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Chapter 2 act one scene one

female clerk 老舍 3667Words 2018-03-20
In the early spring of 1958, in the afternoon. The location is on the back coast of Beijing. figure Yu Zhifang Song Yu'e Qi Lingyunwei's sister-in-law [Curtain opening: a lake with spring water, willows on the banks are just green, and wild peaches in between, the spring is beautiful.Yu Zhifang and other three girls came together, laughing and singing. Yu Zhifang (singing) We are three good girls, Song Yu'e (singing) is determined to win some honor for women! Qi Lingyun (singing) must win battles everywhere, The three (singing) set a good example everywhere! We are three good girls,

Fight on the business front! hi who is itWho is going to win the big battle? Yes, it is our three good girls! [Laughs for a while, sees a big chair beside the road, sits down and rests. Qi Lingyun, Yu'e, Zhifang, I didn't expect that we all passed the exam!Oh, it's interesting, I really should write a poem!Listen: My heart is as open as the spring water of this lake!My braids are like willow branches swaying gently in the east wind!My face is as beautiful as a peach blossom that just bloomed! Song Yu'e Lingyun, Lingyun, why do you take up all the good words by yourself and don't leave some room for others?

Anyway, Qi Lingyun must at least leave the peach blossoms to me!Among the three of us, I am the most beautiful!If you don't believe me, let's go to the water's edge to take pictures! Yu Zhifang sisters, you should give it to me!Am I not the smallest and the bitterest?Look at my hands, I can't put any good words on them; the geese have been back for many days, and my frostbite is still not healed! Song Yu'e, I am not much better than you!Don't I always do hard work? Yu Zhifang, you are better than me at home, how well the old man treats you!Looking at my mother and sister-in-law, each mouthful of an old girl, it seems that I shouldn't have been born at all!Outside, whenever I think of that shopkeeper Chen, I tremble with anger!How early you go, he always says you are late and deduct wages!As long as you don't light cigarettes and pour tea for him, and you are attentive, he will go out of his way to clean you up!

Song Yu'e, I have also met such a guy! During Yu Zhifang's oral test, no matter what to say or not to say, I told those two comrades all these things! How good those two comrades Song Yu'e are!I guess, that fat guy might be the deputy director of the Commerce Bureau!Do you believe it or not? Qi Lingyun, I guess, the one with the long face and big eyes must be a real old cadre from Yan'an!When he sees me, I'm going to tell him everything I know! Yu Zhifang is right, so I told them: I am going to work and work hard to eat, not someone's maid, slave!I can't tell shopkeeper Chen, if he shows his power, I'll kill him!So before the public-private partnership, he kicked me out!

What did those two comrades Song Yu'e say? The big-eyed Yu Zhifang said: "Little girl, don't feel depressed!"Be happy, from Jiangxi to Yan'an, to Beijing, men and women are always equal in the eyes of the party! Look at Qi Lingyun, I guess right?He must be from Yan'an! Even if Song Yu'e is like that, you don't know Zhifang as well as I do!You are a middle school student!Seriously, Ling Yun, although we live in the same alley, Zhifang and I don't pay much attention to you on weekdays!Both of us can only go to night school, but you go to middle school like a young lady, how proud you are!

Yu Zhifang, the more arrogant you are, the less we will care about you! Qi Lingyun Actually, I'm not as arrogant as you think!I went to junior high school, took a year off in the middle, graduated from junior high school, and failed to enter high school!Look at my mother's sarcasm at me! (imitating mother's tone) Ah, a big girl like a flower, she's a big idiot in love: she couldn't even get into high school!What am I so proud of!Now, when I go home and say that I have passed the exam as a saleswoman, I will stand at the counter, or I will be thundered! Yu Zhifang was struck by thunder?I am not afraid of the five thunders!Think about it, I'm a poor girl, I'm about to hang up my sign and become a salesperson in a state-owned store...

