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Chapter 28 first act

First London.palace hall Trumpets play coloratura.flute.King Henry, Gloucester, Salisbury, Warwick, and Cardinal Beaufort on one side; Suffolk leading Queen Margaret on the other; York, Somerset, and Buckingham Come on. Suffolk, I obeyed the Holy Order and went to France to marry Princess Margaret on behalf of His Majesty the King; a grand marriage ceremony was held in the ancient famous city of Tours, attended by the kings of France and Sicily, Orleans, Dukes of Carabe, Brittany and Alençon, seven earls, twelve barons and twenty bishops.I have completed my mission, and now I bow my knees before the king and all the ministers, and declare that I will cancel my name as a substitute for marriage, and put the queen in front of the king.The queen's virtuous deeds are enough to honor the world, and I am deeply grateful for Your Majesty.

King Henry, lord of Suffolk, arise.Welcome, Queen Margaret.I express my sincere love with this tender kiss.O Creator, give me life, and give me a heart full of gratitude!You chose this beautiful queen for me, and made us love each other, fish and water are in harmony, and there is no happiness in the world like this. Queen Margaret Great Sovereign of England, my merciful lord, I have haunted my beloved King day and night, both at court and at private prayers, since the day when I was bound. ; This kind of spiritual fit makes me dare not to embellish with rhetoric, and to present my heartfelt song directly to my king.

KING HENRY Her appearance dazzled me, and her eloquence, so dignified, filled my eyes with joy and tears.My heart is full of joy.My lords, I hope that you will welcome my beloved wife with joy. Long live Queen Margaret, my lords, England is blessed without bounds! Queen Margaret Thank you all. (Trumpets play coloratura.) Lord Protector of Suffolk, these are the terms of a treaty between our lord and Charles of France, valid for eighteen months. Gloucester (reading the Treaty of Peace) "Main text: It is agreed by William de la Pole, Marquess of Suffolk, the special envoys of King Charles of France and King Henry of England, that King Henry of England marry the daughter of Renier, King of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem. Margaret is the queen, and the coronation ceremony for the queen is scheduled to be held before May 30. Attachment: It is also agreed that the British army will withdraw from the two counties of Anzo and Maine, and hand over the two counties to the queen's father—" (Miss, the peace agreement fell to the ground.)

Uncle King Henry, what is the matter! Gloucester Forgive me, my lord, for a sudden sickness strikes me, and my eyes dim, and I cannot read. Uncle King Henry Winchester, please read on. Cardinal (accepting the peace treaty) "Appendix: It was also agreed that the British army would withdraw from the two counties of Anzo and Maine and hand them over to the Queen's father. The Queen's travel expenses to Britain will be paid by the King without dowry. " The terms of King Henry's peace are quite to my liking.Marquis, kneel down, and I make you First Duke of Suffolk and give you a sword to wear.Cousin York, suspend you as Minister in charge of French affairs during the eighteen months of the treaty.Winchester, Gloucester, York, Buckingham, Somerset, Salisbury, Warwick, uncles and brothers, thank you, thank you for your hospitality to our queen.Come on, we are leaving the court now, and hurry up to prepare for her coronation ceremony. (Exeunt King Henry, Queen, and Suffolk.)

Gloucester Lords and ministers of England, and pillars of the country, the Duke of Humphrey will pour out to you his own sorrow, yours' sorrow, and the common sorrow of the whole country.Think about it, didn't my elder brother, King Henry, spend all his youth and courage, the wealth and people of his country in war?Regardless of the severe cold in winter or the scorching heat in summer, didn't he gallop on the battlefield all day long to conquer France and make it his inheritance?Didn't my elder brother Peifu use his brains and political tricks to keep the land conquered by the previous kings?You, Somerset, Buckingham, brave York, Salisbury, and victorious Warwick, have you not all been wounded and scarred in the fields of France and Normandy? scar?And Uncle Beaufort and myself, as well as people with insight in the country, sat in the meeting room morning and night, repeatedly studying and discussing how to make France and the French bow their heads and ears, obey our rule, and help us to break through. Didn't the coronation ceremony for the young master of this age in Paris, surrounded by enemies, also suffer all kinds of hardships?Had all this hardship, all this glorious struggle, been in vain?Are the former king's martial arts, Peifu's strategy, your achievements and our planning all in vain?Alas, British ministers and ministers, this peace is a humiliating peace, and this marriage is an ominous marriage!It destroys your fame, it destroys your names, it destroys your deeds, it destroys all that you have done in France, it destroys everything, it makes everything in vain!

