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Chapter 14 Chapter Eleven: A Sad City

devil haunted world 卡尔·萨根 7101Words 2018-03-20
A summary of the views in the preceding ten chapters appeared in the March 7, 1993 issue of Exhibit magazine.I was deeply moved by so many letters, such a warm response, and such anguish that accompanied this strange experience (abduction by an alien creature), whatever its true meaning.These reports of abductions by aliens have accidentally opened a window into how some of our fellow humans live.Some of these letters were reasoning, some were justifying, some were talking loudly, some were frankly bewildered, and some were deeply troubled. This article also creates a common misconception.A TV talk show host, Geraldo Rivera, held up a copy of The Show and announced that I thought we were being visited by extraterrestrial life.A Washington Post film and television critic quoted me as saying that there was an alien abduction every few seconds, without noticing my sarcastic tone and the sentence that followed it. (Amazingly most neighbors were unaware of these hijackings.) My account of what I seemed to occasionally hear from my late parents (see Chapter 6)—what I call "clear Memories"—the subject of Raymond Moody's New Age magazine and the preface to his book "Reunion"—is evidence that we are still "alive" after death.Dr. Moody spent his life trying to find evidence of life after death.If even these statements of mine were worthy of his evidence, it would appear that he did not find much of what he was looking for.Many readers of the letter think that since I am engaged in research on the possibility of extraterrestrial life, then I must "believe" in UFOs; or conversely, if I am skeptical about UFOs, I should believe in that The absurd belief that humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe.Something about this question is not conducive to clear thinking.

Below are representative excerpts from correspondence on this issue, without any further comment: ■I asked myself how animals would describe it when they encountered us.They saw a huge hovering object making terrifying noises overhead.They started to run for their lives but felt a sting in their ribs.They fell to the ground in one fell swoop... a few human beings came over with strangely shaped instruments, they examined your sex organs and teeth, they put a net under you, and then they hung you in a strange device mid-air.After all sorts of checks are over, they clamp a strange piece of metal over your ear.

Then, they disappear as suddenly as they appeared.When at last the senses returned to its muscles, the poor creature staggered into the forest, wondering whether what had just happened was a bad dream or really happened. ■When I was a child, I was sexually abused.During my recovery, I drew many "cosmic creatures", and felt myself conquered and controlled by an irresistible force many times, and I also felt my body floating around in the room.For someone who was sexually abused as a child, no abduction really comes as a surprise. …Believe me, I would really rather blame the aliens for my mistreatment than have to face the facts of what was done to me by adults I thought I could trust.It drives me crazy to hear some of my friends talk about their memories of being abducted by aliens. …I keep telling them that when these grays come to us in our sleep, we, as powerless adults, are playing the ultimate victim!That's not true, the ultimate victim is that figure somewhere between the sadistic parent and the victimized child.

■ I don't know if these things are the devil or if they don't exist.My daughter said she had sensors implanted in her body when she was little.I don't get it...we always lock and re-bolt the door and I'm so freaked out.I don't have that much money to get her a good doctor and she can't work because of these things,... My daughter hears a voice on a tape.These guys come out at night and take kids and sexually abuse them.If you don't do what they say, someone in your family will be hurt.Who in their right mind would harm a child?They knew every conversation in the house inside out. ...Some say that a long time ago someone put a curse on our family.If someone has put a curse on us, how can you break the curse?I know this all sounds weird and unbelievable, but believe me, it's pretty horrifying.

■ A few women who have been raped have had the foresight to get an ID card, a picture of the rapist, or something else from the attacker that they can use as an alleged rape evidence? ■For example, from now on I'm going to sleep with a Polaroid camera, hoping to record some evidence the next time I'm abducted by aliens. …why does it have to be up to the abductee to prove what happened? ■ In 2001 AD, the starships sent by the 33 planets of the Star Alliance will land on the earth with 33,000 brothers!They are all teachers and scientists from extraterrestrials, they will help us improve our understanding of interstellar life, and our earth will become the 34th member of the interstellar alliance!

