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Chapter 7 1939

Huai Ju Poetry 钱钟书 2207Words 2018-03-20
I patrol the corridor alone with my hands behind my back, waiting for the long night. Shengmeng, a city is as big as a bucket, and the sky is cut off, and the moon is not in the court. It is difficult to form a festival with a small amount of talent, but the flowers of good intentions in spring are still fragrant. Intoxicated, gentle, and business-like, black and sweet are always my hometown. Spreading rice, Xiao Ran hides his door in the daytime, and teaches in the courtyard to add Fangfei. With a sound of Yan language, people are speechless, and thousands of flowers fly away like dreams.

Spring is like a mellow mash, and the body is like a rotten wood. He Xin measures the depth of sorrow, and the vivid scorpion has stopped. The heart is like a mirror of water, and the brush is windy and frosty, and the anecdotes are wonderfully melodious. On the first day of the month, there are many people and few Tan Yi. Qin Xi once said that Yuyang. "Notes": Original title: Uncle sent instructions to read the title sentences of the collections of recent people, and I wrote a long book, covering different similarities and differences, and offering ten unique rewards Uncle sent instructions to read the title sentences of the collections of recent people, and the concubine used long books with different covers

One after another frivolously drowning in the cold ashes, it is a pity to die late in old age. The Fu words of Afang Palace are repeated three times, and later generations mourn even more. Uncle sent instructions to read the title sentences of the collections of recent people, and the concubine used long books with different covers Hobbies are divided like faces, and it is also profound to choose the short and the long. Since Guan Qi is old, there is no new language, and the preface to Wai Lanting has never been heard. Uncle sent instructions to read the title sentences of the collections of recent people, and the concubine used long books with different covers

Compared with Wumen, it is quite unfair, and the family members learn the same language. A few references to the parable card, meaning to take the two records of the poetry world. Dianjianglu in Qianjia Poetry Circle, Comparing Zhu Wu with Fa Shifan, Dianjianglu in Guangxuan Poetry Circle, Comparing Zhuwu in Shiyi Human feelings are used to A private country, from learning to poetry. Fujian Jiangxi Sen faced each other, and we went back to Kaoting for you. On the Preface to the Essence of Song Poems and Zhu Ziyu, see Volume 139 There are different ways to discuss poetry in the Lin Han Dynasty, and it is also pedantic to say that it is useless because of people.

At present, Du Lao Lianchengbi is willing to pick up Fu Weng jade scraps. Water is the hardest thing to watch over the sea, and Fu Weng is like Shaoling. After rubbing the Changli stone drum, I felt that the righteousness was like a vulgar book. How about enlightenment? Look at it broadly, and you can record and select poems for a long time. Humbly willing to go down to Fu Weng to worship, bow to Zhao Tui and Yuan Yisuo. The young phoenix chased the chick for no reason, and also attached to Jiangxi along with the school. The play will be Zheng Maid Xiao Nuru, although the family is high and the role is low.

"Notes": Gao Xinzheng, edited by Shen Maoqian and Yehu, ridiculed the strictness of the cockfighting couplet, and Gai Mingsu called Jiangxi people a chicken Mojie Manjusri said the same thing, and Shaoling Taibai discussed poetry in detail. Whoever inherited Rong Zhai's pen in his later years should hate the depression and not the time. I hate the rain for three consecutive days, and I can take a short rest even if I work hard. The broken end of the stone is the imagination of the sky, and the inclination of the river makes Lu Chen worry. Seeing only encourages and sheds the seeds of sorrow, if you can share the flow of love.

Deliver the garden moss and pond grass, and listen to the earthworm flute and frog drum to pay each other. "Comment": There is a pool in the small garden of the rental apartment, and the sound of frogs after the rain is like boiling.Anthology Wang Jian Qi Tutuo Monument Monument, Love Flows into the Sea, Good Annotation Ruiying Sutra says, sentimental that the world is lost in the sea of ​​love and desire, seems to lead to Yaojing Aipin third, saying, those who love the sea are like sailing a river, passing by the sea , Ci more class It's not bad to meet each other, and I'm eager to start the feast.

To do evil is to go up and down again and again, for joy, tomorrow is boundless. Return to the heartstrings and arrows to fight for Xu Ji, don't ask about the short and long in the river. Don't write about the thick imitation of Prison Mountain, and the peaks are easy to be frustrated and sad. It is expected to greet the door with a smile, and go out of your way to pay back the heat. Resolutely alone, I returned to Chufu, far away from the lonely city and surrounded by chaotic mountains. If you want to go, you will have no three-year-old love, and if you have to rest, you will have a spring of leisure.

Suspending to know the dream of Jiangnan at this evening, I will go around the ancient post of Man Village. The coolness at the beginning is like a noble person, who refuses to invite you. When it's too late to be called, it seems like an old friend arrives. Quite strange that this autumn, there is no rain. But with the wind in the middle of the night, the next day is like a judgment. Laosheng is used to getting up early, and the cold is even more insomnia. The little girl unbends her arms and sleeps soundly in the cool air. With a sigh, it's cold in the morning, don't do anything with me.

When the old man was young, he was sad and not free in autumn. How sad is the autumn solstice, because I am so sad when I am young. I am very young this year, and I am so sad that it is not autumn. The husband has arms, and the sequence is not enough. What's more, in this colorful land, how can the taste of autumn be congenial? All the sounds of autumn are coming, and the narrow alleys are leaning against dangerous buildings. It doesn't help if the building is too tall, so ask the sky always leisurely. Don't be happy to receive all the summer, but worry about half of the holidays.