Nephew Cardinal, why are you complaining so much, why do you come to such conclusions about the current situation?France is still in our hands, we will not lose it. Gloucester, uncle, if we could keep France, we would not lose it, but now it seems impossible.Suffolk, newly promoted duke, is in the favor of the king, and he has given the counties of Anzor and Maine to the empty-sleeved and spendthrift Rainier. Salisbury By my lord Jesus, these two counties are the throat of Normandy.Hey, Warwick, my brave son, why are you weeping? Warwick I feel sad when I think of these two counties falling into other hands, with no hope of recovery.If there is still a glimmer of hope for recovery, then I will only rely on my sword to bleed, never to shed tears.Anzo and Maine!That is the land I conquered with my own hands, and I earned those two places. Could it be that the city I bought in exchange for trauma was ruined with a few easy words?Damn it, damn it!

May Yorke Suffolk choke to death on his new rank, to smother our mighty island with his own promotion!I would rather have France tear my heart than accept this peace.From what I have seen in the history books, British kings always receive a large amount of dowry and currency in their weddings. I have never heard of such a thing as King Henry who lost a lot of things in exchange for a bride who had nothing. Gloucester also has an unprecedented joke: Suffolk imposes a tax of 15 per cent on personal property on every English subject in order to pay for the marriage!Just leave her in France, and starve to death in France, she shouldn't—

Lord Gloucester, cardinal, you speak too much, for the king's orders. Lord Gloucester Winchester, I know what is on your mind.You don't just hate what I say, you get mad at the sight of me.Evil thoughts cannot be hidden.Haughty priest, I can see in your face that you are angry.If I stay any longer, we're going to quarrel again.Farewell, my lords.When I am gone, please think again, I have predicted that we will soon lose France. (Down.) Look, cardinal, our Lord Protector has gone away in anger.You all know that he is my mortal enemy, and also your mortal enemy. I am afraid that he may not support the king wholeheartedly.My lords, please think about it, he is the direct line of the royal family, he is the heir to the British throne.Even if King Henry had acquired an empire by marriage, and all the rich kingdoms of the West, there was some reason for his displeasure.My lords, be careful.Don't let his sweet words fool your hearts, be wise and considerate.Although the common people liked him, applauded him, and shouted something to him: "Humphrey, good Duke of Gloucester", "Jesus bless Your Royal Highness", "God bless the good Duke Humphrey!" People like it, but, my lords, I am very worried, he is actually a protector with ulterior motives.

Buckingham Our king is of age and can rule in person, why should he be regent?Cousin Somerset, I hope you and I, together with the Duke of Suffolk, together, will soon bring down the Duke of Humphrey. The great matter of the Cardinal cannot be delayed, and I shall consult the Duke of Suffolk at once. (Down.) Cousin Somerset Buckingham, with Humphrey's high position and domineering presence, is hated, but we must take care of this mighty cardinal.His haughty air was more intolerable than that of any other prince.If Gloucester should step down, he must succeed him as Lord Protector. Buckingham Somerset, Duke of Humphrey, or Cardinal, there's nothing in the way of you and me being Lord Protector. (Exeunt Buckingham and Somerset.)

Salisbury went ahead with pride, followed by ambition.This group of people is doing everything possible to get themselves promoted, but we should do our part for the country.I think the Duke of Gloucester is indeed a gentleman.The proud cardinal, however, was more of a soldier than a priest.He has always been swaggering, defiant, and speaks in a hooligan tone, which is not in line with the status of a country ruler.Warwick, my son, you are my consolation in old age; your deeds for the country, your good-natured character, your hospitality, have won the great favor of the public, except the good Duke Humphrey Besides, you are the most popular.And you again, brother York, your measures in Ireland have brought the people there to bow their heads; and your management of France during your tenure as minister of French affairs has made the people there awe of you.Let us unite, for the public good, to restrain the haughty Suffolk and the cardinal, the ambitious Somerset and Buckingham, as well as we can; As long as it is in the interests of the country, we will support it.