■This is a weird and challenging arena. …I have been studying UFOs for over 20 years and I eventually lost interest in these admirers and outgroups of admirers. ■I am a 47-year-old grandmother who fell prey to this phenomenon as a child.I don't -- and never -- take it on a surface level; I don't -- and never -- claim that I know what it is. ...I would be glad to be diagnosed with schizophrenia or some other understood illness, rather than this unknown. …I completely agree that the lack of objective evidence is frustrating for both victims and researchers.Unfortunately, the way the victim was hijacked made it extremely difficult to retrieve this type of evidence.I usually get carried away in my pajamas (which are also removed afterwards) or nothing at all, in which case it's almost impossible to hide a camera by my side..., I woke up with deep cuts, stab wounds, tissue removed, bruised eyes, bleeding nose and ears, burns, finger marks and bruises that took days to go away.I had all this examined by qualified physicians, but none could give a satisfactory explanation.I'm not a self-harmer; there's no shame in any of this. …note that most of the abductees claim that they had no interest in UFOs (I was one of them), that they had no history of childhood abuse (I was one of them), that they didn’t want the limelight or fame ( I'm one of them), and they're actually trying to avoid acknowledging their involvement with anything that might make one suspect that he or she is suffering from a breakdown or other mental illness (I'm one of them).I admit that there are many people who claim to have been abducted (or made contact with aliens) for the purpose of making money, or to satisfy their own desire to be in the public spotlight.I don't want to deny the existence of this part of people at all.What I would object to is the idea that all the people who were abducted were imagining or making up these events for some purpose of their own.

■UFOs do not exist.I think that thing needs an indestructible source of energy, and that's not possible,... I talked to Jesus once. The reviews in The Show were very damaging, and it was keen to terrorize the public.I ask you to be more open-minded, because intelligent life in extraterrestrial space does exist, and they are our creators. ... I am also a person who has been hijacked before.Honestly, these adorable creatures have done me more good than bad.They saved my life. ... The problem with Earth creatures is that they always want to prove, prove, prove! ■ "Bible" talked about the earth and celestial bodies.This doesn't mean God wants to sexually abuse humans or that we're crazy.

■For 27 years, I have had a strong telepathy.I don't receive, - I just pass in..., waves from somewhere in outer space - go through my brain and spread thoughts, words and images to anyone within range In the brain, ... images that I had never seen before would pop into my brain and disappear just as suddenly.Dreams aren't dreams anymore, they're more like something out of Hollywood..., they're some very smart brutes, they're never ending..., maybe all these little guys want to do is communicate..., if I Finally get mentally ill from these stresses - or have another heart attack - and the definitive proof of life in your last space is wiped out.

■ I think I have found a plausible explanation for the large number of UFO events from an earth science point of view (then the writer discusses ball lightning).If you like my material, can you help me publish it? ■ Sagan refused to seriously acknowledge any reports of sightings that 20th century science could not explain. ■ Now readers will feel comfortable treating those who have been hijacked... as if they were nothing more than victims of some hallucination.The abductees go through the same trauma that a rape victim endures.And those closest to them don't believe their story, which deprives them of all sympathy and support and makes them again victims.Encounters with aliens are overwhelming enough; victims need support, not reasoning.

■My friend Frankie told me to get back an ashtray or a matchbox, but I think these visitors are too smart to smoke. ■My personal feeling is that these alien abduction phenomena have little more to do with an imaginative reenactment of a dream-like episode from memory storage.Nothing more than images of little green men or flying saucers already stored in our brains. ■If those who are called scientists conspire to censor or coerce those who work on developing new insightful hypotheses about traditional theories...they should not be called scientists, obviously they are nothing more than Unreliable liars who serve their own interests. …As a token of the same, are we still to believe that J. Edgar Hoover was a good FBI director and not a gay lackey of organized crime?