Song Yu'e doesn't have to be state-run either, Zhifang! Yu Zhifang doesn't care what kind of camp it is, anyway, I won't be bullied inside or out!I want to work inside and out!I am no longer an old girl at home, so I have to ask my mother to stick out her thumb and call me an old girl!Outside, I want to fight to join the group, and I will take the lead in doing good things! Qi Lingyun Oh, I'm not that optimistic!You see, a few days ago your mother went to tell my mother to introduce someone to me. Yu Zhifang, didn't you just turn seventeen?What are you busy with? Qi Lingyun, I'm not busy, it's your mother who meddles!My mother asked: What does the little man do?Your mother said: It's a salesperson in a department store.My mother said: "Are you a salesperson?"Toad wants to eat!Good guy, I'm going to be a salesperson now, and the swan has turned into a toad. It's no wonder if my mother is so angry!

Yu Zhifang, why didn't you say these words to those two cadres? Qi Lingyun said it!In the middle of the talk, I didn't mention the part about introducing the object, I'm so embarrassed! Yu Zhifang, if I were you, there would be nothing left, let me tell you everything!Ling Yun, if you are looking for a horse on horseback because you can't pass the high school entrance examination, you should find something to do before you talk, don't blame me for ignoring you as usual! Song Yu'e Zhifang is right!The government recruits us, so we have to make a name for ourselves, and we can't be half-hearted!

Qi Lingyun Yes, those two cadres said that you can still study and improve your culture as a salesperson! Song Yu'e is so good!Ling Yun, if we have to work together, you have to help me learn culture with Zhifang! How could Qi Lingyun be so coincidental that the three of us were grouped together? It doesn't matter if Yu Zhifang is together or not, anyway, I have to learn culture desperately!I ask myself to have the level of junior high school graduation within three years!Pick up books and newspapers and read them properly!After listening to the report, you can convey it accurately and accurately!

Qi Lingyun culture is so easy to learn?Zhifang! Yu Zhifang, just wait and see: no one helped me since I was a child, as if it didn’t make any difference whether I was alive or not!Now, since the party has given me a job, I ask others to help me, and I must help others!If you don't believe me, if you jump into the water now, without even thinking about it, I'll just jump in and rescue you!you jump! Qi Lingyun, what am I doing?I don't want to get my new pants and sweater wet! Yu Zhifang, you just dare not dance! Song Yu'e Zhifang, let alone others, you are not very brave! Yu Zhifang Why am I not brave?

