Home Categories Science learning Mental Health Guidance for Disaster Victims
Mental Health Guidance for Disaster Victims

Mental Health Guidance for Disaster Victims


  • Science learning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 3619

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Chapter 1 Mental Health Guidance for Disaster Victims-1

Each disaster-affected area will have its specific demographics, regional urban-rural characteristics, experiences of coping with disasters or other traumatic events, cultural or urban environments, and cultural expressions. (Before conducting mental health guidance for disaster victims,) the following points should be considered, and people with special needs in the disaster area should also be taken into account: Groups by age Groups by Culture and Ethnicity Patients with long-term severe mental illness crowd in hospital Humanitarian Services and Disaster Relief Groups Every age group has unique vulnerabilities to the weight of disaster.After a disaster, the circumstances and concerns to deal with will vary over time.Some of the post-disaster reactions listed below will occur immediately after the disaster, while others may occur months later.The following table describes the possible post-disaster responses of different age groups and the corresponding measures to help.

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