah and other prophets.The second half of Velikovsky's work is about some small-scale catastrophes caused by Mars.But it is not as good as the first half in terms of insight and vision, and there is no need to repeat the dull details here (neither does it need to be said here about the two-volume revision of the ancient history of the East that the doctor plans to write. This fantasy The first half of the work, "The Age of Desolation", was published in 1952).

There is one more thing that is interesting to mention in passing.Velikovsky uses the statement that Mars is approaching the earth to explain the problem that may be the most fascinating scientific speculation since ancient times.Swift mentions incidentally in Rapp that his astronomers discovered that Mars has two moons.Mars does have two moons, but they were only discovered 156 years later.That was 100 years after telescopes big enough to see the two moons were built.Not only that, but Swift's prediction of the two moons' rotation periods closely matches their actual periods.The inner moon orbits in the same direction as Mars, but only about a third of the time, so it appears to rise in the west and set in the east.This is the only known star in the universe that revolves around a central star and is faster than the central star.And yet, Swift's brief description even touches on this fact!In Velikovsky's view, Swift acquired this knowledge from ancient manuscripts he came across, based on actual observations of the two moons as Mars approached Earth.Velikovsky believes that this is why the chariot of Mars (that is, Mars) in Greek mythology has two horses.Incidentally, the two satellites were later named after these two horses.

The evidence Velikovsky presents for his theory in Worlds in Collision is almost all legend.He believes that these legends reflect people's memories of disasters that occurred in ancient times.Collecting these legends is much easier than guessing.Finding when the legends occurred is difficult, and almost any imaginable miracle of nature can be found in the folklore of almost every culture.All one has to do is to scour the mythological literature carefully, to extract the good ones, and to discard the rest.Even so, ancient records often fall short of Velikovsky's needs.In this case, he would attribute the threshold to "collective forgetfulness."

People don't take "Worlds on Collision" seriously anymore, and it's surprising how many people have been so careless in their reviews of it in the past. John O'Neill, science editor of the New York Herald Tribune, called the book "a masterpiece of scholarly research." One of the founders of the "New School of Social Research" and the famous educator Horace Cullen wrote, "I am amazed by the richness of scientific imagination, the boldness of conception, the wide range of exploration, and the abundance of materials."Gordon Atwater, then president and curator of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City, declared, "These theories put forward by Velikovsky are unparalleled and deserve to be referred to the scientific community in order to re-establish the foundations of modern science." test". Ted Thackery, editor of the New York Compass, argues that Velikovsky's discoveries "quite well place him in the contemporary and future history with Galileo, Newton, Planck, Kepler, Darwin, Love." Einstein... stood shoulder to shoulder. The book also received enthusiastic approval from Clifton Fadiman and Fulton Oursler.

Dr. Velikovsky is probably a typical pseudo-scientist.In those subjects in which he published many conjectures and assumptions, he was self-taught and isolated from his fellow scientists.His defense of dogmatic views is not motivated by science.He judged his work to be of revolutionary value, and turned a blind eye to criticism. The doctor was born in Russia in 1895, and then wandered around Europe and the Middle East, where he studied and received a master's degree from Moscow University. He then settled in Palestine and practiced medicine.He later became a psychoanalyst, studying for a short time in Vienna with Wilhelm Steck (for the doctor's work as a psychoanalyst, see Psychoanalytic Review, October 1941 article discussing Freud's dreams).He came to New York in 1939 with his wife and two daughters.In the next 9 years, in his own words, he "went in and out with the opening and closing of the Columbia University library every day." It is estimated that his research work on comets was carried out in this library. Velikovsky spoke eloquently, and he was kind to those who disagreed, and could dispel the hostility of the other party.He once told a reporter, "Had I not been trained in psychoanalysis, I would have spoken ill of my critics."He was, of course, convinced that all the great scientists of the world refused to accept his work, not because they saw any errors in it, but because they feared cutting their umbilical cord with scientific orthodoxy. Velikovsky felt this strongly, as expressed in his "Reply to My Critics\) (June 1951, Harper's Magazine).He speaks of scientists who read his work as "rather furious than from a scientific point of view," and coined the term "collective blind spot" for their indifference to reading his book.He has little hope that his theories will be accepted