Women don't stop me from doing things, but I love them too much. I wish to live behind closed doors and have nothing to eat. Accustomed to tea with the company, children's play muddy forget tired. Rats and cats jump and stagger together, and cows and horses call for them. Laugh at yourself as a hero, and play for a child. Gu Nong still complains about Feng Jingtong's victory over him. Nature loves friends, fears heat and hates others. He was ridiculed by Cheng Cheng, and Han was also angry when he was stripped and pecked. Well, my second and third sons cannot meet each other. Xu Guo is good at Ci, and Chen Ran is also outstanding. The neighbors like Maolang, and Fan also likes Lu Fan. The simple reward is Xinliang, and the tea bowl shares the paper. "Notes": Xu: Yan Mou Guo: Qinghu Chen Ran: Shigui Maolang: Uncle Idlers are not allowed to have a good time playing, soaring their heads when it is raining. The sun and the moon are still facing the night, and the spring and autumn are also distinguished. Abandonment from the sky is like flooding water, and it is only muddy when it reaches the ground. It is rare in the world to sleep in an empty hall, and it is a continuation of the old topic with Yaozhang. Xu Chongguang and Chen Boji's book, "Rain has morning and night but no sun and moon", Hou Yu recorded Mrs. Dongpo's words, the spring moon makes people happy, and the autumn moon makes people sad Qin came to write letters to comfort the divorce, and this autumn was miserable and dangerous. Weng Chidu loses far away, roaming dares to ride a whale. In Siding's troubled times, time is cheap, and life is light for making a living. Say goodbye to your husband and son, don't teach poetry with the sound of Weicheng. Fang Weng's poem scolds the old man's head like snow, and Xian Qu will never leave home even if he dies Fenhui was so happy that the window was wide, and he couldn't do it until he condensed his soul. The narrow alleys are as far away as the sky, and the bright lights don't care about the moon and cold. Whoever borrows the pavilions and pavilions to carry each other is better than my boat and car to watch alone. With a sigh, I would rather hold the candle in the night, so as not to cause sorrow and joy due to the shortage. The dream is broken and thrown like a broken retort, and all thoughts are suddenly waved. It is so rare that the snake will go to sleep, and the tiger will not be able to subdue the heart. The city is waiting for the sun when the throat is cold, and the eclipse of the dawn gradually deceives the lamp. When I'm sleepy, I clean up and talk about Shendan, sit on a hunchback and don't speak to the monk. "Commentary": The scriptures left by the Buddha, the poisonous snake of affliction, sleeping in your heart, get rid of it early with the hook of the precepts, and then you can sleep peacefully, the valley's second rhyme is chaotic, guarding the heart like a tiger The name of this mountain is unknown, and the eyes are quite disturbing. Going home to send eyebrows green, still wet from the rain last night. The land of Yunnan is the mountains, trampled on and other dust. The beautiful mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River are not with me. When I return from overseas, this stone is worth talking about. Fearing that people will hold it, he urgently ordered his traveler. Tianjiao looks at the mountains and pretends to be strong. When the wind blows the sea, it stands erect as a mountain. The waves are flying and white, and the snow is suspicious for several generations. I have tasted the mountains, and the ups and downs are caused by water. Winding like boneless, wrinkled like waves. Knowing the water and the mountain, thinking of each in its own place. For example, a hero can be equipped with unique beauty. Gu Zai Lu Zhongsou, only understands the benevolence and wisdom. The mountain looks too ancient and quiet, and the Zhongzang Waterfall. Reluctant to flow day and night, the rain is even more angry. Bitterness also has tears, and the chest is willing to pour out. It is slightly like this mountain, but don't change its degree from the outside. The phase agreement is silent, and the long-distance service is happy to meet. A little hate wanders a lot, but hiding it is not solid. Heart song Mo Lang Chen, leisurely travel the other way. Tian Shui is better than his teacher, and Simei Ruoke's wife. The crescent moon is like a little girl, bending down to people. There are few teachers in my life, and I go out on my own. Break my wife and daughter to go, cool this parting. After the old hungry party was driven away, Jinliang was suddenly exhausted. Walking without stopping, and fighting bones and skins. Going down the mountain is like sending each other off, Qingqing is heading west. How can you understand my search, and I can live again in my dream. It is still forbidden to go out of court, who will guide you across the mountains and rivers. Your ancestors look forward to my heart, as much as I miss you. Fang suspected that he had carried his mother on his back, and he woke up and lost his phase. Listening to the rain is actually the same thread, Xiaoxiao's heart is full of autumn. Because I live in the only life and think deeply, I don't have a little rest for leisure. Looking at Luli in a few peaks of poverty, and looking at Mingsou in a sudden transpiration. There is nothing to love about the scenery in front of me, so I force the poet to stay for seven days. At dawn, the sound of roosters pierces through the sky, and there is no smoke in the sinking ruins. Oh, the poem directly imitates Tao Yuanliang, who fell into the dust by mistake for thirty years. The skip is under the long pine, and the old bamboo roots are dormant. One branch can be borrowed, but the three paths are gone. The old things are full of trees, and the people are Fu Xiaoyuan. The waves and the wind are curling up, and the shaking is even more ecstasy. A few poles of bamboo are written on the upper window, and the leaves and leaves are in a different state before the wind. Xiao Se added to the momentum of the autumn, and turned around the world like a guest. Unbearable relative to the three dynasties, how can one day be without it. It is convenient to be a thing by the side of this gentleman's pavilion, and the high-caliber straight festival is accompanied by the solitary. "Note": above in 1939
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