Warwick, may God bless Warwick, because he loves the country and the public welfare of the country. York (narrator) York can say such things, because he is ambitious. Salisbury Then let's go and investigate quickly, and see what the change of time is about. What does Warek have in mind!Well, Papa, Maine is lost.The Maine region was captured by me, Warwick, with great efforts; I also thought, as long as I have a breath, I must keep it!Dad, you're talking about the situation, but I'm talking about that part of Maine, which I'm going to take from France, unless they take my life. (Exeunt Warwick and Salisbury.) York Anchore and Maine had been given away to the French, Paris had been lost, and with these areas lost, Normandy was in an extremely precarious position.Suffolk signed the terms of the peace treaty, and the nobles agreed, and Henry was willing to exchange the fiefs of two dukes for a handsome daughter of the duke.For these things, I can't blame them; in their eyes, what is all this?What they gave away was yours, not theirs.The pirates squandered their stolen wealth, buying friends and rewarding prostitutes until they were all spent.But the unfortunate owner could only cough and sigh, rub his hands and shook his head, and stood aside tremblingly, watching his things being distributed and taken away, he could only endure hunger and starvation for his own. We dare not even touch the property.I, York, was in such a position: my own land was exchanged and sold, and I could only sit aside and swallow my anger.In my opinion, England, France, and Ireland are the flesh and blood of my heart and the sustenance of my life.And they gave Anzo and Maine to the French!This is really discouraging news, that France, like the fertile land of England, was what I wanted.One day I, York, will take what is my own.For this purpose, I may take the side of the Salisburys, and show outward admiration to the haughty Duke Humphrey.When the time comes, I will claim the crown, which is the highest goal I am striving for.Not even the grand Lancaster, let him usurp my right, nor hold the scepter in his childish hand, nor put the crown on his head, his kind A character like an old monk is not worthy of being a king.But, York, you must be patient and wait for the time to come.When others are asleep, you have to stay awake, watch carefully, and spy on the inside story of the country.Henry spent a lot of money for England to buy a queen, he is intoxicated with the love of his new daughter-in-law, when he and Humphrey and other nobles should break up, then I will hold up the milky white roses, so that The air is full of its fragrance, and I will raise the banner with the arms of York, and wrestle the Lancastrians.I will compel him to surrender the crown by force, under whose pedantic rule the prestige of England has been diminishing day by day. (Down.) The second game is the same as before.A Room in the House of the Duke of Gloucestershire Enter the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Duchess, my husband, why are you shaking your head like an overripe ear of corn?Why is the great Duke of Humphrey frowning? Doesn't this kind of splendor and wealth satisfy you?Why are you staring straight at the ground, as if the more you look, the less you can see clearly?what do you see on the groundIs it King Henry's crown that encloses all the honors in the world?If it's the crown you see, stare at it, and you should crawl over it until the crown is on your head.Stretch out your hand and grab that golden treasure.What, aren't your arms long enough?I'll put my arm around yours, and we'll lift it up together, and then we'll be able to look up at the sky, and never have to lower our heads to glance down at the ground. Gloucester, Nell, dear Nell!If you really love your husband-lord, then throw away these ambitious evil thoughts!If I have any malice towards my nephew, good-natured King Henry, let me die instantly!I'm depressed because I had a nightmare last night. Duchess What a dream my husband had?Tell me, and I can also tell you a beautiful dream I had, so that you can relax. Gloucester I dream that this cane, which represents my office, is broken in two in my hand.I have forgotten who broke it, it seems to be a cardinal.On top of the staff were the heads of Somerset and Suffolk.It was this dream that I had, and what portent it was, God only knows. Come, Duchess, there's no doubt about it, for this