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Chapter 6 Scroll of Heart

towards the bright side 金子美铃 2289Words 2018-03-20
when lonely, Others do not know. when i'm lonely, Friends are laughing. when i'm lonely, Mom is good to me. when i'm lonely, Bodhisattvas are also lonely. I walk with the moon, nice moon. if you remember every night words that come to heaven Just a better and better moon. I laughed and my sister laughed too, Very good sister. if you don't have to do chores if you play with me Just a better and better sister. My brother was scolded, I've been here since just now, Put on the red coat of the little gown, Knot and untie, untie and knot. However, in the open space behind the house,

Someone's been playing hopscotch, Ospreys are also heard from time to time. I secretly hid a candy That's my brother's candy. I don't think he will eat it, and ate it, that candy. If mom tells him there are two pills, So what should I do? lay down pick it up and put it down, My brother never comes, I ate it again, Second candy. bitter candy, Sad candy. child without toys when lonely, Give him toys and he will be happy. child without mother when sad, He will be happy to see his mother. mother gently touch my hair, I have too many toys to fit in the box, but i still

feel lonely, What do I need to be happy? If mountains were made of glass, I can see Tokyo now. ---Like riding a train went to tokyo Brother like that. If the sky was made of glass, I can see God. ---Like becomes Angel's Like my sister. I'm here again today, This barren hill with wild roses, Think back to that long-forgotten song. Thinking back is farther than dreams, but it makes people miss, That lullaby. Ah, if that song is sung, Will the door of this barren mountain be opened? The mother of that year and that day, Will it appear before my eyes? Today I stand alone in the grass again,

Today I looked at the sea and thought about it again. "Ships of silver, oars of gold", Ah, before this sentence, after this sentence, A lullaby I can no longer recall. Grandma no longer tells stories since then, In fact, I liked that story very much. When I said "I've heard it before", The expression on Grandma's face was so lonely. Grandma's eyes reflect Briars on the barren hills. I miss that story so much, If grandma is willing to tell me more, Even five times, ten times, I will listen obediently and quietly. The little garden I carefully built,

No one takes a look. blue sky, mom But he is always busy in the store. The fair is over, mom But still so busy. While listening to the sound of cicadas, I leveled the small garden. Lick it, suck it, it hurts The thorn on the ring finger. I remembered, I remembered, What my sister once said. "Children with thorns in their hands, It's a disobedient child. " Is it because I lost my temper the day before yesterday? Or is it because I didn't help my mother with the housework yesterday? then go apologize to mom Will it stop hurting? My hair is so shiny, Because mother often strokes it.

My nose is collapsed, Because I blow it all the time. My apron is white, Because mom washes it frequently. My skin is dark, Because I ate refried beans. mom is an adult bigger than me, But Mother's heart is so small. because mom said, My heart is full of little me. i am a doll still very small, but little me The heart is very big. because, my heart, Even pretending to be a mother will not be full, You can also think about various things. girls home that is don't climb trees That's right. If you ride a bamboo horse It's a crazy girl, If you play with the top

It's a big fool. i know these Because of, like this I have been scolded. white bandage, tied up, It hurts to look at it, I cried. I borrowed my sister's ribbon, Tied with fawn-spotted ribbons, my little finger became cute doll. on the nails draw a little face, Before I knew it, I forgot Pain in the fingers. Peel broad bean skin ears pricked up, Neighbor's child seems to be scolded take a peek It doesn't seem like it should, holding broad bean rice go out and have a look, holding broad bean rice Slip back quietly. what's wrong Annoy adults? Neighbor's child

It seems to be scolded. I said "Let's play together", It also says "Let's play together". I say "bad guy", It also says "bad guy". I said "I won't play with you anymore", It also said "no more playing with you". That's it, after a while I get lonely I said "sorry", It also says "sorry". Is it an echo? No no, none of us. Come to the corner and see the door of the house, I just remembered that. When I get angry, Not long enough. Because, Mom said, "If you have the ability, you can stay until the night."

But my friend came to call me, I just forgot about it and ran out. It doesn't seem so good, But leave it alone, because I am happy, Mom must like it better. I often think so. I'm going to feed the sparrows, Raise them well, give them names, Let them rest on my shoulders and hands, Come play somewhere else with me. But after a while I forgot about it. Because there are so many fun things to do, Just forget about the sparrow. Only at night did I remember, Because the sparrows cannot be seen at night. I always think, If the sparrow knew my thoughts, Must wait for me to be dumbfounded.

I am such a bad boy! child caught a little sparrow children's Mother Laughed sparrow Mother saw it all under the roof silently saw it all I really want to like it, This and that all things. Like onions, tomatoes, and fish, I want to like everything. Because the food at home is all Mom made it herself. I really want to like it, This and that all. Like the doctor, and the crow, I want to like all of them. Because all of the world, They are all created by God. When playing with stepping on shadows on a moonlit night, Adults come and say, "Go home and sleep!" (I really want to play for a while longer!)

But go home and fall asleep, You can have all kinds of dreams. While having a good dream, The adults came again and shouted, "Hurry up and go to school!" (If only there were no schools.) But I went to school, It's so fun to see my friends. Playing hopscotch with the guys, The school bell rang on the playground. (If only there were no school bell.) But listen to the teacher tell the story, So much fun again. Is it the same with other children? Do you think so, too, like me? silkworm baby is coming Go into the cocoon, narrow and small Go into the cocoon. But silkworm baby must be very happy, because of becoming a butterfly You can fly. people are coming to the grave, dark and cold to the grave. but good boy grow wings, become an angel You can fly. Poor sea fish! There is a race of rice, Cows are raised in pastures, The carp in the pond have wheat bran to eat. But what about the fish in the sea? No care is given. Didn't do a single bad thing, That's how I'm going to eat it. Sea fish is so pitiful! Who will tell me the truth, tell me about me, An aunt praised me, But she was smiling a little. Who will tell me the truth, Ask Hua'er Hua'er shook her head. No wonder, flowers They all look so beautiful. Who will tell me the truth, Ask the little bird The little bird ran away. I must have asked something I shouldn't have asked, So it flew away mischievously. Who will tell me the truth, I'm sorry to ask my mother, (I am, after all, sweet, good boy, Still, still, ugly kid? ) Who will tell me the truth, tell me about me.
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