■You conclude that a large number of people in this country—about 5 million—are victims of the same collective illusion.This conclusion is foolish. ■Thanks to the Supreme Court..., under the aegis of Satan and his demons, America is now open to the polytheism of the East.As a result we now have four-legged gray beings who abduct Earthlings and conduct all kinds of experiments on them.All this was widely disseminated.These evangelists are people who have been educated beyond their intellectual level and supposedly understand something better..., your question ("Are we being visited by aliens?") is for those who really understand the word God It is not a problem for people who are interested in it.They are born-again Christians looking to a savior from heaven to happily leave a world full of crime, disease, war, AIDS, sin, abortion, homosexuality, New Age New World Order preaching, media brainwashing and government, A world of total depravity and destruction of education, business, finance, society, religion.Those who reject the Biblical Creator are doomed to become enamored with the kind of myths you've tried so hard to promote as truth in your articles. ■If there is no reason to take alien visits so seriously, why does the US government keep them top secret? ■It is possible that a large and ancient alien race from a relatively metal-poor galaxy is planning to continue the existence of their race by taking over a younger and better world and merging with its inhabitants. ■If I had to bet you, I'd bet your inbox would be overrun with stories of the kind I just mentioned.I will also make some concessions to you, otherwise this bet is too unfair to you.I suspect that something psychological (mind), as part of our evolution, produced these devils and angels, lights and rings.They are part of our nature... ■Science has become "magic with boundless magic power". UFOlogists are heretics and should be excommunicated or burned at the stake. ■(Some readers wrote that aliens are devils sent by Satan, and they will deceive our minds. One reader suggested that Satan’s insidious purpose is to make us worry about the invasion of aliens, so that when Jesus and his Our hearts will be filled not with joy but with terror when the angels of God appear over Jerusalem.) I really hope you don't dismiss me as just another religious fanatic (she wrote).I'm fairly normal, and a bit of a celebrity in my own little social circle. ■Sir, you are doing one of two things right now: you know there are alien abductions and you hide them, or you think they are abducted because you haven't been (probably they have no interest in you) It didn't happen at all. ■There was an indictment of treason against the President of the United States and Congress, accusing them of signing a treaty with aliens in the early 1940s, and those aliens later revealed their hostility...they made an agreement to keep the aliens The secrets of the aliens, the aliens exchange some of their technologies (another reporter revealed that they are stealth aircraft and optical fibers). ■Some of these creatures are capable of intercepting souls in transit. ■I am in contact with an alien being.This connection started way back in 1992.What more can I say? ■Aliens are always able to stay a step or two ahead of our scientists, and they know how to leave insufficient clues to satisfy the likes of Sagan until we as a society are more mentally prepared , can fully face all this so far. …You might agree with the view that, to think that these things about aliens are real, would be so mentally distressing to imagine what's going on.And yet... 5,000 to 15,000 or more years ago, they were here for a long time and displayed their image, thus giving rise to myths about God in all our cultures.The important thing is that in all those years they did not take over the Earth, they did not bring us under their control or destroy us. ■Intelligent human beings are genetically bred, originally to replace the laborers and domestic servants of the gods (Dingels/Elohim/Anunnaki). ■The explosion that people saw was from the hydrogen fuel of a star cruiser, and the scene of the landing will be in Northern California...  The people on that Star Cruiser looked like Mr. Spock from the TV series "Star Trek." ■ There is a common thread linking reports from the 15th or 20th century.Individuals who have experienced sexual trauma have great difficulty understanding and coping with such trauma.The words used to describe hallucinations are always fragmented and incomprehensible. ■Although we are still stubborn, and our greatest sin is our arrogance, we find that we are not as smart as we think.We don't even know we're being led into an Armageddon between good and evil.The star was precisely aimed at a lonely hut, and led the wise man to that hut through space.It told the shepherds not to panic, but it frightened them.That radiance was Ezekiel's praise to God.Paul's light temporarily blinds him. ...that's the spaceship where the little people took old Rip, those little people are called brown fairies, fairies, elves, these creatures created by the creator are given specific duties..., the gods are not ready to let us know they.First, there is an Armageddon between good and evil, and after we wake up, we can continue it.Until we become so humbled, when we no longer want to shoot them down, God will come back. ■The answer to these aliens from outer space is simple, they come from humans.Some administered various narcotics to others.Mental institutions across the country are full of people who cannot control their feelings and behavior.In order to keep these people under control, they were given all kinds of antipsychotic drugs...  