Song Yu'e, look, you shed tears at every turn, how many times have I seen it! Yu Zhifang, if there are tears you can't shed, why keep them?When did I not finish crying and go to work desperately?you say! Song Yu'e hum!It's reasonable to love tears!I see, let's go home and talk about it, shall we?I don't have any problems. When the old grandpa heard that I passed the exam, he was so happy that he didn't talk about it! Grandpa Yu Zhifang is so kind!If I had such an old grandfather, I would never shed tears once a year, for sure! Qi Lingyun, me, how can I tell my mother? Song Yu'e, didn't you ask those two cadres? Qi Lingyun was in a mess at that moment, and I forgot to ask. Yu Zhifang As I said just now, I want to help people!Yu'e, let's take Ling Yun home!With our three mouths, are we still not convinced by an old lady? Song Yu'e is right!Ling Yun, be bold!If you want to serve the people, why can't you open your mouth?Walk! Qi Lingyun, wait, Yu'e!I think that is very troublesome! Song Yu'e, do you have any easy way? Qi Lingyun has it!Don't tell my mother for now, and talk about it later. Yu Zhifang disapproves of being so sneaky! Song Yu'e Zhifang, Ling Yun's method may be more interesting! Yu Zhifang, this is no joke!Don't you know what struggle is? Qi Lingyun, I think this is a struggle!My mother forbids me to go, I prefer to go, isn't this a struggle? Song Yu'e But, if you go out every day, can your mother not be suspicious? Qi Lingyun is using the two of you now.You two go and tell my mother that I have passed the film training class. Why did Song Yu'e only talk about the film training class? Qi Lingyun's mother loves watching movies.She always felt that those stars were not as beautiful as me! Yu Zhifang, I think this is all nonsense, I don't agree! Qi Lingyun, you have to think about it too, Zhifang, if I make a scene with my mother, what if I make her sick? Yu Zhifang Hmm... Song Yu'e should do it this way: let's say vaguely that we are all admitted to the salesperson, if Qi's mother doesn't object very much, then it's fine; if she firmly disagrees, let's talk about movie stars. Yu Zhifang, Song Yu'e, you will compromise!I see no difference between a movie star and a salesperson, and I won't help you lie! Qi Lingyun, Zhifang, just help me out, lest I make my mother sick! Song Yu'e loves Zhifang, please help!Each person is the same, we can't all be as old as you are! Yu Zhifang struggled first, and then had to mention movie stars, and you forced me to lie, so I can do it! (Sister-in-law Wei walks over in a leisurely manner) Yo!Isn't that Mrs. Wei? (Welcomes over) Mrs. Wei!Mrs. Wei!Did you pass the exam?Did you pass the exam? Mrs. Wei (smiling) passed the exam!what about you? Yu Zhifang also passed the exam! Sister-in-law Song Yu'e Wei, if the eldest brother is unwilling, what should I do? Qi Lingyun is right, in terms of ideology and fact, Big Brother Wei will not agree!I know, because my eldest brother often finds my mother to gossip, and it's a good match! Sister Wei, I want to go, and the party supports me, so he can't stop me! Yu Zhifang is energetic!It's worth fighting for! Wei's sister-in-law Zhifang, this is fighting for spirit, but it's not just for fighting for spirit!Ever since I took part in street work, I gradually realized that this may have something to do with the complete emancipation of women. What about Qi Lingyun, the old lady and her four children?Sister-in-law, you can compete with your elder brother for thinking, but facts are easy to find out. The old lady is used to being at ease, and children need their mothers! Mrs. Wei has difficulties!However, if we keep tying our hands and feet with difficulties and trying to find a way, when will there be new things?Look, Ling Yun, when I go to work in the street, your elder brother has a different nose and a different face, either because the tea is too cold or because dinner is late!He kept saying: he is a section member, and his income is enough for the whole family. I should concentrate on taking care of him. It seems that he, a section member, has the right not to emancipate women!Well, I asked the staff to check: I go out to work every day, is it okay? Song Yu'e is right, sister-in-law, you can try it, if it doesn't work, let's talk! Yu Zhifang Yu'e, does that seem like words?If you want to do it, do it to the end! Wei's sister-in-law Zhifang said it well!If you want to try it, you will not rush!I am in good health and have a middle school education. I can't stay at home all the time!I want to rush out! Sister-in-law Qi Lingyun, why don't the two of us tell the family first, and then lift the cover when we have something to do, so as not to quarrel immediately! Sister Wei, that may be suitable for you, but not for me!My problem is more complicated than yours.I have a mother-in-law, a lover, children, and so many chores!This has to be resolved.I have to tell the truth to everyone in the family right away. Everyone talks, and everyone thinks of a way. Qi Lingyun, are you going to start the fire today? Mrs. Wei did not start a fire, but explained the matter clearly. During the interview, I told the cadres that I neither wanted the salary nor the status. More people take out.They backed me and got me! Sister-in-law Yu Zhifang, we are willing to help you! Mrs. Wei is right, we discuss our affairs and help each other. However, your elder brother has high eyelids, so he may look down on you little girls! Yu Zhifang looks down on our little girl, hum, if he refuses to let you go, I will sue him in the ministry! Qi Lingyun should get through my mother's thinking first, Mrs. Wei has more experience and methods than us! Song Yu'e, let's go, what are you waiting for?The problem is not at the lake, but at home! Yu Zhifang go, Ling Yun, straighten your waist, raise your head, sing and go! (singing) We are three good girls! Song Yu'e (singing) Mrs. Wei is stronger than a girl! Yu Zhifang (singing) Let's kick those old thoughts away, Four people (singing) women's liberation shines! (step down with head held high) - the curtain falls
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