dream is just to say that anyone who dares to violate Gloucester's power will lose his head.Listen to me, my Humphrey, my dear lord.I dreamed that I was sitting on the throne of Westminster Abbey, on which kings and queens sit when they are crowned; and Henry and that Margaret lady knelt before me and laid the crown on my head superior. Gloucester Humph, I don't blame you for scolding you to your face.A woman who acts as she pleases, Elinor who is uneducated, are you not one person and one person above all women?Aren't you the Lord Protector's beloved wife?Enjoyment in the world, don't you have what you want? What else can't you get what you want?You are still making troubles now, are you trying to make your husband and yourself from the position of wealth and honor into a complete failure?Go away, I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore. Duchess Oh, my lord!Eleanor, but to tell you about dreams, and you get mad at her?From now on, I will keep the dream in my stomach so as not to be scolded. Gloucester, don't be angry, I don't blame you anymore. Enter the Messenger. Messenger Lord Protector, Your Majesty, prepare to ride to St. Alban's Paddock, where your Majesty and Queen will be entertained with falcons. Gloucester I will go.Come on, Nell, will you ride with us? Duchess Well, my good lord, I'll be right after. (Exeunt Gloucester with the messenger.) I must go later; If Gloucester is in such a humble mood, I cannot go sooner.If I were a man, a duke, and a kinsman, I would have to remove these nasty stumbling blocks, I would have stepped on their headless corpses to advance; but as a woman, I would not be far behind, I must play my part on the stage of fate.hello where are youSir John!Hey man, don't be afraid, there are no outsiders here, only you and me here. Enter Hume. Hume Jesus bless your majesty the queen! Duchess what do you say?His Majesty?I'm just a highness. Hume But, by God's grace, By Hume's advice, Thy lord's title is about to rise. Duchess man, what are you talking about?Have you consulted with the clever Maggie Jordan and the wizard Roger Bolingbroke?Are they willing to work for me? Hume and the others have promised to summon an elf from the ground to see you. If His Highness asks questions, the elf can answer them one by one. Duchess That's fine, I'll prepare a few questions.When we get back from St. Albans we'll get these things in order.Well, Hume, here's your bounty.Take it, man, and have some fun with your fellows on this great mission. (Down.) Hume I, Hume, will take the Duchess's money to play, well, let's play.But what now, Sir John Hume!Shut up your mouth and say nothing; this deal must be kept a secret.That woman Eleanor paid me to find a witch, and if you have money, you can make ghosts turn mills, and if you want to find a ghost, you can find it.But I don't have any other way of making money.I dare not say that I also receive stipends from rich cardinals and newly promoted Dukes of Suffolk, but it is true.Frankly speaking, the two of them knew that Mrs. Eleanor was ambitious, so they specially hired me to corrupt her and pour these ghostly things into her mind."Scheming villains don't need a broker," they say; but I'm a broker for Suffolk and the Cardinal.Be careful what you say, Hume, or you'll almost call them a pair of scheming villains.Well, let's stop here.If this goes on, the duchess will come to her head, if Hume's wickedness does; and when the duchess falls, Humfrey will surely follow.No matter what the result is, anyway, I can get money from all sides. (Down.) The third game is the same as before.a room in the palace 3. Four complainants, one of them is the armorer's apprentice Peter. Complainant A, brothers, let's stand closer, and the Lord Protector will arrive later, so we can hand in the letter together. Second Complainant Ho, ho, he's a good man, God bless him!Ask Jesus to bless him! Enter Suffolk and Queen Margaret. First complainant He comes, and the queen with him.I am the first to submit a post, and I will deliver it. The second complainant stepped back, fool, it was the Duke of Suffolk, not the Lord Protector. What's up with Suffolk, man!Is there anything you can ask me? First complainant I am sorry, my lord, but I have mistaken you for your lord protector. Queen Margaret (seeing the report briefly) "My Lord Protector!" Is your report addressed to the Lord Protector?Let me see, who are you suing? Complainant 1 to