If you are constantly being misused with these agents... you have what is called a "crazy".All kinds of flashing images will suddenly appear in your mind, and you will feel strange people coming in front of you.So you start wondering what the hell these aliens have done to you.You will become one of thousands of people who have been abducted by UFOs.People will call you crazy.The reason you see those weird things is because chlorpromazine distorts the vision in your subconscious mind….The author was laughed at, ridiculed, and his life was threatened (for uttering these thoughts). ■The state of hypnosis prepares the mind for the invasion of demons, demons and gray men.God wants us to be well dressed and think clearly.Whatever your "little gray man" can do, Christ can do better! ■I wish I had never had such a sense of superiority that I did not admit that 'creation' was not limited to myself, but the entire universe and everything in it. ■In 1977, a cosmic being discussed with me about my head injury in 1968. ■ (Letter from a man who had 24 encounters with) a silent, hovering disc-shaped craft, (as a result he) underwent a development and enhancement of mental functions, including remote viewing, telepathy, and channeling of cosmic life energy for treatment. ■Over the years, I've seen and talked to "ghosts," been visited by aliens (although not yet abducted), seen three-dimensional heads floating by my bed, and heard knocking My door... and all these experiences seem as real as life.But I never imagined these experiences as anything else, of course they were: my brain playing tricks on itself. ■ Hallucinations may explain ninety-nine percent, but can it explain all phenomena one hundred percent? ■UFO is...an extremely absurd thing without any basis in reality.I beg you not to place your trust in lies. ■ Dr. Sagan serves on an Air Force committee whose job it is to evaluate government investigations into UFOs.Yet he wants us to believe that there is no strong evidence for the existence of UFOs.Please explain why the government is still subject to any assessment. ■ I'm going to lobby the congressmen to get rid of the funding for this project to listen for alien signals from space because it's a waste of money.They are already among us. ■The government spends millions of dollars in tax dollars to find UFOs.If the government really believes that UFOs don't exist, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life project will be a waste of money.I'm personally excited about SETI because it shows that we're headed in the right direction.Instead of just being a reluctant observer, we're starting to try to make contact with the extraterrestrials. ■The so-called incubi, I think, is more like interstellar rape.These events took place between 1978 and 1992.It is impossible for a moral Catholic who conscientiously fulfills his teachings to be morally degraded and dehumanized.It is no secret that I am deeply concerned about the possible consequences for people of this morbid event. ■Astronauts are coming!They want to do what they can before the upcoming sunspot/planetary cycle peak - which is imminent - to bring people, especially humanity's future hopes - children and their parents, grandparents and those related to them other adults - move to a safe place.The spaceship came into our view every night, flying close to us, to help us before the solar flare exploded and the atmosphere violently disturbed.The pole shift is imminent and they will move to their new location in the Age of Aquarius. (The letter also told me that they) were working together in the fortress of Astarte, where Jesus Christ met those who came aboard to receive instructions.Many high-ranking figures were present, including the archangels Michael and Gabriel. ■I have a lot of experience in energy therapy.This work includes taking out grids, cathodic memory wires and alien implants in and around people's energy fields.I work primarily as an adjunct to psychotherapy.Among my clients are businessmen, housekeepers, professional artists, healers and children... Alien energy is highly mobile, both within the human body and when it is taken out.Therefore, it must be brought under control as quickly as possible.The energy grid is mostly fixed near the heart, or in a triangular structure across the shoulders. ■After one experience like this, I don't know how to turn over and fall asleep soundly again. ■I am an optimist.I always believe that we will have a happy ending.If you've ever seen a room-high humanoid -- with blond hair that shone like a lighted Christmas tree -- lift the little ones around us, how could you think otherwise?I understand the message of the humanoid.The message is for a child—and that child is me.We always chat together.How else could we bear this kind of life--in a place like this? ...unfamiliar state of mind?You've gotten to the heart of the matter. ■Who is ruling the planet?
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