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Chapter 31 Asia and the world

Europeans have contributed world civilizations to mankind, and Asians have contributed world religions to mankind.Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—the world's three major monotheistic religions dominate today's human society. What's more interesting is that they were all born in the Asian continent.Those Judaizers were imprisoned by the Inquisition (also translated as "Inquisition" or "Inquisition". In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX founded it, mainly located in France, Spain and Italy. It is the head of the Catholic Church. Judiciary, used to suppress so-called religious "heretics"——Translator's Note) when burning at the stake, whether it is the perpetrator or the victim, the respective gods they believe in originated from the Asian continent.Crusader knights killed Mohammedans, or Mohammedans killed Crusader knights, and the dogma that drove them to kill each other came from Asia.When a Catholic missionary debates with a Confucian disciple, both are adhering to Asian ideas.

Asia is not only the source of human religious beliefs, but also dedicated the basic framework of civilization to human beings.When we brag and praise the scientific and technological inventions and social progress of the West, please don't forget that the over-exaggerated progress of the Westerners is just a continuation of the progress that the Easterners have started a long time ago.We can't help but wonder, what can Westerners achieve without learning the basic principles that Easterners have contributed? The wisdom of the Greeks did not come from a moment of inspiration.Mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and medicine are not like Athena—she jumped out of Zeus's head fully armed, always ready to take part in the glorious battle to eliminate human ignorance.All this knowledge has been acquired through a long, painful and delicate process.The true cradle of this knowledge was in the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris in Asia, not in Greece in Europe.

Science and art have come hand in hand from Babylon to Africa.In Africa, they were held by the dark-skinned ancient Egyptians.It was not until the civilization of the ancient Greeks reached a higher level that they understood the subtlety of geometric figures and the subtlety of equations. Since then, the real "European" science can be mentioned by us.Moreover, more than 2,000 years ago, the ancestors of the so-called true European science had already taken root and flourished in the Asian continent. The contribution of the Asian continent to mankind goes far beyond this.Dogs, cats, sheep and pigs, and all reptiles that can serve humans, including tame cattle and loyal horses, all these poultry and domestic animals are the products of Asian domestication.Before the advent of the steam engine age, how much these livestock and poultry have contributed to mankind, as long as we think of this, we will feel that Westerners owe too much to Easterners.In the European diet, all fruits and vegetables also come from the Asian continent.Flowers are indispensable in the home life of Westerners, and most of them are also dedicated by Asians, and even all the poultry in Europe were brought back from Asia by Romans, Greeks or Crusader knights.

Asia is an Eastern sage, but she is not always benevolent and merciful, constantly donating the wealth of the Ganges and Yellow River valleys to the poor barbarians in the West.Asia is also a daunting regulator. In the 5th century, the Huns ravaged the whole of Central Europe, but they came from Asia. 700 years later, the Tartars came to Europe in the footsteps of the Huns, a tribe originally living in the deserts of Central Asia, who turned Russia into a vassal of Asia and threatened for a long time all other European countries.For 500 years, the Turks, an Asian nation, have devastated Eastern Europe and withered people's livelihood, so that Eastern Europe is still devastated today.In another 100 years, we may see a united Asia once again on its way to the West, eager to demand that Westerners pay back the grievances of those Asian compatriots who died after Berthaud Schwartz invented the gunpowder gun. blood debt.

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