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Important archaeological discoveries in China

Important archaeological discoveries in China


  • Science learning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 85102

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Chapter 1 introduction

As one of the countries with the earliest developed civilization in the world, China has long paid attention to the investigation of ancient relics and the study of ancient relics.However, modern archeology based on scientific excavation appeared relatively late in my country. From the discovery of Peking Man fossils, Yangshao Culture and Longshan Culture in the 1920s, and large-scale excavations such as Anyang Yinxu, there are only sixty or seventy people. years of history. After 1949, Chinese archeology developed rapidly.With the vigorous development of the country's economic construction, investigations and excavations have spread all over the country, and important archaeological discoveries have emerged one after another.After more than 40 years of hard work, the chronological gaps and geographical gaps in Chinese archeology have been gradually filled, enabling us to have a more comprehensive and specific understanding of the glorious civilization history of the motherland.

Archaeological discoveries in prehistoric times have greatly improved the study of our country's ancient history.China is a country rich in early Paleolithic culture and ape-man fossils.Due to the discovery of Yuanmou ape-man and its culture, the history of the motherland began more than 1 million years earlier than the previously known Peking man.In the Neolithic Age, the Yellow River Basin, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Great Wall have all established chronological systems of local primitive cultures, and early remains dating back seven or eight thousand years have been discovered.It is thus realized that the Neolithic culture in various parts of my country does not originate from one center in the Central Plains, but several centers, presenting a multi-united development pattern.The large-scale disclosure of several primitive settlement sites and clan cemeteries will help to gain an in-depth understanding of the socio-economic conditions of different types of primitive cultures.Altars, large tombs and other relics reflecting a high level of cultural development have been discovered in some places one after another, which provides important information for the study of the origin of Chinese civilization.

Although the issue of Xia culture, which is closely related to the origin of the Chinese nation, has not yet reached a common conclusion recognized by the academic circles, significant progress has been made in the exploration.Important discoveries during the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties: early Shang city sites in Yanshi and Zhengzhou, the Fuhao Tomb and other tombs at Yinxu in Anyang, Shang noble tombs in Xingan and Sanxingdui sacrificial pits in Guanghan, Western Zhou in Zhouyuan and Fenghao The foundations of palace buildings and bronze wares, as well as the cemetery of Yan State in Liulihe, Beijing, further reflect the appearance of Shang and Zhou bronze culture and the characteristics of slavery society.The survey of the ruins of the capital cities of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the excavation of large tombs such as the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in Suizhou and the tomb of King Zhongshan in Pingshan fully demonstrated the social and economic development of various places at that time.

Archaeological discoveries in the Qin and Han Dynasties and later periods, especially the planned survey of the layout of the capitals of the past dynasties, and the exploration of the evolution of the ancient capital city system in my country; the excavation of important tombs in different historical periods, the investigation of the changes in funeral rituals, and the investigation of various unearthed cultural relics. The comprehensive research provides vivid material materials for the study of economic culture and social life in various periods.A large amount of new archaeological data has also provided definite physical evidence for exploring the great achievements of ancient science and technology in my country, studying the ancient culture of the frontier minority areas and the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

In short, the major archaeological discoveries in China are rich and colorful, and they are too beautiful to behold. Due to the limited space of this book, it is impossible to give a detailed and comprehensive explanation. Some discoveries with great historical significance are selected for a brief introduction.
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