by the older generation of scholars, since they "have a vested interest in orthodoxy" and are "mostly psychologically unable to learn anymore".He's counting on a younger generation of flexible minds who will eventually know the difference between right and wrong. After Velikovsky's answer was published, John Steward, a professor of astrophysics at Princeton University, wrote an article.In response to Steward's forceful criticism, he wrote a short essay refuting it.Those who are familiar with modern science can see that these two defense articles are full of evasive words.Steward pointed out, for example, that none of the known laws of gravity and motion could account for Velikovsky's claims that comets stopped the Earth and started it again, and that Mars pushed Venus into it. Now the track and so on.Velikovsky has only one simple answer to all these questions.He invented the electromagnetic force, which does exactly what he wants.How this electromagnetic force can have this ability, there is no scientific evidence.They have served Velikovsky what those strange laws of optics had served Cyrus Tedder.They explain the unexplainable.But the scientific hermit was convinced that "everyone but himself has prejudices, and he alone could put on a straight face and reprimand the 'orthodox' for refusing to acknowledge these imagined energies," the doctor wrote. , "If you don't recognize the existence of electricity and magnetism on the big sphere...there is the danger of becoming a dogma, and you will protect the existing dogma in celestial mechanics. " Behind Velikovsky's extraordinary essay and the so-called large amount of facts, materials, annotations and quotations he collected during his 9 years of dormancy at Columbia University, there is a very obvious but unspoken emotional premise.He told us, "It was the spring of 1940, and I began to have the idea that it was clear from many passages in the Bible that there was a catastrophe in nature at the time of 'Exodus' . . . "The Old Testament is both the Bible of fundamentalism and the Bible of traditional Judaism.Velikovsky's theory, like Voliva's, is nothing but a rationalization of beliefs held by people of the past.It is true that the pious doctor was more learned and more accident-prone than poor Voliva, so that his fancies could never be understood at first glance. If Velikovsky was the first to propose the theory that comets caused cataclysmic worlds, his work could at least be said to have opened up a new field in pseudoscientific exploration.Unfortunately, he didn't even get this.Before him, there have been two outstanding pioneers, their views are very similar to his.The myths and stories that each of them uses to support their point of view.It is exactly the same as the folklore collected by the doctor, and the theories stated by each of them are very consistent with those in the "Old Testament". William Whiston was a priest and mathematician in England (after Newton was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University).He published his New Treatise on the Earth in 1696.At this time, everyone knew that the earth was round.Theologians have discovered that there are many passages throughout the Bible that seem to imply that the earth is round.Even scriptures that have been used in the past to demonstrate that the Earth is flat (such as Isaiah 40:20: "God sat upon the circle of the earth") are now thought to describe a sphere.Newton's view of the world is in vogue, so it's understandable that people try to use this view to explain certain passages of the Bible. According to Whiston, the original "prehistoric state" lay in the tail of a gigantic comet. "And the earth is empty, shapeless, chaotic and deep, and dark." The earth, planets and their moons are all gradually formed from this prehistoric state.Their orbits are circular.It takes 360 days for the earth to orbit the sun, and 30 days for the moon to orbit the earth.However, the earth did not rotate around its own axis at first, so the "sky" of the Creator is actually the length of a year.It wasn't until Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit that the force of the comet turned the earth.In ancient times, Earth's atmosphere was warm and clear.The humidity distribution is so even that a rainbow cannot form at all. On Friday, November 28, 2349 BC, another comet came to earth "according to the will of God somewhere", as God's instrument of punishment for the evil world.The water vapor on the comet's tail condensed into water, which fell to the ground continuously for 40 days and nights.Fortunately, Noah used the ark to save his family and a boat of animals from destruction.Earth's orbit was twisted into an ellipse, increasing the length of the year to its current length.The speed of the earth's rotation slowed down.Initially, Whiston thought this was due solely to the inertia of the vast amount of water the Earth hosts.But, he argued in later editions of the book, magnetism also played a role.Finally, the sky finally cleared, rainbows appeared for the first time, and water slowly flowed below the earth's crust.All this the Greeks have recorded with precise figures, numerous diagrams, and profound notes.People cite countless legends that exist in various cultures to confirm various statements in the