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Chapter 15 Appearance: Entering the "Notes on the King of Ren" for the monk Qian

Recluse Huigan said: The Dharma is free from speech, and those who are liberated after speaking, can speak all day long.The Dharma has no name and form, and the well-known form is the real one, so it is not a bad form.The reality can be shown as boundless, and the inanimate is passed on from generation to generation.If you are not self-satisfied, your nature is empty, your heart is sealed, you are free to see and hear, and you understand all the doctrines, how can you prove the light of the jade and discern the meaning of the golden mouth. His Majesty Emperor Fuwei Qianyuan Guangtian ascended ten places and descended to nine heavens.Hongji group lives, moistening the feet of lotus.To show the way of the world, bend the body of gold and millet.The heart is pure and super Zen, and the method is suspended.The six degrees of Guangshimen include the five constants of Confucianism.The old monk is empty, what can he say?See without seeing, speak without saying.Shallow wit overcomes insects who doubt ice, and slight abstinence heals drowning mud.Consciously leave the mind, and note the words of the first sage.How can a person do his best to think, eat wood and become words by chance.How can it be worthy of the eyes of dust and wisdom, and call it the holy heart.There is destiny from the sky, and there is no place to hide.

Fuyi "Jijie Renwang Prajna Sutra" ten volumes, I would like to submit it along with the table, without any embarrassment.However, in this commentary, the great vow is first made, and the first meaning is explained, which opens no second door.With the forty-nine monks, one hundred and eight sentences are separated, six o'clock Zen recitation, three years of earnest prayer.If you are in a demon atmosphere, you will be able to look forward to the day of wisdom.In the three thousand worlds, I will serve King Ren.Five thousand good gods, Changwei Paradise.Let the fruit shake and stabilize, immeasurable peace.It is too much to celebrate the people who serve the common people.

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