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Chapter 24 in faint bloodstains

weed 鲁迅 529Words 2018-03-20
—Remembrance of the few dead and the living and the unlived— The present Creator is still a coward. He secretly mutates the heavens and the earth, but dare not destroy this earth; secretly causes the creatures to perish, but dare not keep all the corpses; But dare not make mankind remember forever. He conceived exclusively for his kind—the cowardly among human beings—using ruins and graves to set off the luxurious houses, using time to dilute the pain and bloodstains; every day he poured out a cup of slightly sweet bitter wine, not too little, not too much. Too much, as long as you can be slightly drunk, pass it to the world, so that the drinker can cry and sing, as if awake or drunk, if you know it, if you don't know it, you want to die or live.He must make all things live; he has not yet extinguished human courage.

A few pieces of ruins and a few barren tombs are scattered on the ground, reflecting faint bloodstains, and people are chewing their vague misery among them.But they refused to give up, thinking that reality is better than emptiness, and they called each of them "Heaven's Killing People" to justify the misery that chewed on the emptiness of people and self, and waited in horror for the arrival of new misery.New, which makes them fearful and eager to meet. These are the good people of the Creator.That's what he needs. The rebellious warrior comes out of the world; he stands tall and sees all the ruins and graves that have been changed and the existing ones, remembers all the deep and long-lasting pain, faces all the overlapping and stagnant blood, and knows that everything is dead, it will be born, and it will be born and unborn.He sees through the tricks of creation; he will arise to revive man, or to destroy him, the good people of the Creator.

The Creator, the cowardly one, was ashamed, so he treasured it.The sky and the earth changed color in the eyes of the warrior. April 8, 1926.
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