Bible. The climate of British science in the seventeenth century was so favorable to Protestant orthodoxy, and the knowledge of astronomy and geology was so poor, that Whiston's work was so readily accepted by his colleagues. .The great Newton and the English philosopher John Locke spoke highly of this book.Therefore, Whiston should not be regarded as a pseudo-scientist on the same level as the person who later supported the various claims that comets caused catastrophes. The idea that wandering comets were responsible for cataclysms on Earth continued to capture the imagination of pseudoscientists after Whiston's time.But it was not until 1882 that a new and different nonsense appeared.This year, an Irishman named Ignatius Donnelly in Minnesota published a sensational book called "Ragnarok". Donnelly is one of the most high-profile political figures in America.Although he did not have a college education, he entered the bar early, and his fiery speeches and his views on agricultural reform soon made him Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota.He was only 28 years old at the time. Four years later, he was elected to Congress and then a state senator.A reformer with radical leanings, he edited a weekly newspaper called The Antimonopoly for many years.One of his novels, Doctor Hugart, is a moving call for racial tolerance.His second novel, Caesar's Pillar, is the first American fantasy novel of the "never existed" genre.Shocked by the political corruption in his home state, he describes the horrors of twentieth-century fascism.The novel was so well received by Hawthorne that it sold more than one million copies. When Donnelly died in 1901, he was the People's Party's candidate for vice president. Donnelly is known as the best of American Frankenstein and deservedly so.Pseudoscientists usually clung to one central topic, but Donnelly had three.One is that Atlantis does exist, the other is that Shakespeare's plays contain secret questioning information (proving that these coded messages were written by Francis Bacon), and the third is that the coming of a comet caused catastrophe on the earth.There is a chapter at the back of the book devoted to Onishi Island. "The Great Cipher Text" and "The Cipher in the Script" are beyond the scope of this book.Only the book "Ragnarok" will be discussed here.The Appleton Company published the book, which was immediately popular with the public.Scientists dismissed it.But well-known newspapers and magazines praised it.It is worth pointing out that these comments are very similar to the comments on Velikovsky's work quoted above.One critic declared, "This is a bold undertaking. It is precisely its boldness that makes it particularly attractive. The author writes with such a wide range of issues and such a richness of evidence that the reader feels a A new kind of excitement...'.Another reviewer commented, "Ragnarok presents a new theory... the arguments are clear and convincing, consistent with the teachings of modern science, and supported by human traditions. ...if true, this theory would ... revolutionize the current science of geology." The word "Ragnarok" means "dust rain" and comes from an ancient Scandinavian legend.Downer spends 200 pages recounting myths from around the world about this early disaster, which he attributes to a giant comet.It raided the earth, "...the loud noise shook the sky, the thunder and lightning flashed, the wind howled, hissed, and the world shook. Mountain peaks, terrestrial worlds changed, . After the comet passed, the fire was extinguished, the "Dark Period" came to the world, and the "Ice Age" began.Donnelly rejected the generally accepted theory in geology at the time that "moraine" deposits (unlayered silt and gravel found throughout the Earth) were created by moving glaciers.The buildup is formed from frozen dust from the comet's tail, he said.Prosperous cities were destroyed due to the shaking of the earth. The Book of Job, the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, the places of evil, and other legends in the Old Testament are all descriptions of this event.Speaking of Joshua's miracle, he wrote: The sun stood still at the command of Joshua. Modern people are amused to think of this miracle, but it may be a memory of the earth catastrophe after all... In American legend, there are stories of the sun standing still ; and Ovid tells us, is "a great loss".Who can explain what happened when a catastrophe occurred that would cause countless cracks in the earth itself? It is at least a curious fact that in the book of Joshua (see chapter 10) stones fell from heaven at the same time that the sun stood still and countless people were crushed to death. Donnelly, the reformer, couldn't help closing his book with a rant against plutocracy.He appealed to the "rich men" to "expand your minds, develop your talents, adjust the value of labor, and increase the productive capacity of nature, so that everyone's heart will be enriched and happy, full of light and hope... …If the world is like this, God will wave his great right arm to keep the comet from colliding with the world, and the angels will sing joyfully over the world.” It is difficult to say to what extent Donnelly actually believes the scientific claims he makes in his book.There