Home Categories Poetry and Opera female clerk

Chapter 12 Act III, Scene III

female clerk 老舍 3091Words 2018-03-20
A few days before and after the time, at night. The location is Weijia. figure Wei Mu Qi Mu Wei Moxiang Wei's sister-in-law Yu Zhifang Song Yu'e [Curtain opens: Mother Wei is chatting with Mother Qi. Mother Wei is doing well now, the women's store was transformed from Ling Yun's experimental field, and now it sells fish, meat and vegetables as usual, and they all opened in half a day.The goods are complete, it is close to us, and the sellers are all big girls and young daughters-in-law, how convenient it is! Mother Qi's convenience is true, but... Sister Wei, you always disapprove of Ling Yun being a salesperson!I see, people of our older generation also need to change their minds!

Mother Qi and our elder sisters have not been friends for a year and a half. You know that I am not a stubborn old man! Mother Wei, yes, you are more educated than me, I know! Mother Qi, I always feel that Ling Yun has lost her talent. With her education level and appearance, she should do something bigger!Now that we have caught up with socialism, can we not choose some big things to do? Mother Wei, don't say that.You see, the girl who raises pigs in the comic books has become a model, and the old lady who catches mice has entered the Academy of Sciences, and they are also famous all over the world. Come to Beijing to meet Chairman Mao!Eldest sister, when the women's store opens, we old sisters have to go and cheer them on!Didn't Xiaosi's mother also transfer over?I am very happy.The more motivated she is, the more motivated I have to be, otherwise I can't be strict!

I'm afraid the staff member of Qi's mother's health department still has some opinions? Mother Wei has no objection! What about mother Qi? Mother Wei has been sent down, and today is the first day. Where did mother Qi go? Mother Wei asked to be sent to a shop outside the front door. Mother Qi went down to the store?This is strange! Mother Wei Yes!When I first heard it, I was also taken aback.Later, Xiaosi'er's mother told me: Cadres, if you always sit in the office, you won't even know how much tofu sells for a piece, whether the food is in the field or in the kitchen.Then you will only be a master and stay away from the masses!In our socialism, there are no officials and lords!

Mother Qi! [The little girl's voice: "Grandma! Grandma!" What is Mother Wei doing?Big girl! [Voice: "Little three and four are all asleep. I leaned my parents' food and meals on the stove. Er Niu and I are going to sleep too!" Mother Wei, go to sleep, be good!Don't tell jokes under the covers, go to bed early and get up early! [Voice: "Yes! See you tomorrow! Grandma!" Mother Wei's children are so obedient!The two older ones are very caring.They said, when they grow up, they will go to work with their mothers and form a mother-daughter team. The red flags they get are enough to hang up the three houses!

[Wei Moxiang walks in wearily. Qi's mother is silent, are you back? Aunt Weimoxiangqi, where are you here? How is Mother Wei?are you tired? Wei Moxiang can't even straighten her waist, Mom! Mother Qi, please sit down!Standing around for a day is enough! Wei Moxiang (sitting) is not always standing!That little lesbian over there is so nice!She is good-looking and sweet-talking. As long as there are no customers, she will let me sit down and pour tea. Mother Wei, why can't you straighten your waist? Wei Moxiang always had to bend over, and sometimes she had to lie on the ground!

Mother Qi is still lying on the ground?What are you doing? Wei Moxiang usually sees apples, duck pears, chestnuts, and walnuts, which are so honest. When they rushed to me, they told me to pack them in bundles. They all grew legs and ran around. Shouldn't I pick them up?Those who ran under the counter, should I lie down on the ground and take out? Mother Wei can't blame her waist... (Can't help laughing) Mother Qi (holding back a laugh) Did that little girl laugh at you? Wei Moxiang, she didn't!She said that she used to chase Yaerli everywhere, and sometimes she had to chase outside the door!

Mother Qi chased him outside? Wei Moxiang!The guests are walking around, and the bags are scattered outside the door, rolling all over the street! Mother Wei can see that it is not easy to do anything! Wei Moxiang is not easy for me, and it is even more difficult for others to buy things! What about mother Zi? For Wei Moxiang's two catties of apples, I'll weigh them for three minutes, calculate them for three minutes, and tie them for three minutes.After tying up, they all ran away again. It took another three minutes to pick up and dig out, and then another three minutes to tie up, a total of fifteen minutes before and after. People were so anxious that they stomped their feet!

Mother Wei, Moxiang, now you understand Xiaosi'er's mother's intentions!It's not easy to tell shoppers not to stomp their feet!Let's eat quickly, all the big girls are leaning on the stove. [Sister Wei hurried in. Sister-in-law Wei, Aunt Qi!mom!Old guard!I'm late!Are the kids asleep? Mother Wei is asleep, so good! Has Mrs. Wei eaten all of it? I have eaten Mother Wei, but Mo Xiang has just entered the door!His waist can't even stand up straight! Sister-in-law Wei, old Wei, don't move, I'll bring the rice here so that I can talk to Aunt Qi while eating.