your lord, I am suing John Goodman, who is the cardinal's servant, who has taken my house, fields, wife, and many other things from me, and has not returned them to me. Suffolk even took over your wife!Then you are really aggrieved.What's yours?What is written on it? (reading the post) "Suing the Duke of Suffolk for enclosing our common at Medford." What nonsense are you talking about, you wretch! Complainant B Oh, my lord, I was called by our district to submit the petition. PETER (handing over the paper) I've come to denounce my master, Thomas Horner, who says the Duke of York is the rightful heir to the throne. Queen Margaret What do you say?Does the Duke of York say he is the rightful heir to the throne? Peter said my master is the legal heir?No no.It was my master who said he was, he said that the current king is a usurper. Come on Suffolk! (All the servants enter.) Put this man under arrest, and immediately send someone to bring his master, and we will interrogate this case in the presence of the king. (The servants lead Peter out.) Queen Margaret and you people, you like to hide under the Lord Protector's wings and be protected, so go to him again to complain. (Tears apart the post) Get out, dirty bitches!Suffolk, tell them all to go. Hey everyone, let's go. (same below.) Queen Margaret Lord of Suffolk, please tell me, is this the fashion of the British court?Is this the politics of the British Isles, the kingship of King Albin?Does it mean that King Henry is always going to be a schoolboy under the surly Gloucester?Could it be that I can only bow my head in front of the duke with the vain title of queen?I tell you, Pole, that when at Tours you fought in honor of my love, and won the admiration of the ladies of France, I was sure King Henry must have been as brave as you, He is chic and personable, but who knows that he is devoted to religion, twisting counting beads, chanting and praying all day long.His heroes are prophets and saints, and his weapons are the proverbs and hadiths in the scriptures.His study is his arena, and his favorites are the bronze statues of the holy monks.I think it best that the conclave of cardinals should elect him Pope, send him to Rome, and put the papal tiara on his head; such a position as best suits his devoted spirit. Madam Suffolk, please be patient.Since I have invited you to England, I will do my best to please you. Queen Margaret had, besides the proud Lord Protector, the domineering priest Beaufort, Somerset, Buckingham, and resentful York.Among these people, even the worst one is more powerful than the king. Suffolk is the best of these men, not as good as Salisbury and Warwick.These two nobles are not simple. QUEEN MARGARET These ministers irritate me less than the Lord Protector's wife, and the proud woman doubly irritates me.She often leads a large group of wives and ladies, rushing around the court like a whirlwind, which is more like a duke's wife than a queen.The newcomers to the palace really thought she was the queen.Relying on a share of the duke's income, she despises us for not having money.Can I not take revenge on her in this life?A low-born woman, though she was, she boasted to her rascals that day that all my father's lands, before Suffolk exchanged two dukes for my father, Not as valuable as the hem of one of her old gowns. Madam Suffolk, I have laid traps for her myself, and put a flock of birds as bait, to lure her to fly down and listen to the birds singing, and when she lands, she will never fly out again, never again I can't make you angry anymore.So we might as well put her on hold for now.I still have something to ask my mother to listen to, because I know everything about you.We don't like the cardinal, but we'll have to woo him and the rest of the ministers now, until we've got Duke Humphrey down.As for the Duke of York, in the case just reported, let him suffer a little bit.When we cut off this gang one by one, then you can rest easy and have all the power in your hands. Horn sound.Enter King Henry, York, Somerset; Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Cardinal Beaufort, Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwick. King Henry's lords, it seems to me that it doesn't matter which one is in charge.Whether it is Somerset or York, it is the same to me. York If there is anything wrong with York in France, let him not be made lord steward. Somerset If Somerset is unworthy, let