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Chapter 23 1956

Huai Ju Poetry 钱钟书 302Words 2018-03-20
Yurun Jinming's peerless makeup is scattered around Gu Yinghua's screen. Heavy curtains and tunes are set on fire at room temperature, and there is no fake wind to send incense. There is no point in pillowing springs and washing stones, and it is also suitable to drag mud with water. It is better to recognize in Lingbo Tuli that the turbid flow is the same as the clear flow. "Comment": Zhao Zigu has Lingbo map and painted this flower Huoju Daolin tried his life back, and Dunsu was good at pushing away the cold ashes. The lost joy book shed in the deserted city is also in the Ciren Temple.

Original title: Xiang Jueming [Da] Subtitle Legouis and Cazamian co-authored the history of British Fangxue Breaking off the relationship with the matter, and returning the book] In the early Qing Dynasty, under the corridor of Ciren Temple was a gathering place for old books, see Kongdongtang Yantai miscellaneous poems It is difficult to renovate the peonies after exhausting the rouge to paint peonies. Cover the ampoule and the king is still there, who will visit the cold stall in the future. This book was popular more than 20 years ago, but now the humble dog is obsolete A pot of books borrows sincerity and foolishness, and a pair of tears returns painstakingly.

Taixi makes friends with the leaves after autumn, and the branches have seen green into shade. "Notes": above in 1956
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