Wei Moxiang, are you not tired? Sister-in-law Wei is happy and refreshed, I am not tired!Can I be upset that the Women's Store opens the day after tomorrow?Aunt Qi, Mom, the day after tomorrow, you old ladies should definitely go and see it!Women do things differently! (Pours tea to the old people) Wei Moxiang Yes, the little girl over there is different, not only helping me chase apples around, but also laughing at me! How about Mrs. Wei?You tied up all the fruit and flew away? Wei Moxiang did it more than once!The furthest flying is the walnut! Don't worry, Mrs. Wei, after dinner, I'll wash the guy and I'll teach you how to tie the bag, sure to keep the church!Then I went to practice the scooter!

Wei Moxiang (pointing to the fruit on the table) practice now! (goes to bundle, fails again) No, it will fall to pieces in a while! Sister Wei, let's find some substitutes! Mother Wei, I think, just try it with briquettes! Mrs. Wei is right!I just said that we are different, old ladies, go and see, we have painted murals on the walls and inscribed poems! Mother Qi, who wrote the poem? Mrs. Wei, we are all here. A total of 21 salespersons have been transferred, including seven graduates of junior high school and three graduates of high school. Can't they write poems?I think: In the past, Ling Yun probably felt that graduating from junior high school to be a salesperson was a waste of talent.That's all right, she saw that he still graduated from high school, so why should she be proud?

Wei Moxiang, that's right, I, a graduate of law and politics, am still chasing apples all over the place!I began to feel how difficult it is to do something for others, and to do it well... Mrs. Wei, yes, old Wei, if we all get a taste of doing something for others, then we will no longer regard this small courtyard house as something that will never change.We deserve to see a bigger and better family.If today's small family hadn't become more democratic and lively, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to enjoy the happiness of tomorrow's big family.Mom, how are you feeling these days?I didn't make you unhappy, did I?If you see something inappropriate, please tell me! Mother Wei, I feel a little tougher!To be honest, when you first went to work, the drums really opened up in my heart.Now, I can see: you young people want to go out, we old people have to help you so that you can go out! Sister Wei, I can't leave all the housework to you!Going outside is to serve, how can you not serve when you come home? Mother Wei, yes, you are not like Mo Xiang!Come on, I hope that Mo Xiang will let go like this, and learn to reach out and do something by herself! Mother Qi (listen again when upset) Oh, don't delay your meal, I'm leaving! Mrs. Wei, sit in your seat!Ling Yun, she is also very happy and positive these days, please give her more encouragement!When it's time for our opening, please take a look and give us your opinion! Mother Qi, okay!Don't see me off, let's eat! Wei Moxiang, take your meal, and I'll send Aunt Qi off! (Stands up, with a wave of his hand, a walnut falls out of his sleeve) Yo! What are you guys doing? Weimoxiang walnut!How did it get into the sleeve! (Everyone laughs, go out with Qi Mu) Aunt Wei, you can rest and go, don't worry about it. Hello Mother Wei!Don't you take a look at the new clothes I bought for Xiao Si'er?Forget it, let's see it on National Day! Sister Wei, you only spend money for the children, don't you add something yourself? Mother Wei, my old clothes can still be worn for twenty years after dismantling and changing them!Children are greedy for long, and their clothes will be half short in the blink of an eye!I'm going to rest, so don't sleep too late! (Down) [Wei Moxiang sends the guests back, followed by Yu Zhifang and Song Yu'e. Wei Moxiang, let's talk, I'll bring the food! (Down) Is Mrs. Wei okay?Zhifang, Yu'e! Yu Zhifang's sister-in-law, it's broken! Sister Wei, what's wrong? Didn't Yu Zhifang make an arrangement, you take care of the fruit, I take care of the fish, Yu'e takes care of the vegetables, and Xiao Feng takes care of the pork? Mrs. Wei is right! Yu Zhifang Xiao Feng is sick!How come no one sells meat when it opened?I said to the manager, I will replace her, the manager said, but who will sell the fish for me?The manager is also in a hurry! Wei's sister-in-law, Master You, hasn't come home yet? Song Yu'e has not yet!He was also in a hurry.He said that he only needs to pick a film for seven minutes, Xiao Feng needs to pick forty-five minutes, and the picking is not meticulous, but after all, Xiao Feng will finally pick, she is so sick... [Wei Moxiang brings a meal . Wei's sister-in-law Zhifang, I think I will go to study overnight?Of course you won't learn well, but you have to make a surprise attack!The meat is only sold for one night, and I can still take care of the fruit if I spare time. Wei Moxiang, you still have to go out?What can I do... Brother Yu Zhifang, what's the matter? Wei Moxiang, I don't know how to bag or tie things, I plan to learn tonight, I can't keep telling Apple to roll around, and customers stomp their feet! Sister Song Yu'e, have you made up your mind? Why is Sister Wei hesitating for the sake of the store? Hello Song Yu'e, I'll teach my brother! Wei Moxiang Yes, thank you!But, aren't you tired? Song Yu'e, why am I so tired!Look at Zhifang's hands, they are all broken!Fish and shrimp are really delicious, but it's a pity that they love to prick people!Zhifang, let's see! Yu Zhifang has no time!Sister-in-law, eat quickly, and learn to cut meat after eating!Brother, eat quickly, learn to bundle things after eating!I'm leaving right away to keep Master You, sister-in-law, I'm going to practice the scooter today! Sister-in-law Wei, be careful, if it falls and touches it, no one will sell the fish! Yu Zhifang We have already bought a car, the manager and the deputy manager both said: I pedal, they sit on it as goods.With them taking care of me, a flabbergasted onion, there will be no accidents! (runs down) - the curtain falls
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