York be steward, and I'll let him. Lord Warwick, there is no need to argue whether you are worthy or not, York is more worthy anyway. Cardinal Warwick, strutting, let your superiors speak first. Warwick is on the battlefield, the cardinal may not be my superior. Buckingham Warwick, everyone here today is your superior. Does Hua Lek know that Hua Lek will not become everyone's superior in the future? Salisbury, my son, say no more!Buckingham, you ought to be reasonable, why Somerset? Queen Margaret This is what the King wants to do. Lady Gloucester, Your Majesty is old enough to make his own opinion, No need for women to intervene in government. Queen Margaret Now that your Majesty is of age, why should you be regent? Lady Gloucester, I preside over the government of the country, and if the king wants me to resign, I will resign. Suffolk, then you better resign and stop being so pushy.Since you became king—in fact, you are not king, who else is king? ——Our country is getting worse day by day.Overseas, the French prince has become rampant; at home, all the relatives and ministers are enslaved by you. Cardinal, you abuse the people, and you drain the purses of the clergy. Somerset Your sumptuous mansions and your wife's dresses cost a great deal from the treasury to furnish. Buckingham You punish sinners more than the law, and you yourself deserve the punishment of the law. Queen Margaret, you are selling an official in France, and you are suspected of being a nobleman. Once you are exposed, I am afraid that your head will not be saved. (Exit Gloucester. The queen willfully drops the fan.) Pick up the fan and give it to me.Hmph, bitch, won't you pick it up? (slaps the Duchess across the face) Oh, sorry, Madame, was that you just now? Duchess was I just now!Hey, it's not me or someone, arrogant Frenchwoman!If I can get close to your beauty, I will definitely slap you twice. KING HENRY Good aunt, calm down, she didn't mean to. The Duchess didn't mean to!My Majesty, please be careful.She will hold you down and play with you like a nursing baby.Although the gentlemen here don't buy into women, I, Elinor, may not be willing to give up after being beaten for nothing by her. (Down.) Cardinal Buckingham, I will follow Eleanor and find out what action Humphrey will take next.She is now agitated, her anger is burning, and she doesn't need to be stimulated, she will do something willful and cause her own destruction. (Down.) Gloucester re-enters. Gloucester Well, my lords, I have walked a little while in the garden, and my anger has subsided, I come to talk to you about the government of the country.You made many baseless attacks on me just now, as long as you provide evidence, I am willing to be punished by law.But the merciful God examines my soul, I am loyal to the king and to the country!As to the present question, it is my opinion, Your Majesty, that it would be most appropriate to send Yorke to be Minister in charge of French affairs. Suffolk Before we decide on a man, allow me to give some reasons, some strong reasons, that York is a most inappropriate man. York, I'll tell you, Suffolk, why I'm most inappropriate.First, I will not flatter your vanity; and second, our Lord Somerset will not hand me over, pay, or ammunition, and keep me at home, if I am appointed. , until France fell into the hands of the French Dauphin.On the previous occasion, I followed his will everywhere, and the result was that Paris was besieged, starved of food, and finally fell. Warwick said that, and I can testify that there was never a worse act of treason than that. Suffolk don't talk too much, self-righteous Warwick! Warwick's arrogance incarnate, why won't you let me speak? Enter Suffolk servants, Armourer Horner and his apprentice Peter. Someone here in Suffolk has been charged with treason, and I hope the Duke of York will speak for himself! Is anyone in York accusing York of treason? Henry King Suffolk, what do you mean?Say to me, what's the matter with these people? Suffolk informs your majesty that this man accuses his master of high treason, who said that Richard, Duke of York, is the rightful heir to the throne of England, and that your majesty is a usurper. King Henry man, tell me, did you ever say these things? Horner told your majesty, I have never said such a thing, nor have I ever thought of it.God is my witness, and this villain is falsely accusing me. Peter, on ten fingers of mine, my