was something of a charlatan about him, and perhaps Ragnarok was written primarily for grandstanding and money.At any rate, the astronomical and geological communities were well ahead of Whiston's time, so that hardly anyone looked at his comet as it whizzed past scientists. Twelve years after Donnelly's death, Hans Holberger, a coal mining engineer in Vienna, collaborated with an amateur astronomer to publish his 790-page tome "Ice Age Cosmology".One of the great classics in the history of queer science, full of photographs and elaborate diagrams, bent on showing the full breadth of German scholarship, it is entirely worthless.This seems to mean that Germans are outstanding in most fields of science, and even in pseudoscience, they are not far behind. When Holberg's book first appeared, it caused a wave of outrage among German astronomers.But amidst the growing mystical and irrational atmosphere of the Nazi movement, its fanciful theories soon gained millions of fanatical and blind followers.This fanatical theory is called the "Cosmic Ice Age Theory," or WEL for short, which is Holberg's term for his theory. According to Willie Leigh, a rocket authority who lived in Germany at the time, the WEL almost functioned as a political party.It distributed leaflets, slogans and propaganda, and published dozens of popular books to illustrate its views.These zealots created a monthly magazine called The Key to World Events.Willie Leigh reported in an article that Holberg's disciples would frequently attend scientific meetings, interrupting speakers and shouting, "To hell with astronomical orthodoxy! We want Holberg to Grid!" (see the article "Pseudoscience in the Nazi State" in Astonishing Science Fiction, May 1947) The chief makes no secret of his paranoia.He wrote in a letter to Willie Leigh: "...Either you believe me and learn from me, or you are regarded as an enemy." His "enemies" of course include all the first-class astronomy in the world Home.The Viennese engineer was convinced that they rejected his views only because he was not a recognized astrophysicist. It was the moons, not the comets, that attracted Holberger.There had been at least six or more moons before the Earth captured the present one, and Donnelly blamed the comets for the geological catastrophe, the Austrian pseudoscientist for Earth's former moons. Chief among those satellites Holberg captured in academia was Hans Bellamy, a student of theology in England.After Holberg's death in 1931, Bellamy's produced the definitive British edition of the WEL.He backs up his argument with more than 500 stories drawn from world folklore.The title of the book is The Moon, Myth and Man, and it was first published by the Faber Company of London. "Harper's" was published in the United States in 1936, and Faber published a revised version of the book the following year.The following is a brief introduction to the text in WEL, mainly quoted from the book. According to Holberger, space is filled with thin hydrogen, which creates enough drag to cause the planets and moons to slowly spiral toward the central body.In the end, all planets will fall into the sun.Occasionally, smaller planets become satellites when they are "captured" by larger planets as they rotate inward.Bellamy is mainly interested in the moon before the current moon, because there are human beings in the cycle from birth to death of this satellite, and human beings can use the form of folk literature to record and pass down what happened very accurately .Mythology, he says, is a kind of "fossil history."Studying mythology is "the new science of studying pre-lunar cultures". Bellamy's so-called Tertiary Moon was slightly smaller than the present Moon.As it gets closer to the earth, it goes around the earth faster and faster.The ocean is pulled into a "tidal zone" -- a tall, narrow band near the equator.The rest of the planet entered an ice age.To escape the freezing, people migrated to "island refuges" or alpine regions on either side of this tidal zone: Mexico, Tibet, the Abyssinian plateau, Meseta in Bolivia.This moon appears to be very large, orbiting the earth 6 times a day, blocking the light of the sun 3 times, and itself being blocked by the shadow of the earth 3 times.The scaly, pitted surface of the moon gave rise to legends of dragons and flying monsters.This is the "King of the Devil" in Hebrew Christian folklore. Finally, the gravity of the earth finally surpassed the cohesion of this moon, and the moon began to fall apart.The thick layer of ice on its surface broke and melted, and it rained heavily and hail.When the moon completely disintegrated, a huge rock flow appeared.The earth was twisted into shape by this monster.At this time, due to strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the earth became spherical again.The tidal belt flows back and covers the earth.This is the "Flood of Noah's day" and is the basis for all the other myths about the Flood.Here and there, though, there were people who escaped the catastrophe.Bellamy wrote: It is with sentimentality that we conclude this chapter concerning the Ark. This passage in "Genesis" always arouses our imagination.This was a welcome lesson in Sunday school when we were young.As adults, puzzled by the lack of clear explanations of myths about