Home Categories Poetry and Opera Huai Ju Poetry
Huai Ju Poetry

Huai Ju Poetry


  • Poetry and Opera

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 19857

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Chapter 1 sequence

Huai Ju Poetry 钱钟书 314Words 2018-03-20
When I was a child, I read books from my late uncle and my late emperor. Apart from classics, history, and "ancient texts", there were "three hundred poems of the Tang Dynasty", which I liked very much.Solitary meditation, gradually unraveling the duality of sound and rhythm, and found a comprehensive collection of poetry collections of Qing Dynasty.And after graduating from middle school, he is so confident that he actually learns human language like a parrot or an orangutan, the so-called "never separate from birds and beasts".It is still unavoidable for the widow to make friends with each other and lead the rate to reciprocate.And there are many articles about haiku and sarcasm, which are almost abusive.There are also times when people catch knives on behalf of others.Such successive articles are generally discarded.A self-recorded book, afraid of being robbed by fire, wrote three volumes by hand, and hid them separately to avoid ashes.Last year, Yu was seriously ill, and Jiang also became ill from overwork, and he was ill for the rest of his life, and someone who might want to make a small profit by using the assorted seals of Yu's circulated chapters as a book.Jiang said to Yu and said: "We are like wind candle grass dew with you. It is advisable to make your own poetry collection, so as to avoid false rumors."Yu Xiao said: In other years, there must be some collections and discards, boasting about the achievements, and digging out empty space to conceal them, and publishing them as Hongwen.

January 1994 Qian Zhongshu
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