lords, he told me these words himself that night, when we were packing the Duke of York's armor in the attic. You bastard craftsman of York, I'll cut your head off for uttering such treasonous talk.I implore Your Majesty, please punish this man strictly according to the law. Horner O my lord, if I ever say that, hang me.It was my apprentice who denounced me; once he did something wrong and I disciplined him, he knelt on the ground and swore revenge on me. I have a good testimony of this.I beg Your Majesty, don't listen to the false accusations of a villain and wrong a good person. Uncle King Henry, what is the case to do with the law? Lord Gloucester, it seems to me that it should be decided that, since York is suspected in this case, it is better to send Somerset to France as steward.As for these two men, since he could testify that his apprentice was malicious, he could appoint a day for them to compete alone in a convenient place.This is what the law says, and this is the sentence of Lord Humphrey. King Henry did just that.My lord Somerset, I have appointed you Secretary General for France. Somerset I thank my lord. Horner I'd rather fight him. Peter, my lord, I know no martial arts; for God's sake, have mercy on me.This is someone trying to entrap me.O Lord, be merciful!I can't even punch one.O Lord, O my heart! Gloucester boy, if you won't fight, I'll hang you. King Henry put them all in prison, and the tournament was fixed for the end of next month.Come, Somerset, we'll see you off. (Trumpets play coloratura. All the same.) The fourth game is the same as before.Garden of the Duke of Gloucester House Enter Margery Jordan, Hume, Southwell, and Bolingbroke. Hume Come, gentlemen, and I tell you, what you promised the duchess she wants you to show her. We are ready, Mr Boling Brockhulme.Madam want to see us spell and summon ghosts? Hume yes, what else to look at if you don't look at this?She has guts, you don't have to worry about her. Bolingbroke heard she was strong.But, Mr. Hume, it will be more convenient for you to watch from above with her, while we perform below.I beg you, for God's sake, go to her. (Exit Hume) Lie on the ground, old lady Jordan; Southwell, read from this paper.We'll get to work right away. Hume accompanied the Duchess onto the terrace. Well said the Duchess, and welcome, gentlemen.Let's do it, the sooner the better. Bolingbroke Be patient, good lady.Wizards know when is the best time to do business.In the deep night, in the dark night, in the quiet night, in the middle of the night when Troy is burning; when the owl calls, when the mastiff barks, when ghosts come out to roam, when ghosts come out of graves; What we have to do now is the most appropriate.Ma'am, please sit down and don't be afraid.The ghosts we summon from the ground, we draw a talisman to keep them in the circle, and they will not come to you. (Wizards and others do this by drawing a circle on the ground. Bolingbroke or Southwell murmured words-"with all my heart..." and so on. Thunder and lightning flashes, and ghosts appear.) I'm coming with ghosts too. Jordan Asmeez, by the Eternal God - whose name and power you tremble - answer my questions, and I will not let you go unless you speak. Ghost, you can ask.I'm done talking! Bolingbroke speaks first of the king: what has become of him? The Duke of Ghosts was still alive and Henry was about to step down, but he outlived him and died a violent death. (As the ghost speaks, Southwell takes note of the responses.) 波林勃洛克萨福克公爵的命运如何? 幽灵他要死在水里,就此完结。 波林勃洛克萨穆塞特的前途怎样? 幽灵他最好不要挨近堡垒。他呆在沙土的平原上,比在堡垒矗立的地方要安全得多。好啦,话已说完,再叫我呆下去我可受不了。 波林勃洛克沉沦到黑暗和火海里去吧!邪鬼,去你的吧!(雷鸣电闪。幽灵下。) 约克与勃金汉率领卫兵及余人急上。 约克把这些叛贼和他们的党羽们给我抓起来。老妖婆,我们来得不早不迟,恰好看到了你的鬼把戏。嗳哟,夫人,您在这儿吗?您如此费神,王上和国家对您都非常感谢;毫无疑问,您立了这些劳绩,护国公大人一定要使您受到应得的奖赏的。 公爵夫人我对不起英国王上的地方,和你比起来,一半还赶不上呢;无礼的公爵,你也用不着无事生非地吓唬人。 勃金汉真的,夫人,真是无事生非;不过这东西您管它叫什么?(举示巫师的记录)把他们都带走!把他们给锁起来,都隔离开来。夫人,您得跟我们一起走一趟。史泰福德,你押着她。(众押公爵夫人及休姆从露台下)您的首饰等等我们即刻给您送过去。大家都走!(众押骚士威尔、波林勃洛克等下。) 约克勃金汉爵爷,我看您把她监视得很好。这条妙计,选得很好,运用得也好。现在,我的爵爷,请把那鬼怪写的东西给我看看。这上面写的是些什么?(读手中纸)“公爵还活着亨利就要下位,但他比他活得更长,后来死于非命。”嗯,这和古希腊人从得尔福得来的神谕一样,模棱两可,怎样解释都行。好,再看下文:“萨福克公爵的命运如何?他要死在水里,就此完结。萨穆塞特公爵的前途怎样?他最好不要挨近堡垒。他呆在沙土的平原上,比在堡垒矗立的地方要安全得多。”得啦,得啦,大人们,这些预言未必会实现,也没法看懂它。王上现在正在前往圣奥尔本的路上,这位贤德夫人的丈夫正陪着他哩。我们派人快马加鞭把这里发生的事情报告给王上,只怕护国公大人听到这消息,好比是吃了一顿很难消化的早餐哩。 勃金汉约克爵爷,请把这份差使交给我去办,我想去向他领赏哩。 约克我的好爵爷,就劳您的驾吧。嗨,来个人呀! Servant enter. 约克去请萨立斯伯雷和华列克两位爵爷明天晚间到我家里去吃饭,去吧!(喇叭奏花腔。同下。)
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