many of the cryptic statements of the Bible, this account is the main chapter we think may be supported by fact.And, in fact, at the end of the Third Age, many arks, the cradles of this new race, tossed upon the raging waves of a flood... We ourselves may be descended from one of those heroes of the flood, unless we The ancestors of the ancients took refuge on the top of a certain mountain, or took other methods to escape the flood. Legends of dragon slayers and gods battling monsters reflect the moon's destruction.A time of calm and temperate weather had descended on this moonless world, and the myths of Paradise recalled that age.This era will come to an end when our present moon is captured.Capturing this moon throws the Earth back into a new quake.The earth's axis was tilted, the poles were frozen, the Atlantic islands sank, and the Quaternary geological period began. Bellamy calculated that the capture of the moon occurred about 13,500 years ago.Not only are there many myths describing this event, but there are also various memories hidden in our racial subconscious.He writes, "In my childhood I used to dream vividly of a large moon... so bright and so near that I believe I could have reached out and touched its surface. It was flying across the sky , suddenly changed shape, almost exploded into fragments, but these fragments did not fall immediately. Then, the ground under my feet began to roll and tilt, and a helpless terror seized me and woke me up. A sleepy feeling of waking up from a terrible dream." Later, when he glimpsed the moon through a telescope for the first time, he found the cratered surface so familiar that it disturbed him. In 1921, he came into contact with Holberg's theory, and to his surprise, what the Austrian writer described was exactly his dream. "Since then, I have often tried to induce my subconscious mind to reproduce the cosmic scenes in my dreams, but this is in vain. My spiritual efforts must have shocked the cells of the dead century in my memory. Or, a completely satisfactory solution to the dream has been found, so that it is unnecessary to reproduce it again." Among Bellamy's many other writings, two are so eccentric that they deserve mention. The Book of Revelation is History is a commentary on the Book of Revelation to end all commentary.He regards the testimony of St. John as an actual record at the end of the Third Age! The book The First Gods, a commentary on Genesis, takes the same approach. "Genesis" is not a description of the creation of the world, but a description of the re-creation after the last cataclysm.He offers a novel interpretation of the claim that Eve was created from Adam's rib, arguing that it reflects a record of a heroine giving birth by Caesarean section as early as the Deluge.Somehow, this absurd statement got the gender wrong! According to Holberger, our current moon is circling toward us recklessly.Its surface is covered with ice 140 miles thick.Mercury, Venus, and Mars are also covered in ice.On Mars, the frozen ocean is 250 miles deep.Cracks in the ice make it appear to us as "canals" on Mars.The Milky Way is a giant ring of ice.When Holberger was reminded that photographs had proved that the Milky Way was made of billions of stars, his answer was flat; the photographs were fake. This huge block of ice is also spiraling towards the center of the solar system.A sunspot is formed when a chunk of ice falls into the sun.The ice immediately vaporized, scattered into the air, and condensed into cosmic dust.Except for the earth, all the planets are covered with this kind of ice.The reason for this is really complicated, and it is inconvenient to delve into it.The impact of cosmic ice on the earth is only to produce high cirrus clouds and occasionally strong hailstorms. "To find fault with this theory," writes Willie Leigh, "is as easy and fun as catching Japanese beetles from an infested flowerbed."But when adherents to the theory began to multiply, German astronomers stopped laughing.These believers were so successful in combining the Cosmic Ice Age theory with Nazi political philosophy that the Nazi Propaganda Department had to declare, "Those who don't believe in the Cosmic Ice Age theory can also become excellent National Socialist members."Willie Leigh quotes the following from the literature of these believers: "The ancestors of our Nordic Germanic nation grew up in ice and snow, so we believe that the theory of the World Ice Age is the natural tradition of the Nordic Germanic people." "This nation needs an Austrian son of culture—Hitler! to put Jewish politicians in their rightful place. Likewise, it needs an Austrian to purge Jewish science from the world. " "The Führer's life experience has proved that a so-called 'layman' is much better than a self-proclaimed insider. We need another 'layman' to give us a thorough understanding of the universe." 从上面这些话可以明白无误地看出,主子的偏执狂要在疯狂的信徒们的狂热蛮干中找到呼应,该是多么容易。 注意一下下面这个事实也很有趣:维利科夫斯基的书中虽然没有提到霍尔别格的对立的理论或贝拉米的有独创性的民间传说的那些文献,然而这位医生的信徒人数却远远赶不上宇宙冰纪说的信徒人数。在今天的德国和英国,宇宙冰纪说的信徒人数仍然有100多万。霍尔别格研究所在德国仍很活跃。它在英国的一个分支机构正忙于出版书籍、小册子和刊物。伦敦最近散发的传单上说,“对这一理论提出最后的证据,有待于第一次成功的星际飞行所得出的结论,研究所对于这个问题极感兴趣。” 伪科学的理论,就象异端教派一样,是难以消灭的。给予“西姆斯洞”以致命的打击,要靠伯德飞越北极。也许,宇宙冰纪说要到第一艘宇宙飞船在没有冰冻的月亮的坑坑洼洼的表面上着陆之后,才会再也找不到信徒呢。
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